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Pet Peeves, yo.

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Parents who stiffle their children's minds.

Parents who won't let their kids learn how to do anything actually important because they might mess it up.
Someone being nasty, and mean for no real good reason. It can really feel hurtful and shitty, and take a guy off his high when Frankly he's just a bit drunk, bc a shitty Chemical disagrees with him.
camstory said:
Someone being nasty, and mean for no real good reason. It can really feel hurtful and shitty, and take a guy off his high when Frankly he's just a bit drunk, bc a shitty Chemical disagrees with him.

Are you seriously thinking that GIF was meant for you? Oh jesus christ camstory, sober up before you make assumptions. If it was meant for you and not the idiot OP I would have called you out directly instead of being a passive aggressive dickhead like this.
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SweepTheLeg said:
It really grinds my gears when people make assumptions that someone is being a passive aggressive dickhead.


Edit: I knew I could always count on Sweep to make me realize when I'm taking peoples too seriously.
SweepTheLeg said:
It really grinds my gears when people make assumptions that someone is being a passive aggressive dickhead.
Good Call :thumbleft:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Pet peeve:

When I'm reading posts, and I have no idea what's going on. :lol:
I made a pretty ridiculous post, and knew it was stupid when i hit submit, but i had fun writing it. Frankie posted behind me and the timing was right, and i could give you 2 or 3 other even less substantial indicators that made me think Frankie's post was to/about me. I got all Butt hurt and reacted. And yea my post was pretty stupid, but on a stupid scale by far the stupidest was me not thinking for just a min about who Frankie is. Frankie is not going to Sunday punch you, she is going to ask you which cheek you want it on.
When you're prompted to enter those CAPCHA codes (or whatever it's called) into a box when trying to log into something (when posting a YouTube comment, for example), because often times those codes are very difficult to read.

I was trying to comment on a Just Dance 3 video on YouTube, and every single code that came up was difficult to read, and they had to keep refreshing it to give me a new code to type in. :woops: Pain in the ass.....
The_Brown_Fox said:
When you're prompted to enter those CAPCHA codes (or whatever it's called) into a box when trying to log into something (when posting a YouTube comment, for example), because often times those codes are very difficult to read.

I was trying to comment on a Just Dance 3 video on YouTube, and every single code that came up was difficult to read, and they had to keep refreshing it to give me a new code to type in. :woops: Pain in the ass.....
yes this!
Jupiter551 said:
yes this!

I know it's for security purposes, but can't they just quit using that fancy font? It's pretty for wedding invitations, but lousy for log-in CAPCHA codes. They should use plain 'ole easy-to-read Arial font. And when the code isn't even a word, that makes it harder to figure out. I sit there scratching my head going WTF? Is that supposed to be an 'r' or a 'v'? And is that the number 3, or an uppercase B (when the letters are so close, they're touching each other)?
The_Brown_Fox said:
Jupiter551 said:
yes this!

I know it's for security purposes, but can't they just quit using that fancy font? It's pretty for wedding invitations, but lousy for log-in CAPCHA codes. They should use plain 'ole easy-to-read Arial font. And when the code isn't even a word, that makes it harder to figure out. I sit there scratching my head going WTF? Is that supposed to be an 'r' or a 'v'? And is that the number 3, or an uppercase B (when the letters are so close, they're touching each other)?

I certainly agree with you, but if they made it easy to read Arial font it would defeat the purpose of the security measure. It is to stop bots from going around to places where it can post some website for viagra or dating sites in comment sections. Plain text is easy for computers, pictures of text is much harder, but not impossible if you have a good OCR algorithm. Thus the craziness of the CAPCHA codes.
Yes CAPCHA are a pain in the butt. Sometimes the audio helps. But mostly I just zoom in (Crtl +) all the way.
To go back to Amber's troll pet peeve, mine is with how easy people toss out the term hater anytime anyone does not like a performer, actor, movie, athlete, all the way down to flavors of cheese. It's such a cop out and such a lazy way to end a conversation.

Me: I hate this movie
Them: You're just a hater
end of conversation. There's no way to build off that or even reply to it, because anything that is said after will just bring the same reply- You're just a hater, troll!
those hard plastic packaging that headphones, webcams, etc come in that you have to use scissors to open, will probably cut yourself, and are ruined if you have to take it back to the store.
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Jupiter551 said:
those hard plastic packaging that headphones, webcams, etc come in that you have to use scissors to open, will probably cut yourself, and are ruined if you have to take it back to the store.

The fact that they put scissors in the plastic you need scissors to open.
I've got a few pet peeves... I'll stick with one for now:

Arrogant Dickwads

I acknowledge I can be a little arrogant at times, every is. That's not a bad things.
What is those bastards that think they're better than everyone else; that think people are homeless by choice, people that think mental sickness isn't real, people that think everyone wants the same things from life, people that want everyone else to change so that they're comfortable, people that think that teachers don't live in the real world, people that think that just because it's someone's job to clean up means they can leave a huge mess for them to clean up, people that think they know better than the professionals.

Basicaly any git that thinks that they are the centre on the universe.

If I had the choice, I would take every last one of these people, tie them to pole in random cities around the world, strip them naked and let everyone who passes by have a turn.
I hate it when I say hi to someone in my chat then they immediately disappear.
Tigresslily said:
I hate it when I say hi to someone in my chat then they immediately disappear.

I actually misread that, I thought you said when someone says hi themselves and then immediately disappears. :roll:
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Tigresslily said:
I hate it when I say hi to someone in my chat then they immediately disappear.
Yeah that's rude, though I sometimes wonder if the slightly laggy way the room list updates they might have actually been gone before you said it
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My friend's fiance is a walking pet peeve. He's taken her off her anxiety medication because he thinks any mental disorder can be over come...mentally. He doesn't believe in headaches or taking anything for when his head hurts. I think he think's its a scam devised by tylenol.
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SweepTheLeg said:
My friend's fiance is a walking pet peeve. He's taken her off her anxiety medication because he thinks any mental disorder can be over come...mentally. He doesn't believe in headaches or taking anything for when his head hurts. I think he think's its a scam devised by tylenol.

Kill him. Now.

As an anxiety sufferer, I can say if it weren't for my medication I would be dead right now.
Jupiter551 said:
Tigresslily said:
I hate it when I say hi to someone in my chat then they immediately disappear.
Yeah that's rude, though I sometimes wonder if the slightly laggy way the room list updates they might have actually been gone before you said it

I typed this before I realized what actually happened. I normally don't say hi unless I recognize someone. The guy who left actually got kicked off the site. He's a friend of mine, and I realized after I typed that he was no longer online. I have seen that happen in other rooms though, and feel bad for the girls when it happens.
cupcakeattack said:
I've got a few pet peeves... I'll stick with one for now:

Arrogant Dickwads

I acknowledge I can be a little arrogant at times, every is. That's not a bad things.
What is those bastards that think they're better than everyone else; that think people are homeless by choice, people that think mental sickness isn't real, people that think everyone wants the same things from life, people that want everyone else to change so that they're comfortable, people that think that teachers don't live in the real world, people that think that just because it's someone's job to clean up means they can leave a huge mess for them to clean up, people that think they know better than the professionals.

Basicaly any git that thinks that they are the centre on the universe.

If I had the choice, I would take every last one of these people, tie them to pole in random cities around the world, strip them naked and let everyone who passes by have a turn.
We could put them all on a rocket and point it toward whatever our best guess for the center of the universe is.... no that would require an impossible huge rocket. :lol:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Yes! And similarly, those guys who, when you play music from more than ten years in the past, say things like, "how do you know about [SOME ARTIST], you weren't even born then!" Yeah, like anyone who isn't at least 265 years old, cannot know about J.S. Bach. :D
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!

Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.
Look here you silly slow men. I have no desire...i repeat NO DESIRE to see your penis on twitter. STOP sending me random pictures of your cock. I don't wana see it before it's cumming, I don't wana see it after, i don't care what color your cock is, the size, the shape, or the flavor.

So my pet peeve is random dudes that send cock pics on twitter.
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