AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I've lurked here for a bit too. The social and economic dynamics of MFC has always intrigued me. Guess I'll chill here while mfc goes through Y2K.
I am Begformercyxx. Some call me Angel or Cutie. I have been camming for a year or so now. This is my link to my MFC profile, I am also on Skinvideo, but have yet to create a real profile. Nice to be here, and thank you Amber for creating this awesome, educational forum. I can learn from it.


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Afternoon all,

aww gee how do I introduce myself here?
Found this site a few weeks ago after someone posted a link in L1000 and have been enjoying what I have read so finally decided I would join :?
Lounge lizard with a warped (or sick :whistle: ) sense of humour, but I'm Mostly Harmless really...
Usual Name on mfc is Unclefisty, or variations of that, but the nick is only because I was watching Mock the Week when I was first signing up to mfc( drunk? me? never :whistle:) and has nothing to do with my particular peccadilloes

Anyway hope I can contribute something to the community here, and hopefully make one or 2 of you smile :-D

Will from UK here, wilfy84 is my username on MFC.

Just a regular perv, hang out in Lounge1000 a lot but also woo my favourite models on MFC with my British charm and wit. :liar:
begformercyxx said: This is my link to my MFC profile
AC/DC background. With flames. Fuck yeah, I'm sold.

uncleF said:
I'm Mostly Harmless really...
Woohoo Hitchhiker's Guide reference! It is obvious you are smart and cool.

'nuff said. Welcome. :h:
Hai guys and girls! :mrgreen:

I'm new to this whole.. camming thing, but have been pointed over here to you lovely people. I've been camming for about a week now? I think? :D Exciting!
I've always been a crazy artist, and love being naked, and talking with people.
The rest of my time is taken up by gaming, drinking with friends and trying to teach myself how to use poi.

Oh, i'm SpaceKitteh over on MFC too. :dance:
What the fuck is with all the bald chicks recently? D0m, nrrrd, now SpaceKitteh... Is this like "pretend you're on chemo" month?
howdy bro's.

as you can already tell, i'm the kind of guy that uses bro a lot and believe "bro" can be the prefix of just about ANY word in the English language.

i would classify myself as a lurker. i don't speak up unless i have something important to say. (sarcasm, smart-assery and witty comments/jokes classify as important to me)
bawksy said:
What the fuck is with all the bald chicks recently? D0m, nrrrd, now SpaceKitteh... Is this like "pretend you're on chemo" month?

I might have phrased that wrong. How about:

What the fuck is with all the chicks deciding to trim their hair to a quarter inch?
bawksy said:
I might have phrased that wrong. How about:

What the fuck is with all the chicks deciding to trim their hair to a quarter inch?

representing clit size? Like rims and penis comparison?

BTW- Hello all! TurboSlut, I can never catch you on SV LOL
It's my personal opinion that any woman under 50 looks best with her hair at least shoulder length. Short hair is for old ladies. Bald hair is for cancer patients.

If it's hot out, put it in a ponytail or a bun or something.
I think bald chicks are hot. Especially when combined with high cheekbones. Mmmmm.

I'm SiaSaylor :) Been reading this forum for a couple of weeks now, been camming for maybe 3 weeks! But I've only been on MFC three times and my first time was last week. I very much dig this little 'subculture' I never knew about. I am 21 and hail from The Land Down Under.

Apparently nerdgirls are attracted to webcam, because I am a nerdgirl and apparently a ton of other girls here are too (I'm not used to seeing too many). I play lots of video games, watch anime, love to play board games and do other things that I guess give me nerd status ;) I don't watch much TV but I am a huge sucker for horror movies (or horror anything!). I love to read, write and draw. I adore animals and am active in multiple animal charities. I also have three rescue kitties, and as soon as I get my own place I plan on adopting more (and a dog or two for good measure!). I love kids, laughing and summer time. I'm an ENFP, which means I like to 'inspire' people - aka I step up on my soapbox all the time. I am zero-drama and a pretty laid-back girl.

Nice to meetcha all :)
I think a used panty fetish is pretty fucked up. I still can't believe how much bank MFC models make off of selling them.
:hello2: Hey, I'm Heidi, I'm 24 and I just started camming this March on MFC :) I'm a sucker for horror movies, pretty girls, tattoos and sushi. I'm fluent in sarcasm, obsessed with music (no, I seriously go crazy without it), anddd...I likes to has funnnn. Camming has pretty much changed my life. And I started lurking this forum before beginning to cam, so thank you all for the helpful info! :mrgreen:
'Lo, I'm Lady!

I've been on the forums some time now, but haven't posted here yet.

Glad to be here. :h:
Hi, I'm Tristyn.

@_@ I'm new.

Well. Ish.

I've been a camgirl since January, though not all on MFC.
This is kind of a part time gig for me, but I'm considering going full-time with it.

Anyway, I'm geeky and fun, promise. ;)
Hello everyone I'm Shawn found Amber that lead me to MFC which lead me to hear. Still learning my way around. Has been alot of fun so far.
Been watching Amber's show for awhile so deiced I'll say hi. I'm John but most people call me tank. I go by usdachoice because I'm nothing but 100% pure beef :p
usdachoice said:
Been watching Amber's show for awhile so deiced I'll say hi. I'm John but most people call me tank. I go by usdachoice because I'm nothing but 100% pure beef :p
But.... THIS is tank:


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Hmm. I knew I shouldn't have taken that left turn at Raxicocoricofallipatorius.

AlexLady said:
Welcome Goal. And Rimmer? Fuck yeah.
Well, where did you think my MFC username originated? :-D

And thanks for giving me the final push to register. I've been considering it for months, and much more seriously the past week or two. Just needed a kick in the pants.