AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I guess I'm a lil different when it comes to all that.
I honestly will sit there with the guys and chit chat
about models. Who I like and why. Hell when
random guys come to my room just to say
to other guys "hey check out so and so" ill actually
go check them out myself too seeing how i have
another comp right beside me. lol It may be bad
for "my business" but hey im not the jealous type
and i say what i feel. If they like another model doesn't really hurt my just makes
me wana work harder at being better and also makes
me realize there are a million other guys in line turning
18 lmao
When it comes to talking about other models in my room, I don't hesitate to mention my faves because. hey: If the peeps in my room want to tip for boobs and I'm not showing any that night for some reason or another then I'd love for that tip for boobie flashes and other whatnots to go to the awesome model that is showing them off. That's the ONLY time I will ever mention any models in my room. I prefer to be the one to mention other models, though sometimes the people coming in randomly (even some regulars) will talk about how hot another model is or how a model is going to be starting a show soon. This is especially irritating if this occurs during a show...

But I take responsibility for that, because in the end it's just me setting a bad example. :oops:
My main issue with members talking about other models in my room is that you cant control what everyone is going to say. I have had the occasional conversation about another model that I like but I try to steer clear of these topics because I dont like it when other people put there $.02 in and its not positive. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion of other models but my room is not a place to discuss it.
I learned my lesson about discussing other models in my room. In June, one of my oh-so-kind regulars was asking the eternal "why aren't you #1 in MFC?" to which someone else asked "oh, who's number one right now?"

I explained that the model who was going to win Miss MFC for the month of June was an extremely hard worker, which I wasn't. I also happened to mention what most of her public shows consisted of. Now, it's no secret she had a fuck machine and used it often, but somehow me telling my room that is what she did and that I did do that, meant that I was now stepping on some toes. Yay for knights in shining armor, because next thing I know I'm getting just awful PMs from one of said model's "friends." He told me that I was just jealous and rude and that he was recording what I was saying so that he could relay the whole exchange to her later. I tried my best to explain that I was merely stating fact, not expressing opinion, and that yes, most models are jealous of certain aspects of the title of Miss MFC, but I was happy for her and that she worked very hard to be where she was and that she deserved it.

Nope, he still ran his mouth to her because the next day I was perma-banned from her room. Awesome.

So now, no model talk in my room because I never know who's listening and preparing to twist my words into something else.
momentintime: hahaha YOU ARE A COMPLETE dgilr, and a silly slut, and a ridiuclous person! Your insultss are even more immature and telling!!! You cvould stay here for two hhr qand u would ber luckyto get 2000000 in an hour because u are a horrbiel silly slut

If anyone can figure out the point of this post, you are much smarter than I.

PS The person who posted this claimed to be an English teacher. :-D
Bocefish said:
jebbaz said:
PenelopeHume said:
"How young can a girl get pregnant?"

I told him about a case where a 6-year-old girl got pregnant somewhere in South America.

His reply?

"Oh NO! Well that won't do at all."

...He then proceeded to talk about how he wanted to screw little girls. BAN.
gross, very gross. However, you totally walked into that one.

WOW! I found that hard to believe, so did a little research and found there is actually a younger girl that gave birth at 5 years, 7 months and had been having periods since she was 3. :eek:

Nothing I hate more than pedophiles & rapists!!! :evil:

That is fucked up how the hell can a 2 - 5 year old child get pregnant? That is just ugh sick made me nauseous :angry4: .
ComicOzzie said:
momentintime: hahaha YOU ARE A COMPLETE dgilr, and a silly slut, and a ridiuclous person! Your insultss are even more immature and telling!!! You cvould stay here for two hhr qand u would ber luckyto get 2000000 in an hour because u are a horrbiel silly slut

If anyone can figure out the point of this post, you are much smarter than I.

PS The person who posted this claimed to be an English teacher. :-D

Wow she must be terrible if she'd be lucky to get 2 million an hour LOL. Haven't worked out 'dgilr' dgirl? The worst is that he insults her slutfulness - he says twice that she's a 'silly slut', not even a 'serious slut'.
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

Knew someone who would pull out his cock and start wanking when the girl he was with was not paying attention. I also knew several of his victims and as with your tantrum throwing member I can't imagine it ever works, and is motivated by some sort of sick need to get a predictable reaction.
ElaySmith said:
My main issue with members talking about other models in my room is that you cant control what everyone is going to say. I have had the occasional conversation about another model that I like but I try to steer clear of these topics because I dont like it when other people put there $.02 in and its not positive. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion of other models but my room is not a place to discuss it.

Absofuckinglutely, even praise, and complementary chat always seems to go astray, and what is repeated, is always going to be that not positive bit, accompanied by the fact that it happened in your room.
camstory said:
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

Knew someone who would pull out his cock and start wanking when the girl he was with was not paying attention. I also knew several of his victims and as with your tantrum throwing member I can't imagine it ever works, and is motivated by some sort of sick need to get a predictable reaction.

Dude that is seriously fucking weird.

I heard Mike Patton (Faith No More) used to masturbate inappropriately and publicly up til early adulthood lol...and is still a chronic self-confessed masturbator. Saw him talking about it in an interview.
camstory said:
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

Knew someone who would pull out his cock and start wanking when the girl he was with was not paying attention. I also knew several of his victims and as with your tantrum throwing member I can't imagine it ever works, and is motivated by some sort of sick need to get a predictable reaction.

It's real annoying.
Jupiter551 said:
camstory said:
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

Knew someone who would pull out his cock and start wanking when the girl he was with was not paying attention. I also knew several of his victims and as with your tantrum throwing member I can't imagine it ever works, and is motivated by some sort of sick need to get a predictable reaction.

Dude that is seriously fucking weird.

I heard Mike Patton (Faith No More) used to masturbate inappropriately and publicly up til early adulthood lol...and is still a chronic self-confessed masturbator. Saw him talking about it in an interview.

That is weird. Wonder how you can masturbate publicly with out getting caught or embarrassed?
sxycherrypie said:
That is weird. Wonder how you can masturbate publicly with out getting caught or embarrassed?

Well in Mike Patton's case you join a band, do it on camera, get paid for it and occasionally arrested lol.
Jupiter551 said:
ComicOzzie said:
momentintime: hahaha YOU ARE A COMPLETE dgilr, and a silly slut, and a ridiuclous person! Your insultss are even more immature and telling!!! You cvould stay here for two hhr qand u would ber luckyto get 2000000 in an hour because u are a horrbiel silly slut

If anyone can figure out the point of this post, you are much smarter than I.

PS The person who posted this claimed to be an English teacher. :-D

Wow she must be terrible if she'd be lucky to get 2 million an hour LOL. Haven't worked out 'dgilr' dgirl? The worst is that he insults her slutfulness - he says twice that she's a 'silly slut', not even a 'serious slut'.

The best part is that the model was in a private when he posted this. Brain damage is really sad.
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

I am guessing that member literally was 5 years old.
Got another one yesterday lol he tried to bullshit me now guys don't do this in my room please lol cause this is what your gonna get just a heads up.(I was a lil distracted with somethin for like 2 mins when he said hi)

Him hi bby
me (distracted)
2 mins later him: answer me bitch
me: Do not tell me what to do in my room that does not go well with me if I do not reply to you I am busy with a pm
Him:Can I see ass?
Me: Yea sure 50 tokens for that.
Him: Ive got 500 tokens what should I do with them
Me: Your in a basic account so you can't possibly have these tokens unless you have a "premium account* (I knew he was full of crap) But if you can afford to get it iam doing a 5 min skype for 250 tokens and you would get to see all the ass you want lol
then he kept bragging about his tokens.I told him if you talk the talk walk the walk and called him out cause he was a basic lol.

Him: Your fat I wouldn't give ya anything and your pussy must me fat too
Me: Yup I loooove my food and I'm planning on gaining more weight too (sarcasm)
Him:yup just another fat bitch
Me: your funny but that doesn't matter your ruining the vibe here your banned sucker (b4 i banned him hes like WAIT! the I banned him lol then he asked me why i banned him and I ignored him lol really are you that stupid?lol)
Im gonna start keeping my wtf chat logs lol.
ComicOzzie said:
sxycherrypie said:
Him: Your so pretty bb
me: aww thank you hun
Him:can you show me your boobs bb?
me: Well it is 50 tokens a flash
Him: Your a stupid ugly whore and you don't deserve 1 penny

BAN!!! I hate it when guys do this just to see if taking a tantrum like a 5 year old will get them a free peek ugh!

I am guessing that member literally was 5 years old.
Yea probably.Lol I dare him to harass his kindergarten teacher about this stuff LOL LOL :lol:
I just got a PM from one of my good regulars and I cried and was like wtf. He said that he is quitting MFC cause he tried to make frineds and that he was sorry if i caused him any grief and im like wtf you know you never gave me any grieve i would have banned you if you did god I cried can't believe i cried.
sxycherrypie said:
I just got a PM from one of my good regulars and I cried and was like wtf. He said that he is quitting MFC cause he tried to make frineds and that he was sorry if i caused him any grief and im like wtf you know you never gave me any grieve i would have banned you if you did god I cried can't believe i cried.

o_O he might just be fishing for a reaction, some people are drama queens like that.

ps, saying "he's sorry if he ever caused you any grief" and you responding that of course he didn't or you'd ban him probably hurt his feelings but illustrates the problem perfectly; he's acting like a lover threatening to walk out and you're treating him like a valued customer who's never caused any trouble or you woulda kicked his ass out :p
Jupiter551 said:
sxycherrypie said:
I just got a PM from one of my good regulars and I cried and was like wtf. He said that he is quitting MFC cause he tried to make frineds and that he was sorry if i caused him any grief and im like wtf you know you never gave me any grieve i would have banned you if you did god I cried can't believe i cried.

o_O he might just be fishing for a reaction, some people are drama queens like that.

ps, saying "he's sorry if he ever caused you any grief" and you responding that of course he didn't or you'd ban him probably hurt his feelings but illustrates the problem perfectly; he's acting like a lover threatening to walk out and you're treating him like a valued customer who's never caused any trouble or you woulda kicked his ass out :p

I have no idea what I did even when he couldn't tip or anything I would still talk to him cause we had good conversations. Btw this guy says he's a dom lol dom's I don't think are so easily broken.
sxycherrypie said:
I have no idea what I did even when he couldn't tip or anything I would still talk to him cause we had good conversations. Btw this guy says he's a dom lol dom's I don't think are so easily broken.
Sounded a bit like a cry for attention to me, but I'm certainly no psychologist
Jupiter551 said:
sxycherrypie said:
I have no idea what I did even when he couldn't tip or anything I would still talk to him cause we had good conversations. Btw this guy says he's a dom lol dom's I don't think are so easily broken.
Sounded a bit like a cry for attention to me, but I'm certainly no psychologist
I dunno I'm tired of whiny ultra sensitive people kinda annoys me.
sxycherrypie said:
Jupiter551 said:
sxycherrypie said:
I have no idea what I did even when he couldn't tip or anything I would still talk to him cause we had good conversations. Btw this guy says he's a dom lol dom's I don't think are so easily broken.
Sounded a bit like a cry for attention to me, but I'm certainly no psychologist
I dunno I'm tired of whiny ultra sensitive people kinda annoys me.

Yep tell em to get a wife or girlfriend to put up with that shit...or at least take you private :lol: