So, recently on Stripchat I have been taking this certain lady for a cam2cam show, we have fun, blah blah. I don't ever tip her public. When I have tokens I take her for cam2cam. She is happy with that and so am I.
Her KNIGHT, he is a tipper for her that gives her 1k or 2k every day. He constantly comes in the chatroom, in public tagging my name and insulting me telling me to stop freeloading and to tip her, calling me a wanker and all kinds of stuff.
As annoying as that is for any mod/knight/user to do, it's water off a duck back for me. I don't care what they think as I am not there to impress them, tell them about my finances, or anything else - it's literally none of their business. What is frustrating is the model not telling that knight to either stop being so rude or defending me (or any other users he may do it to) simply with a "he does tip me, he takes me pvt". All of this can be in a simple PM to that knight.
Finally, last night after we had just finished a cam2cam and about 30 mins after, he comes along and starts doing this hate shit again, I finally had enough and spoke up to the model in PM, not being a jerk or rude, and this is exactly what was said:
Me: Your knight is very rude
Her: I know
Her: He is always like that

Her: it's OK, do not worry
And I left it at that with an "ok".
NOTE: where I have put the "cry" emoji, she used that in that message.
Clearly she knows it and doesn't like it, but I understand he is her [only] big tipper, so I understand she is scared of losing him, but I am sure as with anything there is a way to be nice but firm about something like this.
All in all, don't be scared to put your foot down, you can be polite and firm with your mods/knights (and/or high tippers) etc. Don't let them scare guys away. with BS like this since they don't know what you do or don't tip the model offline, or take her private etc. Maybe I tip her privately in a PM (no one but the model would see that). There are many options that make someone (a user) not see what really goes on.