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how to deal with a nice member with major psychological problems ( I think )

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I'm not sure if posting that would get her and him banned, though. Unverified persons and all that jazz. But I really don't know how that plays because I ban anyone who sends me pictures in PM without me knowing exactly what it is first.
don't worry, I didn't broke any rules of site to be banned for sure, if a model would get banned just for a random guy come and pretend he talked with her on Tinder on Hawai that would be crazy 😂 also I never sais he sent me any photos in PM because he didn't.
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Oh man this one is tough. I thought someone catfished him at first too. But trying to trick op into revealing things, sounds equally possible.

I think it’s concerning either way. Sorry you are experiencing this OP.

I think to just keep repeating “that isnt me you’re talking about” and suggest maybe he got catfished by a con person. Then say that is terrible that they did that, but that since it wasn’t you, you’re not sure what you can do about it either.

Then if he keeps up and keeps up with more personal questions, I’d start to assume he’s actually fishing for info, and is someone unstable and stop responding/ block from there.

I think it’s good that you are keeping the responses brief and to the point. Even if it means repeating the same thing a bunch. If he was catfished it’ll sink it pretty soon or maybe has, and shouldn’t require too much more response. Also if he was at fished he should be at the point now where he’d be letting you know where it started. That way if more guys show up you know what’s going on, and more about where this potential cat fish is. Because once it sinks in I would think his natural response would be to ruin things for the cat fish/ reveal them.
yes, unfortunatelly I see that I can't help him with nothing, I felt really bad about him being catfish or something but all I can do is to protect me, he never asked me something personal tho.. he was always sure I m Ella Mayer and I live in LA and didn't want to hear something else
don't worry, I didn't broke any rules of site to be banned for sure :) if a model would get banned just for a random guy come and pretend he talked with her on Tinder on Hawai that would be crazy 😂 also I never sais he sent me any photos in PM because he didn't.
Oh, my apologies I think there has been a misunderstanding. We were discussing the idea of having him send you the photos/videos he says he has of you so you could verify whether or not it is you. I was concerned that if it was a different woman that you or he or both would be banned because of uploading an unverified person in chat. In the idea that because you have to verify everyone in your videos or pictures you post on the website (for sale or for free) that maybe the rule may apply in PM as well with uploading pictures he says are you but aren't.

Edit: Wow that is a topsy-turvy word salad to anyone who isn't in the know. :)
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Oh, my apologies I think there has been a misunderstanding. We were discussing the idea of having him send you the photos/videos he says he has of you so you could verify whether or not it is you. I was concerned that if it was a different woman that you or he or both would be banned because of uploading an unverified person in chat. In the idea that because you have to verify everyone in your videos or pictures you post on the website (for sale or for free) that maybe the rule may apply in PM as well with uploading pictures he says are you but aren't.

Edit: Wow that is a topsy-turvy word salad to anyone who isn't in the know. :)
for sure I m not intrested in his desilusion, as a model already said he probablly don't have any photos or videos anyway, I never had a dog, I never had a bike, I never been in Hawai and the chance to have a clone and after that to find her twin on CTB it s very low

First times I really belived he was catfish but now I only think he created me another identity that he have an imaginary relationship with
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yes, unfortunatelly I see that I can't help him with nothing, I felt really bad about him being catfish or something but all I can do is to protect me, he never asked me something personal tho.. he was always sure I m Ella Mayer and I live in LA and didn't want to hear something else
Fort some reason I was thinking maybe someone ripped of your fan club or onlyfans, then mixed them with random photos that don't have you in them. Like a random dog, or a susnset at a beach in the area they are targeting victims. I mean, that's what I would do if I were running a catfish scheme, to make it more believable, and put in a personal touch. However, maybe that's a reach.

Sorry if I skim read. I guess I'm kind of assuming those pics were just mixed in, and might not have had a lady in them. But I think you actually said the bike one supposedly has a lady in it. So more than likely it's a weird fetish thing, that's really inappropriate. O rstraight up trolling. Not worth it if it makes you uncomfy. But you could always say; "hey if you're looking for a roleplay; that's for exclusive shows/ one on ones (if you even offer that). Really if that's what he wanted, he should have explained that first though. So either way, he doesn't sound top of the barrel, low maintenance, easy to deal w customer, but I mean who is these days really? A lot of these guys have 0 clue on cam etiquette and need to be kind of nudged in the right direction. I'm probably being too imaginative, he probably is a troll. But the fact he's paying makes me wonder about fetish roleplays. I do do a lot of them (I'm mainly a privates model) and they frequently bust in, in full role already, expecting you to read their mind.

You really would think someone would have more sense, but... not everyone really thinks things through very well, and has good planning skills and awareness.
Lol.. as we see here frequently.
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Fort some reason I was thinking maybe someone ripped of your fan club or onlyfans, then mixed them with random photos that don't have you in them. Like a random dog, or a susnset at a beach in the area they are targeting victims. I mean, that's what I would do if I were running a catfish scheme, to make it more believable, and put in a personal touch. However, maybe that's a reach.

Sorry if I skim read. I guess I'm kind of assuming those pics were just mixed in, and might not have had a lady in them. But I think you actually said the bike one supposedly has a lady in it. So more than likely it's a weird fetish thing, that's really inappropriate. O rstraight up trolling. Not worth it if it makes you uncomfy. But you could always say; "hey if you're looking for a roleplay; that's for exclusive shows/ one on ones (if you even offer that). Really if that's what he wanted, he should have explained that first though. So either way, he doesn't sound top of the barrel, low maintenance, easy to deal w guy. I'm probably being too imaginative, he probably is a troll. But the fact he's paying makes me wonder about fetish roleplays. I do do a lot of them (I'm mainly a privates model) and they frequently bust in, in full role already, expecting you to read their mind.

You really would think someone would have more sense, but... not everyone really thinks things through very well, and has good planning skills and awareness.
Lol.. as we see here frequently.
I never think about someone mixed photos, that could be posible too..

Also in last 2 or 3 times when he come in my room he didn't mention nothing anymore about that, just a random tip note with " you will ever respond me again ?" that I totally ignored and that's it. He never broke any rules in my room, I would never allow that.

But I remeber when I had Twitter and there was fake accounts too who asked my followers for money in paypal etc ; some of them sent money but one of them sent really big amounts, he was very very sad when come in my live page and I told him he was never talking with me this time ; he showed me conversation with fake accounts pretenting to be me where " I " said I didn't want tokens but money on paypay... was really sad and now I m triggered about that
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