In my case, I don't go there for sex, but to have fun meeting, speaking adn wahtever. I started on those pages just few months ago, so I'm just discovering this world, and discovering Myself on how I feel everything, my reactions and what I do like and what not.
I feel I'm in the border line betwen just meeting girls and letting things happen, and feeling we're creating a friendship.
SAid that, I have few girls on IG, but from the first moment, I never thought to speak to them all the time there. I just react to a story if I see I can do it,and letting them to be the one to write me.
It deosn't matter how I'm willing to go for a friendship with a model, the reality is that whatever is the relationship we have, is because of the job. So i have to respect her, to control myself to not be toxic getting confused, and keep doing everyhthing on the page (your fun time is her job, she needs it).
So I see it's okay to have contact out of the page, if you know you're not going to get profit against her job, and that you'll always respect her time and her space.
And as said before, I'm just discovering everthing, learning from errors, and trying to do thins better, for me and for them.
My 2 cents.