AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

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bud9752 said:
croskey2010: listen here bitch do your damn job and dont worry about what i have to say you get your money from us and if you want any id suggest not being such a bitch

Had something like this in my room last night. I got my fuck machine ready and politely said that the show will start in about 10 minutes because I needed to make sure my tippers got their videos first, as tippers always come first in my room rather than a show full of freeloaders. Someone comes in and says 'What the fuck are you doing? Get on it and fuck the damn thing.' Banned him, then 3 minutes later someone else said 'Aren't you going to fuck it?' I said yes and again explained about tippers coming first and a minute later he says. 'So lets see you fuck it already.'

I've come to terms that there is absolutely no patience on MFC. Or, people come in my room who are on the edge of cumming and need that extra help pushing it out. I hope seeing 'YOU ARE BANNED' helped them spurt all over their belly.
This was in EvaLee (CatraLacourte)'s room tonight. It was easily the dumbest thing that I and maybe her had ever seen a member say. She was in the middle of a public show and people were tipping her like crazy. She was interacting and saying thanks to everyone who tipped, so one guy is like "stop saying thank you, you're ruining the show." Eva's always quick with the Ban button, but I think even she was stunned by the stupidity of that comment. Needless to say, he won't be hearing her say "thank you" for 60 days.
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ViruSphere said:
This was in EvaLee (CatraLacourte)'s room tonight. It was easily the dumbest thing that I and maybe her had ever seen a member say. She was in the middle of a public show and people were tipping her like crazy. She was interacting and saying thanks to everyone who tipped, so one guy is like "stop saying thank you, you're ruining the show." Eva's always quick with the Ban button, but I think even she was stunned by the stupidity of that comment. Needless to say, he won't be hearing her say "thank you" for 60 days.

Lemme guess. Said idiot had not tipped anything.
ComicOzzie said:
ViruSphere said:
This was in EvaLee (CatraLacourte)'s room tonight. It was easily the dumbest thing that I and maybe her had ever seen a member say. She was in the middle of a public show and people were tipping her like crazy. She was interacting and saying thanks to everyone who tipped, so one guy is like "stop saying thank you, you're ruining the show." Eva's always quick with the Ban button, but I think even she was stunned by the stupidity of that comment. Needless to say, he won't be hearing her say "thank you" for 60 days.

Lemme guess. Said idiot had not tipped anything.

Not only that, he didn't even say hello. Assuming he came from the lounge or came from the Most Populated Rooms while browsing for a free show. Hope he wacked off well to the You Are Banned letters. They sure get me hot.
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EvaLee said:
ComicOzzie said:
ViruSphere said:
This was in EvaLee (CatraLacourte)'s room tonight. It was easily the dumbest thing that I and maybe her had ever seen a member say. She was in the middle of a public show and people were tipping her like crazy. She was interacting and saying thanks to everyone who tipped, so one guy is like "stop saying thank you, you're ruining the show." Eva's always quick with the Ban button, but I think even she was stunned by the stupidity of that comment. Needless to say, he won't be hearing her say "thank you" for 60 days.

Lemme guess. Said idiot had not tipped anything.

Not only that, he didn't even say hello. Assuming he came from the lounge or came from the Most Populated Rooms while browsing for a free show. Hope he wacked off well to the You Are Banned letters. They sure get me hot.
mmmmm nice letters bb :lol:
Lily90x said:
JickyJuly said:
MadisonLeigh said:
If that was a scary sick bastard to you...I hate to tell you...but you'll hear things way, way more sick than that.

I was thinking the same thing! He just wants to be tiny and walk all over your body. He's an adventurer, bb! Some of us are having our cervixes chainsawed out over here. Hehehe. I kind of like the idea of climbing around on a giant, myself. :shifty:

I know, I know... There are fetishes that are much worse, I guess. Just wanted to put it in this thread because it's the worst thing that's happened to me in my 3 weeks of being on MFC.

And yes, he actually used the word orifices... >_<

I know that this is new to you, so it was a bit shocking but I want to share some advice.
The giantess fetishists are some of the best guys! I have one regular giantess fetishist and he is the biggest gentleman EVER! They are a type of sub and will always be super respectful. Every individual is different but on a broad scope they are great fellas!
Ever have those privates end without even a thank you sometimes? Never from these guys! They will be thanking you next week!!!
I'll take a "please may I crawl inside of you mistress" private over a 'harder faster CUM CUM" private anyday!
He likes it when I push him (little toy) out at the end... :shifty:
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JoleneJolene said:
I know that this is new to you, so it was a bit shocking but I want to share some advice.
The giantess fetishists are some of the best guys! I have one regular giantess fetishist and he is the biggest gentleman EVER! They are a type of sub and will always be super respectful. Every individual is different but on a broad scope they are great fellas!
Ever have those privates end without even a thank you sometimes? Never from these guys! They will be thanking you next week!!!
I'll take a "please may I crawl inside of you mistress" private over a 'harder faster CUM CUM" private anyday!
He likes it when I push him (little toy) out at the end... :shifty:

Okay, I'll remember that the next time someone asks me if I want to do anything like that ;)
I just really freaked out when he asked me, I was caught completely off-guard. Today, it doesn't seem that disturbing anymore. I wouldn't know how to handle such a fetish in a private, though. It's just completely beyond me I guess.
Lily90x said:
Okay, I'll remember that the next time someone asks me if I want to do anything like that ;)
I just really freaked out when he asked me, I was caught completely off-guard. Today, it doesn't seem that disturbing anymore. I wouldn't know how to handle such a fetish in a private, though. It's just completely beyond me I guess.

That being said, there is also a troll out there who pretends to be into giant women and just tries to swindle you into doing something for free.

@Jicky: Da fuq? I saw you the other day (had to peak since I had never seen you on before!) and will be the first to say that troll was bogus. Btw, MAD CUTE. Love your voice!

One of my regs got pissy with me once because I 'orgasmed without his permission'. I subbed to him and he commanded that I cum for no one but him for now on. I thought it was part of the roleplay because, I mean, ...really? I guess sometimes I am a little TOO naive. And the next time we got together and before the show started he asked me how many times I orgasmed and I told him. He flipped out a little and all I could say was, "You were serious?" lmfao. I laughed it off and explained, very calmly, how and why that just does not work at all for me. The best part is that he offered me 20 more $ to 'make up the difference'.
Another lengthy explanation, and we haven't had a show together since. I don't hate him or am mad, just amused that it actually happened at all. If he hates me because I refused his 80$ to not orgasm until the next time he takes me pvt (in another week) then fine. Nothing I can do about that.
Rosemary said:
One of my regs got pissy with me once because I 'orgasmed without his permission'. I subbed to him and he commanded that I cum for no one but him for now on. I thought it was part of the roleplay because, I mean, ...really?

Oh well, there goes my idea of having you sub and then commanding you to supply free skype shows :(

I thought I'd found the loophole like using a wish to create more wishes lol.
Thanks rose. I've never gotten to see you online either, but you're one of my favs around here. Next time say hi so i can gush over you like a celebrity sighting. hehe.
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bossofyou: dam gurl ur amazing u shud chec me out real qik n if u like me ill pvt may i also shoot coc 4 u?xxxx common b brave

common b brave? Sounds like a guy who is used to being denied and banned! Winner!
EvaLee said:
bossofyou: dam gurl ur amazing u shud chec me out real qik n if u like me ill pvt may i also shoot coc 4 u?xxxx common b brave

common b brave? Sounds like a guy who is used to being denied and banned! Winner!
Also sounds like he doesn't even have a 3rd grade education with that spelling lol.
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I had a premium come in and ask me why It won't let him pm me and I told hin that you have to be on my friends list. And that he could either get to know me in public or pay 50 tokens. He said I dont want to chat in front of pervy men plus I don't want to pay 50 tokens. I bbasically said well my way or the highway.Then he tried to tell me what a conversation was lol and it was the same thing he thought was commenting lol. He kept on insisting me change my setting and I am like no you have no tokens for 1 and your rating is 20 either your new or a free loader and i went with my second guess.I told him good luck finding a girl that charges less than 100 tokens lol and he said there are plenty he was just interested in talking to me first and im like talk to me in public what are you scared of and he told me what he said last time and im like ugh and he left lol. Some ppl are special.
sxycherrypie said:
I bbasically said well my way or the highway.
This is completely off-topic, but can I just say that I LOVE the phrase "my way or the highway"? I'm not a native English speaker and I just think it's amazing. When I first heard it in school I kept saying it all day. :shifty:
Lily90x said:
sxycherrypie said:
I bbasically said well my way or the highway.
This is completely off-topic, but can I just say that I LOVE the phrase "my way or the highway"? I'm not a native English speaker and I just think it's amazing. When I first heard it in school I kept saying it all day. :shifty:

how did you find opportunities to say it all day lol? it's kind of a situational thing lol
Lol I read this about "cognitive dissonance" and it immediately made me think of premiums who tell a model she's ugly after he's denied whatever unreasonable demand he made:
A classical example of this idea (and the origin of the expression "sour grapes") is expressed in the fable The Fox and the Grapes by Aesop (ca. 620–564 BCE). In the story, a fox sees some high-hanging grapes and wishes to eat them. When the fox is unable to think of a way to reach them, he surmises that the grapes are probably not worth eating, as they must not be ripe or that they are sour. This example follows a pattern: one desires something, finds it unattainable, and reduces one's dissonance by criticizing it. Jon Elster calls this pattern "adaptive preference formation."
Jupiter551 said:
Lily90x said:
sxycherrypie said:
I bbasically said well my way or the highway.
This is completely off-topic, but can I just say that I LOVE the phrase "my way or the highway"? I'm not a native English speaker and I just think it's amazing. When I first heard it in school I kept saying it all day. :shifty:

how did you find opportunities to say it all day lol? it's kind of a situational thing lol
You got a problem with that? It's her way or the highway, bud.
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ElaySmith said:
In my room just now...

bossofyou: fuk u look good tonight im bout t hav a shot u wanna watch? meth or coke ur choice xxxxxxxx
Sounds like this guy sure makes his rounds on MFC. Gonna be proactive and put him on my ban list now. :)
ElaySmith said:
In my room just now...

bossofyou: fuk u look good tonight im bout t hav a shot u wanna watch? meth or coke ur choice xxxxxxxx

So jelly. Looks like when he came in my room last night I got the boring version of what you got (see my post above).
EvaLee said:
ElaySmith said:
In my room just now...

bossofyou: fuk u look good tonight im bout t hav a shot u wanna watch? meth or coke ur choice xxxxxxxx

So jelly. Looks like when he came in my room last night I got the boring version of what you got (see my post above).

Yea apparently he is just going from room to room posting the same shit....
Jupiter551 said:
Also, orifices is such a sexy fuckin word! :love4:

I thought premiums loved it when I make references to my "Three Loving Orifices" !?!?

Particularly when I sing-song it to the tune from Gilligan's Island, "Three Hour Tour!"
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LovelyLemon said:
Jupiter551 said:
Also, orifices is such a sexy fuckin word! :love4:

I thought premiums loved it when I make references to my "Three Loving Orifices" !?!?

Particularly when I sing-song it to the tune from Gilligan's Island, "Three Hour Tour!"

lol I just guffawed like an idiot