That would be really really dumb. As dumb as politicians can get. We have had years of this from democrats and republicans. I know trump doesn't drink or do drugs or sleep much, but come on! Again, a war on drugs is what? The stuff that that is toxic and can get your house condemned if you create it in your home (meth) or the the stuff that is addictive and makes you a slave for a fix (heroin, meth). Or is it it a combination of those and pot. I do love pot--I haven't smoked it in years (I just don't like the sellers because they all seem shady because it is illegal and I don't like people anyway) and I am glad that states are making money off of it and I wish mine would too. But, my brother and mother could have used it for cancer treatments and at least they had big pharma to help(). I think trying to focus on the destructive stuff wouldn't be bad, but let's look at science instead of dumb propaganda please.
Totally not something I wanted to read.
Indeed, it would be absurd. Hopefully it was just something he alluded to but never follows through with.