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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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:lol: Whew! Thank you. I feel safer now. lol

Seriously, I think the misinterpretation of my statement may have been me assuming everyone knows about Ryan's statements and "The Ryan Bill" and other stuff that made me think I was being obvious.

I apologize to anyone who thought I was being disrespectful.
Nordling said:
:lol: Whew! Thank you. I feel safer now. lol

Seriously, I think the misinterpretation of my statement may have been me assuming everyone knows about Ryan's statements and "The Ryan Bill" and other stuff that made me think I was being obvious.

I apologize to anyone who thought I was being disrespectful.

I have no idea what "The Ryan Bill" is, to be honest. I just really love my Gram. :lol:
AllisonWilder said:
Nordling said:
:lol: Whew! Thank you. I feel safer now. lol

Seriously, I think the misinterpretation of my statement may have been me assuming everyone knows about Ryan's statements and "The Ryan Bill" and other stuff that made me think I was being obvious.

I apologize to anyone who thought I was being disrespectful.

I have no idea what "The Ryan Bill" is, to be honest. I just really love my Gram. :lol:
I love mine too--may she rest in peace. She was a Danish immigrant who spent most of her vital years on a North Dakota dirt farm with my Norwegian grandfather. Both of them worked harder than anyone; she kept a half acre vegetable garden after she moved here and lived to be 84, cutting her own firewood until she finally succumbed to nature. Everyone should love all of our grandparents. They gave us what we have.
This is what Obama said about the national debt when he was running for president...

“The problem is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents,” Obama said in Fargo, N.D. “Number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, lol
Obama is the president, so he has ownership of the $5 trillion increase of the national debt during his years in office. He certainly tried to pin the increase of $4 trillion -- over eight years — on George W. Bush. ... _blog.html
It was already explained in this thread where that "new debt" came from. Two wars off the books and Medicare Part D. This was ALL Bush's debt, even though on the books it appears to be Obama's debt because OBAMA PUT IT ON THE BOOKS where it belonged all along. It's disingenuous to blame someone for being honest.
War is expensive (and in this case pointless) and hospitals abuse Medicare. My husband has Medicare, and whenever I get his detailed expense list it's a little alarming. A few years ago he got and xray and one of those little metal finger splints at the emergency room. In the detailed breakdown of what was charged to Medicare, the metal piece came in at $400+. How is that not some bullshit?
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JickyJuly said:
War is expensive (and in this case pointless) and hospitals abuse Medicare. My husband has Medicare, and whenever I get his detailed expense list it's a little alarming. A few years ago he got and xray and one of those little metal finger splints at the emergency room. In the detailed breakdown of what was charged to Medicare, the metal piece came in at $400+. How is that not some bullshit?

Hospitals and medical care are just expensive. Even with insurance I paid $5,000 for a helicopter ride and an overnight stay in the hospital. I looked at the bill for the helicopter and it was over $17,000 on its own if you did not have insurance.
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Shaun__ said:
JickyJuly said:
War is expensive (and in this case pointless) and hospitals abuse Medicare. My husband has Medicare, and whenever I get his detailed expense list it's a little alarming. A few years ago he got and xray and one of those little metal finger splints at the emergency room. In the detailed breakdown of what was charged to Medicare, the metal piece came in at $400+. How is that not some bullshit?

Hospitals and medical care are just expensive. Even with insurance I paid $5,000 for a helicopter ride and an overnight stay in the hospital. I looked at the bill for the helicopter and it was over $17,000 on its own if you did not have insurance.

The only hospital bill I've ever had that was ridiculously high was when I had my kid. $32,000 for a c-section and 3 nights in the hospital. :shock: I almost died.
Shaun__ said:
JickyJuly said:
War is expensive (and in this case pointless) and hospitals abuse Medicare. My husband has Medicare, and whenever I get his detailed expense list it's a little alarming. A few years ago he got and xray and one of those little metal finger splints at the emergency room. In the detailed breakdown of what was charged to Medicare, the metal piece came in at $400+. How is that not some bullshit?

Hospitals and medical care are just expensive. Even with insurance I paid $5,000 for a helicopter ride and an overnight stay in the hospital. I looked at the bill for the helicopter and it was over $17,000 on its own if you did not have insurance.
True that, but some places will take advantage pretty hard if they know the patient has Medicare. The picture below is the same sort of splint he got. It sells at Walgreens for $5.49 apparently. Not sure why the ER would need to mark it up $400. I assume they just slip by because Medicare isn't going to look at the itemized bill? Who knows, but with that kind of insane pricing, someone must be getting away with something. Hehehe.


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JickyJuly said:
True that, but some places will take advantage pretty hard if they know the patient has Medicare. The picture below is the same sort of splint he got. It sells at Walgreens for $5.49 apparently. Not sure why the ER would need to mark it up $400. I assume they just slip by because Medicare isn't going to look at the itemized bill? Who knows, but with that kind of insane pricing, someone must be getting away with something. Hehehe.

Don't forget you have to pay for all the people who skip out on their bills.
JickyJuly said:
Shaun__ said:
JickyJuly said:
War is expensive (and in this case pointless) and hospitals abuse Medicare. My husband has Medicare, and whenever I get his detailed expense list it's a little alarming. A few years ago he got and xray and one of those little metal finger splints at the emergency room. In the detailed breakdown of what was charged to Medicare, the metal piece came in at $400+. How is that not some bullshit?

Hospitals and medical care are just expensive. Even with insurance I paid $5,000 for a helicopter ride and an overnight stay in the hospital. I looked at the bill for the helicopter and it was over $17,000 on its own if you did not have insurance.
True that, but some places will take advantage pretty hard if they know the patient has Medicare. The picture below is the same sort of splint he got. It sells at Walgreens for $5.49 apparently. Not sure why the ER would need to mark it up $400. I assume they just slip by because Medicare isn't going to look at the itemized bill? Who knows, but with that kind of insane pricing, someone must be getting away with something. Hehehe.

Not just with Medicare, but with regular health insurance, too. I had a short hospital stay in 2007, and when I was discharged, a nurse was packing all this crap in a bag. Slippers, a Styrofoam water pitcher, things like that. I didn't use 90% of that stuff, and it was un-opened. I asked her why she was packing it up, as I didn't want or need it. She shrugged and said "you're paying for it, might as well take it."

That stuff was more than $400 on the bill, in addition to the $15 Tylenol that I refused. I called my insurance company to complain that they/me were being ripped off, and they blew me off.

All of these are perfect examples of why we need single-payer health care, but that's a topic for a separate thread :mrgreen:
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So you want to blame the guy for having religious convictions and upholding the constitution?

I'm also against gay marriage, yet believe civil union commitments should have the same rights as married couples.

Bocefish said:
So you want to blame the guy for having religious convictions and upholding the constitution?

Yes, I do blame people for being against gay marriage. Absolutely. It's one of those convictions that I consider unforgivable.

That man was so nice and calm to Romney, it took a lot of strength to be so kind to someone who is telling you to your face that your love is invalid. He was so upset by it, but he shook his hand anyway. I don't know if I could have done that so gracefully.
One person's religious convictions have nothing to do with the constitutional rights of others. I blame anyone who believes their beliefs come before the unalienable rights that any other citizen of their country has. Civil Unions are a slap in the face. Might as well call it "separate but equal". Romney would probably not mind trying to bring that one back either, though. :?

To be fair, I already judge him for his "religious" beliefs. Mormonism is hateful, racist, misogynist and self serving. Religions are based in the idea of serving God. Self serving "religions" are called cults.
Judge all you want, but freedom of religion is one major component our country was founded on. How about Obama's affiliation with Rev. Wright?

I believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also want two people of the same sex that are in love who wish to make a lifetime commitment to have the same rights as a married couple. Marriage is just a word, but it's a word that has already been defined.
Freedom of religion is great. Heck, freedom to join a cult if you're an adult who chooses so is great. You're free to judge anyone for anything they do, but you're not free to change their right to do it. If some dude wants to worship dirty socks and hate people with freckles, let him. BUT if that dude runs for President with a platform that mandates we all run around in dirty socks and deprive the freckled of their rights, voting for him is a shit choice.
ooohhh color me stupid then. :roll: I think the word marriage is one of the major hangups that is impeding progress. If another new word can be settled upon, perhaps there might be more progress? That way the argument of what a marriage defines and constitutional rights can progress. :twocents-02cents:
Bocefish said:
What is this woman trying to say? She needs a man to stick up for her and that women have no say?

No, that is not what "this woman" (Sandra Fluke) is trying to say.
Why on earth do we need a new word?

It used to be marriage was between two people of opposite genders of the same race. It was changed to include interracial marriages.

So, the only logical solution, is to define marriage as a union between two people.

Times change, Boce. And thank god for that.
Bocefish said:
ooohhh color me stupid then. :roll: I think the word marriage is one of the major hangups that is impeding progress. If another new word can be settled upon, perhaps there might be more progress? That way the argument of what a marriage defines and constitutional rights can progress. :twocents-02cents:
Better idea: Stop applying "MAGIC" qualities to words. Words and language evolve and progress just like other aspects of life.
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