I go into a bit more depth in this thread:
https://www.ambercutie.com/forums/viewt ... umblr+help
and in some other posts that I think are in Models Only.
Tumblr is actually something that I sort of built my entire start in camming on and I think that it was one of the best things that I could've done for the start of my career. I would suggest that any model looking to start camming build up a fanbase on Tumblr
BEFORE they start camming. (Of course it's still helpful after you've started, as well.)
I was able to log on to my first day of camming already with a room full of people who I was familiar with and who were familiar with me. Granted, not all of them stuck around, but what was important was that in my first days camming I was surrounded by friends who liked me that I could have comfortable conversations with and not only did it put me much more at ease, but my room was HOPPING! I'm sure that made it much more attractive to MFC members browsing models. It was like I started with a group of talking, tipping regulars and I am so grateful that I was able to have such a start.
I continue to get regulars via Tumblr and though it's not always a ton, I am so appreciative and grateful to the people who find me on Tumblr and come to see me on MFC!
As for now, I think it's a great way to continue to gain new followers (and people who might visit me on MFC) and I absolutely LOVE it for getting to share pictures with my followers and interact with everyone. My Tumblr autoposts to Twitter, so if I share something there my Twitter people get it too! I think that Tumblr is great for showing more of my personality, too. It's also AWESOME as far as my fan club goes as I have a password protected Tumblr that I post to for my club members.
I have a larger following on Tumblr than on any social media platform I use by A LOT. I think that there's also a chance that I just click with the Tumblr community. They can be a weird bunch, but I am a weird girl and they are my people. :lol:
I think that at the start, Tumblr requires patience, but it is worth it. For those who find it doesn't help you at all, I can understand that you don't use it. For those girls who are looking to do everything they possibly can to improve their camming success I think that it has the potential to be an incredible tool for building a fan base. Be engaging, talk to people, and post LOTS!