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missing a loved one :(

emptiedglass said:
Ooh, happy 3 month ACF-iversary to me! :lol:


Happy 3-month ACF-versary, emptiedglass! I've always liked you and your posts. :) And I wanna start calling you 'Ernest'
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I've recently discovered an interesting thing. People actually get more upset if I respond with emotes, :woops: :-x :naughty: :snooty: :whistle: :roll: , or quotes that get my point across quite succinctly, than if I had just outright told them off and called their statements idiotic. It's actually kind of amusing to know little circle icons hold so much power. :lol:
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im thinking about the contents of this Ted Talk and its relation to the successes and failures of cam models and how some have one the "genetic lottery".

JerryBoBerry said:
I've recently discovered an interesting thing. People actually get more upset if I respond with emotes, :woops: :-x :naughty: :snooty: :whistle: :roll: , or quotes that get my point across quite succinctly, than if I had just outright told them off and called their statements idiotic. It's actually kind of amusing to know little circle icons hold so much power. :lol:

:icon-lol: :dance: :handgestures-salute: :hello2: :hello1: :laughing9: :laughing1: :laughing2: :laughing5: :laughing7: :laughing6: :laughing-lettersrofl: :laughing-lmao: :laughing-rofl: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rollingred: :laughing-rollingyellow: :eek:bscene-buttmoon: :eek:bscene-buttred: :eek:bscene-buttsmiley: :romance-grouphug:
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I'm seriously concerned over the fact that I just saw a model drinking a Dr Pepper while naked and my first thought wasn't how attractive she was but that I really want a Dr Pepper.
I wish the Australian Dollar would lose strength against the US dollar. I watch the news finance report and just think of my poor little tokies. I don't feel the world economy is considering my personal needs enough. Waaaaaa.
morment said:
I'm seriously concerned over the fact that I just saw a model drinking a Dr Pepper while naked and my first thought wasn't how attractive she was but that I really want a Dr Pepper.

That simply means that Dr. Pepper is amazing, a fact that is commonly accepted. Also, that's a great idea for a TV ad.
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OpenTitsBB said:
That simply means that Dr. Pepper is amazing, a fact that is commonly accepted. Also, that's a great idea for a TV ad.
True statement is true.
I've been cutting back on them a lot lately, and drinking water instead, which is a lot healthier but nowhere near as tasty.

I actually bought a glass bottle Dr Pepper just now and it was made with cane sugar, so good.
morment said:
It needs to be the weekend already.

I want to see Iron Man 3

Great movie! Kingsley was awesome!
I feel like shit. This model just implied that i was a creep/stalker. I pointed out that there was this basic who was always in her room and never chats (this model doesnt mute guests/basics) some time ago. This night, she asked if I was the basic. I said no and I asked her why she thought it was me and she said because he is always in her room when i am..

And watching that "camgirl meltdown" video made me feel even worse.
trotskyleon said:
I feel like shit. This model just implied that i was a creep/stalker. I pointed out that there was this basic who was always in her room and never chats (this model doesnt mute guests/basics) some time ago. This night, she asked if I was the basic. I said no and I asked her why she thought it was me and she said because he is always in her room when i am..

The last time you said something about a model banning you, you were talking about PlayboyMegan, and she explained in her post why she banned you. That's not what you're still talking about now, is it?

ACF models don't appreciate it when you complain about your incidents that happened with them in their rooms. It makes us feel like we have to come on here and explain ourselves to everyone else.
This isnt about that and I dont think the model i am talking about is an ACF model. Plus the model, didnt ban me or the basic.....

I am just going to stay away from her room..hmm maybe just not login to mfc for awhile (or not login when she is online) until she realises i am not the basic. Otherwise its awkward, I feel awkward anyway. She probably didnt mean it..hence why I said "implied". So its probably best i stay away..until she understands its not me (right thing to do?).

It will be difficult because i really do enjoy being in her room and chatting with her. :icon-cry:

Oh. Yummybrownfox - so yeah nothing to do with that and i didnt say she banned me, she did.
I kept getting accused of being some other dude several times by a model, no matter how many times I denied it. The dude thought spoons were sexy though, and I have no idea why anyone would think I interested in spoons of all things. The only sexy utensil is a knife as far as I am concerned.

Anger and sadness. I just got off the phone with my bio mom. First time I have ever contacted her. I have had her name now for a year but put off calling for fear of being rejected. Well, I was rejected.

She first tried to totally deny it over and over again. She questioned everything including how I got her phone number. I told her that she is listed and a simple Google search pulled up her number. This is part of the reason why I did my genealogical research first. After reading her the info on my uncorrected birth certificate and other family info she finally stopped trying to deny it. By this time I was in tears and kept telling her that I did not mean to cause her any harm, that I would never bother her again, but could she please just tell me who my father was. All she would say was that he was married and she seems more concerned about his feelings then mine. It brought me right back to when I first started trying to find out my info 20+ years ago. The same question popped into my head. Why do I not matter in any of this? At the end it appeared that she was starting to soften a bit then she told me she had to go due to an appointment. I gave her my full name and phone numbers and she said she will call me back but I doubt that will happen.

I can't stop crying right now. My heart hurts.
*hugs Brad*
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Brad :( *hugs* I don't know your story (in fact this is the first time we've met each other), but I'm sorry to see you in such pain. I'd like to extend an open invitation to my inbox if you feel it (but no worries if you don't). Good luck to you.

Hmm, what is on MY mind is a few things... 1) It's terribly hard to do housework with a toddler, but the greatest reason to procrastinate ever. ;) 2) I miss Michael Jackson. 3) Coffee. More coffee.
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