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Camscore ???

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Profiles have nothing to do with camscores.

Tokens are tokens. People who have higher reward points do not have more or less valuable tokens.
AmberCutie said:
Profiles have nothing to do with camscores.

Tokens are tokens. People who have higher reward points do not have more or less valuable tokens.
The last I heard (or remember hearing, at least) was that it takes roughly 377 tokens per hour to maintain 1000 camscore. Is this still true or are there new numbers floating about?
Evvie said:
AmberCutie said:
Profiles have nothing to do with camscores.

Tokens are tokens. People who have higher reward points do not have more or less valuable tokens.
The last I heard (or remember hearing, at least) was that it takes roughly 377 tokens per hour to maintain 1000 camscore. Is this still true or are there new numbers floating about?
I was wondering that, too.

Also: Assuming it's 377 tokens for a 1000 camscore, does that mean 1131 (which is 377 x 3) equals a 3000 camscore?
And a 377 * 10 = 3770 equals a 10,000 camscore, etc.?
Is it that easy?...
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LilyMarie said:
Evvie said:
AmberCutie said:
Profiles have nothing to do with camscores.

Tokens are tokens. People who have higher reward points do not have more or less valuable tokens.
The last I heard (or remember hearing, at least) was that it takes roughly 377 tokens per hour to maintain 1000 camscore. Is this still true or are there new numbers floating about?
I was wondering that, too.

Also: Assuming it's 377 tokens for a 1000 camscore, does that mean 1131 (which is 377 x 3) equals a 3000 camscore?
And a 377 * 10 = 3770 equals a 10,000 camscore, etc.?
Is it that easy?...
Keep in mind that the *377* changes daily, even a few times a day by just a bit due to the average TPH* of all models on the site changing all the time. I've seen it as high as the mid 400's and closer to 300, but usually within that range.

But yes, it's pretty much as simple as that.

*Let's just start calling the tokens per hour TPH. :D
OK so i worked on MFC last year and i completely didnt know about the camscore i logged in like 2 times make almost nothing and screwed my camsocre, i didnt even bother to fix it. I closed my account, and started doing a lot of research and working on the other site that i am making good decent money that i can pay my bills. Even tho, year passed i still cannot get over the camscore thing .... like for many of you. And i do understand its not easy to know for sure what really impacts the scamscore lol... I would say for a girl like me beginner on mfc and a failure" its a mystery and even for a girls that are already successful on mfc which i all admire for MAKING IT :) its still a big mistery. So i have a few suggestions which i am not 100% sure but i think it has something to do with.... here we go...

Whenever you are trying to solve a mystery lol, we need as many clues as we can have, but the key to a success to solve this mystery would be rather looking at it as a LARGE PICTURE rather than paying attention to smaller details (different models different cases)....
WE can be sure that there is lot of factors that impact camscore. The questions is .... what????

Right now let me tell you something really quick, before i go any further with the camscore...

SO as i said i work on the different website, (there is no website that works the same as mfc and camscore thing but..) but what i observed on the other website is 100% right, and it kinda gave me clue to mfc camscore.
LETS SAY i have 30 people in my chat room So i noticed that if i will do a countdown for a certain amount of money for a show and within few minutes out of 30 people most will pledge for the show and i almost reach my goal, within 30sec to a minute i got like 70-80 people in my room out of nowhere... and lets say 20 more of those will join my show. My point is the the site has a system that measures "my ability of a good salesman" meaning that its a marketing trick, they bring me traffic cause they know that most likely i will be good deal for the rest of the guys that joined. SOOO computer and the system that measures placement on the site DOeSNT have eyes lol system doesnt know if i am pretty ugly fat average or what i offer in the show, but the system know that i am good piece of potential to get the money of out those guys. I think u know where i am getting, i dont believe there are admins that sits there and manipulate camscore, its not logic and its ponitless, I rather think the system measures you ability to be a good salesman as cam girl, so if there is a consistency of tips the system knows what i offer and what i got lol will profit.
Dont worry i am getting to mfc but one more thing

i also noticed if i get high tippers during the countdown for my show and the money for my goal comes for less sources meaning members i dont get 70-80 poeple in my room, its only if larger group on sources participates in this goal.

The thing is i know its a different website than mfc and you might think it makes no sense at all, but what i think is that there is a sensor that measures your ability to do sales for a larger group of people(more sources) participating rather than have few guys tip high tips.... i am almost getting there lolol in a simple way u will laugh now but i dont know what else can i say: if u get a lot of tippers from lot of guys reaching 100$ is not the same thing as getting 3 high tippers reaching 100$, so from the human point of view when u get lot of guys to tip u more guys will wanna try to holla at uuu :) u know what i mean, if u get 3 high tippers means u representing quality but quality in this business doesnt matter as much as lot of salessss and more $$$ u know the system mfc or other website they cannot measure if u pretty god personality, bitchy attitude etc it doesnt matter what matter is consistency of tips and lot of sources. Lets take an example on make up; there is MAC and MAYBELINE, mac is expensive its nice quality and expensive, and MAYBELINE its fairly good and u can purchase it anywhere, Maybeline will get more sales, more $$$ even tho its not as good quality as MAC ...

I am getting to MFC now, so i believe that there are two main factors of what impact the camscore.

First one, worked hours/tokens made, : that explains if someone get a huge tip on tokens they get big jump in camscore cause they didnt spend a lot time making this money. Thats why its easier for a staring girl with new account to get her camscore up so fast, thast why we see so many studio models get tipped by a studio within 1-2 days the have 4000-5000 camscore.

One the other hand: there is something else meaning system on mfc measures the frequency of your tips and from larger group of members!!!
for example its kinda of like the system decides which girl (is nice, cute, personality other factors), which one is a good salesman, u know ...

that explains also if a girl gets tipped by a studio, she has high camscore she wont keep it, cause once she start working her normal shifts she wont make expected consistent amount of tokens in that time. her camscore will drop, cause she wont get constant tippers,

if a model with average 5-6 k camcore will get a huge tipper she will also get better camscore but she wont keep it, cause even tho she has good regulars she make good money but on the other hand she wont make money of larger amount of sources. u knowwww....

There is a model that keeps her camscore high she work only 3-4 hurs daily she has high goals and constant tippers from a lot of sources and she keeps it high,

there is a top model that works a lot of hours daily but she makes very good amount of tokens per hour, so her tips are constant, and whenever she is online her tips are CONSTANT thats why she keeps her camscore so high and it stays high, no matter how long she works as long as her tips are constant,

so basically the system gives a high camscore to a girl that for sure work hard, getting consistent tips per hour, and the girl that system think that she will make it at the top and she will be getting good amount of tokens each hour....

as i said camscore computers dont have eyes, feeling etc, they just give you an A,B,C,D,E in being a good salesman,

High camscore doesn't always guarantee u will make money, u still have to have something (either personality, look, what u offer) you gotta be suitable to make that many tokens per hour FROM a lot of people participating, or have huge tips daily,

this simply explains the sudden drops in cams score, u get a high tip but if u dont have consistent tips u wont keep it,
to have consistent tips u need a lot of "sales" so simply large group of people like u an tip u. not just some ....

also in top20 there are models with different camscores, so lot of tokens vs. high camscore is not the same, u can be in top 20 with 5-6k camscore cause most likely u got high tip, but it doesn't mean u are making constant tips, thats why ur camscore wont get higher than this, or wont stay high

i might be wrong this is my idea, and i am sure i will have some people that get it some will argue but, in a large picture most people will prefer what large group prefers !!! thats a human nature and i get upset when girls get mad that most guys will only go to top girls in the first row, ooo maybe they really have something nice to offer and they are good salespeople... the site wanna make money why they would wanna take such a responsibility and pick girls manually? lets face the truth they created smart ass camscore that gives us grades every time we go online and do our homework lol

i know they are so many smart nice attractive girls that bring quality to the site and originality but in this business what matter to the site is to make as many sales as they can and thats why the put the good salespeople on the top. amennn sorry my english isnt my first language ouchhhh
one more last thing:

my summary Camscore is: = ur ability to make a lot of consistent tokens in the shortest period of time wins !!!

getting a huge tip is like winning a battle with a camscore, u can temporary manipulate it, but once the consistency of sales in the shortest period of time kick in u might looseee....

u can will a batlle, but the war wins camscore :)
DigitalSweety said:
So the gist is, the number of people you get tips from may influence score, not just the total amount of tips you get?

thats what i think, its kinda like u pretty much need to have lot of different tippers, i dont now for sure its just my idea of how camscore works, but u see its logic, when the room participates it attracts also other tippers tooo, so the result of that would be getting more tokens per hour:) better camscore, now i also do believe that it doesnt matter if you have 30, 15, 100 poeple in ur room , but if u getting consistent tipps from the room, its getting ur camscore increase. so when u have a camscore 1000 u need to make at least 250 tokens an hours consistentlyto keep it, (if u have higher camscore u are in a different rage and u need more tokens per hour of consistent tips to keep it high) I realised when i sit there for an hour and i got one tip of 250 tokens my camscore would drop,.... thats why a lot of girl doing topics like 50bobs/100ass/150dance etc doing usually pretty well, cause its easier for guys to tip that amount and get something right away.... so i think i would try that topic for a while and see if is working out for you, and if u see any increase in camscore and earnings, just see it for yourself and see what work for you:) but sometimes little steps are better, cause its not a big challenge for tipper, and u might get more consistent tips, and also try to sell pic passwords, that might get some extra tokens roll in here and there:)

so my advice to you if you want your camscore to be higher, think of something (game, different topics) that will get more tippers participating, at affordable price for most of guys, that will interest them and will get u more tippers. Would you rather do a long boring countdown for a cumshow or play a game where u can get some tokens here and there, the more interaction, the more people come in, the more fun, more tokens for you, guys start to like the atmosphere in your room, they keep coming back:) all u have to do use your imagination and try different things:)
DigitalSweety said:
So the gist is, the number of people you get tips from may influence score, not just the total amount of tips you get?
As a member the most annoying thing about camscore is that it is pretty much irrellevant to our overall selection given we actually explore each model option (which members don't do). Camscore is more a measure of a busy room, a measure of a model who communicates well. Camscore is simply a measure of token earning efficiency.

Rather than chasing camscore I would suggest to a model that she learn to see how certain room management styles lead to certain efficiency ratings, to a range of camscore.
For example if I am looking for a model who communicates well, knows who she is pvt, has confidence in her appeal, and works hard to please me pvt. I could reliably find someone I like at camscore about 4000 to 8000. Over this I would expect less effort for my tokens, under this less knowledge of who she is in pvt/ less confidence ( :lol: or over confidence sometimes in such good models).
There are positives and negatives in making a choice to visit someone in any specific camscore region.

This probably sounded a little cold and strategic, but camscore is a cold topic. In reality you go for who you like no matter the camscore. Finding who you like most in an ocean of models is the challenge.
DigitalSweety said:
I meant the gist of her post, not necessarily that it's the actual case. It was a pretty long post. lol
I just want to take every opportunity to remind you ladies: tokens Per hour over 60 days, based off the average of all models tokens per hour.

No matter how many people tip. No matter how many people I the room. No matter how many reward points your tippers have. No matter profile ratings.

Tokens per hour. 60 day average. Based on site's average TPH.
Rather than chasing camscore I would suggest to a model that she learn to see how certain room management styles lead to certain efficiency ratings, to a range of camscore.
For example if I am looking for a model who communicates well, knows who she is pvt, has confidence in her appeal, and works hard to please me pvt. I could reliably find someone I like at camscore about 4000 to 8000. Over this I would expect less effort for my tokens, under this less knowledge of who she is in pvt/ less confidence ( or over confidence sometimes in such good models).
There are positives and negatives in making a choice to visit someone in any specific camscore region.

Part of 'chasing camscore' is learning how to run a room efficiently, although it is a little odd to say "don't focus on camscores, I only like to visit models with specific camscores, camscores definitely play a big part in who visits your room."

It is really nice to tell models not to worry about camscore, but whether we like it or not, on MFC camscore plays a huge part in how much exposure we get and how much money we make. Every model should figure out a way to run her room that works for her, but that doesn't mean disregarding camscore altogether.
Camscore sucks in the sense that it's a positive feedback loop. Although MFC may do it to push their highest earners (and therefore earn more), in the long run it may cost them money because they're only really pushing a limited number of models rather than trying to help members find models who suit their tastes, which would keep more members on the website in the long run. Most of the people who've found me haven't done it by camscore, that's for sure. My score is in the gutter and the way the system is rigged, it's probably going to stay that way.
DigitalSweety said:
Camscore sucks in the sense that it's a positive feedback loop. Although MFC may do it to push their highest earners (and therefore earn more), in the long run it may cost them money because they're only really pushing a limited number of models rather than trying to help members find models who suit their tastes, which would keep more members on the website in the long run. Most of the people who've found me haven't done it by camscore, that's for sure. My score is in the gutter and the way the system is rigged, it's probably going to stay that way.

u are right, and one thing that would solve this whole camscore drama is creating new developed search option for customers so they could find exactly what they want instead of just going thru the whole homepage...
Should there be a "hide my camscore" option?

You would still have one just it wouldn't show anywhere...

nzhere said:
Should there be a "hide my camscore" option?

You would still have one just it wouldn't show anywhere...


Yeah, but the models would still be sorted by camscore, so she is still gonna be stuck on page 4, hidden camscore or not.
DigitalSweety said:
Camscore sucks in the sense that it's a positive feedback loop. Although MFC may do it to push their highest earners (and therefore earn more), in the long run it may cost them money because they're only really pushing a limited number of models rather than trying to help members find models who suit their tastes, which would keep more members on the website in the long run. Most of the people who've found me haven't done it by camscore, that's for sure. My score is in the gutter and the way the system is rigged, it's probably going to stay that way.
Camscore may be the default view for new viewers on the site, but MFC has certainly implemented a ton of ways for people to find models who suit their tastes.




If you think about it in a business sense, it makes plenty of sense that MFC would set camscore as default view. Showing girls who are most likely to draw in new viewers and make more money SHOULD be the first people see. But members who spend a few minutes on the site and want to fine tune the models they see DO have options.

It's very easy for us as models to be upset about how camscore works, but business-wise it's very smart and a big part of the reason that MFC is so successful. And a successful site = more traffic = more opportunity for us models.
Evvie said:
Rather than chasing camscore I would suggest to a model that she learn to see how certain room management styles lead to certain efficiency ratings, to a range of camscore.
For example if I am looking for a model who communicates well, knows who she is pvt, has confidence in her appeal, and works hard to please me pvt. I could reliably find someone I like at camscore about 4000 to 8000. Over this I would expect less effort for my tokens, under this less knowledge of who she is in pvt/ less confidence ( or over confidence sometimes in such good models).
There are positives and negatives in making a choice to visit someone in any specific camscore region.

Part of 'chasing camscore' is learning how to run a room efficiently, although it is a little odd to say "don't focus on camscores, I only like to visit models with specific camscores, camscores definitely play a big part in who visits your room."

It is really nice to tell models not to worry about camscore, but whether we like it or not, on MFC camscore plays a huge part in how much exposure we get and how much money we make. Every model should figure out a way to run her room that works for her, but that doesn't mean disregarding camscore altogether.

Yes agree fully, my point about camscore was not that it does not matter, but that the focus should be on learning what behaviours those with higher camscores do that they don't. Even more than that, who those with higher camscore are as people on cam. Some models, even with good luck, may not be able to improve their camscores much, because they are such different people from those who have higher ones.
Sadly not all models can learn to be top models, or want to be if they must be someone else.
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AmberCutie said:
If you think about it in a business sense, it makes plenty of sense that MFC would set camscore as default view. Showing girls who are most likely to draw in new viewers

Makes good business sense with current viewers for sure, but camscore seems to be a poor indicator of those drawing in new viewers. Those models with large blacklists (list of new members), tend to have good camscores, but rarely over 7000, much like the 2 models that I followed to MFC (Interestingly, the models I initially became a paying member for on another site, had top status there, but have camscores around 4000 on MFC).
I didn't go on MFC at all for 2 days. My camscore went up 20 points. No offline tips and nobody I talked to has rated any tips.

This thread is pretty overwhelming and I don't know if the "Why does my camscore go up when I'm offline and don't do anything and don't get any tips/rated tips" thing has been addressed. Oh, and I'm new, so I haven't even been on for 60 days, not long enough for a bad day to drop off.

Anyway, I think I've figured it out. MFC hates me and wants me to stay off cam. :roll:
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DigitalSweety said:
nobody I talked to has rated any tips.

We can not rate tips anymore. I do not believe they mattered when we could either.
DigitalSweety said:
I didn't go on MFC at all for 2 days. My camscore went up 20 points. No offline tips and nobody I talked to has rated any tips.

This thread is pretty overwhelming and I don't know if the "Why does my camscore go up when I'm offline and don't do anything and don't get any tips/rated tips" thing has been addressed. Oh, and I'm new, so I haven't even been on for 60 days, not long enough for a bad day to drop off.

Anyway, I think I've figured it out. MFC hates me and wants me to stay off cam. :roll:
Because your camscore is averaged out, it will rise and fall when you are offline depending on how much other models are making on average and as old days drop off your radar, your camscore readjusts. My camscore goes up and down by a few points every day, however if I stay offline for a long time (a few weeks) it stops adjusting by small increments.
DigitalSweety said:
I thought it might be something like that. That makes sense.

I thought tips over 99 tokens could be rated? The impression the thread has given me is that rates/admires on your profile don't matter, but tips do? I know that MFC took away the ability to rate shows.
No tip ratings anymore. Any tip is great and helps the camscore! (I'm glad, honestly, I was tired of telling people that tips of 90+ are best because they could be rated.)

Evvie is spot on with the average thing. That's why your score will fluctuate many times each day, regardless of what you're doing.
AmberCutie said:
DigitalSweety said:
No tip ratings anymore. Any tip is great and helps the camscore! (I'm glad, honestly, I was tired of telling people that tips of 90+ are best because they could be rated.)

off topic, but i miss tip helped to keep tipping from being a big blur :lol:
but i get that it was hassle reminding everybody about the system....and in the long run, it probably didn't matter much to any model much
bob said:
off topic, but i miss tip helped to keep tipping from being a big blur :lol:
but i get that it was hassle reminding everybody about the system....and in the long run, it probably didn't matter much to any model much

I rarely got tips high enough to be rated, so even when I was making 2000 + tokens a day, I was at a disadvantage to the other girls who did get the rated tips, when they were actually counted.

They said that private ratings never counted for anything, but tip ratings I thought did matter.
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