AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Can a model and a member really be friends?

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I'm always opened for new friends in MFC. I have few favorite viewers who are nice guys. They are spending hours and hours in my room, they have been around when I was crying, I'm pretty sure they understand the language of my body and the words i want to say right before I'm saying the them. I have had supporters since the time when i started in MFC who are still around me. I'm becoming a fan of the kind basics lately.
My room is not so much visited by different guys all the time, so most of the nice moments I spend with basics and I'm really impressed - nice manners they have. I always can spend quality time with them whatever we talk about - it's fun.
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AmberCutie said:
You must have felt pretty confident about your "friendship" if you'd ask a model her real name. If my MFC friends started asking me that, I'd be pretty pissed, no matter how long we've known each other. It's going on 2 years with some of them, and they know better to ask still.

Yeah, I think guys should know better than to ask me my REAL name in public chat. Even to ask me that question via PM is a bit forward. Recently I thought I was gonna have to ban someone on my friends list for nagging me about my REAL name via Twitter (in PUBLIC view), but when I told him he needs to respect my privacy he finally did chill.

I just don't want guys thinking that just because they tipped me, they're entitled to my real name + my other PRIVATE info. The few people on there who know my real name have earned that trust.
Zoomer said:
Ah, it may also be how you are with them too - quite a lot of ladies ask for your first name within the first few minutes. If they do, I think it's entirely fair to ask the same question right back.

I only ask for the real name if it's more practical to moan an actual given-name than "AssFistingKing69"! You can give me a false name if you'd prefer. Maybe that's why there's so many "Matt"s on MFC? I probably won't remember your name but if you press me with, "u remember me bb?" I will blurt out "Matt" because on MFC, statistically, there's a really good chance your name is Matt.

So in your scenario were you pressing for a true legal name like, "I call bullshit on the fact your name is Amy, what's on your drivers license?" Or was it more-so a scenario in which her model name was Squirt4U and half the population already knew her name was supposedly "Tammy"?

I ask for names but I rarely, rarely ask for any other details from premiums and I think that's often perceived as "cunty lack of interest, this girl doesn't care about me, sadface" but that's not accurate. I don't ask what you do, or where you live, or what your marital status is, or if you're a father because I feel like *I* would be stepping out of bounds. I don't see how those specifics are any of my damn business but it's fine if you want to volunteer them. (I revisit the boundaries of this scenario when premiums start to launch into how their mothers screwed them up because I generally charge a lot more per minute to be your therapist than I do for DP)

Glad we had this talk Matt :)
LovelyLemon said:
Zoomer said:
Ah, it may also be how you are with them too - quite a lot of ladies ask for your first name within the first few minutes. If they do, I think it's entirely fair to ask the same question right back.

I only ask for the real name if it's more practical to moan an actual given-name than "AssFistingKing69"! You can give me a false name if you'd prefer. Maybe that's why there's so many "Matt"s on MFC? I probably won't remember your name but if you press me with, "u remember me bb?" I will blurt out "Matt" because on MFC, statistically, there's a really good chance your name is Matt.

So in your scenario were you pressing for a true legal name like, "I call bullshit on the fact your name is Amy, what's on your drivers license?" Or was it more-so a scenario in which her model name was Squirt4U and half the population already knew her name was supposedly "Tammy"?

I ask for names but I rarely, rarely ask for any other details from premiums and I think that's often perceived as "cunty lack of interest, this girl doesn't care about me, sadface" but that's not accurate. I don't ask what you do, or where you live, or what your marital status is, or if you're a father because I feel like *I* would be stepping out of bounds. I don't see how those specifics are any of my damn business but it's fine if you want to volunteer them. (I revisit the boundaries of this scenario when premiums start to launch into how their mothers screwed them up because I generally charge a lot more per minute to be your therapist than I do for DP)

Glad we had this talk Matt :)

When I am doing a show, I also ask for a guy's name sometimes, but it's not as though I have any interest in finding out his REAL name. Like Lemon said, sometimes it's just nice to have a name to call you. My model name is purposely a name that someone can use to call me while we're talking or playing or whatever so when someone asks me my "real" name I do get a lil annoyed. When I am online, it's Kayla. And if I wanted everyone to know my real name, I would simply use my real name as my model name. That is obviously not the case!

I guess I don't get overly annoyed when people inquire but if they don't let up about it, that's a different story! When you start hearing "So what you don't trust me enough to tell me your name?" and so on and so forth. It's not a matter of trust. Our minds are elsewhere. When we come online, we can't sit there analyzing who's trustworthy and who is not. We're online trying to create a great atmosphere for whoever's in our room and hopefully put on some great shows. Us models put a lot out there every time we log on camera. Our names are one of the few things we do get keep to ourselves... so respect that please :)
LovelyLemon said:
Zoomer said:
Ah, it may also be how you are with them too - quite a lot of ladies ask for your first name within the first few minutes. If they do, I think it's entirely fair to ask the same question right back.

I only ask for the real name if it's more practical to moan an actual given-name than "AssFistingKing69"! You can give me a false name if you'd prefer. Maybe that's why there's so many "Matt"s on MFC? I probably won't remember your name but if you press me with, "u remember me bb?" I will blurt out "Matt" because on MFC, statistically, there's a really good chance your name is Matt.

So in your scenario were you pressing for a true legal name like, "I call bullshit on the fact your name is Amy, what's on your drivers license?" Or was it more-so a scenario in which her model name was Squirt4U and half the population already knew her name was supposedly "Tammy"?

I ask for names but I rarely, rarely ask for any other details from premiums and I think that's often perceived as "cunty lack of interest, this girl doesn't care about me, sadface" but that's not accurate. I don't ask what you do, or where you live, or what your marital status is, or if you're a father because I feel like *I* would be stepping out of bounds. I don't see how those specifics are any of my damn business but it's fine if you want to volunteer them. (I revisit the boundaries of this scenario when premiums start to launch into how their mothers screwed them up because I generally charge a lot more per minute to be your therapist than I do for DP)

Glad we had this talk Matt :)

Let me put a little refresher on it for the dramatists amongst you.

As you hint at - yes, it's the second scenario. People may call you Lemon, but for "ifistassfor50tkns" give a real example, crazysysy (where sysy is the name of her dog) - the stage names may not be great for conversation. Ask for a name, you end up at "Mary". Is it her real name? I have not a fucking clue. So "stage name" or "a name". The lady is entirely free and utterly capable to give any name she wishes, and depending upon her stage name (as with Crazysysy) she may get called by the name she gives out rather than the stage name.

I am surprised at the types of responses such a simple thing generates, as well as insinuations or questions about motives. Putting your faces on cam to thousands and thousands, and shoving dildos up asses is considered less privacy invasive than saying an otherwise meaningless name you may share with a few hundred million around the world (for the Maria's out there - if they chose to be honest). I find it quite an amusing thought! :D :D

But at the end of the day - it is individual choice what to respond. You can all put any type of slant, or insinuate whatever you like. My concious is clear, and I'm also not trying to character assassinate through insinuations anyone else - without knowing jack shit about them, or whomever they talk about :) (In other words I'm not going to continue responding to every little taunt being posted).
My experience is that models have asked my name in our first private, even though I have a perfectly serviceable nickname and I told them and asked theirs in return, and they told me, even though they have a stage name. It may be because the models I frequent live far away from me. I've never been in that situation with a non-European model. I'm also polite and respectful, and that seems to go a long way.

Anyway a models' unwillingness to give out personal information is understandable. Everyone's boundaries are different, and they can vary depending on the person one is interacting with. But I don't think that there is anything wrong with asking. Once.
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KaylaMarie said:
When you start hearing "So what you don't trust me enough to tell me your name?"

Lot's of interesting points and views, but this line stood out for me. My response would be "Of course I don't F-ing trust you enough to tell you anything real about me!!!1!1!1!" :lol:

Of course, I'd probably be a bit more polite if I was working with my customers. :)

When people push the trust issue on the Internet, it's just such an obvious red flag. Really? Really?!!? I'm supposed to "trust" you, Mr. Axe Murderer / Identify Thief / Tabloid Reporter? Really?!?!?!?!?!1111!!1!!?? :)

Let's be honest. I'm just a normal guy, and I don't even give my real name to the baristas at random coffee shops or give my phone number to the cashier at Best Buy when I'm paying cash. And that is just because I don't want any more junk mail than I already receive. I'm sure as F not going to give any personal information to some random on t3h Interwebz. OMFG, I can't believe this still a thing.

:mrgreen: :twocents-02cents:

That's not to say a performer and a viewer can't ever get to know each other and become friends. They can by "friendly" while still maintaining reasonable anonymity. If the relationship is ever going to go beyond that, I think simple courtesy dictates it only occur if the performer chooses to initiate the additional sharing. Even then, a viewer has to be reasonably cautious. I don't really want to share my personal detes with a cute front-woman for the warez bears of Russia, you know? :)
This obsession with names seems strange to me. Some models trust me a lot and some do not. But even when I do know there name I still use all or part of their MFC name or a nickname to talk to them on the site even in PMs.

As to the original topic, can a model and a member be friends, I see no reason they can not. Models may not be aware of this but a lot of the male friends you have now either want to have sex with you or would if given the chance even if they had never given any thought to it before. A lot of you have nice personalities and bodies so men are going to attracted to you, however as long as you make it clear you are not sexually interested in him and he is mentally well adjusted it will not matter.
Shaun__ said:
This obsession with names seems strange to me.

If you think that's strange, then you haven't noticed our obsession with people introducing themselves properly so that we have a reason why we should care what does or does not seem strange to you.
Zoomer said:
Let me put a little refresher on it for the dramatists amongst you.

As you hint at - yes, it's the second scenario. People may call you Lemon, but for "ifistassfor50tkns" give a real example, crazysysy (where sysy is the name of her dog) - the stage names may not be great for conversation. Ask for a name, you end up at "Mary". Is it her real name? I have not a fucking clue. So "stage name" or "a name". The lady is entirely free and utterly capable to give any name she wishes, and depending upon her stage name (as with Crazysysy) she may get called by the name she gives out rather than the stage name.

I am surprised at the types of responses such a simple thing generates, as well as insinuations or questions about motives. Putting your faces on cam to thousands and thousands, and shoving dildos up asses is considered less privacy invasive than saying an otherwise meaningless name you may share with a few hundred million around the world (for the Maria's out there - if they chose to be honest). I find it quite an amusing thought! :D :D

But at the end of the day - it is individual choice what to respond. You can all put any type of slant, or insinuate whatever you like. My concious is clear, and I'm also not trying to character assassinate through insinuations anyone else - without knowing jack shit about them, or whomever they talk about :) (In other words I'm not going to continue responding to every little taunt being posted).

Letting people see me shove things up me is part of my job description - giving them private information that could aid them in locating me is not. In fact, it's usually recommended against for that very reason.

I don't care how many Amys there are out there, once we know her real name is Amy it sure narrows it down. Hell, after all, we're already expected to give out our state because apparently, "it matters." :roll:
It actually is less privacy invasive to shove dildos up our snatch. Do you think that some stalker will see our snatch in a line up of snatches based on location?

Sorry but that is just stupid, even if my name is Jane Smith it is dangerous to tell a thousand people who have watched me dildo my snatch what my real name is.

Yes, most members are not going to stalk and rape/kill you, but maybe 1 out of the thousands will. As far as I know it only takes one loony bird to kill you.

Since its like no big deal maybe you want to post your real name and region for us? I mean don't be a dramatist.
Lydia_Deetz said:
It actually is less privacy invasive to shove dildos up our snatch. Do you think that some stalker will see our snatch in a line up of snatches based on location?

I just snorted incredibly hot coffee out of my nose, "LMFAO" doesn't even do it justice.
Lydia_Deetz said:
It actually is less privacy invasive to shove dildos up our snatch. Do you think that some stalker will see our snatch in a line up of snatches based on location?

Sorry but that is just stupid, even if my name is Jane Smith it is dangerous to tell a thousand people who have watched me dildo my snatch what my real name is.

Yes, most members are not going to stalk and rape/kill you, but maybe 1 out of the thousands will. As far as I know it only takes one loony bird to kill you.

Since its like no big deal maybe you want to post your real name and region for us? I mean don't be a dramatist.
Yes Officer, I have been assaulted by the third snatch from the left, can you get her number for me so she can do it again??? :evil: :evil: I can see more guys going into the police academy just for that job.
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Sevrin said:
Shaun__ said:
This obsession with names seems strange to me.

If you think that's strange, then you haven't noticed our obsession with people introducing themselves properly so that we have a reason why we should care what does or does not seem strange to you.

Every post I looked at had the same few people talking to each other no introductions where needed in them, but if you want me to introduce myself I will. My name is Shaun and my MFC premium account is Shaun__ although before a changed it I was called foollike. This is my profile nobody ever reads . One model currently has me under a 60 ban for being a debby downer, but all I said was that the autofocus on her camera may scare away new people who do not know her in a tip note. And I promise it was the worse damn autofocus I have ever seen. Most other models tend to like me or at least tolerate me. As to why you should care about what I say do what you what I just felt bad about never contributing to the conversation.

And the obsession with real names is strange why should anyone care what a models real name is? I almost never use them when I do know them. I have known names, phone numbers, and addresses before but it never made the model fall in love with me having all this information. MFC is a business and you can meet nice people in the course of doing your job here, but if someone wants your real name they have no valid reason for it. Whenever I learned a name it was because the model chose to give to me not because I asked for it. I do not even care what my real life friends' legal names are I fine with what ever nickname they like.
"Why won't you give me your phone number bb? I tipped for it" (200 toks, actually...)
"There are five people outside my legal family who have my phone number, three of which are managers I work for, and the other two are my boyfriend and my best friend. Why the hell do you think I'd give a random stranger from the internet my phone number?"

-actual conversation

"Why won't you give me your real name bb? Just your first..."
"Because the last time I checked, which granted, was a few years ago, there were only three listings in the US census for my first name, all of which were from states where I have lived."

-another actual conversation (granted, not every one could be me, since the census only happens once every 10 years and I'm only 25... so at most the latest two were me)
Well, there are a few models that I wouldn't mind being online friends with, nothing sexual, but- the ball is always in their court. The second something happens and they feel uncomfortable, I try to be quick to see the signs , though it's been trial and error for me, I generally step away from everything. I know I've pissed off at least one model or two by my own actions where I should have been wiser.
Half of my real life aquitances and some of my RL friends don't know my real name. Soooo, no, no real names for interwebpeeples. Now I think of it, waaaaay more people have seen my boobs than know my real name (I'e been going by a nickname irl for a long time).
Also if I'm shoving a dildo up my snatch it's MY dildo and MY snatch. I wouldn't let a random shove a/his dildo up my snatch, just like I wouldn't let a random have my personal info.
nerdguy said:
Well, there are a few models that I wouldn't mind being online friends with, nothing sexual, but- the ball is always in their court. The second something happens and they feel uncomfortable, I try to be quick to see the signs , though it's been trial and error for me, I generally step away from everything. I know I've pissed off at least one model or two by my own actions where I should have been wiser.

Was it when you asked her to write "Nerd Guy" on her tits?

MFCTay-you just gotta remember cam girls and strippers at clubs gets naked for our money, not because they want to be our friends. Tay, you sound like a really lonely fella and you should join a dating site, try to meet someone, and you'd be happier.
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GreatDane said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
It actually is less privacy invasive to shove dildos up our snatch. Do you think that some stalker will see our snatch in a line up of snatches based on location?

Sorry but that is just stupid, even if my name is Jane Smith it is dangerous to tell a thousand people who have watched me dildo my snatch what my real name is.

Yes, most members are not going to stalk and rape/kill you, but maybe 1 out of the thousands will. As far as I know it only takes one loony bird to kill you.

Since its like no big deal maybe you want to post your real name and region for us? I mean don't be a dramatist.
Yes Officer, I have been assaulted by the third snatch from the left, can you get her number for me so she can do it again??? :evil: :evil: I can see more guys going into the police academy just for that job.

HAHAHAHAHA....Now that is funny!!!
Shaun__ said:
Sevrin said:
Shaun__ said:
This obsession with names seems strange to me.

If you think that's strange, then you haven't noticed our obsession with people introducing themselves properly so that we have a reason why we should care what does or does not seem strange to you.

Every post I looked at had the same few people talking to each other no introductions where needed in them, but if you want me to introduce myself I will. My name is Shaun and my MFC premium account is Shaun__ although before a changed it I was called foollike. This is my profile nobody ever reads . One model currently has me under a 60 ban for being a debby downer, but all I said was that the autofocus on her camera may scare away new people who do not know her in a tip note. And I promise it was the worse damn autofocus I have ever seen. Most other models tend to like me or at least tolerate me. As to why you should care about what I say do what you what I just felt bad about never contributing to the conversation.

And I bet this model that banned you was Agent99, right :lol:
She has a thing for banning people.
WinningDuh said:
MFCTay-you just gotta remember cam girls and strippers at clubs gets naked for our money, not because they want to be our friends. Tay, you sound like a really lonely fella and you should join a dating site, try to meet someone, and you'd be happier.
no need to be a dbag, this was a question for an article if you would actually read the first post.
Quit the trolling
WinningDuh said:
MFCTay-you just gotta remember cam girls and strippers at clubs gets naked for our money, not because they want to be our friends. Tay, you sound like a really lonely fella and you should join a dating site, try to meet someone, and you'd be happier.

Thank you Winning.....a guy that gets this, finally.....

I am friendly for the most part, try not to judge (shut up the few who will disagree with this), but I like my privacy to be my own....even if its just keeping my name and what state I live in to myself. I have gotten better at ignoring guys now that ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask...

guy: "where u from bb?"
me: "from the u.s."
guy: "i know that, but what state bb?"

old me: "does it matter? we aren't meeting" or old me on a bad night: "I am not f*cking telling u where I live"
new me: "cyber world, usa"

Now since I started saying this "cyber world, usa", I will tell u I haven't had a guy respond to that. They get the hint and back off from it.
Anna_Swallows said:
WinningDuh said:
MFCTay-you just gotta remember cam girls and strippers at clubs gets naked for our money, not because they want to be our friends. Tay, you sound like a really lonely fella and you should join a dating site, try to meet someone, and you'd be happier.

Thank you Winning.....a guy that gets this, finally.....

I am friendly for the most part, try not to judge (shut up the few who will disagree with this), but I like my privacy to be my own....even if its just keeping my name and what state I live in to myself. I have gotten better at ignoring guys now that ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask...

guy: "where u from bb?"
me: "from the u.s."
guy: "i know that, but what state bb?"

old me: "does it matter? we aren't meeting" or old me on a bad night: "I am not f*cking telling u where I live"
new me: "cyber world, usa"

Now since I started saying this "cyber world, usa", I will tell u I haven't had a guy respond to that. They get the hint and back off from it.

Would be better to find a random person and use their info. Preferably someone famous. Here's your new address: 1140 W Parks Hwy, Wasilla, AK 99654
Keithy said:
Anna_Swallows said:
WinningDuh said:
MFCTay-you just gotta remember cam girls and strippers at clubs gets naked for our money, not because they want to be our friends. Tay, you sound like a really lonely fella and you should join a dating site, try to meet someone, and you'd be happier.

Thank you Winning.....a guy that gets this, finally.....

I am friendly for the most part, try not to judge (shut up the few who will disagree with this), but I like my privacy to be my own....even if its just keeping my name and what state I live in to myself. I have gotten better at ignoring guys now that ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask...

guy: "where u from bb?"
me: "from the u.s."
guy: "i know that, but what state bb?"

old me: "does it matter? we aren't meeting" or old me on a bad night: "I am not f*cking telling u where I live"
new me: "cyber world, usa"

Now since I started saying this "cyber world, usa", I will tell u I haven't had a guy respond to that. They get the hint and back off from it.

Would be better to find a random person and use their info. Preferably someone famous. Here's your new address: 1140 W Parks Hwy, Wasilla, AK 99654

That might be an insult, considering that Anna is way better looking than the resident of that address.
Shaun__ said:
Sevrin said:
Shaun__ said:
This obsession with names seems strange to me.

If you think that's strange, then you haven't noticed our obsession with people introducing themselves properly so that we have a reason why we should care what does or does not seem strange to you.

Every post I looked at had the same few people talking to each other no introductions where needed in them, but if you want me to introduce myself I will. My name is Shaun and my MFC premium account is Shaun__ although before a changed it I was called foollike. This is my profile nobody ever reads . One model currently has me under a 60 ban for being a debby downer, but all I said was that the autofocus on her camera may scare away new people who do not know her in a tip note. And I promise it was the worse damn autofocus I have ever seen. Most other models tend to like me or at least tolerate me. As to why you should care about what I say do what you what I just felt bad about never contributing to the conversation.

And the obsession with real names is strange why should anyone care what a models real name is? I almost never use them when I do know them. I have known names, phone numbers, and addresses before but it never made the model fall in love with me having all this information. MFC is a business and you can meet nice people in the course of doing your job here, but if someone wants your real name they have no valid reason for it. Whenever I learned a name it was because the model chose to give to me not because I asked for it. I do not even care what my real life friends' legal names are I fine with what ever nickname they like.

Aww shaun... I like you!
I have used and will always use coolsville, USA. Only on occasion does anyone ask "what state is that in bb?"
It does make it a ton easier having an actual name as my model name and not a descriptive line of verbs and numbers.

Can a model and a member really be friends?




I can honestly say that there are a handful of guys,

that I have met in my past 3 years as a full time webcam model,

who I would consider to have been better friends to me

than any person I have ever met right in front of me in my life!


They's made me smile when I was low.


They've listened to me vent when I was having a bad day.


And a few have even answered my prayers during times of serious financial hardship

for my daughter and I.


I love my guys at MFC.


They are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met.

And one day I hope, somehow, I can repay them all for their kindness.


The few with bad attitudes, I don't even notice them, because


the only ones I see, are the ones that are wonderful.

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^^^ WHY???

What is it that makes you post like this? On 2 separate accounts now? You're driving us nuts with this.
AmberCutie said:
^^^ WHY???

What is it that makes you post like this? On 2 separate accounts now? You're driving us nuts with this.

Maybe it would be better to just shut off the internet.
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