Thank you, and in general I do agree. I don't consider this particular model to be close like some of the others I've come to know over the years. Even then, there's still a bit of hesitation to share info because the nature of the business and it's intended to be kept at a distance due to confidentiality and no real plans to meet (even though in extremely rare cases it might happen).
Not all of my close friends who own vanilla businesses were friends first, then business owners second. Some of them we became good friends through our interactions as a business/customer, then the lines became blurred a little. So, while we are still very close friends, we did started off not as such. But, at this point there really is no difference between them and those who were friends first.
While it is true that in nearly all instances of model/member interactions it is business, it's been stated and proven by some models here that in very rare cases either real friendships develop or even more rare it goes beyond. I'm not saying that any of the models I visit we would consider each others as close friends. But, of all of them, none of them has ever push or tried to manipulate me into tipping like this one has done and I only consider her a model I've visited a few times.
As to your point about manipulations, again it goes both ways. The difference is that the number of members/guests/visitors is significantly higher than models, which is the nature of the business. Look at all the lovecon and other stories of deception and/or manipulation that is brought up regarding what models attempt to do with certain members? Just as there's even more stories about how models get treated by some members.
It all boils down to being aware of the risks and only sharing particular information with those you actually do trust. Even then, there's time where they may stab you in the back and twist the knife while pouring salt on the wound....
Sorry, I didn't know your background on matter of those friendships. I'm super glad that there's still a place for friendship even in a cruel business world.
But yeah, I do agree with you. You never know what to expect, that's why the ideal situation is when you share things which won't cause you any more stress or problems if someone bad/dishonest decides to make the info public.
My previous post was aimed at making you feel better regarding the whole situation because you weren't supposed to be that model's friend, white knight or savior, and you didn't have to behave accordingly.
I'm happy that you decided to move on. Good for you