AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
In the future just sign the number up to receive daily dick pics.

(note: no penises are actually harmed by this. Well except for the one that publicly posted his number.)
Can we please stop posting hypotheticals and get back to the funny, stress relieving thread this is meant to be?
Diana Blake said:
Can we please stop posting hypotheticals and get back to the funny, stress relieving thread this is meant to be?
As long as the funny isn't just unfunny not so subtle bigotry, I don't think anyone will have a problem.
ComicOzzie said:
fryhead32: do you humiliate and blackmail on skype?


I had that guy, and I do those fetishes, but they are not cheap when I do them and I am picky. But I decided to humor this fryhead guy once because it was slow, and he tipped 1000 tk to go to Skype. I had no clue what he wanted, because all he did the whole time was aggressively jack off (I do not watch dicks at all, so I told him to put that shit out of my sight, and just watched his arm move like fuckin Speedy Gonzalez LOL), barely spoke (I'm good at this stuff, but not a damn mind reader), completely ignored every single one of my directives (hello, he wanted to be dominated? that means you should like, do what your Domme says), then abruptly ended the Skype because someone apparently came home at his house. He said, "Hey thanks that was great bye." This happened at the point right after I made him stuff a sock in his mouth. I was like ... WTF? Another "sub" trying to top from the bottom, sigh. Then weeks later he asked if I was available again. I ignored him. Nutjob. It was like he was on speed.
mynameisbob84 said:
From a few nights ago (paraphrased)...

Model A: (to Model B) You're so beautiful
Model B: Thank you
Member: (to Model A) She's not as pretty as you

I'm sure he meant well, but there has to be 1,678,247 better ways to tell a girl that you think she's pretty.

It's really 1,678,248. You forgot the one about goats.
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Things basic members say on Twitter that make me go WTF every. single. time:

"I'm a big fan" / "I'm an admirer".

No. You're really not. Everyone who's tipped me any amount in the past is a bigger "fan" than you are.
yummybrownfox said:
Nordling said:
This guy, "WhiteMasterr," has been around for a long time...this is his third member name that I've seen. He was banned as "Dickslapher," and as "WhiteMaster" (one r) I spotted him posting in DanielleKit's room and checked his posts to her profile page. What was shocking to me is his profile page where he apparently has a following. When BDSM or D/S reach the level of racism, it's gone too far, IMHO.

I have to remember to renew my 60-day ban for him on MFC. I know that there are models willing to play along with his race talk, but guys who are into that whole 'white master' thing need to first ASK THE MODEL ahead of time if she's comfortable with it. To just go in a model's room blurting out that kind of shit is stupid. But when you continue talking like that after she's told you she doesn't like it, then that's when you are officially a troll.

Asking me once if I'm up for a master/slave roleplay show will not get you banned. If, however, I politely tell you that I don't do that, and then you harass me with "Oh, come on! It's a first time for everything...I want you to be my little n***er slave," then you're gonna get banned for being a selfish and annoying douche with no respect for a model's boundaries.

Dickslapher (or whatever the hell he's calling himself today) is one of those douches who does not care if a model says "No, I'm not comfortable with that." He proceeds to run off at the mouth, KNOWING that she's uncomfortable. Certainly not the kind of "man" I'd want to encounter face-to-face.

Dont flatter yourself, I don't even have any interest of visiting your room lol
WhiteMasterr said:
yummybrownfox said:
Nordling said:
This guy, "WhiteMasterr," has been around for a long time...this is his third member name that I've seen. He was banned as "Dickslapher," and as "WhiteMaster" (one r) I spotted him posting in DanielleKit's room and checked his posts to her profile page. What was shocking to me is his profile page where he apparently has a following. When BDSM or D/S reach the level of racism, it's gone too far, IMHO.

I have to remember to renew my 60-day ban for him on MFC. I know that there are models willing to play along with his race talk, but guys who are into that whole 'white master' thing need to first ASK THE MODEL ahead of time if she's comfortable with it. To just go in a model's room blurting out that kind of shit is stupid. But when you continue talking like that after she's told you she doesn't like it, then that's when you are officially a troll.

Asking me once if I'm up for a master/slave roleplay show will not get you banned. If, however, I politely tell you that I don't do that, and then you harass me with "Oh, come on! It's a first time for everything...I want you to be my little n***er slave," then you're gonna get banned for being a selfish and annoying douche with no respect for a model's boundaries.

Dickslapher (or whatever the hell he's calling himself today) is one of those douches who does not care if a model says "No, I'm not comfortable with that." He proceeds to run off at the mouth, KNOWING that she's uncomfortable. Certainly not the kind of "man" I'd want to encounter face-to-face.

Dont flatter yourself, I don't even have any interest of visiting your room lol

I wonder why that is. I know. You can't get away with being a douchebag in her room. You'll have a hard time finding a model on this forum that will accept your ass at all.
I love it when a member contacts you, with something like "You're so hot!" asking basically to be friends/do a free show/do whatever for free, and you respond with something like "yeah, tip me!" and they suddenly go on a surge of insults....

Message I just got on ACF of all places which has given me a good laugh today, though I'm pretty certain it's just a troll trying to wind model's up, I've still enjoyed the novelty:

First message titled "Hi ur pretty"
Content of the message
"wanna b friends?"

My response, pretty standard I thought, in fact pretty polite really as "no, fuck off" would have been just as appropriate:
"I think you may be misunderstanding the point of both a camsite and this forum. Come to my room, tip me generously, and then we'll see about whether we get on enough to be friends.... though remember the friendship would be online only."

And here we go with the wonderful response :) I just love trolls! I want to keep one as a pet!

"sloot you aint talkin to one of your bitch boys that pay you because GOD gifted you with a nice face and body. be humble because you're going to be an old hag one day, and maybe my friendship would be welcomed when you're in a fucking nursing home being wheeled around, not even being able to remember what you ate for breakfast.

how dare you insult me in such a manner."
Isabella_deL said:
how dare you insult me in such a manner.

Riiiiiiiiiiight. LOL.
Nordling said:
Tigresslily said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Nordling said:
This guy, "WhiteMasterr," has been around for a long time...this is his third member name that I've seen. He was banned as "Dickslapher," and as "WhiteMaster" (one r) I spotted him posting in DanielleKit's room and checked his posts to her profile page. What was shocking to me is his profile page where he apparently has a following. When BDSM or D/S reach the level of racism, it's gone too far, IMHO.

I have to remember to renew my 60-day ban for him on MFC. I know that there are models willing to play along with his race talk, but guys who are into that whole 'white master' thing need to first ASK THE MODEL ahead of time if she's comfortable with it. To just go in a model's room blurting out that kind of shit is stupid. But when you continue talking like that after she's told you she doesn't like it, then that's when you are officially a troll.

Asking me once if I'm up for a master/slave roleplay show will not get you banned. If, however, I politely tell you that I don't do that, and then you harass me with "Oh, come on! It's a first time for everything...I want you to be my little n***er slave," then you're gonna get banned for being a selfish and annoying douche with no respect for a model's boundaries.

Dickslapher (or whatever the hell he's calling himself today) is one of those douches who does not care if a model says "No, I'm not comfortable with that." He proceeds to run off at the mouth, KNOWING that she's uncomfortable. Certainly not the kind of "man" I'd want to encounter face-to-face.

I'm really glad to know about this guy, so I can put his on my ban list. I tend to get these guys me it's even more annoying when you get 2 guys mailing you in the same hour-one wanting the white domination another wanting me to tell him I'm a nasty white girl. The irony behind it is the guys wanting the white-dominating usually want it because they think I'm Mexican. And no I'm not willing to act like that about a different nationality for money either. (Whatever right?) It literally got to the point where I just listed all of my nationalities on my profile after some assholes wouldn't believe me and said I was (not making this up) "trying to pretend I have some pride". I seriously hate people sometimes...
Yeah, the shear number of models posting positively on his profile makes me assume it's more about tokens than any kind of fetish on their part. Still...I think that's a dangerous form of business: exploiting someone for their bigotry? Very very strange.

Tigress, I have ZERO interest in even visting your room, you lack the attributes I usually go for. I only visit regulars typically.

Nordling, its not just about tokens since there are some I communicate with offline ;) So spare the offbase armchair psychoanalysis lol
DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
yummybrownfox said:
Nordling said:
This guy, "WhiteMasterr," has been around for a long time...this is his third member name that I've seen. He was banned as "Dickslapher," and as "WhiteMaster" (one r) I spotted him posting in DanielleKit's room and checked his posts to her profile page. What was shocking to me is his profile page where he apparently has a following. When BDSM or D/S reach the level of racism, it's gone too far, IMHO.

I have to remember to renew my 60-day ban for him on MFC. I know that there are models willing to play along with his race talk, but guys who are into that whole 'white master' thing need to first ASK THE MODEL ahead of time if she's comfortable with it. To just go in a model's room blurting out that kind of shit is stupid. But when you continue talking like that after she's told you she doesn't like it, then that's when you are officially a troll.

Asking me once if I'm up for a master/slave roleplay show will not get you banned. If, however, I politely tell you that I don't do that, and then you harass me with "Oh, come on! It's a first time for everything...I want you to be my little n***er slave," then you're gonna get banned for being a selfish and annoying douche with no respect for a model's boundaries.

Dickslapher (or whatever the hell he's calling himself today) is one of those douches who does not care if a model says "No, I'm not comfortable with that." He proceeds to run off at the mouth, KNOWING that she's uncomfortable. Certainly not the kind of "man" I'd want to encounter face-to-face.

Dont flatter yourself, I don't even have any interest of visiting your room lol

I wonder why that is. I know. You can't get away with being a douchebag in her room. You'll have a hard time finding a model on this forum that will accept your ass at all.

Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....
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DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....

only came here cuz I saw my name linked from somewhere else and thought the comments about me were funny,,especially the ones from models I have zero interest in checking out LMAOO
WhiteMasterr said:
DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....

only came here cuz I saw my name linked from somewhere else and thought the comments about me were funny,,especially the ones from models I have zero interest in checking out LMAOO

Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.
Jessi said:
WhiteMasterr said:
DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....

only came here cuz I saw my name linked from somewhere else and thought the comments about me were funny,,especially the ones from models I have zero interest in checking out LMAOO

Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.

I wonder if he's the type to get mad when people talk about him like he's not there? Does he want direct attention, or is it enough if we're simply thinking about him?
Jessi said:
WhiteMasterr said:
DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....

only came here cuz I saw my name linked from somewhere else and thought the comments about me were funny,,especially the ones from models I have zero interest in checking out LMAOO

Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.

Sure. I picked the wrong idea. My main point was that he's a douchebag. Can we agree on this?
MissKlass said:
ComicOzzie said:
fryhead32: do you humiliate and blackmail on skype?


I had that guy, and I do those fetishes, but they are not cheap when I do them and I am picky. But I decided to humor this fryhead guy once because it was slow, and he tipped 1000 tk to go to Skype. I had no clue what he wanted, because all he did the whole time was aggressively jack off (I do not watch dicks at all, so I told him to put that shit out of my sight, and just watched his arm move like fuckin Speedy Gonzalez LOL), barely spoke (I'm good at this stuff, but not a damn mind reader), completely ignored every single one of my directives (hello, he wanted to be dominated? that means you should like, do what your Domme says), then abruptly ended the Skype because someone apparently came home at his house. He said, "Hey thanks that was great bye." This happened at the point right after I made him stuff a sock in his mouth. I was like ... WTF? Another "sub" trying to top from the bottom, sigh. Then weeks later he asked if I was available again. I ignored him. Nutjob. It was like he was on speed.

I might be showing my naivete here but the whole "top from the bottom" thing being frowned upon... is it really any different to the average private where the member tells the model what he'd like to see, and then (assuming she's comfortable doing it), she does it? Only instead of "please fuck yourself with a dildo and moan my name", it's "please dominate me by doing/saying x, y and z". It just seems a little odd that guys turned on by one thing are okay to direct the model, but guys into something else, aren't.
Jessi said:
Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.

A model sent me a link to this page and I thought the comments about me were funny..people actually debating about me based on assumptions. Hilarious.
LadyLuna said:
Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.I wonder if he's the type to get mad when people talk about him like he's not there? Does he want direct attention, or is it enough if we're simply thinking about him?

Not mad at all. What is there to be mad at?

Wow, so many theories about me LMAOOOO
DuoSher said:
Sure. I picked the wrong idea. My main point was that he's a douchebag. Can we agree on this?

Namecalling is something children and the mentally challenged do when they lack coherent thoughts

So which one are you? :)
LadyLuna said:
Jessi said:
WhiteMasterr said:
DuoSher said:
WhiteMasterr said:
Not looking for "acceptance" LOL,,,just correcting offbase and hilarious comments.

Surrrrrrrrrre you're not. I totally believe you....

only came here cuz I saw my name linked from somewhere else and thought the comments about me were funny,,especially the ones from models I have zero interest in checking out LMAOO

Duo you made a mistake. Its not acceptance he's looking for, its attention. Else he wouldnt have signed up and posted.

I wonder if he's the type to get mad when people talk about him like he's not there? Does he want direct attention, or is it enough if we're simply thinking about him?

all i can say is


all other words fail
mynameisbob84 said:
I might be showing my naivete here but the whole "top from the bottom" thing being frowned upon... is it really any different to the average private where the member tells the model what he'd like to see, and then (assuming she's comfortable doing it), she does it? Only instead of "please fuck yourself with a dildo and moan my name", it's "please dominate me by doing/saying x, y and z". It just seems a little odd that guys turned on by one thing are okay to direct the model, but guys into something else, aren't.

For me, I dislike guys who "top from the bottom" because it's confusing. I can switch between being dominant and submissive, but if a guy comes in and wants me to dominate him, I need to get into that mindset of being authoritative. Acting dominant demands confidence and certain mannerisms, and if I go into a private where he's acting the opposite of what he said he wanted, it throws me off my game. That in turn affects my confidence, and I end up acting as a weak domme. So then I do this mental debate of "should I take back my power and dominate him still? Or does he not know how to sub, and I should just appease him by taking orders?"

There's a lot of responsibility on the dominant partner to know what they're doing, so when the sub starts directing the domme on how to direct the sub, it throws off the whole dynamics of power.

I can see the point you're getting at, and it's not so much "it's not okay to direct the model," it's more along the lines of "I don't know what this guy actually wants from the private."
WhiteMasterr said:
DuoSher said:
Sure. I picked the wrong idea. My main point was that he's a douchebag. Can we agree on this?

Namecalling is something children and the mentally challenged do when they lack coherent thoughts

So which one are you? :)

Can I take the child option? Then, I can go back to the simple days of watching Rugrats.
CharlotteLace said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I might be showing my naivete here but the whole "top from the bottom" thing being frowned upon... is it really any different to the average private where the member tells the model what he'd like to see, and then (assuming she's comfortable doing it), she does it? Only instead of "please fuck yourself with a dildo and moan my name", it's "please dominate me by doing/saying x, y and z". It just seems a little odd that guys turned on by one thing are okay to direct the model, but guys into something else, aren't.

For me, I dislike guys who "top from the bottom" because it's confusing. I can switch between being dominant and submissive, but if a guy comes in and wants me to dominate him, I need to get into that mindset of being authoritative. Acting dominant demands confidence and certain mannerisms, and if I go into a private where he's acting the opposite of what he said he wanted, it throws me off my game. That in turn affects my confidence, and I end up acting as a weak domme. So then I do this mental debate of "should I take back my power and dominate him still? Or does he not know how to sub, and I should just appease him by taking orders?"

There's a lot of responsibility on the dominant partner to know what they're doing, so when the sub starts directing the domme on how to direct the sub, it throws off the whole dynamics of power.

I can see the point you're getting at, and it's not so much "it's not okay to direct the model," it's more along the lines of "I don't know what this guy actually wants from the private."

I completely get that a guy who says he wants one thing and then acts as if he wants something else could throw a model off her game. I guess I'm just struggling to see why "topping from the bottom" is viewed as such a bad thing. Maybe I don't fully grasp the concept. I've always taken it to mean a sub/slave wanting to be dominated in a specific way and the domme catering to the sub's desires, as opposed to the domme doing what they please and the sub following their orders without question.

I guess I can see why the latter would be preferred in a 24/7 domme/sub relationship, but on something like MFC, it surely makes more sense for the sub (the paying customer) to tell the domme (the service provider) how they want to be dominated, otherise they'd be paying for a private that they might wind up not enjoying if the finer details and theme of the private is dictated purely by the whims of the model :twocents-02cents:
Akabu said:
Anyone else notice that he implied calling him a douchebag is proof of lack of coherent thought, but he claimed to be "laughing his ass off off off off" in the post immediately prior? Because that's an entirely coherent thought, correct?
Guess that he's incapable of "coherent thought" himself then...since he thinks it's cute to call black women by the N word.