I mean, can a colombian women really be that crazy to put on sucb a big act, getting her family to me and mine to her v( of course video-call ). In my openion these are big and important steps. So i almost cannot imagine it was done by her for manipulationI admit, you are right about that and i should had known better. But can I ask for a honest opinion. Look at how things went in the story i wrote in this topic. Does anyone can imagine that this was some kind of trap again because everything seemed to be very good ( almost like following a guide ). During the first 'relationship' it was clearly a scam and i always had to beg her why things were different as i expect to see as normal within a relationship. But during this second relationship she did everything and she was inb most cases even the first and i never had to beg for things that seemed important to me. Ofcourse until turning point