AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

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Evvie said:
flr666 said:
You never bothered to stand up for yourself and prove that you don't use a $25 off-the-shelf camera.
You never bothered to show your REAL, high-quality photography

'The Fountain' - I did not photograph it but I designed every lighting setup in that movie.

Which is why I landed the contract... no 'please' and 'thank you' involved.
flr666 said:
SophiaLocke said:
In my mfc chat room, i enjoy being used and humiliated within my boundaries in public chat. With all of that said, when someone calls me those names without getting to know me politely first, i ban them. In my opinion (which i know is shared by many), dominants should be respectful and make sure they have your consent to degrade or humiliate you first before doing so, on cam and in person. Just please be careful when you're taking the temperature of a room. Even if the model is enjoying being talked down to, it may only be by people who have proven their worth first.

I never said anything about barging into a chat room hurling insults at models.... WOOOAAAAH lol. I also explicitly stated it is best to lurk and idle for awhile before saying ANYTHING. But srsly bebe.. what would really think of a guy who thanked you after a performance?


(i'm going to ignore the dramatic turn this thread has taken, and just respond to your post and answer your question)

Based on what you said here:

flr666 said:
The point is that different girls have different tastes/kinks so it is best to idle/lurk before addressing them in any manner - even more important than reading the profile. One girl may want to be treated like a princess (my natural instinct) while another might want to be treated like dirt.

i was worried that you'd see a girl being "treated like dirt" (by her regulars) and assume you could jump in without treating her respectfully first. While some models might be okay with that, many are not. i just wanted to make sure you knew that. It seems like you do, based on your reply to me. Thank you for clarifying. Btw, i've never had an issue with guys sitting back at first to get a feel for the room. i think that's smart.

i think there's a way to be courteous while staying in character. If someone wanted to stay in that mode after a private session or show, i enjoy hearing things like, "You've been a good girl for me, thank you." or "You've pleased me/done well." It gives me pleasure when i know that i have done my job well as a submissive. Hearing things like this actually keeps me in a submissive head space.

There are ways to go about being respectful of the person's time without the perceived risk of being looked down on after doing a D/s roleplay. i personally like it when people treat me respectfully outside of play, which means that a "thank you" afterward would never be a bad thing. i'd thank him, too ;)
flr666 said:
curvyredhead said:
I hate to say this but it's honestly how I feel.
At this point (to me) your only making your one client look bad.

You have not seen the results yet bb ;-) Only a test.

Have not seen the results of what?

What is only a test?

I was referring to your attitude, or professionalism (or lack there of).

If you say you only have one client, and are not actively looking for any others...then please remember that everything you do represents this girl.
Including the "trolling" on a camgirl forum.
How would she feel about your actions on this forum?---I am guessing not to pleased, but then again if she is pleased...that would only be worse.
SophiaLocke said:
i was worried that you'd see a girl being "treated like dirt" (by her regulars) and assume you could jump in without treating her respectfully first.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. My only point is that there are varying levels of respect - esp. in the sex industry. I treat my client with the utmost respect. She is getting the best price on the planet - and it will pay off... for her.

But I do have a problem with a lot of the attitudes I have seen here - angry stripper attitudes. If they do not like it they should go work elsewhere. There are guys who spend ALL their income on these girls - in hopes they may one day have a better life - and they should respect that.
flr666 said:
SophiaLocke said:
i was worried that you'd see a girl being "treated like dirt" (by her regulars) and assume you could jump in without treating her respectfully first.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. My only point is that there are varying levels of respect - esp. in the sex industry. I treat my client with the utmost respect. She is getting the best price on the planet - and it will pay off... for her.

But I do have a problem with a lot of the attitudes I have seen here - angry stripper attitudes. If they do not like it they should go work elsewhere. There are guys who spend ALL their income on these girls - in hopes they may one day have a better life - and they should respect that.

Guys spend money on me hoping I might one day have a better life?

I'm not an angry stripper. I have fucking AWESOME fans :)
And I'm not a subbie brat. I'm a switch.
Ok... as an actual photographer I had to come and set some things straight here. Just because you are in the lighting and movie industry does NOT mean you are a good photographer. Obviously you have proven my statement true. You said your profile pic is an example of your work AND a test shot? ... It seems to me you need to do alot more testing. You know nothing about photography or post-processing (which is the other half). Take some lessons and understand the concepts of f-stops and composition and proper lighting a photo.. lighting video is different. And your IMDB says you have had roles as an electrician and a gaffer, which doesn't qualify you to have the egocentric "pay me" attitude. You have to pay the good models for their time. Paying a photographer for your time doesn't make you a good photographer.
Miss_Lollipop said:
flr666 said:
SophiaLocke said:
i was worried that you'd see a girl being "treated like dirt" (by her regulars) and assume you could jump in without treating her respectfully first.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. My only point is that there are varying levels of respect - esp. in the sex industry. I treat my client with the utmost respect. She is getting the best price on the planet - and it will pay off... for her.

But I do have a problem with a lot of the attitudes I have seen here - angry stripper attitudes. If they do not like it they should go work elsewhere. There are guys who spend ALL their income on these girls - in hopes they may one day have a better life - and they should respect that.

Guys spend money on me hoping I might one day have a better life?

I'm not an angry stripper. I have fucking AWESOME fans :)
And I'm not a subbie brat. I'm a switch.

There is no such thing as a 'switch'
flr666 said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
flr666 said:
SophiaLocke said:
i was worried that you'd see a girl being "treated like dirt" (by her regulars) and assume you could jump in without treating her respectfully first.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. My only point is that there are varying levels of respect - esp. in the sex industry. I treat my client with the utmost respect. She is getting the best price on the planet - and it will pay off... for her.

But I do have a problem with a lot of the attitudes I have seen here - angry stripper attitudes. If they do not like it they should go work elsewhere. There are guys who spend ALL their income on these girls - in hopes they may one day have a better life - and they should respect that.

Guys spend money on me hoping I might one day have a better life?

I'm not an angry stripper. I have fucking AWESOME fans :)
And I'm not a subbie brat. I'm a switch.

There is no such thing as a 'switch'

OH lord... aaand for the second time, for real I will leave him to masturbate this thread on his own.
(thanks for the compliments girls!! *blush*)
JackFlash19 said:
Ok... as an actual photographer I had to come and set some things straight here. Just because you are in the lighting and movie industry does NOT mean you are a good photographer. Obviously you have proven my statement true. You said your profile pic is an example of your work AND a test shot? ... It seems to me you need to do alot more testing. You know nothing about photography or post-processing (which is the other half). Take some lessons and understand the concepts of f-stops and composition and proper lighting a photo.. lighting video is different. And your IMDB says you have had roles as an electrician and a gaffer, which doesn't qualify you to have the egocentric "pay me" attitude. You have to pay the good models for their time. Paying a photographer for your time doesn't make you a good photographer.

Got a pic? Lighting video is more or less the same except you toss some blue on the blacks and crush. While with film you shoot at 2.8 and push a stop in post. Same result. take notes nig. |

Seriously.. I would like to see your shots..
I just think the girls have to understand that there are misguided fewls mortgaging their houses to put them through school - and they need to erase the trolls and respect THAT.
Anyhow... this is the shot that got me the job... Girls, it can take years.. but always remember - it can come down to one shot.

flr666 said:
JoleneBrody said:
That tumblr belongs to the model not the photographer... :think:

Do you like it?

I priced it. Getting the rights is pricey... but I am on it.
o_O Huh? You're trying to buy the rights to her tumblr? Do I like what?
flr666 said:
Anyhow... this is the shot that got me the job... Girls, it can take years.. but always remember - it can come down to one shot.

This "One shot" that it came down to sucks.
The composition is shit. If you're going to cut off toes in the composition, you may as well cut out her whole foot! And just in case you decide to take me up on that last bit of advice, remember to never crop at joints (clearly, judging by the rest of the images in that tumblr thread, you need a reminder of this as well).
Your DOF leaves something to be desired. I also notice quite a bit of noise in the image that suggests you were cranking the ISO at around 1600 (just a swag, there) which in a low light situation is just fine... sacrifices have to be made.
But at such a high ISO... you might consider bumping your shutter speed up to at least 200 to avoid that distracting motion blur on her heels. That is, of course, assuming you've opened up your aperture a bit to compensate first.
The lighting is also suspect here. My first instinct is to say that this is window light with the sun coming in nearly horizontally through the window.
However, if you did indeed use a 6'x6' light modifier for this as you mentioned earlier in the thread... it was over kill... and judging by the harsh shadows, was either very under powered (which might also explain your need for such a high ISO setting) or very far away from the model (which would negate your statement of having to work in a small space). You could have produced much better results with a much smaller light source which would have also saved you some space in that tiny room you were working in. Hell, you could have produced better results by just bouncing a bare strobe off the ceiling.

So let me wrap this up a bit for you:
*concentrate on your composition. Check your corners, check the limbs, check focus.
*High ISO in low light is acceptable... but adjusting your ISO should be your last option. Open up your aperture first... then compensate for motion blur with a higher shutter speed. If you still don't have enough light to properly expose your image... then bump up your ISO... or just wait until your model has stopped moving to press the shutter release.
*Use a smaller light source, closer to your model, to produce softer shadows and less dramatic fall off. Also bump up your flash exposure so that you can lower your ISO. Remember that the size of your light source in relation to the distance to your subject can be compensated easily... you don't have to use a huge modifier! And use of that huge modifier is negated when you back it away from your model.
*When providing a "test" image to the model, put a huge ass "PROOF" watermark across it to dissuade her from using it on her Tumblr... Never let a "test" shot hit the open market. When using a "test" shot for an avatar... expect to get some shit for it. Do some touch-ups, color correction, exposure corrections, get rid of that ugly orange-this-is-a-toy-gun-don't-shoot-me barrel...

*Last but foremost... And this pretty well proves that none of the above information means jack shit to either you or the person that actually took these pictures... Do not claim to be a professional photographer and not expect that someone will check the metadata on the image itself only to find that it was shot with a Canon PowerShot A3100 IS (point and shoot available for $199.68 on Amazon if any of the ladies in this thread are considering a new camera).

I will not provide you with a sample of my work... I don't have anything to prove. I shall sleep soundly tonight with the knowledge that my highly sought after photographic skills satisfy my clients a great deal and do not embarrass either them or me.
flr666 said:
JoleneBrody said:
flr666 said:
JoleneBrody said:
That tumblr belongs to the model not the photographer... :think:

Do you like it?

I priced it. Getting the rights is pricey... but I am on it.
o_O Huh? You're trying to buy the rights to her tumblr? Do I like what?

We are getting the rights for the music on it. Images are solid.
Shutterbuck said:
*Last but foremost... And this pretty well proves that none of the above information means jack shit to either you or the person that actually took these pictures... Do not claim to be a professional photographer and not expect that someone will check the metadata on the image itself only to find that it was shot with a Canon PowerShot A3100 IS (point and shoot available for $199.68 on Amazon if any of the ladies in this thread are considering a new camera).

For the wannawbe nigger photographers here... I shot it with a 32 tube t5 6500 source through a 6x6 half grid with half the tubes turned off. keep the lulz cummun'
Treating one another with good manners in any line of work, has benefits for all parties involved.
This is the only point I have tried to raise in this thread and I stand by it, and I don't think it makes me an "angry stripper" or a brat.
I really doubt the point of this thread was to shame members into refinancing their houses and worshipping models- Some guys care about getting the best experience out of the site possible (depending on their reasons for being there which we may or may not understand). A huge part of this is how one interacts with the models, so for some people the information may be useful.

Bailing now :handgestures-salute:
flr666 said:
For the wannawbe nigger photographers here... I shot it with a 32 tube t5 6500 source through a 6x6 half grid with half the tubes turned off. keep the lulz cummun'
whoa whoa whoa there buddy
turn off the racism
Shutterbuck said:
I will not provide you with a sample of my work... I don't have anything to prove. I shall sleep soundly tonight with the knowledge that my highly sought after photographic skills satisfy my clients a great deal and do not embarrass either them or me.
The combination of complete smackdown and photography jargon that doesn't make any sense to me is strangely arousing. Welcome to ACF!
flr666 said:
For the wannawbe nigger photographers here... I shot it with a 32 tube t5 6500 source through a 6x6 half grid with half the tubes turned off. keep the lulz cummun'
Racial slur aside... it doesn't matter what color temperature light source you are using when your point and shoot pocket camera automatically chooses the white balance for you.
VeronicaChaos said:
Shutterbuck said:
I will not provide you with a sample of my work... I don't have anything to prove. I shall sleep soundly tonight with the knowledge that my highly sought after photographic skills satisfy my clients a great deal and do not embarrass either them or me.
The combination of complete smackdown and photography jargon that doesn't make any sense to me is strangely arousing. Welcome to ACF!
You like my F stops, bb?
Shutterbuck said:
VeronicaChaos said:
Shutterbuck said:
I will not provide you with a sample of my work... I don't have anything to prove. I shall sleep soundly tonight with the knowledge that my highly sought after photographic skills satisfy my clients a great deal and do not embarrass either them or me.
The combination of complete smackdown and photography jargon that doesn't make any sense to me is strangely arousing. Welcome to ACF!
You like my F stops, bb?
I was going to say I like your penis but I guess I can come over and hold your F stops if that's what you're in to.
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