AmberCutie's Forum
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Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

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NerdCandy said:
Khal Drogo is a tree I'd happily climb without a ladder.

*eyebrow waggle*

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EllaXoXo said:
Him: so what is your family origins
Me: Monkeys from Africa
Him: i like to brag about this but i had a ancestors who were kings of Ireland
Me: The brilliance and social graces of the kings of Ireland have obviously been passed on. <trying not to laugh at how untrue that statement is>
Him: my last name is Kelly <no clue he is being mocked in PMs now in addition to in the room under his nose>

Someone just told me that another model was told to "squeeze baps together" :lol: What the fuck is a "bap"??

OK, sooooo I read this ^ :think:

And I thought this.....



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Nordling said:
Well, before the Normans, there were the High Kings, like this dude:


Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill

Sadly, the pre-Norman history has been mucked up over the years.

Yes I know, but only for a relatively brief period of time - even the term High King is an indication that in fact, pretty much the biggest gael chieftain from each area was titled king, and the high king was just the biggest chieftain.

I would argue that the modern concept of "King" as opposed to say, chieftain, warlord, tribal leader, etc is one that didn't exist until the medieval European courts and aristocracy that sprung from them.

Like...pre-Norman conquest...well the Norman invasion of Britain is pretty much the start of the middle ages lol - before that it was the Dark Ages, during which time there was little if any written history (and almost ALL of early medieval British history was written by monks, and coloured by church politics and religious leanings) - pretty much everything that is known about this period was written MUCH later and (huge) gaps of knowledge are filled by what basically amounts to improvised fairytale.
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Exactly, Jupe. Same with Norse history. What we know of the Norse religion, e.g., comes from a couple documents, the Eddas, which were written by a Christian guy in Iceland.
Yup and archeologists and sociologists are constantly amazed at the intricate jewellery and metalworking they occasionally pull up from a lake or other ceremonial place - it seems our barbarian ancestors weren't completely without culture lol.

I think it's fascinating that even before the Saxons and Danes came to Britain Old Irish contains words that are still in the German language today -Danes, Celts, Picts, Jutes, Franks, Saxons - were all distant cousins.
Jupiter551 said:
Yup and archeologists and sociologists are constantly amazed at the intricate jewellery and metalworking they occasionally pull up from a lake or other ceremonial place - it seems our barbarian ancestors weren't completely without culture lol.

I think it's fascinating that even before the Saxons and Danes came to Britain Old Irish contains words that are still in the German language today -Danes, Celts, Picts, Jutes, Franks, Saxons - were all distant cousins.

How distant do you have to be before it's no longer considered incest?
Sevrin said:
Jupiter551 said:
Yup and archeologists and sociologists are constantly amazed at the intricate jewellery and metalworking they occasionally pull up from a lake or other ceremonial place - it seems our barbarian ancestors weren't completely without culture lol.

I think it's fascinating that even before the Saxons and Danes came to Britain Old Irish contains words that are still in the German language today -Danes, Celts, Picts, Jutes, Franks, Saxons - were all distant cousins.

How distant do you have to be before it's no longer considered incest?

By law? I think it varies, in some places second cousins I think is considered okay, though in the distant past people often married first cousins - after a few generations everyone in a village or tribe is related to each other somehow, and noble lines often shared common ancestry through two or three different lines (the more the better when considering legitimacy to rule)
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!
99.95% of the guys on MFC couldn't care less about your specific address, so those are pretty good odds of absolutely nothing happening. Most guys just ask about towns out of curiosity and to make small talk. I wouldn't worry about it.
sxycherrypie said:
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!

Why did you let people know what town you live in? Why is your state not blocked?
Sevrin said:
sxycherrypie said:
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!

Why did you let people know what town you live in? Why is your state not blocked?
Thought having the town on my profile was mandatory Im gonna change that.
sxycherrypie said:
Sevrin said:
sxycherrypie said:
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!

Why did you let people know what town you live in? Why is your state not blocked?
Thought having the town on my profile was mandatory Im gonna change that.

Not mandatory at all, my location on my profile is Mars. :h: I hope you are safe and that he was just some pranker. Keep the poker face. The minute people like that see you are afraid, they will keep messing around with you.
Lydia_Deetz said:

Isn't this supposed to be things members say that make you go WTF?

Well, there's 2 male members discussing incest and incest laws...I sure said "WTF"!!!
NerdCandy said:
Okay, perving right now...why the FUCK is another model in another model's room telling the MODEL what she NEEDS to do?!

Ugh. The hell...
ha ha! If Karma really existed, a dozen models would in turn go into THAT model's room and tell HER what SHE needs to do. :)
sxycherrypie said:
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!

So you mean he's literally in SIGHT of your apartment? I'd block state asap and if you see him in your room after that you know he's getting around the IP blocker and maybe mfc can do something :dontknow:

If you mean he's in the next town over or something just act like you don't give a shit where he's from, and be a bit aloof to anything he says so there's no sense of any "attachment" on his side.

But that's got little to do with what this member said. I mean, he's a moron for telling a model he doesn't know what his address is, but before we get all excited about this "stalker" let's recall that he did nothing other than tell a model, who did not block her state, his address after she let it be known where she lives.

Learning opportunity? I think so.
sxycherrypie said:
Some one last night saw my town and was like oh your from this state nice I live on this address and it is next to were I live!!! I am scared and paranoid now. I mean what if he sees me coming out of my apartment and watched me go up to the first floor and shit?If he just said that to scare me well he is doing a fucking good job!!!!
Hee, not all of us pervs are stalkers, if its only a chat line like "You are from xxx town? cool, me to, Im from xxx street", and he did not talk about a date or so he wants, then forget it, its just small talk.
Sevrin said:

But that's got little to do with what this member said. I mean, he's a moron for telling a model he doesn't know what his address is, but before we get all excited about this "stalker" let's recall that he did nothing other than tell a model, who did not block her state, his address after she let it be known where she lives.

Learning opportunity? I think so.

Depends what she means, she said he lives "right next" to her and is worried about being seen leaving her apartment, and is now scared and paranoid. If "right next" happens to be the house across the street I'd call that a possible but extremely unlikely coincidence.

Just me, but I don't go round telling models my address either. If they ask me where in my town I live I'll give the suburb. People who talk about their location and a model's location are the ones wondering if they can just pop over for sex and ice cream.
sxycherrypie said:
I mean like 1 block away.

I'm not even the suspicious type and I find that creepily coincidental - but I dunno, he might be a nice guy. A model told me she's like 10 minutes drive from me and we go shopping at the same mall...but I'm not going to hunt her down, stalk her, or hit on her. If I see her out shopping and she's not with parents etc I'll just go say hi then leave her alone.
ComicOzzie said:
momentintime: i wou;d rathjer fuclk a girl wityh 100000000000000000000000000 STD's than agilr whop is soso so horrible as y0uou

Submitted without comment.
What the fuck this doesn't make sense and if he likes girls with std's god he must be infested with them lol.
sxycherrypie said:
ComicOzzie said:
momentintime: i wou;d rathjer fuclk a girl wityh 100000000000000000000000000 STD's than agilr whop is soso so horrible as y0uou

Submitted without comment.
What the fuck this doesn't make sense and if he likes girls with std's god he must be infested with them lol.

See, this is what happens when you mix your meds, try to type with big stumpy fingers and end up hitting too many keys! However it also looks like it was written by a socially retarded 12 year old... and is soso so horrible... Yeah I loll'd at that line.