AmberCutie's Forum
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Pet Peeves, yo.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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People who talk to you with their eyes closed half the time. WTF is up with that?!!!

Hmmm.... Maybe next time I'll flick their nose when their eyes are closed & when they ask me what that was... I'll say I diidn't see anything. :dontknow:
NoelleBright said:
When people have their twitter set up to automatically tweet their horoscope every day.
Do people really have an interest in reading someone else's horoscope? I don't get it. :think:
Well, chances are 11:1 that you are the same star sign and then you might be interested... :lol:

And yes, there's nothing Bavarian about Donuts. They're American. ;)
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When I'm at the thrift store and I see a dvd case of a movie I've been wanting for a long time, but upon checking the dvd inside for scratches discover that it's not the dvd that matches the case.

Not being able to walk outside my apartment wearing any less than a full suit of armor.

Excessive horn beepers, whistlers, obscenity yellers, etc. REALLY grind my gears.
Them: What do you want for your birthday?
Me: I don't know, get me what ever.
Them: Just tell me what you want, and I'll get it.
Me: Okay, I want this.
Them: Well that's not a birthday present! Pick something better than that.
Me: Oh? Alright, I want this.
Them: WHAT!? Do you know how much that costs!?
For some reason Groove Shark only has one Bikini Kill song from the album "Reject All American". It happens to be my second favorite Bikini Kill song. My favorite being Strawberry Julius.
Someone going into my locker at the gym and stealing my wallet sure is a pet peeve of mine. I accept the responsibility for not using a lock, i've gone for over 10 years without incident and guess I took it for granted.

More of an annoyance than anything. I don't carry a lot of cash on me, there was maybe 15 dollars at best in cash and I got my cards cancelled right away and having to wait a week for new ones to arrive. And having to spend money on a new drivers license if my wallet doesn't miraculously show up somewhere is going to cost more money than anything that he stole.

The douche picked a real smart time to steal wallets (He swiped someone else's too) Sunday night, an hour before close when there was at best only 6 other guys there. Not a whole lot of process of elimination there. I hope he used my 15 dollars on a high class hooker....and then got aids.
SweepTheLeg said:
Someone going into my locker at the gym and stealing my wallet sure is a pet peeve of mine. I accept the responsibility for not using a lock, i've gone for over 10 years without incident and guess I took it for granted.

More of an annoyance than anything. I don't carry a lot of cash on me, there was maybe 15 dollars at best in cash and I got my cards cancelled right away and having to wait a week for new ones to arrive. And having to spend money on a new drivers license if my wallet doesn't miraculously show up somewhere is going to cost more money than anything that he stole.

The douche picked a real smart time to steal wallets (He swiped someone else's too) Sunday night, an hour before close when there was at best only 6 other guys there. Not a whole lot of process of elimination there. I hope he used my 15 dollars on a high class hooker....and then got aids.

I should specify that the thank is for making me laugh with that last bit. I'm sorry to hear that some jackass stole your wallet.
Thanks for specifying. I had friends like that post on facebook and I'm all "My wallet just got stolen! Why are you liking this!?"
The Thanks button can be used as a sort of virtual hug or encouragement, aside from thanking for posting. :thumbleft:
AmberCutie said:
The Thanks button can be used as a sort of virtual hug or encouragement, aside from thanking for posting. :thumbleft:

Also a silent form of solidarity when someone makes a controversial statement or refutes someone elses statement that doesn't make sense.

Seeing an off the wall statement get zero thanks and someone setting them straight get 20 or more sort of makes everything all right again. :-D
This just happened to me at the grocery story. I'd like to say I'm bigger than this, but it annoys the hell out of me when people exceed the listed number of items in the express checkout lane. And then I find it further annoys me when the employee doesn't call them on it. Oh, and then the person hauls out a checkbook! Who in the hell writes checks anymore?

Rant complete.
Guy comes in my store and asks if we sell padlocks. I told him that I'm sorry but we do not. He says something about "All this stuff (our stock) and you don't carry any locks?" So I nicely replied that we mainly sell contractor and industrial supplies. His (smart ass) answer was "contractors like to lock their stuff up too." I wanted to say "Well they like to take a shit too but I don't sell toilet paper either." But I just thanked him for stopping by and went back to eating my lunch.

Earlier I got royally cussed out on the phone because I won't service a piece of equipment that we don't sell and this guy bought elsewhere along with everything else he buys. The guy never shops here either. I got called all sorts of names for that one. Retail is so much fun. Must be a full moon.
Brad said:
Guy comes in my store and asks if we sell padlocks. I told him that I'm sorry but we do not. He says something about "All this stuff (our stock) and you don't carry any locks?" So I nicely replied that we mainly sell contractor and industrial supplies. His (smart ass) answer was "contractors like to lock their stuff up too." I wanted to say "Well they like to take a shit too but I don't sell toilet paper either." But I just thanked him for stopping by and went back to eating my lunch.

Earlier I got royally cussed out on the phone because I won't service a piece of equipment that we don't sell and this guy bought elsewhere along with everything else he buys. The guy never shops here either. I got called all sorts of names for that one. Retail is so much fun. Must be a full moon.
I feel your pain. Use to own a couple Color Tile stores. A woman walked in asking for an Ecru colored tile. I had never heard of that color in my entire life. So I ask here what color would be close to that so we can start looking from there for something she likes. She immediately gets belligerent and says "No, it has to be ecru, don't you know what color that is?"

I look at her and ask "You're the one who came in here looking for it, don't YOU know what color it is?"

She got pissed and left. I think I just went back to lunch too.

ps: to the ladies out there talking to a guy. You get White, Tan and Brown. Maybe on a good day you can toss around the word Sand. But that's all you get in that range of colors, especially when you're talking to a color blind guy.
ConnerJay said:
Not being able to walk outside my apartment wearing any less than a full suit of armor.

Excessive horn beepers, whistlers, obscenity yellers, etc. REALLY grind my gears.

To expand on this.

Not being able to go somewhere alone without some dude half cornering you in the video game aisle or sitting down at your table.
I have SERIOUSLY had guy see my boyfriend leave my table to go to the bathroom and come and ask if the seat was taken, or start talking to me as though he didn't exist just because he was out of earshot.

JerryBoBerry said:
Brad said:
Guy comes in my store and asks if we sell padlocks. I told him that I'm sorry but we do not. He says something about "All this stuff (our stock) and you don't carry any locks?" So I nicely replied that we mainly sell contractor and industrial supplies. His (smart ass) answer was "contractors like to lock their stuff up too." I wanted to say "Well they like to take a shit too but I don't sell toilet paper either." But I just thanked him for stopping by and went back to eating my lunch.

Earlier I got royally cussed out on the phone because I won't service a piece of equipment that we don't sell and this guy bought elsewhere along with everything else he buys. The guy never shops here either. I got called all sorts of names for that one. Retail is so much fun. Must be a full moon.
I feel your pain. Use to own a couple Color Tile stores. A woman walked in asking for an Ecru colored tile. I had never heard of that color in my entire life. So I ask here what color would be close to that so we can start looking from there for something she likes. She immediately gets belligerent and says "No, it has to be ecru, don't you know what color that is?"

I look at her and ask "You're the one who came in here looking for it, don't YOU know what color it is?"

She got pissed and left. I think I just went back to lunch too.

ps: to the ladies out there talking to a guy. You get White, Tan and Brown. Maybe on a good day you can toss around the word Sand. But that's all you get in that range of colors, especially when you're talking to a color blind guy.

I think you and I could spend hours comparing war stories.
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Chellelovesu said:
ConnerJay said:
Not being able to walk outside my apartment wearing any less than a full suit of armor.

Excessive horn beepers, whistlers, obscenity yellers, etc. REALLY grind my gears.

To expand on this.

Not being able to go somewhere alone without some dude half cornering you in the video game aisle or sitting down at your table.
I have SERIOUSLY had guy see my boyfriend leave my table to go to the bathroom and come and ask if the seat was taken, or start talking to me as though he didn't exist just because he was out of earshot.

Is this like a big city thing or something? I can't picture any adult males doing these things.

People who are easily offended or too politically correct and people that take the internet too seriously.
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A minor pet peeve of mine, but I wish people could be a bit more clever when thinking of their fake alias or screen name that they are going to go by online. First attempt is CuteChrissy, aw it's taken. Second attempt, QTChrisssy is some how already taken too and so they wind up with some odd looking QT_Chrissssy__85. If someone already had the name I was gunning for I just scratch the whole idea and think of something else completely different.
When you've forgotten your umbrella and it's raining, and you're walking on the sidewalk trying to stay underneath the awnings of shops and buildings to keep dry, when someone is walking toward you, also underneath the awnings but HAS an umbrella open, and refuses to step out of underneath the awnings to let you pass and keep dry. :angry4: GRRRRRR. LOL.
Minor peeves or more like dumbass moments... when you're searching all over for the screwdriver you just had in your hands before finally finding out it's in your back pocket when you sit down, or searching high and low for where you put your sunglasses before realizing they're on top of your melon.

Getting totally sidetracked for an hour when you get on the interwebz to quickly look something up, then can't remember wtf you got on for in the first place. :woops:
Talking on the phone with someone for a long period of time in a situation where it is impossible to end the phone call, despite your numerous polite attempts to wrap up the conversation. After long periods of frustration, the person you've been trying to end the phone call with says something along the lines of "Ok, well I can't be on the phone all night here" or "Sorry, I'm going to have to let you go" in a kind of 'you're wasting MY time' way--and you're just thinking 'Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....' or 'Dude...' :handgestures-salute:
Bocefish said:
Minor peeves or more like dumbass moments... when you're searching all over for the screwdriver you just had in your hands before finally finding out it's in your back pocket when you sit down, or searching high and low for where you put your sunglasses before realizing they're on top of your melon.

Happened to me more times than I want to admit. I'll stop doing something to answer the phone or what ever, then I'll wind up looking all over for something can't find it, then going out to my car I put my hand in my pocket where it's been the entire time.
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Swiping a cc/debit card, then later finding out I've been double-charged for something, then having to go through the hassle of proving it. Now I've gotta use up more of my printer ink to print out a Payoneer dispute form.

It's making me tempted to do like my granddad did, and walk around with a big-ass wad of cash on me (instead of swiping these damn cards in stores).
yummybrownfox said:
Swiping a cc/debit card, then later finding out I've been double-charged for something, then having to go through the hassle of proving it. Now I've gotta use up more of my printer ink to print out a Payoneer dispute form.

It's making me tempted to do like my granddad did, and walk around with a big-ass wad of cash on me (instead of swiping these damn cards in stores).

I think granddad was a smart man.
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Brad said:
yummybrownfox said:
Swiping a cc/debit card, then later finding out I've been double-charged for something, then having to go through the hassle of proving it. Now I've gotta use up more of my printer ink to print out a Payoneer dispute form.

It's making me tempted to do like my granddad did, and walk around with a big-ass wad of cash on me (instead of swiping these damn cards in stores).

I think granddad was a smart man.

Unless of course you get your wallet stolen and wind up being out a big wad instead of the 15 dollars you had on you.
VeronicaChaos said:
I may have complained about this before.

I have two separate gmail accounts, one for real life and one for camming. My legal name is not attached to my real life email; I use a fake name that I use in real life because I decided one day fuck it, not using my real name anymore. Every time I log into my IRL account I get BOMBOARDED with "Want to set up your Google+ Account, "Fake name"?" And I tell them no, I don't, I have no desire to, please let me just email people and watch youtube in peace. And THEN, when I'm on my VeronicaChaos account, I get "Warning! This account has been suspended! Please look over the Name Guidelines." because once I tried to Google+ with VeronicaChaos and apparently I'm not a real person. I've sent TWO appeals, linking my twitter, tumblr, ACF profile, etc. but no dice. Finally with my IRL account they gave me a pop-up to sign up for google+ that I had NO WAY TO CLOSE OUT OF. With my fake name that I don't even use on the internet hardly, because most internet things I just do under Veronica these days.

Just sent another appeal. The only reason it ever comes up is because my google account is attached to my youtube account (one of my few regrets in life). And if they turn me down I'm sending a link to this post as proof that I'm a real person. YOU HEAR ME, GOOGLE? I'M A REAL FUCKING HUMAN BEING. AND MY REAL NAMES ARE FAKE TOO.

For being such a huge part of the internet, Google is having some serious issues understanding some real simple internet concepts. Like, don't they know that everyone is an artist and has a fake name? ffs.

dilligaf0 said:
This really happened to me. I was in the checkout line behind a couple with a cartload of stuff. The cashier rang up the items and the lady wrote a check. The cashier took it then, entered the amount on the register, and then the man took out his checkbook and wrote a check for the balance. :angry4:

I went to write a check today and had to put a new book in. I realized I've had that bank account since 2004 and I just wrote the 75th check. I wish more people would start using cards and 'paypal' like services so I didn't have to even write that many.
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What grinds my gears is when people seem to wait forever to let the cashier know they have coupons, and THEN break out the check book. I almost motion to the stranger standing behind me with a "Can you believe this guy?!" gesture
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