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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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Bocefish said:
What kind of assholes that never served a day in the military use the killing of Bin Laden for political gain advertisements? Here's a hint... their initials are Obama and Clinton.
Bocefish said:
Real leaders don't take credit for the accomplishments of their men and and women in the field, much less Nationally brag about for political gain. The people in the field are the ones who risk their lives to complete the mission and 100% deserve the credit. Heroes don't brag, period. Think about that for a minute.

Of course ACF is not subject to the "Equal-time" rule or the "Fairness Doctrine", but I think it's about time to show that more than one Commander-In-Chief has done what has got Bocefish's panties in a bunch:


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Yes, I admit to being a little hostile on occasion. I tend to get that way when people tell me I have my head up my ass and Ryan is going to literally fuck my grandmother. I'll try to stay away. Everyone has a right to their opinion and are free to vote however they want. I truly wish we had better candidates to choose from, but it looks like there are some respectable choices coming up in the future on both sides of the aisle. Let's just hope we can last that long owing $600 million per day in interest alone towards the national debt.
Bocefish said:
Yes, I admit to being a little hostile on occasion. I tend to get that way when people tell me I have my head up my ass and Ryan is going to literally fuck my grandmother. I'll try to stay away.
No need to stay away ;) IMO, a fully functioning democracy needs many opinions and points of view. A good example is this thread. I have seen questions like "Why should I vote for Obama (or Mitt)?" But when responses are "less than civil", that viewpoint most likely won't been seen by your intended audience.

If you start feeling put upon or hostile, take a few deep breaths...then come back and make a post like this:
Bocefish said:
Everyone has a right to their opinion and are free to vote however they want. I truly wish we had better candidates to choose from, but it looks like there are some respectable choices coming up in the future on both sides of the aisle. Let's just hope we can last that long owing $600 million per day in interest alone towards the national debt.
Bocefish said:
camstory said:
I served an enlistment in our U.S. Navy, and am very proud of that. Less than 2 months after I reached my command, we encounter 3 small craft adrift in the South China Sea. It was about 125 NM off the coast of Vietnam, and being part of Deck Division I helped bring aboard 72 Vietnamese refugees, 71 of which lived, even though they were all badly dehydrated having been adrift for 23 days. The reason I mention all that, (other than the attention), is BC, even tho I know something as clear as this would be clear had I never spent a day in the service, it seems to make some difference to you.

You mention that because you know something as clear as that would be clear had you never spent a day in the service, so it somehow makes a difference to me? Do you ever read the drivel you write? Are we supposed be impressed you followed orders, did your job and helped starving refugees adrift for 23 days rather than let them die? Good Job! :clap:

camstory said:
Well I'm telling you as a Vet, there ain't a fraction of a chance that Romney, or anyone else in Obama's place would not use the killing of Bin Laden for political gain. What's more is I'll tell you the exact same thing as someone who doesn't have his head very far up his ass, BC anyone who believes a presidential candidate would not use this, would IMO be in such a condition.

“Navy SEAL’s, Special Operations Personnel and Veteran’s across America have been outraged since Barack Obama conveniently took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden for political gain,” a statement announcing the loss of SOFA said. “The active duty military has no voice as they are forbidden to publicly engage in the political campaign process and it is career suicide for senior military leaders to speak out against the President.”

But since you're bragging about being a veteran, you supposedly know better than the rest of us and I'm the one with his head up his ass? :lol:

Real leaders don't take credit for the accomplishments of their men and and women in the field, much less Nationally brag about for political gain. The people in the field are the ones who risk their lives to complete the mission and 100% deserve the credit. Heroes don't brag, period. Think about that for a minute.

Consider again Bill Clinton’s words, “Suppose (the SEALs had) been captured or killed. The downside would have been horrible for (the President).” Actually, it would have been a wee bit more horrible for the spec op teams in the field. Presumably, what Clinton meant is that Obama’s re-election would have been imperiled if he’d made the wrong call. It's blatantly obvious Obama's political hunger far outweighs his ability to be a good CIC. Even the press calls the ad despicable, but of course, camstory knows more than all the rest of us.

Listen boce, I not going to fight with you. There are plenty others to do that, and frankly I think you have plenty of your own demons to fight if everybody was to lay off. The point I was trying to make, and the only point I was trying to make - Is, regardless, of party, regardless of military service, and or how exemplary that service be, regardless of any FUCKING thing it seems very clear to me that anyone in the position of Obama would at some level of volume be saying look what happened on my watch! (Holly Shit, George Bush the lesser would have banners & fireworks and be yelling it day and night at the top of his lungs)

I'm not supposing that is right or wrong. I don't need to know what the seals think BC that is irrelevant - I made no comment anywhere that should have lead you to believe I was making a judgment on the correctness of the thing. In fact I said I was not defending Obama.

And I did not say you had your head up your ass. But, I will say one more time, and I will say it LOUD INCASE YOU HAVE SHIT IN YOUR EARS - ANYONE RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY OF THE USA WHO COULD CLAME COMMAND WHEN WE CAUGHT AND KILLED BIN LADEN, FUCKING WOULD. REGARDLESS OF RIGHT OR WRONG. And IMO anyone who does not think that is so has their head quite far up someone's ass.

If it's any consultation, I do think it is ridiculous that the president takes a sliver of credit for this beyond giving the go ahead. But American politics is full of ridiculous shit, and the American public consume huge amounts of ridiculous. Shit and consistently seem to want more, so who's to blame?
Yeah, who said anyone had their head up their ass?

As far as the "Ryan...grandmother" was metaphor and had nothing to do with ANYONE's actual relative. No one on this board even KNOWS anyone's relatives.
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I don't understand how one minute a person complains in another thread that others are "too sensitive," yet that same person gets upset over a METAPHOR in a political thread? :think: I swear you can see the steam coming out of people's ears in some of these threads about politics, gun laws, etc.
Bocefish said:
Since when do metaphors contain the word "LITERALLY?"
Bad habit. That was an UN-artful use of "literally." But considering the context of the discussion, it was obviously metaphoric. As I said, NO ONE KNOWS ANYONE'S ACTUAL RELATIVES.

I might add, I do NOT think Paul Ryan is an actual rapist. To think that my sentence meant that is silly. And that in itself should have been the CLUE that the sentence was metaphoric.
camstory said:
Well I'm telling you as a Vet, there ain't a fraction of a chance that Romney, or anyone else in Obama's place would not use the killing of Bin Laden for political gain. What's more is I'll tell you the exact same thing as someone who doesn't have his head very far up his ass, BC anyone who believes a presidential candidate would not use this, would IMO be in such a condition.

Apparently nobody else sees that as camstory accusing me of having my head up my ass? :lol: Right, and I'm the Pope.

At first, Obama did the right thing by praising the work of the troops and promising not to “spike the ball” by over-celebrating the incident. But now he’s turned that ball into one giant spike, not only by ramming the Bin Laden adventure down the voters’ throats but also by claiming sole responsibility for it.

There's a huge difference between celebrating a well earned military victory at the time and later using "HIS" so-called victory purely for a political gain as if any other American would have declined the option to get Bin Laden
Nordling said:
Bocefish said:
Since when do metaphors contain the word "LITERALLY?"
Bad habit. That was an UN-artful use of "literally." But considering the context of the discussion, it was obviously metaphoric. As I said, NO ONE KNOWS ANYONE'S ACTUAL RELATIVES.

I might add, I do NOT think Paul Ryan is an actual rapist. To think that my sentence meant that is silly. And that in itself should have been the CLUE that the sentence was metaphoric.

Ya right, if you say so. :roll:
Bocefish said:
camstory said:
Well I'm telling you as a Vet, there ain't a fraction of a chance that Romney, or anyone else in Obama's place would not use the killing of Bin Laden for political gain. What's more is I'll tell you the exact same thing as someone who doesn't have his head very far up his ass, BC anyone who believes a presidential candidate would not use this, would IMO be in such a condition.

Apparently nobody else sees that as camstory accusing me of having my head up my ass? :lol: Right, and I'm the Pope.

At first, Obama did the right thing by praising the work of the troops and promising not to “spike the ball” by over-celebrating the incident. But now he’s turned that ball into one giant spike, not only by ramming the Bin Laden adventure down the voters’ throats but also by claiming sole responsibility for it.

There's a huge difference between celebrating a well earned military victory at the time and later using "HIS" so-called victory purely for a political gain as if any other American would have declined the option to get Bin Laden
George W. Bush appeared to have declined the option. While being interviewed as President, he said (paraphrase from memory), "I don't know where he is; I don't think about him." Even though some months earlier, he promised, "we'll smoke him out of his cave." And John McCain, in 2008 said, "I know how to get him! I'll get him" Well, if he knew that, why didn't he call the President (Bush) and let him know?
Yeah, Bush didn't want to kill or capture Bin Laden at all. :liar: Given the same scenario Obama had, I'd say all of the past or future CICs would have done the same thing. Now Obama is using the event as Campaigner in Chief.
Bocefish said:
Yeah, Bush didn't want to kill or capture Bin Laden at all. :liar: Given the same scenario Obama had, I'd say all of the past or future CICs would have done the same thing. Now Obama is using the event as Campaigner in Chief.
Bush botched the whole thing up. He invaded Afghanistan, then failed to follow through with capturing or killing bin Laden...and then sucked his resources out and attacked Iraq...a country which had nothing to do with 9-11. Was it incompetence or was it ulterior motive? We may never know, but neither is a good thing.

And as Cam and others have said, all past or future CIC's would have used the event in an election campaign. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but that's what politicians do--they use events during their watch to their advantage. To do otherwise would be stupid. We live in a country with an uninformed electorate. It'd be nice if the campaign talked about all the 200+ major accomplishments of the President but sadly, that'd put them to sleep. So, we use the flashy stuff... "Osama is dead and General Motors is ALIVE!" Slogans work. Live with it, and notice that the other side does the same thing.
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Bocefish said:
I'm not against him using the success of our military under his command in a positive way , it's just the thoughtless and selfishly slimeball way he did use it. I'm far from alone in feeling that way too.
You're calling the POTUS a slimeball? What "way" are you talking about? I bet if he were a Republican, you'd be arguing the opposite. Show me ONE video where the President has said anything kindred to "Look at me! I'm so cool. And I single-handedly killed Osama! Isn't that cool? Elect me! ME ME ME ME ME!"

That doesn't sound like the President I've come to know.

Now the super pacs? Yeah, they do all kinds of shit...and not always in an elegant way. BOTH sides' super pacs do this.
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Bocefish said:
Yes, I admit to being a little hostile on occasion. I tend to get that way when people tell me I have my head up my ass and Ryan is going to literally fuck my grandmother. I'll try to stay away. Everyone has a right to their opinion and are free to vote however they want. I truly wish we had better candidates to choose from, but it looks like there are some respectable choices coming up in the future on both sides of the aisle. Let's just hope we can last that long owing $600 million per day in interest alone towards the national debt.
I want it to be clear that I did not thank this post BC, you said, "I'll try to stay away" that would be a true shame, and I absolutely would not want to see that happen. I thanked this post BC I was impressed with it. Had I read it before I made my last, my tone surely would have been different.

Also, I am sorry you thought I was directing the head in ass comment at you. I was not. I was making a blanket statement. A blanket statement which I would not have guess covered you or anyone here.

I also want to say something I have been thinking since not long after you OPed this thread. You have with very very little back up stood your ground, and from what I can see not even taken a half a days break. I could not have stood up to the overwhelming opposition you have. I am not sure how to define that, I just know I could not have done it.

Now when I preview, I see there has been about a dozen post that have went up. I see that the least recent is from you quoting me, and then you and nordling going back and fourth. My impulse was to read these, but I quickly decided not to, BC there is nothing that I have in this post that I think I would really fill any different about after reading those post. But there certainly could be enough in them to make me not post this so I will post and then live with it.
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Nordling said:
Bocefish said:
I'm not against him using the success of our military under his command in a positive way , it's just the thoughtless and selfishly slimeball way he did use it. I'm far from alone in feeling that way too.
You're calling the POTUS a slimeball? What "way" are you talking about? I bet if he were a Republican, you'd be arguing the opposite. Show me ONE video where the President has said anything kindred to "Look at me! I'm so cool. And I single-handedly killed Osama! Isn't that cool? Elect me! ME ME ME ME ME!"

That doesn't sound like the President I've come to know.

Now the super pacs? Yeah, they do all kinds of shit...and not always in an elegant way. BOTH sides' super pacs do this.

Can you not see how thoughtless and insensitive that political ad is to families that have lost loved ones under his command? Yes, I consider the way Obama and his cohort Clinton used the success of our elite special forces for a selfish, slimeball, political maneuver, totally despicable. I'm not calling them that, but what they did.
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
Bocefish said:
I'm not against him using the success of our military under his command in a positive way , it's just the thoughtless and selfishly slimeball way he did use it. I'm far from alone in feeling that way too.
You're calling the POTUS a slimeball? What "way" are you talking about? I bet if he were a Republican, you'd be arguing the opposite. Show me ONE video where the President has said anything kindred to "Look at me! I'm so cool. And I single-handedly killed Osama! Isn't that cool? Elect me! ME ME ME ME ME!"

That doesn't sound like the President I've come to know.

Now the super pacs? Yeah, they do all kinds of shit...and not always in an elegant way. BOTH sides' super pacs do this.

Can you not see how thoughtless and insensitive that political ad is to families that have lost loved ones under his command? Yes, I consider the way Obama and his cohort Clinton used the success of our elite special forces for a selfish, slimeball, political maneuver, totally despicable. I'm not calling them that, but what they did.
I think you're putting way too much emotion into one ad. Is it not despicable that Romney/Ryan tell explicit lies in their ads? So bad are they that Politifact has shown them to be "pants on fire" type lies. And their response? "We don't care about fact checkers!"

Hyperbole, implicit lies via using out of context statements...yeah both sides have always done that. But the lies coming out of the New Teabag Republican party is so blatant, I don't even know why we're arguing. Did it bother you at all how the RNC changed the rules so that state delegates no longer have any say, so Ron Paul was really treated shabbily. I find this sickening even though I'm not fond of Ron Paul. These are signs of future fascism.
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Lemme start by saying I'm sorry to anyone that lost someone in the 9/11 attacks.

Having said that I don't give a fuck about 9/11 or who killed bin Laden or who takes credit for it. Every day in this world people are blown up, shot, mutilated or in some way shape or form fucked up because some asshole doesn't like the fact those people are breathing their air or don't believe in their god or whatever fucked up reason they came up with this week to fuck with people.

What will Romney do? Who the fuck knows, he flip flops so much I doubt he know where he stands.

What did Obama do wrong? Mainly tried to be bi-partisan. Almost every problem/mistake he had/made stems from that.

The main problems this country face does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave but 1st Street Southeast. The prez gets 8 years MAX to fuck shit up and a lot of that can be undone by the next prez but senators and representatives, unless they get into a serious scandal, keep their jobs for decades. Most become millionaires within the first 3 terms. They pass laws that we have to live by but they don't. They keep their benefits for life.

If you truly want to make a difference, no matter if you think its other states sen/reps(which btw its not...yours suck too ) do not vote for the incumbent sen and rep from your state.

Now go back to bickering like 3rd graders =)
I think you're putting way too much emotion into one ad. Is it not despicable that Romney/Ryan tell explicit lies in their ads? So bad are they that Politifact has shown them to be "pants on fire" type lies. And their response? "We don't care about fact checkers!"

When I feel our President is disrespecting the lost lives of our brothers and sisters in arms, you're damn right I can get emotional about it. The rest is mostly BS, I agree.

The so-called fact checkers have also been proven to be wrong more than once.

If you truly want to make a difference, no matter if you think its other states sen/reps(which btw its not...yours suck too ) do not vote for the incumbent sen and rep from your state.

Gotta love how they can vote themselves raises and legislate more time off as well. Very few incumbents deserve to say.
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A couple things here.

I still don't see any reason, aside from a few mistakes made by the current president (and let's face it, every president makes mistakes) and some questionable ad campaigns to vote for Romney. To be fair, I don't want to vote Obama either. I personally support the platform of the Peace and Freedom party, but voting that way is a waste of a vote because so many people are against the nominated candidate.

Also, the grandmother thing, way out of line. It may seem like someone is being oversensitive, but if someone had said something like that to my face, metaphorically or not, I would have fucking punched them. People regard grandparents with a lot of respect these days so it's not surprising that it was an upsetting comment.
AllisonWilder said:
A couple things here.

I still don't see any reason, aside from a few mistakes made by the current president (and let's face it, every president makes mistakes) and some questionable ad campaigns to vote for Romney. To be fair, I don't want to vote Obama either. I personally support the platform of the Peace and Freedom party, but voting that way is a waste of a vote because so many people are against the nominated candidate.

Also, the grandmother thing, way out of line. It may seem like someone is being oversensitive, but if someone had said something like that to my face, metaphorically or not, I would have fucking punched them. People regard grandparents with a lot of respect these days so it's not surprising that it was an upsetting comment.
Do you understand what a metaphor is? I too respect grandparents, and my comment was NO disrespect to grandparents, either specifically or in general. What it was, was a metaphor showing how Paul Ryan shows NO respect for ANYONE's grandparents. If you want to believe the worst, and disregard intention, I can't help you.
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AllisonWilder said:
I still don't see any reason, aside from a few mistakes made by the current president (and let's face it, every president makes mistakes) and some questionable ad campaigns to vote for Romney. To be fair, I don't want to vote Obama either. I personally support the platform of the Peace and Freedom party, but voting that way is a waste of a vote because so many people are against the nominated candidate.

My biggest concerns if Obama gets reelected are that he's proven his love for growing both the national debt and the overall size of government to record breaking levels. We can't afford 4 more years of that. We also have a record number of Americans on food stamps now. It should be interesting how he tries to convince the American public how they're better off now than 4 years ago.
More nonsense. The Federal Government has grown more slowly under Obama than any President since Eisenhower. The so-called increase in the debt can be attributed MOSTLY on the fact that George Bush paid for TWO wars and Medicare Part D OFF THE BOOKS. Obama, in the spirit of transparency, put that debt ON the books where it belongs--of course now the guys who actually created that debt want to blame it on Obama.
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Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Also, the grandmother thing, way out of line. It may seem like someone is being oversensitive, but if someone had said something like that to my face, metaphorically or not, I would have fucking punched them. People regard grandparents with a lot of respect these days so it's not surprising that it was an upsetting comment.
Do you understand what a metaphor is? I too respect grandparents, and my comment was NO disrespect to grandparents, either specifically or in general. What it was, was a metaphor showing how Paul Ryan shows NO respect for ANYONE's grandparents. If you want to believe the worst, and disregard intention, I can't help you.

I understand what a metaphor is, I'm not stupid. I said "metaphorically or not, I would have punched them." I did not say you were attempting to disrespect anyone and I didn't say you posted with ill-intentions. What I did say was that I understand how it could be an upsetting comment.

I'm not believing the worst because I didn't like your comment.
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AllisonWilder said:
Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Also, the grandmother thing, way out of line. It may seem like someone is being oversensitive, but if someone had said something like that to my face, metaphorically or not, I would have fucking punched them. People regard grandparents with a lot of respect these days so it's not surprising that it was an upsetting comment.
Do you understand what a metaphor is? I too respect grandparents, and my comment was NO disrespect to grandparents, either specifically or in general. What it was, was a metaphor showing how Paul Ryan shows NO respect for ANYONE's grandparents. If you want to believe the worst, and disregard intention, I can't help you.

I understand what a metaphor is, I'm not stupid. I said "metaphorically or not, I would have punched them." I did not say you were attempting to disrespect anyone and I didn't say you posted with ill-intentions. What I did say was that I understand how it could be an upsetting comment.

I'm not believing the worst because I didn't like your comment.
:lol: Wow. Do you often punch people without clarifying their statements? And do you also see how your comment COULD have been interpreted as an attack? And I don't go around punching people, even when they insult me.
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Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Also, the grandmother thing, way out of line. It may seem like someone is being oversensitive, but if someone had said something like that to my face, metaphorically or not, I would have fucking punched them. People regard grandparents with a lot of respect these days so it's not surprising that it was an upsetting comment.
Do you understand what a metaphor is? I too respect grandparents, and my comment was NO disrespect to grandparents, either specifically or in general. What it was, was a metaphor showing how Paul Ryan shows NO respect for ANYONE's grandparents. If you want to believe the worst, and disregard intention, I can't help you.

I understand what a metaphor is, I'm not stupid. I said "metaphorically or not, I would have punched them." I did not say you were attempting to disrespect anyone and I didn't say you posted with ill-intentions. What I did say was that I understand how it could be an upsetting comment.

I'm not believing the worst because I didn't like your comment.
:lol: Wow. Do you often punch people without clarifying their statements? And do you also see how your comment COULD have been interpreted as an attack? And I don't go around punching people, even when they insult me.

I've never actually punched someone, just for the record, then again, most people in my life have had enough tact to not say things about fucking my grandmother. Your post looked like you were saying Ryan wanted to fuck Boce's Grandma. If you had originally stated Ryan wants to fuck over Grandparents, I doubt we'd be having this conversation.

I believe LadyLuna's profile signature says something about remembering that text is easy to misinterpret, I'll refer you to her signature link. In an already heated discussion, it's very easy to read things wrong, even if no ill-intentions were meant.

I said, "...if someone had said something like that to my face..." not "I'm going to punch Nordling" so no, I don't see how that could be misconstrued as any sort of attack.
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