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Token totals showing glitch.

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 6, 2011
Well, I suspect someone is going to be in a lot of trouble in the programming department at MFC. Total tokens earned for every model listed on Miss Myfreecams ranking are showing clear back to 2009.

Guess there's no more debate about how much anyone is making for any rank now.
Now they are hoping no one screen capped those totals.

It was interesting to see the changes from 2009 to now.

Not that comfortable posting here (don't want to blow up anyone's spot)... but it wasn't hard to find on twitter =)

Edit: I think what was screen capped was only for the month, though...
Not that comfortable posting here (don't want to blow up anyone's spot)... but it wasn't hard to find on twitter =)

I figured someone would post screenshots somewhere. Heck, i predict someone is working on a spreadsheet already. We'll probably see tabulated totals appear before too long.
Well that was certainly interesting.

Tin foil hat time but I kinda wonder if MFC accidentally on purpose released that as an experiment to see if it would spark the usual top room whales into action to know exactly what they need to tip to move up their favourites and see if they could earn more.
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Well that was certainly interesting.

Tin foil hat time but I kinda wonder if MFC accidentally on purpose released that as an experiment to see if it would spark the usual top room whales into action to know exactly what they need to tip to move up their favourites and see if they could earn more.

Could be. But realistically I think it will have the opposite effect. The average tipper is going to look at that, look at their dinner of Ramen noodles, and think to themselves 'Oh fuck that!' So it would probably have a negative impact on overall tipping.
Well that was certainly interesting.

Tin foil hat time but I kinda wonder if MFC accidentally on purpose released that as an experiment to see if it would spark the usual top room whales into action to know exactly what they need to tip to move up their favourites and see if they could earn more.

Honestly I don't see how that could had been on purpose - while it might cause heavy tippers to react, it can certainly cause smaller tippers to rethink their tipping to any model (with the 'they make more than I do in a year, so why tip them?' logic). The placement of the data in the page suggests to me that this was some debug code someone forgot to remove before pushing to production (I lost count of how many times at work we rolled out a debug flag or a debug binary to production by accident) - that's one reason you should never use private information in debugging: they could had just looked that stuff up on the database to confirm that data if they needed.

Now, what will certainly be interesting is whenever any of the top 20 models complain about tips/not making enough from now on - while it was already in very poor taste, now there's data to show how insulting to everyone's intelligence those complaints are.
Another reason I don't think they would ever do it on purpose... forget about how much the models make. This gives hard figures to calculate how much leo is raking in. Rather easy to compute MFC's haul based on those totals.
Honestly I don't see how that could had been on purpose - while it might cause heavy tippers to react, it can certainly cause smaller tippers to rethink their tipping to any model (with the 'they make more than I do in a year, so why tip them?' logic). The placement of the data in the page suggests to me that this was some debug code someone forgot to remove before pushing to production (I lost count of how many times at work we rolled out a debug flag or a debug binary to production by accident) - that's one reason you should never use private information in debugging: they could had just looked that stuff up on the database to confirm that data if they needed.

When I use to work as a mainframe operator at a large bank we had the production side for running programs, but we also had a part of the mainframe set up as the test side. Any new program or change to any program had to be run on the test side for 5 consecutive nightly production runs before it could be run on the main production side. The difference being the test side never updated any customer accounts or made changes to production files. That way the programmers could look at the output of their programs for a full week to make sure it actually did what they thought it would.

I'm actually kind of surprised how many other big businesses relying on computer programming don't have a test system like this in place. Seems like a no brainer to have that kind of insurance system when you're dealing with peoples money and trust.
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Well that was certainly interesting.

Tin foil hat time but I kinda wonder if MFC accidentally on purpose released that as an experiment to see if it would spark the usual top room whales into action to know exactly what they need to tip to move up their favourites and see if they could earn more.

It would depend on what percentage the top tippers make up of the monthly revenue. Those tip wars get pretty crazy so you could envision that thought of letting them know where their model stood but I can't see them doing it on purpose because...

Could be. But realistically I think it will have the opposite effect. The average tipper is going to look at that, look at their dinner of Ramen noodles, and think to themselves 'Oh fuck that!' So it would probably have a negative impact on overall tipping.

I can't imagine the big tippers will be slowed down by this reveal, some might even be encouraged to step up their game. Angry guys that don't tip anyway will just get angrier and now will have numbers to fuel their rage. But it's the guys in the middle who will be influenced the most, I think. Because like any business that is based on non-essential spending, you don't want to give a customer a reason to think twice about their spending decisions. Nothing can breed resentment like money, even in the most well-meaning people. A guy can say he's fully aware of why he's on a cam site but then the next time he sees that $90 or $600 charge option he might start to think about other ways he can spend that money.

It could mean a lot, it could mean nothing But it might be a bit trickier for some of those perennial top models to keep saying how slow their months are going after last night.
With the figures we can work out which months are the busy times. Take position 20 over several years and average them out.

Figures are broadly inline with my expectations having watched tipping in top rooms. Maybe it will encourage models from other sites when they see a top model get 3 million tokens in a month. So far I see no mention of this, outside the MFC community.
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While this is a giant clusterfuckfor MFC, is this really news? It's been the worst kept secret for quite sometime that the Top 20 girls raked in $50-$100K per month. On top of that, the "formula" to convert camscore to tokens/dollars per hour was posted here in the public section (since removed). Just take that figure, mosey on over to and mutiply by how many hours any girl was online that month. And then there were multiple apps that kept track of all public tips in the room.

My reaction: YAWN. Good for them, you go, girl(s)! While this may cause a brouhaha, it will be temporary and soon it will be back to business as usual. Of course the girls who have been denying these figures may have some sticky conversations, but I say that will be temporary as well. And I don't blame them for denying the figures, as I wouldn't want my income disclosed. Neither would the majority of forum members.

Sure, there's going to be some angry dudes, but who gives a crap about the lounge dwellers, lol. They'll move on to the next thing to be angry about in a few weeks.
Keep in mind the money made is not just pure profit and fun money. I'm not saying the top isn't making a good living but it's not all just to keep.

For one supplies are not cheap. Lingerie, toys, etc all have to keep being bought and to keep being relevant. So take out quiet a bit to reinvest. No not all girls do this but the majority do to keep putting on great and different shows.

Second taxes. Grab 30% of that and give it to the government. Plus a few hundred for a cpa. This one is not a choice but mandatory and takes a huge cut off of what people think we make. So remember when a girl makes a large amount big amounts of it are already spoken for.

Then of course take more cuts for food, rent, utilities, insurance, etc. Kids and/or pets too. Upgrades or replacements on laptops, lighting, and webcams as well. It adds up quick. Again yes the top girls are making good amounts but it's way less once you take expenses and basic living costs out of it and no one seems to keep it in mind. They just see some amount or guess how much and figure it's enough when they have no clue really what someone else's cost of living is.
One other expense to bear in mind - when running for rank many models get another model to cam on their account for days or even weeks at a time. They then need to pay out that model. If they're splitting that.. a $2000-4000 dollar day can get quite pricey..

i'm curious to see what months are the busy months etc... which ones are the hardest to make rank on.

While its not exactly NEWS..exact figures are a models personal private info and im pretty furious they let this happen. And I'm pretty sure its going to be very negative impact overall on mfc..

Positive side: it may trickle down to the lower ranks a bit? Girls with lower camscores may see more members tipping them.
Figures in thousands of tokens required for a Top 20 position on AVERAGE.
(January 2009-September 2015)
No apparent seasonal trend, although December is lowest(cuz of Xmas?) and months surrounding (January and November) are second and third lowest.
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Keep in mind the money made is not just pure profit and fun money.
I find your post sad, embarressing even. Your trying to defend the figures, as if it's something to hide. You should be celebrating them!
Can you imagine a sports star or self-employeed person or legal people when talking about top earners in there profession, saying "well remember expenses and TAXES", NO. People deserve it and cam models do also.
Did anyone take good screenshots of this, or does anyone know where I could find them? The amounts are very hard to read on the video you guys posted and I want to scrutinize it for intel.
The figures in the video are hard to read. I spent over 30 minutes attempting to extract some figures and talking to myself asking, is that a six, an eight or a zero over and over :)
I find your post sad, embarressing even. Your trying to defend the figures, as if it's something to hide. You should be celebrating them!
Can you imagine a sports star or self-employeed person or legal people when talking about top earners in there profession, saying "well remember expenses and TAXES", NO. People deserve it and cam models do also.

I agree with this statement in relation to the girls who maintain and stay in the top 20 from month to month. Trying to say they are anything other than rich is just denial. And that is just me being a realist, not jealous. I know everyone has a different situation and different bills, but any gal pulling in $25k a month at a minimum each month, is doing alright. Expenses aside. They are doing alright. Because there is no other (legal) job that would likely be available to said person, to pull in that kind of income. If someone (and there is a model I have in mind that I think a lot of premiums are referring to on Twitter) who CONSTANTLY tells people she is dead broke. That she literally has no money. And while I knew that was bullshit all along, it is public now. I'm happy for the girls, like you said. Its awesome that people can do amazing on MFC, but to insult their members and throw fits, literally, on cam over "not making tokens" when you're actually hitting a million a year, is the interesting part.

I feel like this is a big changing moment for some tippers and models on MFC, while a lot of people are looking at this as some casual mistake that everyone will look over.
I find your post sad, embarressing even. Your trying to defend the figures, as if it's something to hide. You should be celebrating them!
Can you imagine a sports star or self-employeed person or legal people when talking about top earners in there profession, saying "well remember expenses and TAXES", NO. People deserve it and cam models do also.

I didn't read her as defending the #s like its something to hide, she's explaining why they are lower than they appear. People who earn regular paychecks and don't run their own businesses don't always think about the $$$ they see on a independent contractors paycheck the same way. Her post clarified that income before taxes, expenses etc will be higher than the reality of what that girl gets at the end of the day. That's just a fact..
I find your post sad, embarressing even. Your trying to defend the figures, as if it's something to hide. You should be celebrating them!
Can you imagine a sports star or self-employeed person or legal people when talking about top earners in there profession, saying "well remember expenses and TAXES", NO. People deserve it and cam models do also.
I'm not defending anything and as a model of course I think they deserve it. The point I made was because as some said some dickwads are gonna think they shouldn't tip anymore and they aren't taking into account reality. I think it's important to keep in mind and to be mentioned when talking money.
Second taxes. Grab 30% of that and give it to the government.

Then of course take more cuts for food, rent, utilities, insurance, etc. Kids and/or pets too.

Everyone has to pay these things regardless of what they earn not just camgirls so this is kind of irrelevant.

Upgrades or replacements on laptops, lighting, and webcams as well.

These are no different from any other self employed people who might need to buy tools or a van or whatever. These are just the costs of doing business and very unlikely to be things that are replaced every month.

Again yes the top girls are making good amounts but it's way less once you take expenses and basic living costs out of it and no one seems to keep it in mind.

People earn whatever the marketplace they are in is willing pay them, so there should be no complaints if someone is working in a field where they can earn a lot. There is no need to pretend that camgirls have it harder then anyone else to make whatever they earn that month last the rest of the month. Or harder then any other self employed people to buy the necessary equipment to do whatever job it is they do. No one earns all their money and has it all to spend as disposible income.

Any complaints towards the high earning camgirls is probably just jealousy that they earn less. The models deserve every penny they get but dont act as if there is somekind of camgirl hardship that no one else will experience or downplay what they have earned.

Edit to add wow there were a lot of posts in the time it took to type that but ill leave it here anyway
Positive side: it may trickle down to the lower ranks a bit? Girls with lower camscores may see more members tipping them.
I was actually guessing the opposite. The people who didn't understand how much the top girls were making already probably won't understand that 95% of the girls on the site aren't doing anywhere near those amounts. Realistically, this should blow over pretty quickly anyway.
Everyone has to pay these things regardless of what they earn not just camgirls so this is kind of irrelevant.

These are no different from any other self employed people who might need to buy tools or a van or whatever. These are just the costs of doing business and very unlikely to be things that are replaced every month.

People earn whatever the marketplace they are in is willing pay them, so there should be no complaints if someone is working in a field where they can earn a lot. There is no need to pretend that camgirls have it harder then anyone else to make whatever they earn that month last the rest of the month. Or harder then any other self employed people to buy the necessary equipment to do whatever job it is they do. No one earns all their money and has it all to spend as disposible income.

Any complaints towards the high earning camgirls is probably just jealousy that they earn less. The models deserve every penny they get but dont act as if there is somekind of camgirl hardship that no one else will experience or downplay what they have earned.

Edit to add wow there were a lot of posts in the time it took to type that but ill leave it here anyway
Honestly all I can do is wtf this.

It's completely relevant. If someone exposed your gross income and felt the need to comment to you about how much you just must have would you not then correct them that the amount shown is NOT take home? Most people would. Duh. So like I said it does bear mentioning I feel. Especially after some of the nasty stuff I've seen about it (Twitter.) The fact that it's not discretionary seems lost on a lot of morons. If you're not one of them that's great and you can just ignore that post then.

I also never said it was any different from self employed people elsewhere did I? No. So again if you know that it's great and you can skip what I said but the people who don't realize that and read it now know different. And to correct you supplies are bought by most every single month. Makeup, outfits, toys, batteries, lotion, baby oil, and much more are all done every month by me.

And lastly I didn't pretend a thing about cam girls having it harder. Where you for that from I don't know. It was a breakdown of things a lot of people don't think of when it comes to running a cam business at home. Why that seems to upset you so much idk but oh well. It's reality.
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