The_Brown_Fox said:
NoelleBright said:
lordclarkson: nice tits, bb
lordclarkson: pity they're fake
lordclarkson: bye bye then! only like REAL tits
I'm sorry, what? So you like the way her tits look, but won't stick around because she didn't grow them herself?
I love how some guys think they know everything about tits, and think they can actually tell the difference between real and fake tits. I'm small and wear a 34B bra, but I get some guys telling me "No way! Those look like they're at least D cups!" LMFAO. Either they don't know what they're talking about, or they're just trying really hard to kiss my
ZoeMadison used to get the same thing (haven't seen her in a while). She's like a 34 B (maybe 32 B), but guys are always like "no way! those are D's!" She's 5' tall, so obviously B's are going to look bigger on her. Hell, regular tea cups look like giant tea cups in her hands. :lol:
If guys want to know what D's look like on a 5' girl, they should go see KansasKelly. THEN they'll know how big D's look when you're fun sized.

I'm sure there's other fun sized models with high C's or D's, but Kelly was the first that popped in my mind.