AmberCutie's Forum
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Pet Peeves, yo.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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When people capitalize their personal pronouns on non-fetish forums or vanilla topics.

"I didn't want to go, Myself, but My friend told Me that wanted Me to go with him."

It just screams pretentious asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
BlueViolet said:
When people capitalize their personal pronouns on non-fetish forums or vanilla topics.

"I didn't want to go, Myself, but My friend told Me that wanted Me to go with him."

It just screams pretentious asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
I'd love it if someone could explain this to me. I'm not on any fetish or BDSM forums but I've seen it happening on tumblr, people capitalizing personal pronouns, or not capitalizing the 'I'. It has to do with their role within a BDSM relationship, right..? :think:
Not to offend anyone, but I've always found that a bit silly.
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LilyMarie said:
BlueViolet said:
When people capitalize their personal pronouns on non-fetish forums or vanilla topics.

"I didn't want to go, Myself, but My friend told Me that wanted Me to go with him."

It just screams pretentious asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
I'd love it if someone could explain this to me. I'm not on any fetish or BDSM forums but I've seen it happening on tumblr, people capitalizing personal pronouns, or not capitalizing the 'I'. It has to do with their role within a BDSM relationship, right..? :think:
Not to offend anyone, but I've always found that a bit silly.

That's my opinion on the matter, but the capitalized pronouns bother me even more than the lower case ones and I didn't think that was possible. To each there own and as I've always said, there's no really "right" way to BDSM in terms of protocol and anyone who claims there is is also a pretentious asshole, but its just one of my biggest personal pet peeves.

It's huge on fetish websites, but not really standard in any way. It used to be mainly only submissives or slaves would not capitalize their personal pronouns or their own name which is where a lot of the lower case "i"s and stuff came from, but I've noticed a lot more dominants getting in on the reverse more so than usual lately. To them, it's a way of being respectful or showing their place in terms of dominance or submission, but when done by a dominant, it's like saying they are so great and better than everyone else that they deserve to be capitalized much like you'd capitalize "Him" for God and stuff. Which is fine when talking to a sub or slave, I suppose...

It doesn't really bother me as much when it's on a fetish website or it's done on a personal dominant's website or submissive's blog (even though I don't partake in it and I still don't like the way it looks, personally) but it really annoys me when it's done across all platforms including vanilla ones. Like if someone just capitalized all their personal pronouns on ACF even when having a conversation with someone who wasn't into BDSM.
*bumping this cool thread*

-When I'm outside walking, and a person driving by scares the shit outta me by honking their horn. It always makes me Sometimes it may be a person that I know, but when cars are driving fast on the road, it can be almost impossible to get a good look at who it was honking at you.

-Comments (usually made by females) about how women who are half-dressed "have no respect for themselves."
yummybrownfox said:
*bumping this cool thread*

-When I'm outside walking, and a person driving by scares the shit outta me by honking their horn. It always makes me Sometimes it may be a person that I know, but when cars are driving fast on the road, it can be almost impossible to get a good look at who it was honking at you.

-Comments (usually made by females) about how women who are half-dressed "have no respect for themselves."

Yeah! I hate getting beeped at especially when I'm trying to cross an impossible street. It's the only thing I don't like about walking places. One time recently I had an asshole passing by with friends scream at me soo fucking loud for no reason whatsoever (with my headphones on mind you!) while I was trying to cross the street, I was so shook up that I missed my opportunity to cross. :-x
makes me feel 100 but i dont care. quit that shit. horn honking terrorists :snooty:
LilyMarie said:
BlueViolet said:
When people capitalize their personal pronouns on non-fetish forums or vanilla topics.

"I didn't want to go, Myself, but My friend told Me that wanted Me to go with him."

It just screams pretentious asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
I'd love it if someone could explain this to me. I'm not on any fetish or BDSM forums but I've seen it happening on tumblr, people capitalizing personal pronouns, or not capitalizing the 'I'. It has to do with their role within a BDSM relationship, right..? :think:
Not to offend anyone, but I've always found that a bit silly.
I've only known one person personally who left "I" in lower case and explained it. He said that making a word capitalized that stands for yourself was egotistical. I was younger at the time and told him he was a moron. :) I'd say that most conventions are for readability rather than trying to make people conform. :)
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pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
I'm with you on this. :) In fact I posted it in Amber's grammar thread. Anyway is not just preferred it's the only standard way. :) That and "consensus of opinion," which is redundant. :)
Nordling said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
I'm with you on this. :) In fact I posted it in Amber's grammar thread. Anyway is not just preferred it's the only standard way. :) That and "consensus of opinion," which is redundant. :)

I kind of have a pet peeve of people being upset by dialectal uses of language... :whistle: Not everyone speaks the same. Different accents and word usage can be an art of their own even if not proper. I find them endearing, and hope for the same.

But for reals... :lol: As a native NYer with a heavy instinctual accent that most people will never hear that I've "overcome" to sound more intelligent, if you will... I don't think I've ever said anyway without an "s" and I'm just realizing this. This also just lead me to a weird part of wikipedia analyzing accents and dialects.

Anyways.. I'm goin to the staw down the block can I getchus anything? :shifty:
1) when people leave plates of eaten food on the counter after they are done eating. Like if someone just had chicken wings, instead of throwing the bones away they sit the whole plate on the counter with their crumbled napkin on the plate too.

Pretty much if you leave anything on the kitchen counter that you aren't intending to use later, put it in the sink. Or else I threaten to shove said object up your ass with brutal force & never welcome you back in my house.

2)when people invite themselves over. 3) when people put their feet up and someone else's house thats not family or friends that are like family.
LuckySmiles said:
Nordling said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
I'm with you on this. :) In fact I posted it in Amber's grammar thread. Anyway is not just preferred it's the only standard way. :) That and "consensus of opinion," which is redundant. :)

I kind of have a pet peeve of people being upset by dialectal uses of language... :whistle: Not everyone speaks the same. Different accents and word usage can be an art of their own even if not proper. I find them endearing, and hope for the same.

But for reals... :lol: As a native NYer with a heavy instinctual accent that most people will never hear that I've "overcome" to sound more intelligent, if you will... I don't think I've ever said anyway without an "s" and I'm just realizing this. This also just lead me to a weird part of wikipedia analyzing accents and dialects.

Anyways.. I'm goin to the staw down the block can I getchus anything? :shifty:
Ha! Honestly, I never suspected that "anyways" was part of a specific dialect. If so, I'm good with it. I had always thought people said "anyways" because they thought it was cute...kind of like how folks used to say "prevert" instead of "pervert."
Nordling said:
LuckySmiles said:
Nordling said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
I'm with you on this. :) In fact I posted it in Amber's grammar thread. Anyway is not just preferred it's the only standard way. :) That and "consensus of opinion," which is redundant. :)

I kind of have a pet peeve of people being upset by dialectal uses of language... :whistle: Not everyone speaks the same. Different accents and word usage can be an art of their own even if not proper. I find them endearing, and hope for the same.

But for reals... :lol: As a native NYer with a heavy instinctual accent that most people will never hear that I've "overcome" to sound more intelligent, if you will... I don't think I've ever said anyway without an "s" and I'm just realizing this. This also just lead me to a weird part of wikipedia analyzing accents and dialects.

Anyways.. I'm goin to the staw down the block can I getchus anything? :shifty:
Ha! Honestly, I never suspected that "anyways" was part of a specific dialect. If so, I'm good with it. I had always thought people said "anyways" because they thought it was cute...kind of like how folks used to say "prevert" instead of "pervert."

I dunno people adding unnecessary s's to things is a thing in a lot of places. Anyways would count I guess.
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.

YES, I feel the same way!
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pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
Or "anywho". :banghead:
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LilyMarie said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
Or "anywho". :banghead:
For "anyways" and "anywho" does it bother you because you think that the user believes it's a correct word, or because you don't like people being able to use made-up words in their casual chats and such?

I can see being peeved when a person uses those words in a formal setting, but I think a huge part of the human population uses fun words when just chit-chatting casually.
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Nordling said:
LilyMarie said:
BlueViolet said:
When people capitalize their personal pronouns on non-fetish forums or vanilla topics.

"I didn't want to go, Myself, but My friend told Me that wanted Me to go with him."

It just screams pretentious asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
I'd love it if someone could explain this to me. I'm not on any fetish or BDSM forums but I've seen it happening on tumblr, people capitalizing personal pronouns, or not capitalizing the 'I'. It has to do with their role within a BDSM relationship, right..? :think:
Not to offend anyone, but I've always found that a bit silly.
I've only known one person personally who left "I" in lower case and explained it. He said that making a word capitalized that stands for yourself was egotistical. I was younger at the time and told him he was a moron. :) I'd say that most conventions are for readability rather than trying to make people conform. :)

im just arthritic and lazy :p
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AmberCutie said:
LilyMarie said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
Or "anywho". :banghead:
For "anyways" and "anywho" does it bother you because you think that the user believes it's a correct word, or because you don't like people being able to use made-up words in their casual chats and such?

I can see being peeved when a person uses those words in a formal setting, but I think a huge part of the human population uses fun words when just chit-chatting casually.

If people know the difference and are just doing it for fun, I don't have a huge problem with that. We all do that. Most of the time it's obvious that a word is being altered in a casual context for amusement. But in the case of "anyways," I think a lot of its usage is not done in that manner. And the more it's done, the more people might just think the usage is proper.

Of course, this is not a matter of earth-shaking importance. It's just a pet peeve.
pg240 said:
AmberCutie said:
LilyMarie said:
pg240 said:
This one won't win me any popularity contests, because a lot of people use a word that is absolutely fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoying to me: anyways. I'm a firm believer that anyway is the preferred usage.
Or "anywho". :banghead:
For "anyways" and "anywho" does it bother you because you think that the user believes it's a correct word, or because you don't like people being able to use made-up words in their casual chats and such?

I can see being peeved when a person uses those words in a formal setting, but I think a huge part of the human population uses fun words when just chit-chatting casually.

If people know the difference and are just doing it for fun, I don't have a huge problem with that. We all do that. Most of the time it's obvious that a word is being altered in a casual context for amusement. But in the case of "anyways," I think a lot of its usage is not done in that manner. And the more it's done, the more people might just think the usage is proper.

Of course, this is not a matter of earth-shaking importance. It's just a pet peeve.
I just looked it up It's not just a modern slang word so I can understand why people think its usage is proper; it's been used in some of the great classics of literature for more than a hundred years.

- Bronte, Anne Agnes Grey
- Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness
- Dickens, Charles A Tale Of Two Cities, Barnaby Rudge - A Tale Of The Riots Of 'Eighty, Bleak House, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Hard Times, Little Dorrit, Our Mutual Friend, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
- Eliot, George Adam Bede, Silas Marner
- Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous, The Mutiny of the Mavericks
- Melville, Herman Moby Dick I-LXVII
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Thackeray, William Makepeace Vanity Fair
- Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Pudd'n'head Wilson, Tom Sawyer

Here's the link directly to the listing so you can see the actual quotes involved in each book.
Ambiguous posts on social media that make no sense to anyone who isn't privy to the whole story. What do they accomplish?

Typical example:

"Can't believe it. So upset :("
"What's wrong"
"Can't really say"

What's the fucking point? If you're upset with someone, tell them instead of announcing it to a bunch of people you have no desire to discuss it with!
mynameisbob84 said:
Ambiguous posts on social media that make no sense to anyone who isn't privy to the whole story. What do they accomplish?

Typical example:

"Can't believe it. So upset :("
"What's wrong"
"Can't really say"

What's the fucking point? If you're upset with someone, tell them instead of announcing it to a bunch of people you have no desire to discuss it with!
related :roll:
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*People who complain about things that they can do something about......yet they make no effort to change whatever it is. Makes me think they just like bitching, lol.

*The way my husband NEVER puts a roll of toilet paper on the roll :lol:
AnaVictoriaXO said:
The way my husband NEVER puts a roll of toilet paper on the roll :lol:
See, that's perfectly reasonable. You've got a roll on the counter that is being used. You've got a roll or two on the back of the tank. The roll just gets empty again. Then you have to fill it up. Makes no sense. I'm with him on this one.

#BanTheToiletPaperRoll :hello2:
The raw diet fad is hitting local restaurants here hard.

Yes, if you cut out all foods that need to be cooked past a certain point, you will lose weight because you're cutting out most meat, refined carbs and fatty dairy stuff.

Enzymes are not magic.


I ordered "raw tacos" at a local vegan-friendly place because I was excited to try out their taco meat substitute. And then I learned that it was served on a piece of iceberg lettuce for the shell. And I had to pay 4$ for an actual pita. I just paid 10+ dollars for spicy mushroom crap on a piece of lettuce.

I think Im done trying to eat out locally :(
Jessi said:
The raw diet fad is hitting local restaurants here hard.

Yes, if you cut out all foods that need to be cooked past a certain point, you will lose weight because you're cutting out most meat, refined carbs and fatty dairy stuff.

Enzymes are not magic.


I ordered "raw tacos" at a local vegan-friendly place because I was excited to try out their taco meat substitute. And then I learned that it was served on a piece of iceberg lettuce for the shell. And I had to pay 4$ for an actual pita. I just paid 10+ dollars for spicy mushroom crap on a piece of lettuce.

I think Im done trying to eat out locally :(

This is the most irritating diet fad I have ever encountered in my life.
Not to mention people who follow this diet have to be eating pretty much constantly just to get the proper amount of calories per day. I seriously listened to one guy who said he will eat AN ENTIRE WATERMELON for breakfast. Who the fuck has time for that shit?
Conversations like this:

"You sing?"
"Oh, for real? Lemme find out!" (I hate this phrase, by the way. "Let you find out" what, exactly?)
"Lemme hear you sing somethin'."
Sure, just go bald, put on some weight, and then change your name to Clive Davis. Then you can start making "Sing for me" demands. :thumbleft:
People who are pissed off Pluto is not a planet anymore. :?

I'm sorry that science changes our knowledge of the universe as we progress? Like, who are these people, who like science just enough to bond with Pluto but not quite so much that they don't understand the fundamental nature of science?

I'm also really mad that the earth is round! Radical concept should have been lost in the burning of the Library of Alexandria! :woops:
When a person is having a debate or argument on Twitter, and they re-tweet every person who agrees with their side of the argument. Or when people re-tweet every nice tweet someone says about them.
VeronicaChaos said:
People who are pissed off Pluto is not a planet anymore. :?

I'm sorry that science changes our knowledge of the universe as we progress? Like, who are these people, who like science just enough to bond with Pluto but not quite so much that they don't understand the fundamental nature of science?
This explains it pretty well.

I grew up having subscriptions to astronomy magazines. Bought my first telescope when I was 10.
Having grown up learning Pluto was a planet I'm still pissed off about it too. :lol:
JerryBoBerry said:
VeronicaChaos said:
People who are pissed off Pluto is not a planet anymore. :?

I'm sorry that science changes our knowledge of the universe as we progress? Like, who are these people, who like science just enough to bond with Pluto but not quite so much that they don't understand the fundamental nature of science?
This explains it pretty well.

I grew up having subscriptions to astronomy magazines. Bought my first telescope when I was 10.
Having grown up learning Pluto was a planet I'm still pissed off about it too. :lol:
I know why Pluto isn't a planet anymore, I was actually in astronomy in college when it was "demoted" to a dwarf planet...oh boy that was intense. :lol: What I don't understand is why people are upset by this? Science constantly changes and to have a respect for science means, in my opinion, having a respect for the fact that it's constantly being updated...that's the whole point! I thought it was really interesting when Pluto was given a new longer are we just accepting that those big round things in the sky are planets and asteroids; we're learning more about them and classifying our new information...all of which will increase our understanding of space and get us closer to the stars. AND NOW WE HAVE DWARF PLANETS, which in my opinion are fucking awesome! Can't we talk about the promotion of Eris and Ceres? And, let's be honest, nobody cared about Pluto before it was the underdog anyway. Being demoted to a dwarf planet was the best thing for its career.
But yeah, science. Changing. Every day. Good stuff!

A lot of people take Pluto's demotion the same way a boy might take from a pretty girl "...let's just be friends" and I simply don't understand how people can take this as anything other than interesting and enlightening.
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