Well. In reality it is a silly thing. I'm painfully aware of that and realize I sound like an ass.
No you sound like someone who was just looking for some company.
I've been out of the dating game for awhile and just figured chatting with some women (cam girls or not cam girls) would be one way to brush off my rusty one on one abilities.
There is one of your problems. If you are isolated that much that you lose the ability to talk to people in the flesh with a natural relaxed comfort/confidence level you need to spend more time in coffee shops, the workplace or a bar than online.
I'm actually not quite as naive' as I'm sure I sound. I don't punctuate "relationship" as I do because I believe it's a real relationship.
Another mistake. It's not a real relationship. The internet brought with it this odd new thing called a long distance relationship where you actually are IN contact daily. IN my opinion this is something you need to avoid like the fucking plague, as people are hard enough to read face to face, and the interweb just makes people all that harder to read. Meet someone online and meet them face to face within a week. if you can't or they resist, move on. Better yet, keep your relationship seeking in the flesh and blood world.
I'm no knocking the rare couple who have met online and are blissfully happy, it does happen.
But they are wiling to meet and, are not 10000000 miles apart.
People IRL play some complex bullshit mind games..... the internet just makes it easier. And more profitable.
I'm perfectly aware that odds are good she's just been gaming me (at least for the most part) anyway. In fact I'm sure of that but I don't think it's a total game either.
It's either a game or it isnt. There is no 50% game 50% serious.
If she'd just found an excuse to have an "argument" then I probably would have seen that as just another way of baiting me.
No some women use the "argument" as part of the chase, they enjoy it. BTW, these chicks are nuts and shouldnt be chased. Trust me.
It was just the fact that she actually cut off a private chat that made me think. I doubt she'd throw money in hand down the tubes on the chance that she may get some tips or some private time from me. Doesn't make sense but who knows? Maybe she would.
Oh sure she would. A calculated risk that had the potential to hook a guy with a deep pocket who would keep her in pvt for hours a day. Just because people put a lot of money at risk doesn't mean they are not playing you, it means they see an angle for profit YOU don't see. Why would a wine shop crack open a $150 bottle of wine to hand out free samples to customers? Same principle, you get one customer who likes it and buys a case, you win. Find 3 or 4 customers to buy 2 bottles, you win. Get 6 customers to buy only one bottle, you win.
Marketing with a cam girl twist.
I'm not privy to the financial goings on behind a web cam, but I imagine this game has made more than one top 10 miss MFCs.
No two ways about it. Even on the what? Maybe less than 1% chance that there's really something there, the rest of the obstacles are practically insurmountable.
Dude there are more fish in the sea than you can imagine. You sound like a good catch, you just aren't fishing in the right ocean.
I mean, what am I going to do? Marry some girl from thousand of miles away that I met on a cam site? Pretty preposterous and I'm aware of that.
Lets get one thing clear, you'll have one hell of a time getting a gal to move 50 miles lt alone 1000 miles.... fish local waters, or relocate and fish new local waters. People have roots, most people who are stable and come from stable backgrounds, do not pack up and move for love or money.
Unless you're fishing for unstable butterflies. If you are, may god have mercy on your soul.
On the other hand, I've dated my share of women and truth is this one is one in a million.
Untrue. out of 1 million women, I absolutely Guarantee you'd find more unique and perfect gems than you could handle. In your experience lets be optimistic and say you found 1 in 200.
Well, 0 in 200, because this bitch is a grifter.
I've never met a woman with the qualities she has that appeall to me personally. It's that little, tiny glimmer that makes it hard to walk away.
Nobody has all the qualities you like want or desire. Nobody. You fall in love with a person and you learn to like all the things about them. That takes time. If, of course the woman in not just telling you all the things you wanna hear, because that's her game, and her skill.... to figure out quickly what you like and use to set a hook in your ass.
We're all subject to that at some time in our lives and sometimes you just have to take big risks to get big rewards. More often than not you lose, but we all have to win once in awhile.
You dont have to tell me that one. :lol: BUT, you dont have to take HUGE risks to win HUGE. You do need to use common sense, and ask questions. Life is littered with red flags. learn not to ignore them.
I'm not planning to start dating again for a couple of months so I guess I'll stay at the table and play my cards a little longer.
Sucker. :snooty: Don't do that man, really.
I can say this. There was maybe five minutes in all of this that I threw caution to the wind and allowed myself to believe. In that brief moment it was pure bliss.
"Shun caution for one day, and you are caught in doom's wake forever"
Even if it's all a fantasy then I'm not going into that blind. She has a way of enchanting me like no other has. If I could buy that I'd pay for it all day long without regret.
That's what she is counting on. Ya know you could be married to a self centered ego-bitch charms you and, who takes all your money AND fucks your brains out every other day in real life. Those are easy to find and hard to avoid.
At least your tokens will buy you some real pussy.
I Don Quixote will pursue my fair Dulcinea just a little further. If I get knocked off my horse tilting at a few windmills then so be it. What's life without a few impossible dreams so long as you recognize what they are?
Impossible dreams are for jerking off over, not wasting life chasing.
You do know, Don Quixote was as mad as a hatter, right? He got so enchanted and deluded by his love of the idea of classical romance in his books, that he distorted his own reality.
And Dulcinea was in reality, the common farmgirl next door. While jousting with windmills and roaming the countryside in his delusion he totally missed her.
Think about it, Alonso.