AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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The_Brown_Fox said:
OMG, have you (or anyone else on this forum) ever witnessed a vomit show on MFC? I haven't, but damn, that's just awful. :( I felt like crying when my sis and my son both had a stomach bug and were getting sick.

When I know a model does something I do not enjoy I try to avoid her. I am not really into extreme shows like this or large insertions. Avoiding them seems to be the best course of action to take. I hope I never have have the misfortune to see a vomit show, or scat show.

LadyLuna said:
I'm a bit shamed to admit this, but I did one once.

You probably do not care what I think of you, but I am going to say it anyways. You seem to be a good person who works hard for things in life. I do not judge you for doing things I do not understand, or any of the other models who enjoy doing things I do not.
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The_Brown_Fox said:
Bocefish said:
@ The_Brown_Fox So did my longer explanation clear up the misunderstanding?

I thought we were trying to get away from that topic. But since you asked, I'm not sure why it's considered a WTF moment (or "bad business," as someone put it) when Model A wants a random guy to tip first before jumping into a private show, yet it's perfectly fine when Model B requires x tokens before a group show occurs. In both cases, you're gonna have less tokens when the show does start, but by tipping a small amount beforehand you're helping put the model at ease that you're not some cheap bastard looking to bail on the session within seconds. But even that method isn't foolproof.

I think I can clear up the misunderstanding a bit further... the difference about the token goal prior to a "special" group show is understandable because it is a rare or more in-depth group than usual. I wasn't referring to the average every day group that models accept or decline on a regular basis. On a similar note, if it is going to be a "special" private session, that's what the 'true private' option is there for. I hope that further clarifies what I was trying to say.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Shaun__ said:
The vomit shows though can actually be detrimental to a persons health.

OMG, have you (or anyone else on this forum) ever witnessed a vomit show on MFC? I haven't, but damn, that's just awful. :( I felt like crying when my sis and my son both had a stomach bug and were getting sick.
no but I've heard a model come out of a "gagging" group show saying she threw up her breakfast for like 150 tokens and she's never doing it again (don't blame her)
hornygods said:
@LadyLuna - well, that's rather normal. Deepthroating is meant to hit the gag reflex. It's a bit odd when puking for the sake of puking is offered though. I hope you've firmed up your boundaries now, it's definitely tough being a model if you're constantly doing things you're uncomfortable with.

What I meant was...

He had done gagging shows with me before, and I'd always stopped it first. This time, he specifically asked me to gag on a dildo until I threw up. He wanted that part. I prepped for it by going to the tub and taking off all my clothes.

Shaun__ said:
You probably do not care what I think of you, but I am going to say it anyways. You seem to be a good person who works hard for things in life. I do not judge you for doing things I do not understand, or any of the other models who enjoy doing things I do not.

Thank you. I really appreciate that.
Jupiter551 said:
no but I've heard a model come out of a "gagging" group show saying she threw up her breakfast for like 150 tokens and she's never doing it again (don't blame her)

A while ago on a radio station, a woman had called up and said she had just eaten a cheesesteak, and then when she gave her boyfriend a BJ afterwards, she threw up all over it.


I can't remember what the radio station's topic was. Embarrassing moments? Sex-related embarrassing moments?
LadyLuna said:
I'm a bit shamed to admit this, but I did one once. It wasn't straight up vomit though... it was "fuck your throat till you vomit"

Luna, i respect you more every time you post anything on this forum (i hope that doesnt sound stalkerish).

but i think youre a bad ass female, that ISNT afraid to talk about shit most people (myself included probably) would never be able to come out and just say. never feel shamed, if anything, be proud that youre a gangster that can say anything and isnt afraid of what others might think. i love/respect your honesty, idk if ive ever said it before so i will now.

Shaun__ said:
A good WTF just to get the thread back on topic. No need to thank me, because I am too busy feeling sick to care. Some people have very different beliefs about the true value of money.


As a member you can contact support , and the model will get warning or a fine.

I did make comment on this model topic "pee/poo/fist/vomit" in a thread here recently and MFC did make a rule edit to cover it.

"The following things, actual, implied or offered, "

And it appears, %99 of the time to be models from a specific country..(not naming it)
In response to all the vomit talk I've seen in the last few pages.

One of my very good friends on tumblr has a vomit fetish; and the way she explains it makes sense to me. Though it's not my thing, I won't knock her for it, especially considering that she's super duper open about it and draws vomit porn of her favorite videogame. Haha.

She explains that vomiting is almost like an orgasm, you have more or less no control of yourself while it happens and it's a release of sorts. She personally doesn't like vomiting, but making others vomit and then babying them afterwards. It's a control thing. Makes total sense to me even if I find it distasteful.
CassieRamone said:
LadyLuna said:
I'm a bit shamed to admit this, but I did one once. It wasn't straight up vomit though... it was "fuck your throat till you vomit"

Luna, i respect you more every time you post anything on this forum (i hope that doesnt sound stalkerish).

but i think youre a bad ass female, that ISNT afraid to talk about shit most people (myself included probably) would never be able to come out and just say. never feel shamed, if anything, be proud that youre a gangster that can say anything and isnt afraid of what others might think. i love/respect your honesty, idk if ive ever said it before so i will now.


Well said. I am on the stalker train with Cassie, Miss LunaLady I :h: so much... ;)

Sweet_Fall said:
She explains that vomiting is almost like an orgasm, you have more or less no control of yourself while it happens and it's a release of sorts. She personally doesn't like vomiting, but making others vomit and then babying them afterwards. It's a control thing. Makes total sense to me even if I find it distasteful.

While that does make sense... most of the guys who enjoy watching is are NOT sticking around to baby the model after it happens.

But thank you for explaining the concept behind the fetish.
LadyLuna said:
Sweet_Fall said:
She explains that vomiting is almost like an orgasm, you have more or less no control of yourself while it happens and it's a release of sorts. She personally doesn't like vomiting, but making others vomit and then babying them afterwards. It's a control thing. Makes total sense to me even if I find it distasteful.

While that does make sense... most of the guys who enjoy watching is are NOT sticking around to baby the model after it happens.

But thank you for explaining the concept behind the fetish.

Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of different reasons for the fetish; that's just her's in particular. I'm sure there are people who like it for the vomit itself and plenty of other reasons.
Loitering on a gay cam site :whistle: and noticed one lad's strap line was this:

"i wanna feel my abs full with cum...i wait for a big orgasm." :lol:

You keep your cum in your abs? :think:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.
JoleneJolene said:
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I do not think an intelligent woman, who makes money through tips, should necessarily be verbally expressing this view of her clientele.
I tried visiting a different model today because she was retweeted and it was her birthday. She was a pretty girl and was dancing in a sexy lace number. (The following is paraphrased.)

As usual, I read the model's profile:
"Do not take screenshots without my consent"
hmmm... okay... :think:

As most know, I'm a polite guy, so I say:
Would it be ok to take a screencap to post on the 'Lace' thread at ACF?

She replies with:
You are not allowed to take any screencaps or I will sick my legal team on you! :angry4:

:shock: Me:
Sorry, you said on your profile to ask, so I did.

If you take them, make sure they stay on your computer! :naughty:

I was kind of shocked :shock: at the hostility and stayed in there for a few more minutes, in which she:
  • Complained to the room that her camscore had tanked (currently 4k+)
    That none of her friends were in the room to take care of her (all the while she's receiving a steady stream of tips and had 300+ visitors)
    That she's checked for UPS deliveries today and still hasn't received any gifts from her fans (which was supposedly unusual as she gets something everyday)

It's amazing how a pretty girl can end up ugly really fast...
At that point I decided not to bother typing another word to her. I left the room, and put her room as hidden. I then proceeded to post about this on Twitter and here. (I have not posted her name, nor intend to.)
I've never had such a response. All the models I do normally visit (not just those in my sig) are truly awesome people. Perhaps it has something to do with them being ACF members? Maybe.
I love you ladies. :love7: (and some of you guys too)
JoleneJolene said:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.

:lol: Honest Abe said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
JoleneJolene said:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.

Wow. That's ridiculous. Nice way to treat the people that help you make a living. i've watched one girl (and i wonder if it's the same one) who has gone on many rants where she basically says that everyone who watches the girls on the site are worthless. She brags about how wonderful she is and how she deserves so much, but treats her guys like crap if she's not being tipped constantly. my personal favorite was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, when she drunkenly ranted about it not being a big deal. :woops: Her room was furious. It's fun for the "train wreck" factor, but i can't imagine that kind of mentality about camming getting her very far. It's really unfortunate, because she's gorgeous. We want guys to see us as actual people with feelings, but some girls forget that there are people with feelings on the other side, too.
SophiaLocke said:
JoleneJolene said:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.

Wow. That's ridiculous. Nice way to treat the people that help you make a living. i've watched one girl (and i wonder if it's the same one) who has gone on many rants where she basically says that everyone who watches the girls on the site are worthless. She brags about how wonderful she is and how she deserves so much, but treats her guys like crap if she's not being tipped constantly. my personal favorite was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, when she drunkenly ranted about it not being a big deal. :woops: Her room was furious. It's fun for the "train wreck" factor, but i can't imagine that kind of mentality about camming getting her very far. It's really unfortunate, because she's gorgeous. We want guys to see us as actual people with feelings, but some girls forget that there are people with feelings on the other side, too.

If this is who I think it is, she really seems to not "get" her own job, which she says she is amazing at. And it's probably a good thing she has her own site where these "worthless" dudes can't hear her thoughts on various and sundry topics. (At this point, I wish there was an emote for... flapping your lips with your finger and making a dumb sound) She may be a nice girl in real life, but from everything I've seen on cam, she sure doesn't show it. So I tend to only go in her room when I want some train wreck. Wait, I take that back, she almost showed genuine remorse about a big tipper having to leave before a show, but then went on her tipping rant again, so canceled that out. (finger lip flap again)
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waogo said:
SophiaLocke said:
JoleneJolene said:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.

Wow. That's ridiculous. Nice way to treat the people that help you make a living. i've watched one girl (and i wonder if it's the same one) who has gone on many rants where she basically says that everyone who watches the girls on the site are worthless. She brags about how wonderful she is and how she deserves so much, but treats her guys like crap if she's not being tipped constantly. my personal favorite was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, when she drunkenly ranted about it not being a big deal. :woops: Her room was furious. It's fun for the "train wreck" factor, but i can't imagine that kind of mentality about camming getting her very far. It's really unfortunate, because she's gorgeous. We want guys to see us as actual people with feelings, but some girls forget that there are people with feelings on the other side, too.

If this is who I think it is, she really seems to not "get" her own job, which she says she is amazing at. And it's probably a good thing she has her own site where these "worthless" dudes can't hear her thoughts on various and sundry topics. (At this point, I wish there was an emote for... flapping your lips with your finger and making a dumb sound) She may be a nice girl in real life, but from everything I've seen on cam, she sure doesn't show it. So I tend to only go in her room when I want some train wreck. Wait, I take that back, she almost showed genuine remorse about a big tipper having to leave before a show, but then went on her tipping rant again, so canceled that out. (finger lip flap again)
I don't think we are talking about the same girl because I THINK I know who you're talking about which really just turns this into a jumbled mess! ahaha.
She also went off on how much smarter she is then all the dumb bitches on MFC not paying for school since looks don't last forever.
I think I'd rather invest in an IRA than waste thousands on a degree that statistically won't be used. (that's smart bb)
JoleneJolene said:
waogo said:
SophiaLocke said:
JoleneJolene said:
Wow, I just watched a model go on the most insulting, ridiculous rant in an effort to defend herself from being called stupid by a member who didn't actually call her stupid... then just iced her own cake with this gem.
Don't call ME dumb, you're the one in here spending money like a dipshit

This was followed by saying every man who joins the military is unedicated and an asshole... and then added that if someone is in the marines it's impossible for them to get a degree... Because the military paying for school isn't common knowledge I guess...
Wow, all over THINKING someone called her dumb... now everyone thinks she's dumb.

I get paid to sit on my ass and do nothing

I had to hit the "x" after that.

Wow. That's ridiculous. Nice way to treat the people that help you make a living. i've watched one girl (and i wonder if it's the same one) who has gone on many rants where she basically says that everyone who watches the girls on the site are worthless. She brags about how wonderful she is and how she deserves so much, but treats her guys like crap if she's not being tipped constantly. my personal favorite was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, when she drunkenly ranted about it not being a big deal. :woops: Her room was furious. It's fun for the "train wreck" factor, but i can't imagine that kind of mentality about camming getting her very far. It's really unfortunate, because she's gorgeous. We want guys to see us as actual people with feelings, but some girls forget that there are people with feelings on the other side, too.

If this is who I think it is, she really seems to not "get" her own job, which she says she is amazing at. And it's probably a good thing she has her own site where these "worthless" dudes can't hear her thoughts on various and sundry topics. (At this point, I wish there was an emote for... flapping your lips with your finger and making a dumb sound) She may be a nice girl in real life, but from everything I've seen on cam, she sure doesn't show it. So I tend to only go in her room when I want some train wreck. Wait, I take that back, she almost showed genuine remorse about a big tipper having to leave before a show, but then went on her tipping rant again, so canceled that out. (finger lip flap again)
I don't think we are talking about the same girl because I THINK I know who you're talking about which really just turns this into a jumbled mess! ahaha.
She also went off on how much smarter she is then all the dumb bitches on MFC not paying for school since looks don't last forever.
I think I'd rather invest in an IRA than waste thousands on a degree that statistically won't be used. (that's smart bb)
That's what we get for trying not to name names. Oh well. ha.
Marokite said:
I tried visiting a different model today because she was retweeted and it was her birthday. She was a pretty girl and was dancing in a sexy lace number. (The following is paraphrased.)

As usual, I read the model's profile:
"Do not take screenshots without my consent"
hmmm... okay... :think:

As most know, I'm a polite guy, so I say:
Would it be ok to take a screencap to post on the 'Lace' thread at ACF?

She replies with:
You are not allowed to take any screencaps or I will sick my legal team on you! :angry4:

:shock: Me:
Sorry, you said on your profile to ask, so I did.

If you take them, make sure they stay on your computer! :naughty:

I was kind of shocked :shock: at the hostility and stayed in there for a few more minutes, in which she:
  • Complained to the room that her camscore had tanked (currently 4k+)
    That none of her friends were in the room to take care of her (all the while she's receiving a steady stream of tips and had 300+ visitors)
    That she's checked for UPS deliveries today and still hasn't received any gifts from her fans (which was supposedly unusual as she gets something everyday)

It's amazing how a pretty girl can end up ugly really fast...
At that point I decided not to bother typing another word to her. I left the room, and put her room as hidden. I then proceeded to post about this on Twitter and here. (I have not posted her name, nor intend to.)
I've never had such a response. All the models I do normally visit (not just those in my sig) are truly awesome people. Perhaps it has something to do with them being ACF members? Maybe.
I love you ladies. :love7: (and some of you guys too)
Most non-ACF models are nothing like this, hell most PEOPLE are nothing like this. Spoiled princess.
That model seems a little divorced from reality. I am wondering - with that kind of attitude, are they what a member would deem as a pretty 'successful' model?

EDIT - complaining about lack of gifts at 4k camscore? That really does sound self-entitled. I would expect this on a 500 camscore model, not one with 4k camscore.
hornygods said:
EDIT - complaining about lack of gifts at 4k camscore? That really does sound self-entitled. I would expect this on a 500 camscore model, not one with 4k camscore.

Just wanted to point out that I've come across plenty of high cam score models acting a fool on MFC (not just lower cam score models). I've seen models just sit there looking bored and waiting for tokens to fly from the sky, and then barely crack a smile when they received smaller tips.
Wow so farting really is a fetish...ugh...btw even the age verification page of the following url is enough to make me :crybaby:
So Sexy Miss Lizz aka queenoffarts aka misspiss is coming to see me in
the next week! I have been down and a little blue but she told me that
orgasms release endorphins which will make me HAPPY! So on that note we need you to order a dirty naughty video! One that will help me release a TON of endorphins to make me feel better. Please email me with anything you like for her and I dont have any limits, lol.
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