AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Pet Peeves, yo.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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I always thought that "butt hurt" came from "stick up your ass".

Probably because the first time I ever heard it was "Does your butt hurt? It must, with that giant stick up there."
When struggling models MFC mail me for advice instead of signing up for this forum and researching for themselves. If you know me well enough to think you can come to me for advice, you should know me well enough to know that I have a forum in place for just what you're looking for. I can't reply to each person individually and give them some magic fix to suddenly make them good at this job.

When people post new threads with THE SUBJECT IN ALL CAPS.
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I have been reading posts on some other forum and there is this ONE GUY who is an older southern man and he writes like that. He is obviously quite educated and knows how to spell, he just prefers to type in a way that reflects how his voice sounds. And it is kind of frustrating to have to phonetically sound out half the words to figure out what they are. It seems like it would be more effort to type that way?

I dunno.
Some of you might take offense to this, but it's just a mild peeve...

When people change the default font color for individual forum posts. And especially when they use the brackets incorrectly and it makes it look all fudged up.

Why can't we just save colored fonts for special parts of a post that need attention, and use the default black for the rest?
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I always hate the first time a model hears my accent on Skype, it makes me self-conscious when they notice it. I must not do what you say, because it never occurs to them that I would sound southern.
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I have been reading posts on some other forum and there is this ONE GUY who is an older southern man and he writes like that. He is obviously quite educated and knows how to spell, he just prefers to type in a way that reflects how his voice sounds. And it is kind of frustrating to have to phonetically sound out half the words to figure out what they are. It seems like it would be more effort to type that way?

I dunno.

lmao! adding in culuhful speech in type can be useful, but if they do it all the time? just grates on me too. that being said, i do it more often than i realize. then again i cut my teeth on mark twain and he used that form a lot. yawl cuhm baick nayow heah?
southsamurai said:
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I have been reading posts on some other forum and there is this ONE GUY who is an older southern man and he writes like that. He is obviously quite educated and knows how to spell, he just prefers to type in a way that reflects how his voice sounds. And it is kind of frustrating to have to phonetically sound out half the words to figure out what they are. It seems like it would be more effort to type that way?

I dunno.

lmao! adding in culuhful speech in type can be useful, but if they do it all the time? just grates on me too. that being said, i do it more often than i realize. then again i cut my teeth on mark twain and he used that form a lot. yawl cuhm baick nayow heah?
Twain used it in dialogue, which makes sense, but for one's own speech? I agree with Evvie...very annoying. lol
Nordling said:
southsamurai said:
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I have been reading posts on some other forum and there is this ONE GUY who is an older southern man and he writes like that. He is obviously quite educated and knows how to spell, he just prefers to type in a way that reflects how his voice sounds. And it is kind of frustrating to have to phonetically sound out half the words to figure out what they are. It seems like it would be more effort to type that way?

I dunno.

lmao! adding in culuhful speech in type can be useful, but if they do it all the time? just grates on me too. that being said, i do it more often than i realize. then again i cut my teeth on mark twain and he used that form a lot. yawl cuhm baick nayow heah?
Twain used it in dialogue, which makes sense, but for one's own speech? I agree with Evvie...very annoying. lol

I agree and I'll go one further. The stupid faked southern accents that I have heard over the years. If you have lived in my area for 10 years or more (one in particular has lived here for 45 years now) then you only have a southern accent because you are purposely speaking that way. It is no longer natural and mysteriously it always disappears when the person gets pissed off.

This dates back to salesman (specifically car salesman) in our area in the early 1980s. I worked at a few dealerships when I was young and there was some school of thought that talking with a slow, southern drawl was more soothing to customers. Met quite a few northerner's with thick southern accents back then and it has been a pet peeve of mine ever since.

I have no problems with real accents either, just faked ones. I had a friend from Texas and her accent always made me weak in the knees. I joked with her that she should have been working in phone sex because she would have made a fortune.

It also reminded me of when I was in San Jose at the eBay HQ in the early 2000s. We were friends with one of the employees who was originally from Janesville, Wisconsin so she knew our area well. As she took me around and introduced me to many of the other employees (called pinks back then because of their font color) she made me say Chicago over and over. It turns out that I have a mid-western accent and I never even knew there was such a thing. So go see da Bearz in Sha-cog-oh.
Shaun__ said:
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I always hate the first time a model hears my accent on Skype, it makes me self-conscious when they notice it. I must not do what you say, because it never occurs to them that I would sound southern.
Unlike me, you don't write with some southern slang. Your writing could put your location almost anywhere, imo. There's nothing wrong with a southern accent though; unless you're using text to speach to post.

My pet peeve, the stupid text to speech option. I hate using the stylus to type everything out but the text to speech doesn't seem to understand me even if I talk slow and enunciate. So freaking annoying. It also doesn't know how to spell y'all.....stupid.
People chewing on things that make gross noises is a HUGE pet peeve of mine...

My friend does this thing with his mouth when he's bored (lol), he chews on his tongue and it makes this sick... squelching noise, like... oral queefing... and he does it so freaking often that he doesn't even REALIZE he's doing it. :D He also bites his fingernails. So between the wet tongue chewing and the nail chomping, he's almost the most annoying person I've ever met.

But i love him :D

Also my grandma: she eats ice cream in a horribly graphic, disturbing way. LOL. Seriously you can hear her in the next room "sipping" ice cream off the spoon like soup. *shudder*
emptiedglass said:
yummybrownfox said:
being called 'boo'

When it was popular in the 90s, I thought it was kinda cute, but now it just annoys

I always considered 'boo' to be something said to scare the crap out of someone. That hardly sounds like a term of endearment to me!

LOL it makes you wonder why that became popular :think:
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Do you mean like this? :dance: :laughing-rolling:
AmberCutie said:
Some of you might take offense to this, but it's just a mild peeve...

When people change the default font color for individual forum posts. And especially when they use the brackets incorrectly and it makes it look all fudged up.

Why can't we just save colored fonts for special parts of a post that need attention, and use the default black for the rest?
dilligaf0 said:
Do you mean like this? :dance: :laughing-rolling:
AmberCutie said:
Some of you might take offense to this, but it's just a mild peeve...

When people change the default font color for individual forum posts. And especially when they use the brackets incorrectly and it makes it look all fudged up.

Why can't we just save colored fonts for special parts of a post that need attention, and use the default black for the rest?
AmberCutie said:
Some of you might take offense to this, but it's just a mild peeve...

When people change the default font color for individual forum posts. And especially when they use the brackets incorrectly and it makes it look all fudged up.

Why can't we just save colored fonts for special parts of a post that need attention, and use the default black for the rest?
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I don't know about that fake accent thing. Here's the thing. I was raised in the military, so different words of mine sound like they're from different places. It makes me sound incredibly fake. For example, most of "ar" words (heart, car, Martin) make it sound like I'm from Boston. Other words (my, like, naked) make it sound like I'm from the South (the last one pronounced like "nekkid"). I will commonly add "eh?" at the end of my phrases and a schwa ("uh") at the end of my words without even being aware of it, so that makes me sound a bit Canadian (or Italian.)

When I'm pissed off, if I'm in a car, I have a southern Indian accent. (Gujarati, to be specific), and if I'm not in a car, it comes out Borderland Scot. Also... when I'm talking to someone, my voice naturally modulates itself to their accent.
OpenTitsBB said:
I don't know about that fake accent thing. Here's the thing. I was raised in the military, so different words of mine sound like they're from different places. It makes me sound incredibly fake. For example, most of "ar" words (heart, car, Martin) make it sound like I'm from Boston. Other words (my, like, naked) make it sound like I'm from the South (the last one pronounced like "nekkid"). I will commonly add "eh?" at the end of my phrases and a schwa ("uh") at the end of my words without even being aware of it, so that makes me sound a bit Canadian (or Italian.)

When I'm pissed off, if I'm in a car, I have a southern Indian accent. (Gujarati, to be specific), and if I'm not in a car, it comes out Borderland Scot. Also... when I'm talking to someone, my voice naturally modulates itself to their accent.

I'm the same way. English is my second language though I'm effectively a native speaker now and I grew up in a military family. I also modulate my voice to people I speak to. Especially, if I like them.
Evvie said:
When people write in a way that reflects their accent. Like someone with a very southern accent writing, "weeell naw, teh problem of teh mattah is tha' none of them youngin's undastands how tah drive a cah." (yeah okay I don't entirely know how southern people talk but you know what I mean).

I have been reading posts on some other forum and there is this ONE GUY who is an older southern man and he writes like that. He is obviously quite educated and knows how to spell, he just prefers to type in a way that reflects how his voice sounds. And it is kind of frustrating to have to phonetically sound out half the words to figure out what they are. It seems like it would be more effort to type that way?

I dunno.
I just want to say that it's the same in other countries..
When I go to a big public German facebook page, there's usually lots of normal (standard) German in the comments, but there's always the odd Bavarian who thinks it's a good idea to write in Bavarian. And then you have to say every other word out loud to try and find out what it's supposed to mean and sometimes you still can't figure out the whole comment... :tard: It's like, dude, the whole country is already making fun of your accent, why don't you just hide it when you have the chance by writing standard German? Those people are so damn proud though...
LilyMarie said:
I just want to say that it's the same in other countries..
When I go to a big public German facebook page, there's usually lots of normal (standard) German in the comments, but there's always the odd Bavarian who thinks it's a good idea to write in Bavarian. And then you have to say every other word out loud to try and find out what it's supposed to mean and sometimes you still can't figure out the whole comment... :tard: It's like, dude, the whole country is already making fun of your accent, why don't you just hide it when you have the chance by writing standard German? Those people are so damn proud though...
I really want a donut now.
JerryBoBerry said:
LilyMarie said:
I just want to say that it's the same in other countries..
When I go to a big public German facebook page, there's usually lots of normal (standard) German in the comments, but there's always the odd Bavarian who thinks it's a good idea to write in Bavarian. And then you have to say every other word out loud to try and find out what it's supposed to mean and sometimes you still can't figure out the whole comment... :tard: It's like, dude, the whole country is already making fun of your accent, why don't you just hide it when you have the chance by writing standard German? Those people are so damn proud though...
I really want a donut now.

Donut? There's nothing particularly Bavarian about donuts. Are you thinking of Berliner? The last thing you want to do is confuse Berliner and Bayern. They'll both take offense.
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Sevrin said:
JerryBoBerry said:
LilyMarie said:
I just want to say that it's the same in other countries..
When I go to a big public German facebook page, there's usually lots of normal (standard) German in the comments, but there's always the odd Bavarian who thinks it's a good idea to write in Bavarian. And then you have to say every other word out loud to try and find out what it's supposed to mean and sometimes you still can't figure out the whole comment... :tard: It's like, dude, the whole country is already making fun of your accent, why don't you just hide it when you have the chance by writing standard German? Those people are so damn proud though...
I really want a donut now.

Donut? There's nothing particularly Bavarian about donuts. Are you thinking of Berliner? The last thing you want to do is confuse Berliner and Bayern. They'll both take offense.


Bavarian cream filled donut
Sevrin said:
Chellelovesu said:
Bavarian cream filled donut

Oh. Looks yummy. There's still nothing "Bavarian" about it though. :p

Why do you not think Bavarian cream has anything to do with Bavaria? Next you are going to tell me that French fries have nothing to do with France. :snooty:
Sevrin said:
Chellelovesu said:
Bavarian cream filled donut

Oh. Looks yummy. There's still nothing "Bavarian" about it though. :p
Does look dam good. Yea, they work with the best Mad has to offer, have you seen the new Bemer ads? :lol:
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