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Daily Thoughts

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The_Brown_Fox said:
2 Big Macs and a large taste buds and stomach are very satisfied! :thumbleft:
wow that's more than I can put away lol

I saw this as a popup ad, pornstar/streamate model Lupe Fuentes first single it's sooo bad lol. She has a pretty unique speaking voice I couldn't imagine it as a singing voice, now I wish I still couldn't :shock:
So I wake up and see my Twitter...I think he's trying to tell me something. I think what that something is, is that I shouldn't leave myself logged into Twitter.Though yes, I probably should take a day off once and a while apparently +60 hrs is considered mental to some people Needless to say my guys sent me many dms about this...which was the only reason I knew about it. :naughty:


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Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
2 Big Macs and a large taste buds and stomach are very satisfied! :thumbleft:
wow that's more than I can put away lol

If they put a McDonald's (and/or Chick Fil A) and a 24-hour Super Walmart right next door to me, it'd be a dream come truuue! LOL.

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The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.
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Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.

I appreciate your response, but with all due respect, I'm not going to stop shopping there because of a guilt trip. Lecturing me about where I choose to shop isn't going to do much good.
The_Brown_Fox said:
I appreciate your response, but with all due respect, I'm not going to stop shopping there because of a guilt trip. Lecturing me about where I choose to shop isn't going to do much good.
I apologise, I'm not trying to guilt trip or lecture you, I just believe that if most people were aware of the appalling work conditions and pay that allows them to sell products at such low prices, they might actually force Walmart to clean up its act.

Not that they reserve their terrible conditions to employees outside the US
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I appreciate your response, but with all due respect, I'm not going to stop shopping there because of a guilt trip. Lecturing me about where I choose to shop isn't going to do much good.
I apologise, I'm not trying to guilt trip or lecture you, I just believe that if most people were aware of the appalling work conditions and pay that allows them to sell products at such low prices, they might actually force Walmart to clean up its act.
Sometimes it's the only shopping option available. In my parents' city, they ONLY have a Walmart within 30 miles. The closest other grocery option (aside from the on base options that are not available to non-soldiers) other than Walmart is over 25 minutes away and is very over priced. They either have to shop Walmart or go without.

In my grandpa's town, it is THE only store. He lives in an extremely small city, so unless he wants to drive an hour away to Target, he either has to be able to buy what he needs from the gas station that he owns or he has to suck it up and go to Walmart.
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I appreciate your response, but with all due respect, I'm not going to stop shopping there because of a guilt trip. Lecturing me about where I choose to shop isn't going to do much good.
I apologise, I'm not trying to guilt trip or lecture you, I just believe that if most people were aware of the appalling work conditions and pay that allows them to sell products at such low prices, they might actually force Walmart to clean up its act.
Sometimes it's the only shopping option available. In my parents' city, they ONLY have a Walmart within 30 miles. The closest other grocery option (aside from the on base options that are not available to non-soldiers) other than Walmart is over 25 minutes away and is very over priced. They either have to shop Walmart or go without.

In my grandpa's town, it is THE only store. He lives in an extremely small city, so unless he wants to drive an hour away to Target, he either has to be able to buy what he needs from the gas station that he owns or he has to suck it up and go to Walmart.
Yeah I know, because when a walmart opens in a town it shuts every other business down - they can't compete. Then it rehires everyone who worked at those stores for minimum wage.
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Jupiter551 said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I appreciate your response, but with all due respect, I'm not going to stop shopping there because of a guilt trip. Lecturing me about where I choose to shop isn't going to do much good.
I apologise, I'm not trying to guilt trip or lecture you, I just believe that if most people were aware of the appalling work conditions and pay that allows them to sell products at such low prices, they might actually force Walmart to clean up its act.
Sometimes it's the only shopping option available. In my parents' city, they ONLY have a Walmart within 30 miles. The closest other grocery option (aside from the on base options that are not available to non-soldiers) other than Walmart is over 25 minutes away and is very over priced. They either have to shop Walmart or go without.

In my grandpa's town, it is THE only store. He lives in an extremely small city, so unless he wants to drive an hour away to Target, he either has to be able to buy what he needs from the gas station that he owns or he has to suck it up and go to Walmart.
Yeah I know, because when a walmart opens in a town it shuts every other business down - they can't compete. Then it rehires everyone who worked at those stores for minimum wage.

And though I loathe it...I'm a nightowl, and it's normally the only place open when I'm needing to do my shopping. :crybaby:
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Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.

One of these days, I'll be able to afford to not shop at a walmart. But until then...
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Jupiter551 said:
I saw this as a popup ad, pornstar/streamate model Lupe Fuentes first single it's sooo bad lol. She has a pretty unique speaking voice I couldn't imagine it as a singing voice, now I wish I still couldn't :shock:

I saw this also.. actually I looked further and it seems shes got several online. Why? I'm putting $ on shes fucking "the right people" cuz it's certainly not bc she's a stellar talent ..
SoTxBob said:
Jupiter551 said:
I saw this as a popup ad, pornstar/streamate model Lupe Fuentes first single it's sooo bad lol. She has a pretty unique speaking voice I couldn't imagine it as a singing voice, now I wish I still couldn't :shock:

I saw this also.. actually I looked further and it seems shes got several online. Why? I'm putting $ on shes fucking "the right people" cuz it's certainly not bc she's a stellar talent ..

lol well her boyfriend/husband dude who fucks her in her videos the last few years was in the band Biohazard, and also in the tv series Oz (jazz hoyt)

My favourite youtube comment on that vid was something along the lines of
"This is what plays 24/7 in hell." :lol:
Craziness! I have a guy who never leaves pm. He did today. He absolutely refuses to go into chat...tonight he went into chat. Then he proceeded to change his name to Mewbotv2.0 (though he hates pokemon) and refer to himself in third person (why yes he was drinking) . I was playing a dice game where I'd roll a d20 and if it landed on the tipper's number they'd get photos. He decided to token bomb me, and didn't care about any gallery just asked me to roll the die 70 times. I'm really really glad that I love my troll tippers is all I'm sayin'. Either way love him even more, because my rank is kissing the top 100 list :dance: Oh, and btw I didn't have to roll it 70 times he said as long as I made a gallery of me streaking through my backyard we'd be even :lol:

This is what I have to put up with from my guys on a daily basis-minus tip bombs.


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Keithy said:
I was at a donation center today. Someone donated a huge bag of douches and pregnancy tests.


Thank you so much for the laugh (dr.'s appt today, so I've been all 'But I don't wanna gooo')! :-D

I remember the episode of Martin where Pam said that she keeps a home pregnancy test in her purse. She said " never know when you might need one." LOL.

*scroll to 4:24*
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Jupiter551 said:
and also in the tv series Oz (jazz hoyt)

I remember an episode where he got excited to see a female in the prison (the woman who was there to interview the inmates), and I think he pulled his dick out and made a funny gesture with his tongue. She just rolled her eyes. LMAO.

I think the Oz death I was upset about the most was Kareem Said's (Muslim minister). You would've thought he'd die from refusing to take his meds...not by being shot to death.

And then when the same wimpy-looking guy killed Omar White, I was like "Okay, I HATE this guy!" LOL. I loved Omar White's psychotic ramblings...he was hilarious.
Am I the only one who does a happy dance for the mail man? I know Blues Clues does one, but do other 'normal' people do one?
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Am I the only one who does a happy dance for the mail man? I know Blues Clues does one, but do other 'normal' people do one?

Only when I know it's a package from Amazon (like my big pink prize wheel) :)
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Am I the only one who does a happy dance for the mail man? I know Blues Clues does one, but do other 'normal' people do one?
I get excited if I'm expecting something good, but not to the point of dancing.
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Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.

Agreed, I also saw somewhere that they put out death insurance policies on their employees. They even make money when their employees die. :evil:
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Just spent the last 2 hours on and off trying to open a j20 bottle with a lighter.

Result of the first hour: scratched and bloody fingers, a bit of a messed up lighter, and an unopened bottle.

I even watched a bloody tutorial on youtube!

Result of the second hour, tried again, got some advice from a friend, got the metal up and tiny tiny bit, well, really just bent a little bit of the metal. Tried again for a while, no go, just sore fingers... saw the side of the radiator thought "hey, that'll work!" and used that.

After the bottle was open and I had a drink, I realised I really don't like j20........
My Daily thought of the day is how i am going to manage all the People that ask me about the girl i got pregnant.

Yes i got FB raped. Someone posted on FB on my name "Shit got her pregnant".

I did wonder why my parents was not speaking to me.

AnnaForu said:
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.

Agreed, I also saw somewhere that they put out death insurance policies on their employees. They even make money when their employees die. :evil:

Yeah they do, and often without even telling the dependents, who don't get anything. It's almost like slavery...if you die they're compensated for the loss of their property.
Jupiter551 said:
AnnaForu said:
Jupiter551 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Super Walmart
Pleeeeeease don't shop at Walmart, they're the richest corporation in the world, take handouts from government to support their employees because they refuse to pay them enough to live on, fire anyone who attempts to unionise, use sweat shops and child labour in undeveloped countries...I know it's probably tempting to think that shopping there isn't part of the problem but it is - without the consumer there'd be no product.

Agreed, I also saw somewhere that they put out death insurance policies on their employees. They even make money when their employees die. :evil:

Yeah they do, and often without even telling the dependents, who don't get anything. It's almost like slavery...if you die they're compensated for the loss of their property.

Well pretty much all corporations have insurance policies on key employees. Walmart is hardly unique in doing so. If you are small company developing a new drug and the top scientist dies in car accident not only is his family devastated, but so is the company and its owners. An insurance policy will help cushion some of the loss. I don't understand what is wrong with this :?
HiGirlsRHot said:
Well pretty much all corporations have insurance policies on key employees. Walmart is hardly unique in doing so. If you are small company developing a new drug and the top scientist dies in car accident not only is his family devastated, but so is the company and its owners. An insurance policy will help cushion some of the loss. I don't understand what is wrong with this :?

These were not key employes, and if you do not see what is wrong let me try to persuade you. Would you want your neighbors to have fire insurance on your home? Probably not, because they would have incentive to set your home on fire or at the very least not call the fire department. Insurance should be for the people who need protection, not used to reward potentially negative behavior.

Yeah we're talking like the lowest level employees.

In fact the insurance companies refer to them as 'dead peasant' policies

BTW I think it's pretty obvious why they chose the term 'dead peasant' - it's because in a feudal system a lord has peasants working his land (like a corporation has employees) and if a peasant dies and a piece of land isn't being worked it's counted as a loss. So they insure the 'peasants' so that if one dies they actually make a financial gain.
I was at the mall earlier, and saw a People of Walmart 2013 calendar. :lol: Since Walmart has suddenly become the hot topic in this thread, I took a pic of it on my camera phone to post here. But of course the stupid picture mail feature on my phone hasn't been working properly (the last few times I've tried to send cell phone pics to my e-mail, it was unsuccessful). Anyway, I found a pic of it on Google:
