bakersman said:
If you actually become a friend with a cam model you met on the site, be careful what you wish for!
A model and I started pm'ing and then gmail chatting off cam, we became friends and had all this fun stuff to talk about, and then our relationship become completely nonsexual: we were buddies. I totally turned into 'hey girlfriend', lol. She asks me advice about dates she goes on, and gives me some too. I can't get off on watching her strip any more, lol. If we met in person, we'd have coffee and chat about shit and then go home, lol.
I chat with another model behind the scenes a lot too but damn I love perving on her so I'm careful to take her pvt every once in a while and contribute to her public shows. Can't take the risk of getting girlfriended with this one
This is always a risk. Where you first found the other person sexually appealing, but it waters itself down fairly quickly.
One model I know has complained about this happening to other members who have her phone number and such. They were all into her, sexually speaking, and eventually they stopped being sexually attracted to her. They still tip and such, but they never join groups, or take her private, etc. She said it sucks because she still finds those members sexually appealing and misses watching them get off to watching her (she's a perv

She's said to me she fears this happening with us (the fact she finds me sexually attractive makes me know she is blind :lol: ). But, I've been careful to keep things at a point where I don't lose my sexual attraction to her. I might not be perving her all the time when she is on cam... as in I'm not sitting there wanting to fap every time I see her. But I keep myself sexually interested in her. I still join groups, go private, etc. and still get off to her. I make sure not to text her too often so that it becomes routine and buddy buddy over some fun texts now and then and maybe she sends me a hot pic every now and then (it can be weeks or months between texts because I see her almost every day on cam, last texting time was when I was waiting in line for my Xbox One). I still let her know when I find what she is wearing or doing is sexy, etc. For instance, right now she got tipped to show off her BJ skills. She happily obliges things like this (for the right amount of tokens) because she has an oral fixation... and, woah... it was hot....
The risk, as mynameisbob with the whole geographical location thing is always a factor in just letting it come down to being more buddy buddy with the model. Even in a single country, like the US or Canada, if someone is 3k miles away (opposite coast), the likelihood of ever meeting them becomes slimmer.
Even with models closer that is an issue. One model I know in the midwest and I have seriously talked about trying to get together for a weekend where we basically never leave the bed of the hotel. But, it's still a 24 hour car drive to get to each other, or a plane ride, plus hotel, etc. that it's not always economically feasible to one or both of us when the time looks right. Or the time looks good for one, but due to other obligations on the other's part, it simply can't happen.
New part of this topic:
So a girl started last week or the week before (time is kind of blurring while I am on disability it's so boring). Her whole thing on her first day was saying she turned 18 the day before, supposedly even showed her birth date on her ID. OK, fine. Cute enough, nice body, etc. but the obvious draw was the whole barely legal aspect. She kind of got spoiled by guys going for the barely legal thing. Top tip got her first private, ended up getting tipped over 10k in total for that. Yadda yadda.
So, her second night she obviously has her topic set really high based on how much she made the night before and is still going on the just turned 18 thing. But, she knew all the tricks of the camming trade on MFC, too... the whole X tokens then group topic, etc.
None of that is the thing that annoyed me, though.
What annoyed me was during her topless countdown
on her second day someone asked how much for a flash, and she literally said, out loud "no flashes! you guys have to
work for it if you want to see boobs!"
I'm sorry? What? Is it suddenly the member's job to tip the model? I think not.
The model's job is to do things that entice the tipping. However she works to entice that tipping is up to her. However, to come out and basically say that the member's have to work to see what is ostensibly being offered is wrong. It's a give and take. Obviously the members are supposed to tip to get the countdown completed if they want to see whatever is being offered. However, the model is the one working, and is the one who has to entice the members to tip. Whether it is by flashes, dancing around, doing jumping jacks with a stack of books on her head, etc. is unimportant. But to have the attitude that just because the model is on cam guys should feel it is their obligation to tip her just for being there is completely annoying.
People can't just show up to their jobs, in most cases, and sit there doing nothing and expect to get paid for it. And this goes for being a cam model, as well. If I tip a model with a funny tip note just because, then I'm tipping just because. If I'm tipping for something specific, I expect that something specific to happen. It has changed from just because to a business transaction. If I'm tipping towards a countdown, I don't expect to hear how it is my responsibility and my job to tip towards said countdown.
It makes me glad I hadn't tipped her before that remark was made. Made no fucks given about not tipping her after the comment was made, too.