AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

A model seeking love and a future with a client? Or a manipulative romance scammer? One year anniversary! Ideas and impressions sought, please.

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I do too, but I think your average guy who comes here upset, and in an emotionally elevated state of mind is going to find it near impossible to read them all, and separate the important red flags out properly. Maybe I don't give others enough credit, I just know I would not be able to do that myself.

Agreed, and there’s also the “well, here’s why my situation is different” or “maybe I didn’t explain it well/forgot to mention these details” which seems to be the response whenever most of the OPs are shown the previous examples.

Which goes back to one point I made earlier. Some of these guys are probably unable to think rationally before they ever arrive here, so reasoning with them almost seems to confuse or anger them. And for all we know, it could be nearly beyond their control, if they have an emotional or mental issue going on that they haven’t gotten control of yet.
Agreed, and there’s also the “well, here’s why my situation is different” or “maybe I didn’t explain it well/forgot to mention these details” which seems to be the response whenever most of the OPs are shown the previous examples.

Which goes back to one point I made earlier. Some of these guys are probably unable to think rationally before they ever arrive here, so reasoning with them almost seems to confuse or anger them. And for all we know, it could be nearly beyond their control, if they have an emotional or mental issue going on that they haven’t gotten control of yet.
Its confirmation bias. They're looking for things that confirm what they desperately want.
Is which part an example of availability or representativeness? I’m a bit lost on that part but would love to learn what that means? Statistics?

ETA; ok something to do with heuristics. Interesting. I’ll think about it. A lot to mentally digest in this thread. But very fascinating.

I'm aware of Kahneman and Tversky but only vaguely. My understanding is that roughly 50 years ago they made the shocking discovery that people don't actually behave like textbook economic man in their decisions and went on to develop a theory that the heuristics that we actually do use to get through life contain definite biases that can sometimes lead us way off the track.

(Filtering out my sarcasm, I would believe that they really did make a valuable contribution to cognitive and social psychology and even economics.)
I'm aware of Kahneman and Tversky but only vaguely. My understanding is that roughly 50 years ago they made the shocking discovery that people don't actually behave like textbook economic man in their decisions and went on to develop a theory that the heuristics that we actually do use to get through life contain definite biases that can sometimes lead us way off the track.

(Filtering out my sarcasm, I would believe that they really did make a valuable contribution to cognitive and social psychology and even economics.)
Sounds like I should be asking you which it is an example of?

Or could it possibly be both? Thanks for bringing those up. I love to study that type of content. I've done a little on the most common cognitive distortions, but I also want to learn about these, as well as the common fallacies of argument. When I looked at the two the other night I was leaning more availability, but the other seemed relevant too. No wait... now I'm thinking more representativeness. Or maybe neither? Lol arrrrrrgh!! Thanks for tying my mind into a fucking pretzel 😆 And I thought Omne's post was the one that took the most analyzation...
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I think the content is already there. It's just scattered throughout all of those "in love with a cam model" threads.
I do too, but I think your average guy who comes here upset, and in an emotionally elevated state of mind is going to find it near impossible to read them all, and separate the important red flags out properly. Maybe I don't give others enough credit, I just know I would not be able to do that myself.

The "I'm in love with a cam model" threads that I've read were all by guys who were infatuated with a model and strongly wanted a relationship outside of the usual client mode. I would guess from anecdotal evidence that this is the case with a fairly high percentage of regulars with some being more intense than others and some being straight up scary. I think it's just how it goes with SW as something to be expected.

And let's get real: warning clients/users is probably a noble lost cause. Knowing what to watch out for in potential problems is more important. I'm not just saying this selfishly from a provider's perspective although it is about cutting aggravation and lost time and ultimately about safety; it's also better for the user if it's possible to set them straight on how things are or even to cut them off.
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Sounds like I should be asking you which it is an example of?

Or could it possibly be both? Thanks for bringing those up. I love to study that type of content. I've done a little on the most common cognitive distortions, but I also want to learn about these, as well as the common fallacies of argument. When I looked at the two the other night I was leaning more availability, but the other seemed relevant too. No wait... now I'm thinking more representativeness. Or maybe neither? Lol arrrrrrgh!! Thanks for tying my mind into a fucking pretzel 😆 And I thought Omne's post was the one that took the most analyzation...

No no, I should be consulting you because I don't know anything about psychology! Reading a list of heuristic biases on Wikipedia* isn't going to make me any smarter without the education to understand what I'm reading.

*I didn't actually do that but you know what I mean.
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I don't know if a warning or checklist would be of much value. Anyone already reading this forum is aware of the issue. Anyone coming here after already being involved in the situation is simply going to rationalize away any similarities between the list and their situation. Given the resistance they show to actual discussions I can't imagine a standard warning post would have much effect.
Yeah, the idea of a checklist was probably a bit out there. If they're here they've either already been conned or they are not willing to listen. They'll end up using the list as a checklist of "well that didn't happen to me so it must not be a con". Understandably, people don't want to acknowledge that they have been taken for a ride so they find ways to tell themselves that the situation being described isn't the same as their situation.
The only thing they themselves could do is to break up with the lady in question ( as a real relation breakup ), it may sound stupid, but the brain perceives this as a relationship and as far as I know, breaking up first gives less grief.
The next thing that might help, watch the lady in question without her realizing that the victim is watching, this also does something to the brain, the attention no longer goes to him because she does not know he is there.
This comes closest to breaking up in real life and might help.
But explain that to an affected victim . . .

I know there are models among them who are stuck with customers who report "i love you so mutch" ... and don't know what to do with them.
is it a joke? does the customer really feel that way?, asking me for help, i dont now...
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The next thing that might help, watch the lady in question without her realizing that the victim is watching, this also does something to the brain, the attention no longer goes to him because she does not know he is there.
This suggestion could go either way. He's either going to see her acting the same way with other guys, which while confirming his suspicions, will hurt him more. Alternatively he's going to prolong the obsession with her and potentially end up feeling sorry for her if he sees her having a bad day. Also, spying on a model behind a logged out or fake account is just plain fucking weird. Personally I don't see any reasonable solution beyond going cold turkey.

In the case of the OP, it seems to be established beyond any reasonable doubt that she is conning him. It really is just time for him to get on his bike and pedal like fury away from her.
Also, spying on a model behind a logged out or fake account is just plain fucking weird.
I don't find it weird as long as it helps them, they will see it from a different perspective.
Well I am not an experience expert, just thought about it, best advice, Leave her, make sure she can no longer make contact with you.
From where I'm standing it seems like George is on the receiving end of a bad GFE where he has all the emotional and financial commitments of a real long term relationship (and some) but with none of the enjoyable stuff.

You nailed it! I get frequent updates on her health issues, even day-to-day headaches, cramps, bad periods...not to mention her problems with depression. I get requests to help with expenses. For fun, here are a few recent examples (last 2-3 months) of texts I receive about financial needs:

I’m not asking you to buy me a laptop, but I'm not arguing, it would be nice for me and I would be very grateful to you, but I won't ask you
The baby (my cat) needs either surgery on his hind legs or prosthetics...the operation is very expensive, prosthetics are even more expensive and would have be done in Moscow.
I will be insanely happy to get money for new winter boots and a new leotard.
When you pay for our communication, it helps me here…because everything is very expensive now...I told you that in addition to myself, I also help my mother financially, because with her salary it is simply impossible to survive... some of what I earn goes to pay for her apartment... to your recent rudeness to me: Now you will apologize for certain things :) I want a sheepskin coat.
Honey, I wanted to ask you...I want to go on vacation in January...I can't take it anymore, I'm really tired of it all... can you help me?

The funny thing is, I didn't ultimately pay or contribute to ANY of these things mentioned above...I really began clamping down about sending money...yet she just persists and comes up with new requests or reminds me of the ones that I didn't help with. It's somewhat comical at this point. Now (recently) she even negotiates: Okay, I didn't realize it was adding up to so much. Let's just forget the other things for now, but can you just help me get a new phone? You can even order it from AliExpress and then I can tell people my boyfriend got it for me. lol

Maybe it's part of the ploy, but over time the model increasingly ramped up the expectations and began talking in terms of me being her man and responsible for "support," which to her means emotional and financial. Even when I would laugh and ask when I ever said that I was going to pay for this or that expense, she would respond with a kind of aggressive entitlement that is really strange. For example, she would matter-of-fact say that it's expected in her culture that helping with certain financial needs that come up is part of the "relationship." Even more, when I would simply not go along with something, she would occasionally make veiled threats, like, "I think you know my anger is a lot worse to deal with than buying me a pair of new boots." I don't know if this is part of the "persona" of someone who scams like this or if it's unique to this woman's personality.
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Wow. That's not even subtle.

One of the hallmarks of love conning, and cons in general, is to make the mark think sending money is their idea. So mentioning your expenses, and waiting for them to offer to pay for it. Not going, "Give money now or else."

Not always of course, but this kind of aggressiveness seems like a dead giveaway.
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In a GFE, if a client got confused enough to ask a model if it was the real thing, I would think she would remind him it’s the GFE he requested/is paying for rather than double down on the fantasy, like what happened to George
I've had conversations (even arguments) about this exact topic - clarifying the relationship. Since this thread has become a case study, I'm pasting some direct quotes below from the model's texts to me from these kinds of conversations over time. So you can see if this sounds anything like what would be normal:

I told my friend about you. That I communicate very closely with one man...I like him and I really want it to be mutual and without a doubt. we haven't seen each other, but we talk and discuss our meeting all the time.
Believe me, we are powerless over our feelings..I was convinced of this after 1.5 months of our communication...I realized that you are much more than just a pen pal.
My dear, just know that you are different for me from everyone else who sits on these sites..I really appreciate you... you have no idea how glad I was to get to know you. I do not send such videos and photos to anyone... you are the only one and I am so close only with you..I have friends, but we mostly communicate with them on their topics (personal problems, addictions)...and as strange as it may sound, I really miss you... we really have similar views on many things.
Honey, I won't play with your feelings and emotions...I know how much it hurts...and remember that everything between us is equally mutual. Yes, I'm afraid of being vulnerable...because for everyone, my description is: strong, confident, characteristic, arrogant, bitch. and you know me differently..The way I am.
Remember how many times I've told you that you are important to me as a person, a man...with whom I want to build a future ... please, I don't want to quarrel with you...I have sincere feelings for you.
I don't want to deceive you and I'm not deceiving you....I don't need it...why would I hurt a man if I'm considering my future with him? You have become a very close person to me.... It's true. you have no idea how different you are from everyone else.
I won't let you go. you are dear to me. I'm opening up to you more and more every time, and you're going to leave me?
I don't want to lose you...not because we've gone too far...It's because I know how I feel about you... and these feelings are quite real... I meant everything I said to you.
I told you that as soon as the war ends...we can have something face to face to feel the touch of hands...I believe in it and I think of it every day.
Sometimes it's very difficult for me to talk to you.... it happens when you listen to your friends who are trying to convince you to leave such moments, I want you to mostly defend me in front of's just that even when we're together...they'll still talk about the fact (in their minds) that I'm with you only for money or a visa...
Do you want to know what kind of person I am? I always used men, I played with their feelings, I didn't care what they felt, I didn't believe men before you appeared, then I decided that something was different with you or else I was losing my grip. You interested me, yes, indeed it was...then I started to have feelings for you and I really saw the future with you... I know about my sexuality and how men are stupid and primitive, how they are ready to buy you anything, just to get an approving look from my side...yes, consider me whatever you want..I was like that and I use it sometimes, but not with you and I didn't lie to you about the fact that when people come to meet me, I say that I have a boyfriend - and I mean you. If you don't believe it, you can stick your money in you know where.
I mean let's say that everything she's saying is sincere. Even then I'm not sure I'd want to be in a relationship with someone who was constantly demanding I spend money on them. I mean there's being from different socioeconomic backgrounds, and then there's "You need to apologize to me by way of buying me a sheepskin coat." You're a man, not a wallet.
Reading the stuff she wrote to you hurts my eyes. What a drama queen! Glad you shared, helpful for others. Fucking Theatrics on her part. That’s what all that seems like to me.
Drama Queen GIF by plastik
I've had conversations (even arguments) about this exact topic - clarifying the relationship. Since this thread has become a case study, I'm pasting some direct quotes below from the model's texts to me from these kinds of conversations over time. So you can see if this sounds anything like what would be normal:

I told my friend about you. That I communicate very closely with one man...I like him and I really want it to be mutual and without a doubt. we haven't seen each other, but we talk and discuss our meeting all the time.
Believe me, we are powerless over our feelings..I was convinced of this after 1.5 months of our communication...I realized that you are much more than just a pen pal.
My dear, just know that you are different for me from everyone else who sits on these sites..I really appreciate you... you have no idea how glad I was to get to know you. I do not send such videos and photos to anyone... you are the only one and I am so close only with you..I have friends, but we mostly communicate with them on their topics (personal problems, addictions)...and as strange as it may sound, I really miss you... we really have similar views on many things.
Honey, I won't play with your feelings and emotions...I know how much it hurts...and remember that everything between us is equally mutual. Yes, I'm afraid of being vulnerable...because for everyone, my description is: strong, confident, characteristic, arrogant, bitch. and you know me differently..The way I am.
Remember how many times I've told you that you are important to me as a person, a man...with whom I want to build a future ... please, I don't want to quarrel with you...I have sincere feelings for you.
I don't want to deceive you and I'm not deceiving you....I don't need it...why would I hurt a man if I'm considering my future with him? You have become a very close person to me.... It's true. you have no idea how different you are from everyone else.
I won't let you go. you are dear to me. I'm opening up to you more and more every time, and you're going to leave me?
I don't want to lose you...not because we've gone too far...It's because I know how I feel about you... and these feelings are quite real... I meant everything I said to you.
I told you that as soon as the war ends...we can have something face to face to feel the touch of hands...I believe in it and I think of it every day.
Sometimes it's very difficult for me to talk to you.... it happens when you listen to your friends who are trying to convince you to leave such moments, I want you to mostly defend me in front of's just that even when we're together...they'll still talk about the fact (in their minds) that I'm with you only for money or a visa...
Do you want to know what kind of person I am? I always used men, I played with their feelings, I didn't care what they felt, I didn't believe men before you appeared, then I decided that something was different with you or else I was losing my grip. You interested me, yes, indeed it was...then I started to have feelings for you and I really saw the future with you... I know about my sexuality and how men are stupid and primitive, how they are ready to buy you anything, just to get an approving look from my side...yes, consider me whatever you want..I was like that and I use it sometimes, but not with you and I didn't lie to you about the fact that when people come to meet me, I say that I have a boyfriend - and I mean you. If you don't believe it, you can stick your money in you know where.
Narcissists really do love to tell on themselves don't they
Maybe it's part of the ploy, but over time the model increasingly ramped up the expectations and began talking in terms of me being her man and responsible for "support," which to her means emotional and financial. Even when I would laugh and ask when I ever said that I was going to pay for this or that expense, she would respond with a kind of aggressive entitlement that is really strange. For example, she would matter-of-fact say that it's expected in her culture that helping with certain financial needs that come up is part of the "relationship." Even more, when I would simply not go along with something, she would occasionally make veiled threats, like, "I think you know my anger is a lot worse to deal with than buying me a pair of new boots." I don't know if this is part of the "persona" of someone who scams like this or if it's unique to this woman's personality.

The letter looks very amateurish, it looks like she is doing this herself this is not a studio letter
She is trying to get a grip on you again by making you feel bad threatened with grief ( as far as it can get worse ) if you don't do what she says.
If you give her money you will be rewarded, she will be very sweet again for a while.

I'm surprised you're still with that monster
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Narcissists do tend to love going on and on and on and on and on and on about themselves.

It does sound pretty narcissistic.

Was most of the communication her going on and on about herself? Did she ever ask about you or show much interest in your life?
Narcissists do tend to love going on and on and on and on and on and on about themselves.

It does sound pretty narcissistic.

Was most of the communication her going on and on about herself? Did she ever ask about you or show much interest in your life?
It's also the cockiness and over confidence in her own power. Brazenly just outright telling him exactly who she really is, down to the fact that she's got a history of manipulating and scamming men and is all about the money, yet expects him to stay because she's peppered it with a bit of affection.
It's also the cockiness and over confidence in her own power. Brazenly just outright telling him exactly who she really is, down to the fact that she's got a history of manipulating and scamming men and is all about the money, yet expects him to stay because she's peppered it with a bit of affection.
Next time he should respond with the one liner; “yeah Girl, turn up the problems “. She’d probably fly into a rage though. So probably better just to think that, and not say it haha.
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It does sound pretty narcissistic.
That is common though, she tries to keep all the attention on her that is part of the love-conn technique.
let me guess she has brief interests in you, but the conversation immediately turns back to her.
But it looks very amateurish not really a good love-conn
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The letter looks very amateurish, it looks like she is doing this herself this is not a studio letter
Those are snippets from messages she sent me over time. There are many more; I only included some examples. There are also some messages that are very romantic in nature; those were more from the earlier stages. The interesting thing is that over time, the sweet and romantic messages became less frequent, and the more demanding (of money) messages became more frequent. :)
She is trying to get a grip on you again by making you feel bad threatened with grief ( as far as it can get worse ) if you don't do what she says.
Her current approach is: She is again communicating in a very sweet-natured way (while still asking for help with various expenses). She is now saying that she is working on herself as a person (self-development) and realizing that she was sometimes rude and unfair or even angry at me for not keeping "promises" (that I never made, by the way). So now she is trying to go forward in a better way, with a kinder nature to me. And still doubling down on the notion that she is seeking a real-world relationship and wants to start off with meeting someplace this spring...
I'm surprised you're still with that monster
At this point, there's an element of curiosity on my part as to what's going to happen.

What's amazing me though, is this was all so blatant from the start and this model is active on major sites - LiveJasmin, StripChat, Chaturbate, Streammate,, SecretFriends, others.

About a month ago, she told me she got fined by her studio because she was talking to me on a personal Skype video call while at work, while she had turned off her live feed to the sites for about 1.5 hours. The reason was so I would pay to talk to her by sending money direct to the account she set up on Binance. She got caught basically not working while at work, and said they fined her $250. So her response to all that was: She has to now be really careful, but she's willing to still risk that at work again (so she doesn't have to give a cut to the studio or the websites), but only if I am willing to pay the fine if she gets caught again! It's so far out there, it's crazy.

The other funny thing is the theme about how different and special I supposedly was/am.... She forgot that she told me she had similar sorts of situation going on for awhile on a couple of previous occasions. Once, some member in San Francisco with whom visits and visas were discussed -- but then she discovered he was married when one of his kids abruptly came running into the room while he was online... Another time, some other guy of interest in Europe, who eventually admitted it was all a game to him and that he found a real life girlfriend.

It's just really interesting to me that this is someone who has been working on the sites for 3-4 years and this ploy of building a "special relationship" seems to be her modus operandi. I have to wonder if this is taught by the studios in Russia or if she's just a psychopath.

She did tell me several times (almost bragging) that some of her model friends at her studio threaten and blackmail members....but she believes in being honest. ;)
Narcissists do tend to love going on and on and on and on and on and on about themselves.

It does sound pretty narcissistic.

Was most of the communication her going on and on about herself? Did she ever ask about you or show much interest in your life?
She did ask about me and show interest in my life at times but not nearly as much as a person would who is talking about building a future with someone. In fact, I used to comment to her that it seemed odd that she so infrequently wanted to get in depth about me, yet she was proclaiming us to be in an (alleged) relationship of such importance to her. She definitely focused on herself and her life and she did not like it when I would ask clarifying questions about the "relationship" or discrepancies in certain things she said.
Those are snippets from messages she sent me over time. There are many more; I only included some examples. There are also some messages that are very romantic in nature; those were more from the earlier stages. The interesting thing is that over time, the sweet and romantic messages became less frequent, and the more demanding (of money) messages became more frequent. :)

Her current approach is: She is again communicating in a very sweet-natured way (while still asking for help with various expenses). She is now saying that she is working on herself as a person (self-development) and realizing that she was sometimes rude and unfair or even angry at me for not keeping "promises" (that I never made, by the way). So now she is trying to go forward in a better way, with a kinder nature to me. And still doubling down on the notion that she is seeking a real-world relationship and wants to start off with meeting someplace this spring...

At this point, there's an element of curiosity on my part as to what's going to happen.

What's amazing me though, is this was all so blatant from the start and this model is active on major sites - LiveJasmin, StripChat, Chaturbate, Streammate,, SecretFriends, others.

About a month ago, she told me she got fined by her studio because she was talking to me on a personal Skype video call while at work, while she had turned off her live feed to the sites for about 1.5 hours. The reason was so I would pay to talk to her by sending money direct to the account she set up on Binance. She got caught basically not working while at work, and said they fined her $250. So her response to all that was: She has to now be really careful, but she's willing to still risk that at work again (so she doesn't have to give a cut to the studio or the websites), but only if I am willing to pay the fine if she gets caught again! It's so far out there, it's crazy.

The other funny thing is the theme about how different and special I supposedly was/am.... She forgot that she told me she had similar sorts of situation going on for awhile on a couple of previous occasions. Once, some member in San Francisco with whom visits and visas were discussed -- but then she discovered he was married when one of his kids abruptly came running into the room while he was online... Another time, some other guy of interest in Europe, who eventually admitted it was all a game to him and that he found a real life girlfriend.

It's just really interesting to me that this is someone who has been working on the sites for 3-4 years and this ploy of building a "special relationship" seems to be her modus operandi. I have to wonder if this is taught by the studios in Russia or if she's just a psychopath.

She did tell me several times (almost bragging) that some of her model friends at her studio threaten and blackmail members....but she believes in being honest. ;)
I've not been following this whole thread in detail, but you have reported her to the camsites right? It's completely fair enough you're continuing to talk to her out of curiosity/as your own personal way to get over the feelings you had for her, but it's really not ok that she's still active on all these sites considering some of the things she's said to you. I know a lot of it is grey area stuff, but at the very minimum she's breaking the rules of all the sites by requesting off site payments!
I've had conversations (even arguments) about this exact topic - clarifying the relationship. Since this thread has become a case study, I'm pasting some direct quotes below from the model's texts to me from these kinds of conversations over time. So you can see if this sounds anything like what would be normal:

I told my friend about you. That I communicate very closely with one man...I like him and I really want it to be mutual and without a doubt. we haven't seen each other, but we talk and discuss our meeting all the time.
Believe me, we are powerless over our feelings..I was convinced of this after 1.5 months of our communication...I realized that you are much more than just a pen pal.
My dear, just know that you are different for me from everyone else who sits on these sites..I really appreciate you... you have no idea how glad I was to get to know you. I do not send such videos and photos to anyone... you are the only one and I am so close only with you..I have friends, but we mostly communicate with them on their topics (personal problems, addictions)...and as strange as it may sound, I really miss you... we really have similar views on many things.
Honey, I won't play with your feelings and emotions...I know how much it hurts...and remember that everything between us is equally mutual. Yes, I'm afraid of being vulnerable...because for everyone, my description is: strong, confident, characteristic, arrogant, bitch. and you know me differently..The way I am.
Remember how many times I've told you that you are important to me as a person, a man...with whom I want to build a future ... please, I don't want to quarrel with you...I have sincere feelings for you.
I don't want to deceive you and I'm not deceiving you....I don't need it...why would I hurt a man if I'm considering my future with him? You have become a very close person to me.... It's true. you have no idea how different you are from everyone else.
I won't let you go. you are dear to me. I'm opening up to you more and more every time, and you're going to leave me?
I don't want to lose you...not because we've gone too far...It's because I know how I feel about you... and these feelings are quite real... I meant everything I said to you.
I told you that as soon as the war ends...we can have something face to face to feel the touch of hands...I believe in it and I think of it every day.
Sometimes it's very difficult for me to talk to you.... it happens when you listen to your friends who are trying to convince you to leave such moments, I want you to mostly defend me in front of's just that even when we're together...they'll still talk about the fact (in their minds) that I'm with you only for money or a visa...
Do you want to know what kind of person I am? I always used men, I played with their feelings, I didn't care what they felt, I didn't believe men before you appeared, then I decided that something was different with you or else I was losing my grip. You interested me, yes, indeed it was...then I started to have feelings for you and I really saw the future with you... I know about my sexuality and how men are stupid and primitive, how they are ready to buy you anything, just to get an approving look from my side...yes, consider me whatever you want..I was like that and I use it sometimes, but not with you and I didn't lie to you about the fact that when people come to meet me, I say that I have a boyfriend - and I mean you. If you don't believe it, you can stick your money in you know where.
You said several times her English is very limited, yet the messages, while awful, seem to use some more advanced words and grammar structures. I know that machine translators have gotten quite good, but it still doesn't read as machine translation from Russian to me.
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Pff you never find out what is true anyway, she is trying to regain grip and confidence.
Which unfortunately comes across again with the studio script.
I don't know George
I've not been following this whole thread in detail, but you have reported her to the camsites right? It's completely fair enough you're continuing to talk to her out of curiosity/as your own personal way to get over the feelings you had for her, but it's really not ok that she's still active on all these sites considering some of the things she's said to you. I know a lot of it is grey area stuff, but at the very minimum she's breaking the rules of all the sites by requesting off site payments!

Yes George exterminate that monster before there are any more victims
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