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Your favorite Ambercutie forum members

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OMG, usually I am not cool enough to sit at anyones lunch table let alone be on anybody's list of anything GOOD so I am gonna post this whole thread on my facebook page just so I can show all those meanies that I am too cool! Nooooo, ok maybe not, but really I do thank all of you for saying such nice things about me...

NOW, as to who my favorites are, you all know who you are and why. Heck I am closer to a few girls here than I am with anyone in "the REAL world"...
(please insert dramatic sound effect here, thank you!) and I gotta give a shout out to all my fellow trivia fiends as well! Now, if there were to be an ACF KING and QUEEN...
I present to you King Bawksey and Queen Lydia_Deetz! Thats my choice for homecoming (I mean ACF) royalty.

Muaw ha! bahaha! ha. :hello2:

Oh and btw...@Paulie --

I know of at least 12 girls that would wanna climb right up in your lap and pull on your whiskers til you couldn't stand it anymore Mr. Paulie. ;) If you have whiskers, that is... ;)

Bocefish said:
LeenaLiberty said:
camstory said:
LeenaLiberty said:
There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
I like this idea. So when can everyone get to California? :-D

Maybe I can get all the Texas Broads together for a roadtrip and we can pick up some other chicks along the way... Who has an RV we can borrow.... ?
Sounds like a fun time to me... Perhaps a documentary in the making...or just a really good time :)

Perhaps a few models could band together and use their feminine wiles in order to convince Leo that purchasing a couple customized travelling camgirl RVs would be in his best interest. He could probably write 'em off as advertising expenses... similar to the "Girls Gone Wild" RVs but higher tech. :whistle:

I volunteer to drive. :mrgreen:

Lets make this happen.... !!!
How do I get in touch with Mr. MFC? Is this Leo?
I am in the process of constructing a proposal for him.

Bocefish, you really want to drive a bunch of crazy cam ladies cross country in a RV.....
And yes, the documentary aspect...we need a name for it though...
Boobs Across America?
No... needs something a bit more...... ?
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:oops: Well I'm kind of a loner lol.... but..

I haven't seen her posting recently...

MilaMilan is so beautiful AND smart...out of everyone on the forum, I've "known" her the longest (as in have been perving her room since I first discovered MFC).

I have never actually spoken to her and she doesn't know I exist.. but I really admire her.

She has that timeless classic yet simultaneously exotic beauty.. AND she is artistic, like me :)
She doesn't take any bullshit from anyone...but at the same time, she seems really kind (i.e. offering to make the ambercutie forum banners for everyone in an old post, offering models to come stay with her and cam from her place, etc)

Sooo yup. :oops:

That's all :-D
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With a fine toothed comb I went through this thread, and not a single mention. Do I take this as motivation to make you love me, only to shit on you when you do? Survey says...Fuck it I'm too lazy I'm just going to go eat so much ice cream you'd think I was going to win a prize.
LOL i bet everyone is scrolling this going WHERE IS MY NAME?? :cat: :lol:

umm but seriously,

Lemon, Luna, Nordling, and Jicky... you guys are particularly grand.

Really though, even as i typed that i started thinking of so many more, but i don't want to go on and on for fucking ever about it. but tl;dr I LUV Y'ALL!
Nordling said:
Feeling strongly about your politics isn't being B wordy. lol I learned many years ago not to judge someone by party, religion or philosophy. You and PokerBabe both strike me as kind, generous, thoughtful people, nothing like the common stereotypes of libertarians or objectivists. So, keep on keeping on with your beliefs and and telling the world about them. Always a chance that all sides can learn by exploring each other's arguments. :)

Exactly. Good people are good despite their beliefs, not because of them.
LeenaLiberty said:
Bocefish said:
LeenaLiberty said:
camstory said:
LeenaLiberty said:
There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
I like this idea. So when can everyone get to California? :-D

Maybe I can get all the Texas Broads together for a roadtrip and we can pick up some other chicks along the way... Who has an RV we can borrow.... ?
Sounds like a fun time to me... Perhaps a documentary in the making...or just a really good time :)

Perhaps a few models could band together and use their feminine wiles in order to convince Leo that purchasing a couple customized travelling camgirl RVs would be in his best interest. He could probably write 'em off as advertising expenses... similar to the "Girls Gone Wild" RVs but higher tech. :whistle:

I volunteer to drive. :mrgreen:

Lets make this happen.... !!!
How do I get in touch with Mr. MFC? Is this Leo?
I am in the process of constructing a proposal for him.

Bocefish, you really want to drive a bunch of crazy cam ladies cross country in a RV.....
And yes, the documentary aspect...we need a name for it though...
Boobs Across America?
No... needs something a bit more...... ?
You know this is easily dismissed as unrealistic. Unlikely, sure, but I have seen something of this sort happen when, after it had been dismissed by many, someone believed in the possibility of the unlikely.

Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)
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camstory said:
You know this is easily dismissed as unrealistic. Unlikely, sure, but I have seen something of this sort happen when, after it had been dismissed by many, someone believed in the possibility of the unlikely.

Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)

Well I am actually serious about this...
Life is short, and I am ready for a cross country road trip...
Whoever wants to hop on this wagon is welcomed to do so...
I just want to make sure we get the BIG rv......
and perhaps a couple motor cycles too...:) The documentary aspect will be fairly easy...
Maybe we could host the tour live, who knows....
How do I get hold of Leo?
Lets make it happen.
LeenaLiberty said:
camstory said:
You know this is easily dismissed as unrealistic. Unlikely, sure, but I have seen something of this sort happen when, after it had been dismissed by many, someone believed in the possibility of the unlikely.

Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)

Well I am actually serious about this...
Life is short, and I am ready for a cross country road trip...
Whoever wants to hop on this wagon is welcomed to do so...
I just want to make sure we get the BIG rv......
and perhaps a couple motor cycles too...:) The documentary aspect will be fairly easy...
Maybe we could host the tour live, who knows....
How do I get hold of Leo?
Lets make it happen.

I'm in!
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AnabelleLeigh said:
LeenaLiberty said:
camstory said:
You know this is easily dismissed as unrealistic. Unlikely, sure, but I have seen something of this sort happen when, after it had been dismissed by many, someone believed in the possibility of the unlikely.

Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)

Well I am actually serious about this...
Life is short, and I am ready for a cross country road trip...
Whoever wants to hop on this wagon is welcomed to do so...
I just want to make sure we get the BIG rv......
and perhaps a couple motor cycles too...:) The documentary aspect will be fairly easy...
Maybe we could host the tour live, who knows....
How do I get hold of Leo?
Lets make it happen.

I'm in!

woo hooo! AnabelleLeigh is in! That's the spirit... :) Yay! When shall we pick you up?
And so it begins...

Okay... wait....,
I have to ask this before this starts...
Where the hell are we actually going? I am assuming California... When? and for what...?
Is is the porn festival or something?


Just wanted to get this straight...
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Goggling Porn Festival now.
LeenaLiberty said:
Okay... wait....,
I have to ask this before this starts...
Where the hell are we actually going? I am assuming California... When? and for what...?
Is is the porn festival or something?


Just wanted to get this straight...

Do we have to have a destination?
No matter where we'd end up it would be the getting there that would be the most fun.
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Just hitch up a big smoker to back and bring me along. You'll never be without food. :-D
Kids are going to their aunt's from July 2 to the 20th... Freedom with out having to worry about babysitters for me... :whistle:
camstory said:
Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)

I do - Digital Design student right here!

Sadly, there's no way I could afford to do this, just the ticket for the flight would be more than I have xD
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Continued from

Back to the original topic... I said I wasn't done and I'm still not, but I would like to add a few more people to my (ongoing) list:

I just wanted to say that LiLredhairedgrl, AnaVictoriaXO, sxycherrypie, spankamber, Ddelilah, AllisonWilder, and schlmoe had said something that comforted and/or motivated me during times that I really needed it.
Thank you!

And even though he's a Troll, he's by far and away my favorite troll on the entire internet... even makes me laugh when he's clowned on me.

This list is still to be continued...
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AnabelleLeigh said:
We've ruined this thread :( I apologize for my part in it.
No we haven't, we've kept it from falling off page one and maybe dieing. Which is a good thing, b/c I have few more to mention.
Mork: b/c he obviously doesn't have a care about anything but posting what he thinks.
Sweep: Also for the real factor. I don't know if you would pick Sweep to mentor your kids, but they would learn how to speak their mind.
Wicked: Who if you pay attention, is a very wise soul, i think
Chamaeleon: Who makes my list if for no other reason than his signature.
There are a bunch more that I left out of my original post that I would have included, but didn't for fear of being too long winded. Then there were others I plan forgot, but never the less are some of my favorite posters and/or ppl. And then there is at least one who I hadn't paid any attention to, or hadn't really been on the same threads with very much, who because of her attention here i have now meet and read and has become one of my favorites.
MercyRain: Wow, for just being you, and not trying to be anything but.

Then there are the others, who even tho i would not list as my favorites, are equally as vital to my enjoyment here, perhaps more in fact. b/c see, it's never "All good" and we can't all look like Brad Pitt. There has to be some bad, for good to exist, and there has to be some ugly bastards like me to make Brad pretty. So, really, I very much appreciate every one who post here.
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AliceDoe said:
camstory said:
Also, there have been many awarding winning documentaries made from less substantive subject matter. No doubt they were all made be ppl educated as film makers. So who knows how to make a movie?

Just saying, crazier stuff happens. :)

I do - Digital Design student right here!

Sadly, there's no way I could afford to do this, just the ticket for the flight would be more than I have xD

Same here. We have to find all the swedish camgirls and do our own road trip.
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