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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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LadyLuna said:
What does he mean by "passport information"?

Does he want to know everywhere Obama has traveled during his presidency, everywhere Obama has traveled during his life, or is this about where his passport was issued, what he is listed as being, and what his personal information (like birthday and such) is?

I can understanding wanting to know what the President has done with his time while he is President, but as to the rest of what it might show, why is that even relevant?

EDIT cause I finally finished watching that Ted Talk

So, reminding people that they need to wash their hands makes them more likely to vote Republican, and the elections are held in the middle of flu season when we're all being told we need to wash our hands. Also, as flu season approaches, more and more people are thinking about voting for Romney than Obama.

Yes, and assuming the talk was accurate, imagine how politicians can manipulate people using this information.
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Nordling said:
LadyLuna said:
What does he mean by "passport information"?

Does he want to know everywhere Obama has traveled during his presidency, everywhere Obama has traveled during his life, or is this about where his passport was issued, what he is listed as being, and what his personal information (like birthday and such) is?

I can understanding wanting to know what the President has done with his time while he is President, but as to the rest of what it might show, why is that even relevant?

EDIT cause I finally finished watching that Ted Talk

So, reminding people that they need to wash their hands makes them more likely to vote Republican, and the elections are held in the middle of flu season when we're all being told we need to wash our hands. Also, as flu season approaches, more and more people are thinking about voting for Romney than Obama.

Yes, and assuming the talk was accurate, imagine how politicians can manipulate people using this information.
Lol that was interesting, the images etc I found distasteful but not so much that they could disgust me, and I answered that I would eat a bowl of my favourite soup if I was very hungry and it had been stirred by a used but thoroughly washed flyswatter. Still eww, but hey it's been thoroughly washed lol. I would more or less be unsurprised to find a urine smell under a railway bridge in an urban setting. I wonder if more conservative-leaning people posting here have more disgusted attitudes to those.
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LadyLuna said:
What does he mean by "passport information"?

Does he want to know everywhere Obama has traveled during his presidency, everywhere Obama has traveled during his life, or is this about where his passport was issued, what he is listed as being, and what his personal information (like birthday and such) is?

I can understanding wanting to know what the President has done with his time while he is President, but as to the rest of what it might show, why is that even relevant?

His passport info would answer a lot of questions about his dual-citizenships along with some other discrepancies about timelines and his Pakistan travel dates. There's a few theories floating around about that. I also suspect his school transcripts and written papers may show some anti-America or other radical type stuff along with a less than stellar GPA.

If there's nothing to hide, why are they sealed?

The question that needs to be asked, of course, is: Why has Obama sealed all of his transcripts, his theses and his test scores? David Maraniss had the opportunity to find out when he interviewed the president for his half-baked biography, “Barack Obama: The Story.” He failed to do so.

Instead of checking his college records, or even asking why they have been sealed, Maraniss simply took Obama’s word on his grade point average. Obama claimed a 3.7 (out of 4) at Columbia. This is unlikely. Although Obama did graduate from Columbia, he did not graduate with honors. This much we know from the graduation program.

In “The Bridge,” Obama-friendly biographer David Remnick concedes that Obama was an “unspectacular” student at Columbia and at every stop before that. A professor who wrote a letter of reference for Obama reinforces the point, telling Remnick, “I don’t think [Obama] did too well in college.”

How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants’ LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.8 and 4.0 is a subject neither Maraniss nor Remnick chose to explore.

Yet it seems unlikely that mediocre grades or LSAT scores would have led to this complete an informational shutdown. It seems unlikely, too, that Obama would have deemed a college thesis too radical for exposure. That he could have written off to youthful indiscretion.

Trump’s linking of passports and transcripts, however, suggests a potential secret that would demand concealment: passage through Occidental and possibly Harvard as a foreign student.

We know now that Obama was willing to claim foreign birth when it suited his purposes. In 1991, he famously described himself in his literary agent’s publicity brochure as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

We know, too, that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, claimed Indonesian citizenship (and “Islam” as religion) for their son “Barry Soetoro” when they enrolled him as a first grader in an Indonesian school in 1968.

Soetoro married Dunham in 1964 when Obama was 2. Whether Soetoro formally adopted young Barry is not known to me. Maraniss, like previous biographers, never raised the question.

In 1972, Dunham and Soetoro and their daughter Maya left Indonesia and returned to Hawaii. Barry had returned a year earlier. Soetoro, according to the INS, was “admitted as a lawful permanent resident.”

When he filed his 1973 tax form, however, Soetoro falsely claimed the more favorable “nonresident status” and so was denied re-entry to Hawaii after a subsequent business trip to Indonesia.

The documentation surrounding Soetoro’s re-entry is maddeningly scrubbed from the record. It appears, however, that the INS relented and allowed Soetoro back into Hawaii a few months after he left.

Obama biographers prefer the “son of a single mom,” riff, so they usually write Soetoro out of the Hawaiian picture. But it appears that he remained in Hawaii with daughter and stepson for the remainder of the time Dunham was there.

A review of Soetoro’s INS files shows a young couple fully willing to game the system to keep Soetoro in Hawaii. To do this, they employed any number of scams from claiming nonresident tax status to faking stomach surgery for Dunham.

Dunham returned to Indonesia for fieldwork in 1975. She and Soetoro would not divorce until 1980, a year after Barry left Hawaii for the mainland and Occidental College.

Although he went by “Barack Obama” after leaving Indonesia, Obama had Soetoro as stepfather from the time he was 2 until he was 18. If his scam-artist parents thought it improved his life chances, they may well have claimed Indonesian or dual citizenship for Obama during this period.

This is where the passport comes into play. In the 13th paragraph of a March 2008 Washington Post article, the reader learns that of one of the three contract employees caught in the act of breaching Obama’s passport files at the State Department worked for the Analysis Corporation, the CEO of which was John Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran.

The Post does report that Brennan donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign but suggests no deeper tie. In fact, Brennan was no casual donor. To its credit, CNN Politics saw the real news angle in the passport scandal: “Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser.” As CNN reported, also on March 22, Brennan “advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues.”

After its initial article, the Post said not a single word about the incident or Brennan’s connection to it. Today, Brennan is Obama’s deputy national security adviser.

A month later, at an April 2008 fundraiser in San Francisco, Obama countered Hillary Clinton’s boast of having met leaders from 80 foreign countries with his real-world experience.

“I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college,” said Obama in the way of illustration. “I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic – Obama has always had problems with noun-verb agreement] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”

This declaration took ABC reporter Jake Tapper by surprise. He thought it odd that he had not heard of this trip – no one had – especially “given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign.”

Had Tapper inquired further, he would have learned that Obama did not mention the Pakistan visit in either of his books, the 1995 “Dreams From My Father” or the 2006 “Audacity of Hope.”

The very real possibility remains that Obama traveled to Pakistan the same way to traveled to Occidental – on the Indonesian citizenship he claimed as a boy. The passport breach may have allowed Obama to open up about Pakistan.

It is a shame we have to speculate about such matters eight years after Obama first descended onto our planet. If we had a legitimate media, we would not have to. ... anscripts/
Kradek said:
Mirra said:
Speaking of polls, I've never been hit by any of those polls. Not even an exit poll after voting has ever caught me. I guess maybe it's more common in battle ground states?
Napkin math time!

Gallup polls are typically 1000 people. 300,000,000 people in the USA. Let's say there's a poll every day and they all use different people every time, so 365,000 people polled.

Chance for you to be polled: 365,000 / 300,000,000 = ~.0012. Twelve thousandths of a percent.
I think you're starting math is a little off. While the population of the US may be 300,000,000, pollsters usually want to question people of voting age. That narrows it considerably. Then you have "targeted" polls: registered voters only; over voting age who have never voted; "newly" registered voters; specific age groups/gender/race; and etc... Exit polls are even more narrow.

But your logic and point are still valid: very small sample in relation to the total. If the pollster has done their job properly, they can be accurate because they captured the "slice" that (percentage-wise) represents the whole. The problem I have is that most polls today are commissioned/paid (aka targeted), and there is some ax to grind which is not always revealed and the results are skewed, but presented as the correct "slice" ;)
Bocefish said:
If there's nothing to hide, why are they sealed?

The same reason your records are sealed. The school is required by law to do it, but please make up some convoluted insane conspiracy theory explaining how he made straight Ds from kindergarten through college graduation if it makes you feel better.
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:lol: People should quit putting ANY weight into these POS emails that float around for years and purport to contain VITAL information, but are usually either woven from pure cloth or are misattributed stories about totally different people. A lot of the nonsense people get their knickers in a sweat over when it comes to President Obama are easily dispelled with common sense or a visit to, e.g.,

Can anyone PROVE that Donald Trump isn't really an alien from the planet Putzdar?
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schlmoe said:
I think you're starting math is a little off. While the population of the US may be 300,000,000, pollsters usually want to question people of voting age. That narrows it considerably. Then you have "targeted" polls: registered voters only; over voting age who have never voted; "newly" registered voters; specific age groups/gender/race; and etc... Exit polls are even more narrow.

But your logic and point are still valid: very small sample in relation to the total. If the pollster has done their job properly, they can be accurate because they captured the "slice" that (percentage-wise) represents the whole. The problem I have is that most polls today are commissioned/paid (aka targeted), and there is some ax to grind which is not always revealed and the results are skewed, but presented as the correct "slice" ;)
So, what you're saying is I have a good chance in politics? Lies, damn lies, and napkin math.
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Mitt Romney seems so sinister.
And to me, it totally looks like he uses

He picks the dark black-gray color because the guy on the box looks as evil as he does.
Shaun__ said:
Bocefish said:
If there's nothing to hide, why are they sealed?

The same reason your records are sealed. The school is required by law to do it, but please make up some convoluted insane conspiracy theory explaining how he made straight Ds from kindergarten through college graduation if it makes you feel better.

Speaking of insane conspiracies I heard that Mittens got some major investments in the Cayman Islands. And that some people on the Republican party are big supporters of rapes intended by God. Or... at least they are when they find themselves on the heat of debates. But, like in every crazy conspiracy, there is absolutely no proof they are real. No proof at all.
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

People bitched to see his birth certificate, and he showed it. They said bullshit we want the long form, and it was provided. They said bullshit, we think it is fake.

Nothing he provides will make Trump happy, and he would never pay up. Complete waste of time.
As far as the school transcripts, I'm guessing Trump is more interested in his applications and what type of citizenship he applied under.

The passport conspiracy theory sounds totally plausible to me, too many coincidences.
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"
Donald Trump doesn't care about any of this nonsense. It's all about getting his fishy-looking face on camera and boosting his stupid name. He should just marry Orly Taitz and the two of them can surprise each other with idiotic conspiracy theories while they chow down on caviar.
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mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid
Bocefish said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid

That doesn't really answer anything. It still reads as Trump effectively blackmailing Obama.
"Give me what I want, or I'll withhold this money from the charities you champion".
Whether he gives to other charities or not is beside the point. It's still an extra $5m that a charity might benefit from and that Trump might not give (even though it's earmarked for charitable giving).
And why does he care about Obama's college documents and passport forms so much? How does he (or anybody else in the world) benefit from seeing them?
Bocefish said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid

If everything is fine with Romney's taxes before 2010 why wont he release them? :roll:
Just Me said:
Bocefish said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid

If everything is fine with Romney's taxes before 2010 why wont he release them? :roll:

He's shown what the left asked for and then they asked for more, he's shown he pays all due taxes plus donates $3 million to charity. If someone offers him $5 million for charity to show more tax returns, I bet he would.

Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.
Bocefish said:
Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

Alright Bocefish, if you think this is simple, why don't you go to your town hall and post your passport info and school transcripts for your town to see? I would ask you to post them here, but you'd have to black your name out and then we couldn't know if they were real. In fact, everyone who's so concerned with Obama's passport info and school transcripts should just put their relevant information on a billboard for the world to see.

Personally, I don't care about his transcripts or passport, so mine will stay locked away in the safe, where I keep them private unless I need them to apply for a job, lest someone steal them and try to use my information as their own.
Bocefish said:
Just Me said:
Bocefish said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid

If everything is fine with Romney's taxes before 2010 why wont he release them? :roll:

He's shown what the left asked for and then they asked for more, he's shown he pays all due taxes plus donates $3 million to charity. If someone offers him $5 million for charity to show more tax returns, I bet he would.

Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

He has not shown what every other candidate for president has shown. He had to be brow beaten by the left and right to release the little that he did. Then he shows that he is liar stating,
"I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more," Romney said. "I don't think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes."
When he finally released his tax information it showed he did not claim all that he could from charitable donations (tithing to his church) to keep to his,
"I never paid less than 13% in taxes."
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LadyLuna said:
Bocefish said:
Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

Alright Bocefish, if you think this is simple, why don't you go to your town hall and post your passport info and school transcripts for your town to see? I would ask you to post them here, but you'd have to black your name out and then we couldn't know if they were real. In fact, everyone who's so concerned with Obama's passport info and school transcripts should just put their relevant information on a billboard for the world to see.

Personally, I don't care about his transcripts or passport, so mine will stay locked away in the safe, where I keep them private unless I need them to apply for a job, lest someone steal them and try to use my information as their own.
Exactly. Before the President even ran for President, the FBI and GWB's justice department vetted him. Anything else is just right wing CT'ers snooping. Now things we DO care about, like his tax returns, that every President in recent history has given ~ten years worth, Obama gave 12. What is Romney trying to hide? We know it's nothing illegal, so therefore it's not a fifth amendment problem...could it be he just doesn't want to be seen as the greedy, albeit legal, pig he really is?
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LadyLuna said:
Bocefish said:
Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

Alright Bocefish, if you think this is simple, why don't you go to your town hall and post your passport info and school transcripts for your town to see? I would ask you to post them here, but you'd have to black your name out and then we couldn't know if they were real. In fact, everyone who's so concerned with Obama's passport info and school transcripts should just put their relevant information on a billboard for the world to see.

Personally, I don't care about his transcripts or passport, so mine will stay locked away in the safe, where I keep them private unless I need them to apply for a job, lest someone steal them and try to use my information as their own.

Give me $5 million and I'll show it to whoever you want. I'm also not running for public office asking for your trust to run the country while hiding basic information. Obama doesn't have to make them public, just make them available to a third party with appropriate clearances that both parties agree upon.
Bocefish said:
Just Me said:
Bocefish said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Bocefish said:
Obama can score an easy, legal $5 million for his charity of choice. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?

And Trump could easily give $5m to charity regardless of whether Obama provides the documents he wants to see. Is Trump really going to deny charities the money he's earmarked for them if Obama doesn't comply?
Cos that's kinda poopy.
"Hey cancer research people. Look at this. This is the $5m you would have had if Obama had done what I had no right to ask of him. I know you'd probably benefit from this money, but now I'm gonna use it to buy another yacht. Guess the jokes on you guys!"

I'll let Trump answer that in the video: ... hpt=pm_mid
If everything is fine with Romney's taxes before 2010 why wont he release them? :roll:

He's shown what the left asked for and then they asked for more, he's shown he pays all due taxes plus donates $3 million to charity. If someone offers him $5 million for charity to show more tax returns, I bet he would.

Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

The left asked for the last ten years, you know the ten years his father made standard for politicians. He refused, so by your logic he must be hiding something. I bet he took deductions for the money he spent forging Obama's birth certificate, and amnesty in 2009 for tax evasion of course.
Bocefish said:
LadyLuna said:
Bocefish said:
Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.

Alright Bocefish, if you think this is simple, why don't you go to your town hall and post your passport info and school transcripts for your town to see? I would ask you to post them here, but you'd have to black your name out and then we couldn't know if they were real. In fact, everyone who's so concerned with Obama's passport info and school transcripts should just put their relevant information on a billboard for the world to see.

Personally, I don't care about his transcripts or passport, so mine will stay locked away in the safe, where I keep them private unless I need them to apply for a job, lest someone steal them and try to use my information as their own.

Give me $5 million and I'll show it to whoever you want. I'm also not running for public office asking for your trust to run the country while hiding basic information. Obama doesn't have to make them public, just make them available to a third party with appropriate clearances that both parties agree upon.
He has. The universities know all about his grades, theses and other important matters, customs; the FBI and others know all about his freaking passport. No other President has been dogged for stuff that is no one's business before. Even GWB...who refused to release his legal records (DUIs and stuff), and whether or not he'd ever taken drugs, only got a passing glance from the public. I can only assume that Obama is dogged for matters that are of no one's concern because of a racist bent from the right.
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Nordling said:
He has. The universities know all about his grades, theses and other important matters, customs; the FBI and others know all about his freaking passport. No other President has been dogged for stuff that is no one's business before. Even GWB...who refused to release his legal records (DUIs and stuff), and whether or not he'd ever taken drugs, only got a passing glance from the public. I can only assume that Obama is dogged for matters that are of no one's concern because of a racist bent from the right.

I knew the race card would come out eventually. Even if Trump is racist, that doesn't change the fact he's offering $5 million for a couple of basic items. He put his money where his mouth is and the ball is in Obama's court.
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
He has. The universities know all about his grades, theses and other important matters, customs; the FBI and others know all about his freaking passport. No other President has been dogged for stuff that is no one's business before. Even GWB...who refused to release his legal records (DUIs and stuff), and whether or not he'd ever taken drugs, only got a passing glance from the public. I can only assume that Obama is dogged for matters that are of no one's concern because of a racist bent from the right.

I knew the race card would come out eventually. Even if Trump is racist, that doesn't change the fact he's offering $5 million for a couple of basic items. He put his money where his mouth is and the ball is in Obama's court.
Nope. Trump has no official position in this universe or any other that allows him to be putting turds in other people's pockets. He's attempting a form of intimidation. The President has no obligation to pay attention to dirt bags who are using him for no reason but to pump up their own brand. Donald Trump is probably not a racist, but rather someone who will use the racism of others to gain his goals.
Bocefish said:
Obama on the other hand obviously has something to hide when something as simple as his passport info and school transcripts are a major issue.
Just my thoughts but maybe it's a tad unseemly to give the impression that the President of the United States is 'for sale', money to charity or not. What's next, McDonalds offering $10m to charity if he wears a Ronald McDonald wig at a press conference?

I think Trump should have more respect for the office than that, even if not its current occupant. Maybe he thinks money really can buy everything, but it shouldn't.
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