morment said:
Bocefish said:
I don't have the solution, just expressing how I feel and what I think.
How do committed same sex couples introduce themselves to a married husband and wife?
I'm really not trying to be an ass here.
If there was a new connotation, it would be easier to fight for constitutional rights rather than trying to change what has been known for centuries.
I'm not asking you about a solution to the problem, in my mind there shouldn't be a problem let them get married if they want.
I'm trying to understand why you feel there is a problem with same sex couples using the same word as opposite sex couples.
And just because things have been a certain way for centuries doesn't make it sacrosanct. For centuries it was illegal for a man and woman to get married if they weren't of the same race, is it wrong that we changed that practice? There were people back when it was changed that fought just as vehemently, or more so, to keep marriage the way it always had been. They were wrong then, and you're wrong now.
welpers...i agree that tradition alone is no reason to maintain a mindset...but changing it is akin to evolution, albeit cultural rather than biological, and i see cultural evolution as the struggle of social order to establish a framework for individual growth and dignity.....america nearly destroyed itself in a war about just that, and the constitution and the political institutions that it created recognized the importance of it, as well.
so i see boce's pov as one that acknowledges the need for change without dishonoring tradition, for the simple reason that the tradition of marriage as between a man and a woman -whether you agree with its importance or not- is extraordinarily important to a large % of the people in this country.
while i personally agree that any two adults that wanna get married outta have the right, our social framework needs some more small steps in that direction before that individual growth and dignity can be fully recognized, and i think the reason for that is principally because heterosexual males (who historically are the dictators of religious values) can't see past the sexuality of homosexual males, and so can't conceive that the emotional milieu of "romantic love" would have any meaning between two guys.
and in all honesty....i have a hard time wrapping my head around that too (which is why also why i feel that gay pride parades tend to be over the top, and self-defeating).....but then, it's really not my problem to understand it and judge its merit....only to accept that others can feel it and that it has merit for them.....
and given what wierd creatures we all are, that acceptance is easy :lol:
bottom line then for me is that whatever word is gonna be used to describe homosexual marriage at this point in time is a-ok with me (gays won't give up their fight....nor will the other side).....making an important political football of the issue is to ignore the nature of real game being played between the right and the left, imo.....
that's my nickle....carry on