AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Token totals showing glitch.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Now, what will certainly be interesting is whenever any of the top 20 models complain about tips/not making enough from now one.

What we complain about is all relative isn't it

If you're used to making 20,000 tokens a shift and you make 5,000 it's a poor day and you will complain it's a poor day

Also if complaining makes them extra money, of course they will will complain, it would almost be wrong not to.
I was listening to Infinite_T play the ukulele and sing last night. There was not a single time that I checked her cam score to see if she needed the money I was tipping. I was having fun, and she put a needed smile on my face. I was not tipping to pay her rent, buy her food, or help her get hookers and blow. I was just doing the little I could to show my appreciation to someone making me smile, I still hate showing my appreciation with money but the world runs on the stuff. I would act the same way if I was in the number one model's room, knowing the tiny amount my tokens would be when compared to what she makes.
Did anyone figure out what the members' ranks meant the other day?
Top 220? What a strange number. You didn't even see the figures for the 200s, so I'm not sure how you can make that assumption.

The glitch showed the tokens earned for every month going back to 2009. All dates currently on the Miss Myfreecams page. However if you look closely, under the current months top 100 listing there's a link to click and show 101 thru 250. While I personally have not seen a screenshot of those ranks, all anyone had to do while it was showing totals was click that. Totals would have been visible all the way to rank 250. So he could have very well seen what they make.

Screenshot - 10_25_2015 , 8_25_12 PM.png
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Noticed a similar glitch recently on the miss mfc page. Had a single models current rank, and a list of tokens earned for each month underneath, guess it was during the repair. I had a laugh at the time, "hey!, I am ranked 91 now, I am doing well".

Was interesting to see the progress over time as each of the models I noticed improved. All current top 250 would have been shown, I saw one set of figures for ranking 241 for example. Would make a good feature to send to the owner of the model account/ to the model herself, perhaps this was their intent?
It appears the owner of MFC has a healthy monthly income.....Ok there are huge bandwith costs for video but I guess there are still a couple of dollars left.....

To be fair, while there are bandwidth costs, MFC doesn't have nearly the bandwidth cost of sites like SM, which broadcast in actual HD resolutions (720p+). MFC has a base resolution of 320x240 and the "HD" resolution for MFC is only 640x480, or the same as old standard definition televisions.

If I took a 1080p video I made and downscaled it to 480i or even 480p (MFC's HD resolution), the file size drops exponentially. The same happens with streaming video, the lower the resolution, the less bandwidth it takes up. Hell, even downsizing to 720p is a file size that is only 60% the size of the 1080p video.

The benefit is to models who don't have the upstream bandwidth to deliver 720p+ video, but that's about it beyond MFC not paying out tons in bandwidth charges.
Missed the edit window...

But, I think there will be a bunch of members who won't fall for sob stories from consistent top 20 models in the future.

Even taking out taxes and other expenses, those models in the top 20, consistently, are earning more in a month than a lot of people make in a year. Not that that's been any big secret, truthfully.

But when I saw a current top 10 complain about "needing" offline tips on Twitter like a month ago, and she's been a pretty consistent top 50 model, and she had been posting screenshots on twitter over the previous few days that added up to over $6000... Yeah, that sob story fell on deaf ears with me.

If you're a consistent top 20 model, just be honest and say you want to earn more. The sob stories about being broke aren't going to fly with a lot of members anymore. If a model can't live off of around $150k a year for being a consistent top 20 model, then she has far bigger issues to worry about once her cam model career is over.

I will say, though, that seeing the exponential difference between #1 and #250 (who is still doing pretty well for herself) does make me wonder how it gets for those who never break the top 1000. The earning drop off must be enormous at the lowest ranks.

In the end I don't think this will have a huge impact on the earnings of the top 250, overall; but I do think that it will have a detrimental effect, at least short term, on those in the top 250 that try the "I'm broke and need your offline help" way to earn tokens.
All while sitting outside asking each person who leaves if you can have their leftovers?
Actually it's more like walking it...sitting your ass down...eating and drinking all night...then asking all the other people in the restaurant to pay your bill for you....

That's what an MFC Freeloader is. Someone who gets the same thing as everyone else but refuses to pay for it.
I will say, though, that seeing the exponential difference between #1 and #250 (who is still doing pretty well for herself) does make me wonder how it gets for those who never break the top 1000. The earning drop off must be enormous at the lowest ranks.

Having been on both ends of the spectrum (top 250, around 500, and below 1000), you're exactly right. We're just going to completely ignore the totals of #1-10 because the difference in token totals is astronomical and doesn't help my example. Someone here posted a line graph of the drop in tokens and how it fell substantially between #10 to #100. Hell, even just from #50-100 is a six-thousand dollar drop. That trend continues on down the line. Without giving exact numbers, I will tell you that the months that I've been ranked #1000-1200, I have made literally half of what I make around #500. Granted, my camscore has fluctuated throughout those times, but overall it's a good "goal" for me to attempt to double my earnings if I want to end in the top 500.

I hope that this can answer some of those questions that I've seen members posting. I know that my tipping habits will not change when I'm perving, because I still tip who I feel deserves them, regardless of some silly number (camscore and rank). Just do whatever makes you happy. Just please don't tell the model that you're not going to tip her for X reason unless you either want to be banned or want to hurt her feelings. If you enjoyed tipping her before the glitch, just remember that she's not at fault and her personality hasn't changed. You merely saw a glimpse behind the curtain.

Just keep in mind that even though you know she might not be a GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD, she still might be able to make your dreams come true. Nothing's changed except for a few facades have been broken.
Maybe the glitch, was done to attract other Models from TOP sites to move over to MFC...
i like the pro-sports comparisons.

Fans are aware but generally don't care how much money they make until the players go on strike and it fucks up the games. Even if the players feel they're being taken advantage of, the average fan doesn't want to hear about how a multi-million dollar athlete's contract is unfair. Brews resentment.

Almost the same thing.
Seems in best interest for those effected to not even address it publicly.

Play ball....or whatever
I think it's important to formally bring to light a few things about being a webcam model to have a more complete discussion about it.
  • The life span of being a web cam model usually is shorter, as compared to other careers. Some girls cam longer than others or may look great for their age but many cam girls drop off at what? Say, 40? It depends on the girl but it is very rarely 50-60 years old. Especially not on MFC and especially not with the numbers from the top 100 or 250. And not every model starts when they are 18 years old. Therefore, many of us must try to earn as much as we can while we still can.
  • Stemming off of the last bullet point, we must put away additional money for retirement. MFC does not give us any kind of 401k (nor, obviously, do they match what we put into our retirement like many other companies). It is up to us to save for our retirement in its entirety. This usually requires hiring a financial adviser.
  • Being a cam model, a successful one or not, may limit future career opportunities. Many companies that pay a decent yearly salary may not hire an ex-cam model. As well, a cam model may have years of a blank resume due to caming that may also further limit opportunities.
  • Our earnings from MFC have not been taxed. Therefore, we pay taxes on all of our income at the end of the year.
  • Being a cam model, we are independent contractors and not employees. Therefore, MFC does not provide health insurance. It is up to us to find and pay for our own health insurance (USA), which is usually much more expensive with worse plans than receiving a plan from an employer.
  • We do have expenses. There has been some debate about if our business expenses are more or less than a typical career. This varies on the model but it is still something that decreases our take home money.
  • Caming may present unique challenges in relationships that someone with a vanilla job would not have to deal with. This comes in the form of all relationships: friends, family, dating and marriage. In many cases, cam models are not comfortable telling their friends and/or family about what they do which can create a lot of stress and lies. In other cases, a relationship with a significant other or even dating may be under additional stress, especially if either partner has a more traditional value system.
  • Caming may present unique challenges to the cam model. Our image, our naked body in most cases, is out there for the entire internet to see. It may take a bit to fully understand that and then not be able to fully go back and un-do it. Ever. In other cases, cam models risk that their personal information be found out and given to the whole internet to see. One such example is our personal, private income earnings since 2009 on MFC. Seriously, how would you feel if your income since 2009 was displayed for the entire internet to see? Maybe you wouldn't care but it's not right for that information to be exposed without your consent. Despite this, for cam models, it's a risk we take and continue to take having this job and we have seemingly no control over it. It's not like we can sign up with a fake ID. There have been many examples of models having their name, address and other such personal information outed.
  • Caming can be physically exhausting, especially for those models that use their bodies more than others in direct ways. How many hours do you think you could stand on your feet and perform some kind of tease show? How long to suck on a dildo? To use a dildo in more intimate parts? Other jobs can also be physically exhausting but the fact is, although it's great for many of us that we can be sexual for a living, it doesn't mean it's always super amazing and awesome.
  • Caming can be mentally exhausting, especially for those models that form any kind of friendships with their regulars and/or sell any kind of service such as snapchat, kik, etc. Our work doesn't end when the camera is off. It is time to Twitter, snapchat, create content, think of activities, and keep in touch. In many cases, there isn't a whole lot of time for anything else like real life friendships and gatherings. We also deal with a lot of judgement. About our bodies. Look. Personality. Success. And now even income. It isn't always pleasant. It can be a lot to take in at times and still remain strong in our sense of self and self confidence.
  • There is no vacation time unless we take it. However, then, we risk losing members. It's sometimes tough to take more than a few days off without effecting our income dramatically or risk losing members.
  • For many of us, income is completely random and can be sporadic. Our pay isn't hourly or on salary and we rely 100% on tips. We may never know how much we will make for that day or can even go hours without making anything. This presents its own sort of stress that is sometimes difficult to not take personally if things don't go well.
  • For many of us, caming is a huge part of our life... many times, more so than what a typical career would be. Other times, it is our life.
  • Caming may inhibit and effect certain life choices, such as having children. Unless a cam model already has children, I'd imagine it'd be difficult to be pregnant and have a new born child without severely impacting your caming career if not destroying it. This is just one example. However, the fact remains that a model may have to pick between work and family for at least a substantial amount of time and other such choices.
Now, does the top 20, top 100, top 250 make great money? Yes, of course, and there are some amazing things about this job (but that didn't need an elaboration), even with the above considered. However, it does come at a cost and that cost isn't really that monetary. Maybe it still isn't as "bad" as other jobs in your opinion but nonetheless it isn't all sunshine, rainbows and tokens.

As others have brought to light, too, according to MyCamGirl.Net there are 24,000 models on MFC. Assuming this amount of models are correct we have the following data:
  • The top 250 is 1.04% of the models.
  • The top 100 is .4% of the models.
  • The top 20 is .08% of the models.
That means that basically 1.04% are the ones making a more significant amount of money to perhaps more justify the above scenarios and risks. However, the other ~99% are dealing with certain scenarios without these more significant income figures. And, again, do remember, our career as cam models is generally more short lived.

It is a member's choice who he or she spends money on. Even if that reason is because they think certain models make too much. It's unfortunate that our right to share or not share what our exact income is was completely violated by MFC. It is still my hope, though, that everyone tips who they like and spend time with, regardless of placement, even if that may be unrealistic.

More so than this, though, I think another great focus is how much all of us models are making for MFC. MFC is clearly making significant amounts of income per month yet stays behind and out of date with the latest technology and tools at our disposal. As JoeyKim stated on Twitter, united we are stronger to urge MFC to make improvements to our community on MC as oppose to attacking each other (models vs models or models vs members).

It is my hope that this begins to paint a more accurate picture of what we may go through as cam models.

Thank you! :)
For me it is interesting how it hits the nerve of some. Unspoken facts everyone knows about, but the moment they are out.... uuuuhh, aaaahhh, ooohhhh.
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MrMojo said:
After being in many rooms where the model is begging, whining, cajoling, threatening to leave, and basically complaining that no one is tipping - and then seeing that she made more in a month than I do all year. Yeah it's going to affect my tipping. I guess the new rule of thumb is that if she's in the top #220, there's no need to tip; she's already on her way to financial stability and doesn't need my help or really anyone else's. And for those girls in the top 10 who continue to spur their regulars on to tip, well that's just pure greed and it's disgusting.

That's like saying your favorite restaurant is making too much money, so even though you like to eat there, you won't anymore because they're doing too well.

Tilly, I dont think you really listened to Mojo. As a model you haven't been in that position where a girl wants offline love. A girl complains of slowness. So you give your last $50. Now you find out she's making more than you do. You fell for a sob story. Cant you see how in this scenario you'd feel tricked? I can understand his declaration "no tipping top 220". But I hope once he calms down, he meets the type of girl he wants to tip regardless of ranking/camscore.

The Restaurant analogy works when MFC is approached as payment for entertainment.
But it fails when people feel emotionally manipulated.
It would be like if the owner says he's gonna close early because business is slow. are you gonna buy more to keep him open?
The waitress complains about tips. Are you going to tip more because of that?
I always scratch my head when I hear about camgirl careers having shorter life spans. Of course it does, but when you talk about saving for retirement you make it sound like we must retire at 40. And if you are planning on retiring at 40 then yeah, you will need to have a lot saved up regardless of whether you are a camgirl or a shoe salesman. After your cam career is over there are thousands of options you can pursue and earn what other mortals earn for the rest of your life. Most of us will retire with enough savings to go into business on our own instead of applying for a job as an employee anyway. That is the smartest purpose for camming imo... getting capital to invest in something else. It's like a sports legend explaining he needs to make millions because his career has a short life span. Sure it does, but that's not the reason for his big salary.
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Do yourself a huge favor in regards to taxes, and pay them quarterly, not annually, if you're in the US. You'll pay more some quarters, less others (depends on what you make), but you won't be scrambling in April to get all your tax money together.

I still see models scrambling to pay off, in some cases, tens of thousands of dollars in taxes by April 15, when they should know better by now (they've been camming for a few years and still do this).

I don't know if Canada or European countries offer the same thing.
Do yourself a huge favor in regards to taxes, and pay them quarterly, not annually, if you're in the US. You'll pay more some quarters, less others (depends on what you make), but you won't be scrambling in April to get all your tax money together.

I still see models scrambling to pay off, in some cases, tens of thousands of dollars in taxes by April 15, when they should know better by now (they've been camming for a few years and still do this).

I don't know if Canada or European countries offer the same thing.

Can I ask you a question about this? This is slightly off the topic of this thread but since the topic was brought up. I had no issue (because I take a % of my direct deposit from MFC and have it go right into savings, so I never see it) paying my taxes when I filed earlier this year for 2014. I file my taxes myself and properly did them, citing business expenses I had the receipt for as well as indicate what square footage of my house is used for my business. I didn't have an issue. But tons of camgirls are ADAMANT that I MUST file quaterly, because its the "right way." I have not done that for 2015, I just plan to reach into my savings (where 40% of my income is) and pay off what I owe again. Is this really "the wrong way" or does it just seem wrong to the hundreds of girls who blow through their money and don't keep anything in a savings account? Like, do I get in trouble for not filing quarterly or is it just personal preference?
Having been on both ends of the spectrum (top 250, around 500, and below 1000), you're exactly right. We're just going to completely ignore the totals of #1-10 because the difference in token totals is astronomical and doesn't help my example. Someone here posted a line graph of the drop in tokens and how it fell substantially between #10 to #100. Hell, even just from #50-100 is a six-thousand dollar drop. That trend continues on down the line. Without giving exact numbers, I will tell you that the months that I've been ranked #1000-1200, I have made literally half of what I make around #500. Granted, my camscore has fluctuated throughout those times, but overall it's a good "goal" for me to attempt to double my earnings if I want to end in the top 500.

I hope that this can answer some of those questions that I've seen members posting. I know that my tipping habits will not change when I'm perving, because I still tip who I feel deserves them, regardless of some silly number (camscore and rank). Just do whatever makes you happy. Just please don't tell the model that you're not going to tip her for X reason unless you either want to be banned or want to hurt her feelings. If you enjoyed tipping her before the glitch, just remember that she's not at fault and her personality hasn't changed. You merely saw a glimpse behind the curtain.

Just keep in mind that even though you know she might not be a GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD, she still might be able to make your dreams come true. Nothing's changed except for a few facades have been broken.

That's interesting to note that #1000 makes roughly half of #500. I wonder if it's a bigger drop off, or similar, from #250 to #500.

From the image linked earlier by @Puffin #250 was making about 10% of what number 1 was, at that time. It's quite easy to see that the 80/20 rule is completely destroyed on MFC. It's not 20% of the models making 80% of the income, but more like 1%-ish making well over 90% of the income. Then everyone else fighting over that last 10%.

That's a huge discrepancy, and its no wonder a lot of the lower ranked and lower cs models are working 2+ other sites at the same time. I've known some that have 5 sites up and running at once.
Can I ask you a question about this? This is slightly off the topic of this thread but since the topic was brought up. I had no issue (because I take a % of my direct deposit from MFC and have it go right into savings, so I never see it) paying my taxes when I filed earlier this year for 2014. I file my taxes myself and properly did them, citing business expenses I had the receipt for as well as indicate what square footage of my house is used for my business. I didn't have an issue. But tons of camgirls are ADAMANT that I MUST file quaterly, because its the "right way." I have not done that for 2015, I just plan to reach into my savings (where 40% of my income is) and pay off what I owe again. Is this really "the wrong way" or does it just seem wrong to the hundreds of girls who blow through their money and don't keep anything in a savings account? Like, do I get in trouble for not filing quarterly or is it just personal preference?

Probably more of a problem for models not putting money away over the year for taxes. If you make sure you put enough away, and you haven't had an issue with taxes, then you're probably OK. The main benefit is paying less in slower quarters, over dealing with a huge tax bill for the whole year, even with a slow quarter or two.
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Probably more of a problem for models not putting money away over the year for taxes. If you make sure you put enough away, and you haven't had an issue with taxes, then you're probably OK. The main benefit is paying less in slower quarters, over dealing with a huge tax bill for the whole year, even with a slow quarter or two.

Thank you. One camfriend in particular made it sound like I was doing something wrong so I wanted to make sure there was no legal obligation to file quarterly from a 1099. I totally just have my bank take 40% and place it in an account I can't even access with my checking card so that it is never used. Any models reading this, particularly new ones, if you're on direct deposit I strongly suggest this. I pretend like that money doesn't even exist because it shouldn't exist because it is tax money. The 60% that falls into my checking account is my real take-home income and regardless of paying quarterly or annually on your taxes, I strongly encourage this method. It keeps you from living beyond your means.
MrMojo said:

Tilly, I dont think you really listened to Mojo. As a model you haven't been in that position where a girl wants offline love. A girl complains of slowness. So you give your last $50. Now you find out she's making more than you do. You fell for a sob story. Cant you see how in this scenario you'd feel tricked?

I've been in the industry as a camgirl for nearly five years. Two years prior to that, I made a premium account to tip and interact with my favorite camgirls, even though I was working a minimum wage job at a sandwich shop. I still had a fascination with camgirls, and wondered if I too could be one someday. Even though you assumed that I don't have that experience, I have and continue to tip models and see things from a member's perspective as well. I also read his post thoroughly before posting my reply. Not sure how else I can empathize further with his point of view. But I stand by what I said. And I think this situation is making members generalize models as a whole rather than realizing that each one is a unique individual with different things going on. All girls run their rooms differently. A "slow" cam session is different for each girl and what she is used to making hourly. Also, no one should really feel tricked by anyone but themselves if they are spending their last $50 on camgirls or anything else for that matter. I've never seen a model ask anyone to do that, aside from maybe financial domination situations where that type of activity is something the customer is paying for. There's an issue of free will here. No one is typing in your credit card number for you. Camgirls are niche industry. A luxury. If it's something you can't afford or budget for, there is really no reason to turn it around as the model's wrongdoing. I see both sides of it, but to thwart your usual tipping for enjoyment or whatever just because you now know she is successful is kind of ridiculous. That type of behavior on a grand scheme will completely destroy the independent porn industry because everyone will just assume that the content creators and performers are already rich enough. Instead of a restaurant analogy, let's use something else this time. Say a record label "accidentally" exposed the gross income of their top 250 pop stars. Now that everyone knows Taylor Swift makes more money in a day than most of us do in a year, will we stop purchasing her music?
@UncleThursday Yes- I do pay my taxes quarterly. ^^ However, that usually only covers a portion of it and I still owe a large sum during tax time. It's very important to save for tax time.
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Thank you. One camfriend in particular made it sound like I was doing something wrong so I wanted to make sure there was no legal obligation to file quarterly from a 1099. I totally just have my bank take 40% and place it in an account I can't even access with my checking card so that it is never used. Any models reading this, particularly new ones, if you're on direct deposit I strongly suggest this. I pretend like that money doesn't even exist because it shouldn't exist because it is tax money. The 60% that falls into my checking account is my real take-home income and regardless of paying quarterly or annually on your taxes, I strongly encourage this method. It keeps you from living beyond your means.

Yes. I believe you are actually supposed to make quarterly estimated tax payments if at the end of the year you will owe over $1000 in taxes. The IRS could penalize you for not doing so.
After being in many rooms where the model is begging, whining, cajoling, threatening to leave, and basically complaining that no one is tipping - and then seeing that she made more in a month than I do all year. Yeah it's going to affect my tipping. I guess the new rule of thumb is that if she's in the top #220, there's no need to tip; she's already on her way to financial stability and doesn't need my help or really anyone else's. And for those girls in the top 10 who continue to spur their regulars on to tip, well that's just pure greed and it's disgusting.

Good idea. You should probably also start boycotting any successful business, as they clearly don't need your money.
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