Bocefish said:You're the one who accused me of getting my rebuttals from Limbaugh. So what's your point?
Jupiter551 said:
Just Me said:Bocefish said:You're the one who accused me of getting my rebuttals from Limbaugh. So what's your point?
My point was that you contradict yourself on many occasions. You cant say you don't get your rebuttals from him while posting videos where he makes an appearance. You can't say you would not give that blowhard the time of day then point out I listen to him more than you. That implies you do listen to him. It might have been a bad turn of phrase for you but the words you post here are all I have to go on.
Unlike Fox news, I really try to be "fair and balanced". That is why I am open to differing opinions and news sources.
Nordling said:Never denied the ratings...everyone in this thread but you realizes that that has nothing to do with journalistic quality of Fox. How is that spin? Fox is the ONLY so-called "news source" that has fought in the Supreme Court and won for the RIGHT to lie. So, yes, comparing Fox to a low quality fast food chain is right on the mark.Bocefish said:Nordling said:WTF? All this shows is that more Republicans watch Fox than Democrats and that more Republicans watch Fox as their ONLY source of information than Democrats watch ANY channel exclusively.Bocefish said:Comparing hard news from around the world to fast food and teenage pop music is laughable, makes you look desperate or jealous. Democrats comprise a larger share of the Fox News audience than Republicans do of CNN's audience. Partisanship and Cable News Audiences ... -audiences
Spin it anyway you want to. The fact remains Fox news has been rated #1 for a long time and 1/3 of Dems watch it.
How does that differ from the rest of the channel he's on?Bocefish said:Newsflash... He's a talk show host. That's not a news show just in case you were uncertain, lol
morment said:How does that differ from the rest of the channel he's on?Bocefish said:Newsflash... He's a talk show host. That's not a news show just in case you were uncertain, lol
Except it was you who missed the not all that subtle sarcasm. :lol:Bocefish said:morment said:How does that differ from the rest of the channel he's on?Bocefish said:Newsflash... He's a talk show host. That's not a news show just in case you were uncertain, lol
You might figure it out some day if you try really hard. :lol:
My point was that the rest of Fox News, even the "news" programs on it, are a joke and might as well be talk shows if that's how they describe O'Reilly's showBocefish said:You might figure it out some day if you try really hard. :lol:
morment said:My point was that the rest of Fox News, even the "news" programs on it, are a joke and might as well be talk shows if that's how they describe O'Reilly's showBocefish said:You might figure it out some day if you try really hard. :lol:
morment said:My point was that the rest of Fox News, even the "news" programs on it, are a joke and might as well be talk shows if that's how they describe O'Reilly's showBocefish said:You might figure it out some day if you try really hard. :lol:
I don't watch Fox News.HiGirlsRHot said:How many of the Fox news shows have you watched? Can you even name any without google?
morment said:I don't watch Fox News.HiGirlsRHot said:How many of the Fox news shows have you watched? Can you even name any without google?
HiGirlsRHot said:morment said:I don't watch Fox News.HiGirlsRHot said:How many of the Fox news shows have you watched? Can you even name any without google?
So how do you know they are a joke? I've at least watched once or twice all of the shows on MSNBC, and CNN, so when I give my opinion it is based on some experience. What the hell is your's based on?
HiGirlsRHot said:If popularity doesn't mean quality, than how do you measure quality?
I've seen clips of shows and read articles linking to transcripts that highlight blatant misrepresentations of facts on their shows. I've seen at least half a dozen instances of them having a Republican member of Congress with a (D) next to their name when they're on their program for having done something stupid, there was a unemployment graph where 9% and 8.something% were on the same level, and that's just off the top of my head.HiGirlsRHot said:So how do you know they are a joke? I've at least watched once or twice all of the shows on MSNBC, and CNN, so when I give my opinion it is based on some experience. What the hell is your's based on?
:roll:morment said:I've seen clips of shows and read articles linking to transcripts that highlight blatant misrepresentations of facts on their shows. I've seen at least half a dozen instances of them having a Republican member of Congress with a (D) next to their name when they're on their program for having done something stupid, there was a unemployment graph where 9% and 8.something% were on the same level, and that's just off the top of my head.HiGirlsRHot said:So how do you know they are a joke? I've at least watched once or twice all of the shows on MSNBC, and CNN, so when I give my opinion it is based on some experience. What the hell is your's based on?
HiGirlsRHot said::roll:
CLIPS seriously lol. So you are probably the type when when you seem movie trailers. You know for a fact that movie is great or it sucks. :roll: So for any of the clips did you ever go back and watch the entire show so that you get an idea of context? Have you ever heard of editing, or is that something that only the evil Republican are smart enough to figure out how to do. Plus you don't even know which Fox shows are real news and which are opinion.s
I despise Michael Moore with passion but I actually forced myself to watch all of his propaganda work, being marketed as movie before I went on the internet and called it propaganda. Sure I could have just read the reviews on World Net Daily, or Drudge, and regurgitated their talking points like a parrot and it took some effort to actually find Moore's movies. You can watch a Fox New show clicking on your remote.
I've got a suggestion for you watch Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, watch his interview and tell me why the hell they are a joke. But hey if you want to live your life in bubble surrounded by liberal echo chamber be my guest. But if this what you want to do they when you post something at least have to the decency to say "That Huffington Post, or whomever that Fox News is joke and I believe them."
morment said:What context do you have that negates switching party affiliations of embarrassing Congressmen? I have heard of editing, I never called Republicans evil, so don't know why you'd go there. Which shows are the real news then?
Agree, although the contrast between Fox and CNN is so great that if CNN was called moderate, then Fox is direct from 1943 Berlin.Jupiter551 said:I always thought CNN was pretty unbiased actually but Boce quoted it as the one in opposition to fox news so maybe it's actually liberal. Personally I think CNN embraces a somewhat internationalist view of things, as opposed to (what I've seen of) Fox which examines everything from a US-centric view. Ideally, journalists should be imparting an account of facts that is as much divorced from a point of view as humanly possible. I think CNN does a better job of that myself, they also print a lot of news from other news services like Reuters and AAP, which also helps to diversify the sources and objectivity. I might point out I don't watch CNN, but I have read some of their articles.
On October 11, 2006, The Washington Post revealed that Wallace had been a registered Democrat for more than two decades. Wallace explained his party affiliation in terms of pragmatism, insisting that being a Democrat is the only feasible means of participating in the political process in heavily Democratic Washington, D.C. He maintained he had voted for candidates from both major parties in the past.[18] This same explanation was used by the late conservative commentator Robert D. Novak in explaining his registration as a Democrat while residing in the District of Columbia.
Nordling said:When someone presents themself as "well-rounded" by saying "I've watched every show at least once from both sides of the aisle" (paraphrase) and then asked this question seriously:
"If popularity doesn't mean quality, than how do you measure quality?"
Then I find it hard to continue a serious discussion with them. Quantity and quality are synonyms?
I have watched many shows on Fox News, not to get "both sides" so much as wondering what all the talk was about. The hosts, the guests, the snarky delivery of news...all tell me that this is not anywhere near serious journalism. And for such an outfit so obviously in the pocket of the GOP (heh...or vice versa) to call itself "Fair and Balanced" is beyond humor and irony.
As far as Chris Wallace goes, he's a shill. He does often sound a little "journalisty" lol But he's no Mike Wallace. Mainly, he's used as a moderate-right newsman to make Fox appear to be what it isn't. There's another guy on fox whose name escapes me at the moment that genuinely attacks right leaning issues honestly--on occasion.
BTW--CNN is often called "Fox Lite" because it seems to be attempting to emulate Fox at times...although their NEWS, at least tends to be decent examples of journalism.
HiGirlsRHot said:Now again there are many exceptions. But in general in society if the only thing you know about two products or services is that one is more popular than another say, in the absence of other information you'd be wise to assume that more popular one is better. For instance you are new to town and you see two Italian restaurant on block, one has few people waiting the other is almost deserted. You check the menu and the prices are the same. Which one do you go to?
HiGirlsRHot said:Gee an accident, I've lost count how many times CNN has had a caption that Joe Blow is from such and organization and he is actually from a different organization. Party switches happen also on CNN. It is also the case a cable channel will make a mistake on the initial broadcast realize the mistake and correct in subsequent rebroadcast. So for instance unless you know the capture is from the last rebroadcast from the West Coast odds are pretty good for something as obvious as party mix up as has been fixed. I know in one case that Huff Post had link of stupid Fox mistake, while neglecting to mention that O'Reilly team issued a correction at the end of the show. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by simple incompetence.
I suppose, but the point is there ISN'T an absence of other information and unless you're presented with an unrealistic choice, you'd be wise to judge things on their own merits rather than their appeal to the lowest common denominator.HiGirlsRHot said:But in general in society if the only thing you know about two products or services is that one is more popular than another say, in the absence of other information you'd be wise to assume that more popular one is better.
Nordling said:Yeah, it was Shepherd Smith. Thanks.
My problem with your statement on popularity = quality is... it's backwards. Certainly many things that are high quality are also popular... But the quality is in no way a result of the popularity. In the case of Fox News, e.g., it's a case of HIGH QUALITY MARKETING, not high quality news.