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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
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Jun 17, 2015
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Any cam girls cam even though they have roommates? Does it make things awkward? I have roommates now and although one WAS a cam girl herself, she no longer cams and her boyfriend (2nd roommate) doesn't know I cam. I'm thinking of telling him but I'm not sure how to bring that up? Any thoughts?
I live with one other girl that moved into my two story townhouse about a month ago. She was assigned by my apartment complex so she was totally random, I didn't know her at all before hand.

I got incredibly lucky. She lives upstairs & I live downstairs so it's not like our rooms are right next to each other. I told her that I cam after she lived her for maybe two weeks. She doesn't care at all. I just turn the living room TV on for extra background noise and she says she's never heard me.

You'll probably feel a lot better if you're just honest with him. Tell him what's up, "hey, I gotta make money and this is how I do it. Please respect that and the fact that I may be working while you're home." I believe most open-minded people would understand. I mean, who really wants to limit another persons ability to make money? Especially someone that lives with you, you gotta be able to pay your part of the bills right? Headphones aren't that hard to put in anyways!

Best of luck! :rock:
Hmm, I would consider the options. Does he ever come into your room unannounced? Does he knock on the door and call your name? Does he play videogames or watch sports and yell at the TV? Basically, why does he need to know? If it were me, I'd have his girlfriend explain the situation to him. That way it's not super awkward for you.

I'm not saying that it definitely will get awkward, but here's my experience: I was dating a guy with 3 roommates. Boyfriend loved that I was a camgirl. Told his roommates. They were all bro-fisty about it (Wow, that's so cool, dude!) with him, but never said anything weird to me besides "Oh, I guess YOU can buy the beer tonight since you're making all that dough!" But when I got comfortable with the fact that they all knew, I would occasionally comment about camming. Just things like, "Well, I've gotta leave early since I'm working tonight." And after I started being cool with talking about it, the roommates started perving on me. And would say things about my body later. It was just extremely awkward, to the point to where I didn't even talk about camming anymore.

Now, that's just my experience. Yours could be totally different. But if it were me, I'd ask his girlfriend to tell him to hush during the day/night, and to just text you if he needs something during those hours.
I was dating a guy with 3 roommates. Boyfriend loved that I was a camgirl. Told his roommates. They were all bro-fisty about it (Wow, that's so cool, dude!) with him.
Picturing adult men getting bro fisty over a friend dating a camgirl is hilarious. I knew guys like that in high school but picturing grown men acting this way is comical.
I live with my fiance and a (male) roommate. I told both of them the day I decided to actually sign up, and they're both pretty excited about it. Very supportive and helpful when I need a man's idea. :)
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