AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
LadyLuna said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
sxycherrypie said:
How the hell do you tip a person who is not a model?Some people are "special".

Members can transfer tokens to other members though.

Yeah, but such tokens can then only be spent on a model... Unless it's a model pming from a member account who then turns around and tips herself...

Or his sick grandmother is a model
this thread :lol:

a few months ago i met a real sick individual... i don't have his name but holy ass fuck.

he asked me if i could piss in a jar and send it him... obviously i told him no!
then he asked me if i could send him my used tampons... he told me he'd give me 2000tox for it.

obviously at this point i banned him from my room.
Guy in lounge:
I'm not into motherfucking but I'd totally bang LadyVanda
Motherfucking? The woman in question is 35, and hot. This milf thing is out of control :shock:

I hope there aren't too many members on MFC whose mother is aged 35.
I see people over the age of 30 as old and always have done... even though I'm now 25, I think it's coz I don't act my age and don't feel as old as I am, so that age still feels old to me, even though it isn't. Even when I've seen people are like 26 I think to myself wow that's old and then I remember I'm only a year younger and it's not old at all haha.
So maybe other people have issues just like I do haha. Or maybe the people saying it are only 18 or something so it feels old to them.

Oops, think I read the post wrong and have replied wrong. :oops:
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AngelicTease said:
I see people over the age of 30 as old and always have done... even though I'm now 25, I think it's coz I don't act my age and don't feel as old as I am, so that age still feels old to me, even though it isn't. Even when I've seen people are like 26 I think to myself wow that's old and then I remember I'm only a year younger and it's not old at all haha.
So maybe other people have issues just like I do haha. Or maybe the people saying it are only 18 or something so it feels old to them.

Oops, think I read the post wrong and have replied wrong. :oops:

Yeah, I understand that, but when you reach 30 you'll (miraculously) feel like 30 isn't old afterall lol.

I'm 36 and I don't "feel" 36, but that's mostly because whatever preconceived idea about the age of 36 having some intrinsic feeling is just hogwash.

In the adult world though, it seems it's become that every woman who isn't a "teen" is a "milf". There's cam model/porn performer on SV named Kitty Caulfield who is I think about a year younger than me and has been doing hardcore porn, consistently typecast as a "milf" since she started porn in 2000, when she was like 23 or 24 :roll:

Even Amber gets labelled a milf on some dating ads that have stolen her profile pics :lol:

One of the guys calling LadyVanda a "milf" in her room stated his age as 25. I dunno it just seems dumb to me, and Angelic you do realise at 25 that according to these customs you're entering milf-land, I hope you have your marketing angles updated :p
Jupiter551 said:
AngelicTease said:
I see people over the age of 30 as old and always have done... even though I'm now 25, I think it's coz I don't act my age and don't feel as old as I am, so that age still feels old to me, even though it isn't. Even when I've seen people are like 26 I think to myself wow that's old and then I remember I'm only a year younger and it's not old at all haha.
Yeah, I understand that, but when you reach 30 you'll (miraculously) feel like 30 isn't old afterall lol.
I'm 36 and I don't "feel" 36, but that's mostly because whatever preconceived idea about the age of 36 having some intrinsic feeling is just hogwash.
I get 44 next week and i only feel old because i can compare me to the young people around me and not because I feel like i got older. Inside me i feel still like in the mid twenty. Hurts to be seen as "old man" from ppl that age.
Traditio said:
I get 44 next week and i only feel old because i can compare me to the young people around me and not because I feel like i got older. Inside me i feel still like in the mid twenty. Hurts to be seen as "old man" from ppl that age.

Just wait until you are of an age where people that age don't see you at all.
Sevrin said:
Traditio said:
I get 44 next week and i only feel old because i can compare me to the young people around me and not because I feel like i got older. Inside me i feel still like in the mid twenty. Hurts to be seen as "old man" from ppl that age.

Just wait until you are of an age where people that age don't see you at all.

Yeah they smell you instead! :fart:
I had a member come into my friend's demonika's room and after the other drama left more came. A person that I didn't even know was like I will tip you until you ban her and I was like ok dude what the hell did I do? He would not tell me or my friend demonika and after all the ok what did I do's to him he pmed one of my regulars.He told him he will transfer tokens to his account if he gets rid of me for good and of course my reg was like hmm tokens ok I will just trick him and tell him we are gonna get rid of you for it. I felt guilty but im not the one tricking for tokens on this crazy dude. So I took this as an opportunity to tell my reg what was up with him cause I have no idea why this guy hates me.

My reg before telling me what he said was like umm wow then posted it to me in a pm.Basically I looked like his ex wife he did time for.He caught her cheating twice and snapped tied both of them up and raped them.Did 6 years for it.Then this next part made me feel just awful made me want to go hush it's ok shh he said he wakes up screaming at night for it and that he feels bad for what he did. The second thing that an itno my head was man he needs to seek professional help. It was very very messed up. I was like wow um wow.
I admit a part of this was my fault on account of being too fucking nice:

-this has elements of bdsm!-

Him: Get your BIGGEST toys and put one in each hole
Me: I can get a plug in and a large toy, is that ok sir?
Him: Sure
Me: *stuffystuffysqueakytightness* Gah that is tight!
Him: Now get another big cock and suck on it like it's a big animal
Me: Oh, I apologize sir but I am not at all into bestiality!
Him: No need to talk, just do it. (<-- here is my mistake. I assumed that by mentioning I'm not into it he wouldn't bring it up again out of respect.)
Me: *stuffystuffysuckeesuckeebb with dirtytalk and gooshy funcunts!*
Him: Nipple clamps!
Me: *leclamps!*
Him: Now suck that giant animal cock!

*gag* Had to end it. Unfortunate...but I can't get down with the animals, yo. I could have pretended, got da $, and ran...but how would he ever respect my limits? :naughty:
Traditio said:
I get 44 next week and i only feel old because i can compare me to the young people around me and not because I feel like i got older. Inside me i feel still like in the mid twenty. Hurts to be seen as "old man" from ppl that age.

Ummm, mister...
I'm not sure you are aware of this but all regular awesome dudes are subject to birthday spankings on your special day. Of course I can't reach you so my ass will just have to do ;) Don't forget to tell me when your birthday is!
LadyLuna said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
sxycherrypie said:
How the hell do you tip a person who is not a model?Some people are "special".

Members can transfer tokens to other members though.

Yeah, but such tokens can then only be spent on a model... Unless it's a model pming from a member account who then turns around and tips herself...
I have transferred tokens to another member account several times before. Always as a gift, not expecting to ever get anything back. I have done this having known the member a bit and I realize they are in the condition I am usually in - without tokens and wishing they could contribute to the room. In every case they spent the tokens in that room, which is what I would have done anyway. And I enjoy doing this almost as much, or more than giving them to the model, because the member is not expecting it.

For the most part I have not been reimbursed for this, but as I said I never expect that. Nor do I feel any different about the member if they are not able return the favor.

I only get money once a month, and try to keep some tokens as long as possible in my primary account. I do this because I use tip notes as my way of communicating with the model things that are not appropriate for public chat. I don't find there is ever much that I can't say in public chat, but rather than use PM for the few things I want to say privately I send them in a tip note.

Just recently I had ran out of tokens and wanted to say something to a model, but decided to just let it go rather than PM. Just then I looked down and I had 30 tokens. At first I thought it was a glitch in mfc, but almost immediately I realized that a member who had just left the room was the same member who I had a month before given 30 tokens to for a drawing the model was having that night. I had almost forgotten about it. I had been in the same room many times since with this member, but he returned the favor just at the right time. It was a nice surprise, and just as unexpected as when I transferred to him. I later found a mfc mail that confirmed the transfer from this member.

I like that mfc does not charge to transfer tokens. It is how it should be, but would not be out of the norm if they did.

I realize this post so far has strayed from the topic, so let me get to that part.

One of the transfers I made to a member was after the member (lets call him member1) had corrected a douche bag (lets call him douchmember) that was being rude, borderline ban rude. Member1 was the room monitor for this room and was correct to say something. Douchemember told member1 that he needed to shut up because he wasn't worth as much as he (douchemember) was until he started tipping. This was corrected by more than one of the regular members in the room, letting Douchemember know that member1 was a friend and not to be rude to him.

Later after douchemember had gone one of the regular members poked fun at member1 about never tipping. It was meant as a joke and everyone knew this, but even so I thought it would be nice if member1 could sorta say, "in your face", so I transferred 100 tokens to his account. I later received a long letter from member1 thanking me for the transfer. It was clear that this meant way more to him than it would have meant to the model, and it therefor was a more enjoyable use of those tokens for me. The tokens were spent in that models room, much to the surprise of some of the regulars I think, so in the end everyone won.
VixenMeow said:
he asked me if i could piss in a jar and send it him... obviously i told him no!
then he asked me if i could send him my used tampons... he told me he'd give me 2000tox for it.

obviously at this point i banned him from my room.
WOW banning him wouldn't have seemed so obvious to me. I will agree that this request is, from my point of view, some sick shit, but you know there are all sorts. I think if I could get the tokens up front I might have gave it consideration. I am not saying that I would have done it in the end, just that it would not have been an obvious choice.
Sevrin said:
Traditio said:
I get 44 next week and i only feel old because i can compare me to the young people around me and not because I feel like i got older. Inside me i feel still like in the mid twenty. Hurts to be seen as "old man" from ppl that age.

Just wait until you are of an age where people that age don't see you at all.
this post had me dam near rolling on the floor. I could not stop laughing because it is sooooo true.
Rosemary said:
I admit a part of this was my fault on account of being too fucking nice:

-this has elements of bdsm!-

Him: Get your BIGGEST toys and put one in each hole
Me: I can get a plug in and a large toy, is that ok sir?
Him: Sure
Me: *stuffystuffysqueakytightness* Gah that is tight!
Him: Now get another big cock and suck on it like it's a big animal
Me: Oh, I apologize sir but I am not at all into bestiality!
Him: No need to talk, just do it. (<-- here is my mistake. I assumed that by mentioning I'm not into it he wouldn't bring it up again out of respect.)
Me: *stuffystuffysuckeesuckeebb with dirtytalk and gooshy funcunts!*
Him: Nipple clamps!
Me: *leclamps!*
Him: Now suck that giant animal cock!

*gag* Had to end it. Unfortunate...but I can't get down with the animals, yo. I could have pretended, got da $, and ran...but how would he ever respect my limits? :naughty:

Yeah he was a complete toolbag from the second he said "no need to talk, just do it", but are you sure he meant animal cock as in bestiality? Maybe you condensed his text or something but when I first read it I assumed he meant animal as in "oh, you're such an ANIMAL!" lol
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah he was a complete toolbag from the second he said "no need to talk, just do it", but are you sure he meant animal cock as in bestiality? Maybe you condensed his text or something but when I first read it I assumed he meant animal as in "oh, you're such an ANIMAL!" lol

I am more sure than a narwhal assfucking another narwhal. It was a 20 minute long show up until that point and I condensed to highlights.
Rosemary said:
I am more sure than a narwhal assfucking another narwhal. It was a 20 minute long show up until that point and I condensed to highlights.

Earlier in the show, had you been the latter narwhal?
Not a member thing but...I saw this on facebook on the wall of some chick who I assume is a model/camgirl from her pics, I've included his picture because I find it essential to the whole 'flavour' of the comment:

Gary Francis
Hi I really find you sexy. But you live to far to ever have fun with you. But I can talk dirty on facebook one time, if you want? Type up mine and your fantasies, then I can wank over the thoughts of them.

Is it just me or is the thought of posting that on someone's public wall fucking humiliating. lol.
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Yea with the whole sideways hat thing it's almost too over the top. Like if you were going to paint the guy as the world's biggest idiot, you might say well we'll have him look like this, and have the cam angle be like this, and we'll have him say this and.... no the hat is too much.
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