AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Pet Peeves, yo.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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The_Brown_Fox said:
MegansDude said:
I've never heard of a movie dinner theater with lazy boys. Does the lazy boys massage your ass? I would think for $30, it would. :p

When I hear about something like a pair of jeans costing $100, I always joke "Wow, do the jeans have a built-in vibrator or something?" LOL.

MegansDude said:
The point is whether it's a play theater or a movie theater, it's very rude to talk during those times. People shouldn't feel entitled to act as they please just because they paid a few extra bucks for the experience.

During the movie previews is when I turn off my cell phone or put it on 'vibrate', and then I start feeding my face with popcorn with extra butter and my cherry ICEE. :)

We may need to start a business, $200 vibrating jeans and ass grabbing lazy boys. :p
I am willing to tell people that I live in the Northern Half of the US Eastern Time zone. Holy shit, do people make a shitton of assumptions about this! It bothers the hell out of me.

Yesterday, someone tried to tell me that the area could fit inside of California, after I'd listed all the states (

Cause, California is really a whole sixth of the country.

And today, someone tried to narrow it down to New England...

Sure, New England (in red) is in there. But that completely Eliminates HALF of the eligible territory.


It makes me want to smack somebody.


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    my sixth of the country.gif
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    new england vs my sixth.gif
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LadyLuna said:
I am willing to tell people that I live in the Northern Half of the US Eastern Time zone. Holy shit, do people make a shitton of assumptions about this! It bothers the hell out of me.

Yesterday, someone tried to tell me that the area could fit inside of California, after I'd listed all the states (

Cause, California is really a whole sixth of the country.

And today, someone tried to narrow it down to New England...

Sure, New England (in red) is in there. But that completely Eliminates HALF of the eligible territory.


It makes me want to smack somebody.

Not to be picky (okay, to be picky), it eliminates more than half because New York is not part of New England either.
When I'm about to log off for the night and say goodnight, and some dude blurts out "How about one last flash for us before you go?"

How about you buy that $1.49 token package (or is it $2?) and throw some tokens my way to go along with your request? Otherwise, hush your mouth. You've sat in my room long enough to witness plenty of boobs/pussy/ass flashes that OTHER MEMBERS tipped for.....
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I'm about to log off for the night and say goodnight, and some dude blurts out "How about one last flash for us before you go?"

Y U B so mean, bb? Come on, we all know the the first thing you do after logging off is to strip off your cam clothes...just do it a minute early. Is that so hard to do? :mrgreen:
When people call this forum AFC. I realize I am AmberFUCKINGcutie, but this forum is AmberCutie's Forum (ACF). :lol:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I'm about to log off for the night and say goodnight, and some dude blurts out "How about one last flash for us before you go?"
C'mon now! He's watched you for free for the last two whole hours! You kind of owe him. :lol:
JoleneJolene said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I'm about to log off for the night and say goodnight, and some dude blurts out "How about one last flash for us before you go?"
C'mon now! He's watched you for free for the last two whole hours! You kind of owe him. :lol:

And it is always a guy who hasn't tipped or anything the whole night. -_- or the guy that once someone else tips says 'okay bb soandso tipped you lets see your tits' (Generally so and so tipped bcuz we were pming and he already said what he wants, lol)
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When people assume I've been offended, when I haven't been yet.

Especially when they think it's a question that's offended me. I'm not offended by a question, unless the answer is "I won't tell you that" and then they continue to ask. But when the answer is "I won't tell you that" and they let it be, no offense is taken on my side. I encourage questions. Oh sure, I get slightly annoyed if it's something I have to answer five million times a day, but that's not offended.

I get offended when someone says I'm lying when I'm not lying. I get offended when someone throws insults at me. I get offended when someone implies that they're better than me (and I don't mean using words I don't know, cause I love expanding my vocabulary).
AmberCutie said:
When people call this forum AFC. I realize I am AmberFUCKINGcutie, but this forum is AmberCutie's Forum (ACF). :lol:
Now I feel like you need a cape that says AmberFUCKINGcutie on it cause that would just be awesome.

You can brandish your Awesome Fucking Cape when you ban fucktards or use your Admin Fucking Crush powers. :shifty:
People, especially on facebook or twitter who every other day or so who shout "Fuck it! I'm done!" Are they repeatedly done with the same ol shit every time, or are they finding new shit to be done with? Either way it's incredibly annoying and vague and just screams "Please someone, ask me what's wrong!"
When your place of employment introduces a new dress code that bans long hair, beards and tattoos; and you just happen to have have long hair and a beard. I mean, I don't work in a delhi, I work in a fucking record store. I serve people and put records out on the shelf. I don't envision not being able to do that effectively because I have long hair, ya know?
mynameisbob84 said:
When your place of employment introduces a new dress code that bans long hair, beards and tattoos; and you just happen to have have long hair and a beard. I mean, I don't work in a delhi, I work in a fucking record store. I serve people and put records out on the shelf. I don't envision not being able to do that effectively because I have long hair, ya know?

I'm pretty sure that long hair, beards, and tattoos would be OK in: :mrgreen:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When a person doesn't wash his/her hands after peeing (or after changing a diaper), and then walks into the kitchen to put their hands on my food. :angry4:

Poppie is getting poopy!

When people say it is two thousand twelve, and or two thousand and twelve, (2012) nope it is twenty twelve. This is ok when it was "in the year two thousand" or two thousand nine (2000-2009) No one ever said that they where going to party like it is nineteen hundred and ninety nine. Apologies to anyone that does this, but I think it's wrong and "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore"!
logfromblamo said:
When people say it is two thousand twelve, and or two thousand and twelve, (2012) nope it is twenty twelve. This is ok when it was "in the year two thousand" or two thousand nine (2000-2009) No one ever said that they where going to party like it is nineteen hundred and ninety nine. Apologies to anyone that does this, but I think it's wrong and "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore"!
Actually there's no incorrect way to say it. When you learn how to say numbers in elementary school, you're taught two thousand and twelve is correct. BUT you can also say twenty twelve and still be correct.

When counting money, if you had $2012, you would say that you had two thousand and twelve dollars, not twenty twelve dollars. :woops:

Personally twenty twelve sound stupid to me because 20 and 12 is 32....... In a written mathematical equation, the proper way to say it is two thousand and twelve. :whistle: :twocents-02cents:
On the subject of years, it used to peeve me no end explaining that the century ended on december 31st 2000, not 1999.
It was even stated incorrectly in a Trivial Pursuit edition, and it was the final question in a game I eventually lost. I am still convinced that the first day of the 21st century was January 1st 2001.
After over 10 years, I think now I can hold a conversation about it without losing my temper.
Not 100% sure though. :?
OverFlower said:
I am still convinced that the first day of the 21st century was January 1st 2001.

I remember being a teenager, not understanding what the fuss was. Someone explained it to me, and I thought about it for a few hours. Then it hit me:

the first number is 1, not 0.
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blackxrose said:
logfromblamo said:
When people say it is two thousand twelve, and or two thousand and twelve, (2012) nope it is twenty twelve. This is ok when it was "in the year two thousand" or two thousand nine (2000-2009) No one ever said that they where going to party like it is nineteen hundred and ninety nine. Apologies to anyone that does this, but I think it's wrong and "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore"!
Actually there's no incorrect way to say it. When you learn how to say numbers in elementary school, you're taught two thousand and twelve is correct. BUT you can also say twenty twelve and still be correct.

When counting money, if you had $2012, you would say that you had two thousand and twelve dollars, not twenty twelve dollars. :woops:

Personally twenty twelve sound stupid to me because 20 and 12 is 32....... In a written mathematical equation, the proper way to say it is two thousand and twelve. :whistle: :twocents-02cents:
I personally don't have any issue with twenty twelve. It's not twenty and twelve which to me would denote 20 + 12. That's honestly how I am used to hearing a lot of dates said.

Fourteen ninety-two
Seventeen seventy-six
Nineteen sixty-nine
Twenty-one twelve :whistle:
SweepTheLeg said:
People, especially on facebook or twitter who every other day or so who shout "Fuck it! I'm done!" Are they repeatedly done with the same ol shit every time, or are they finding new shit to be done with? Either way it's incredibly annoying and vague and just screams "Please someone, ask me what's wrong!"
Oh Goood, don't even get me started.

About 2 years ago, I made the mistake of accepting the facebook friend requests of my now 16 year old brother's friends. (I had served them some muffins on my brother's party. They thought that was reason enough for them to add me. lol.)
The girls are all the same!
Almost every day I had to read a status conversation that went something like this:

status: :'(
comment: SWEETIE WHATS WRONG?? :h:33
OP: I'll tell you later :'( this is not for everyone
comment: you know you're my bff you can tell me everything :h: xo
OP: I know :h:3


status: so happy!!! :h:33
1263862 people like this.
OP: its about you know who lol. (; (; I'll tell you later. :h: xo

And I'd be sitting there like


I unfriended them all after a few weeks or so. I couldn't handle it anymore. I so hope me and my friends weren't like that when we were 14.
When people eat cereal, or soup....the slurping *GAG*
The sound egg salad makes when you stir it.
People chewing with their mouth consumes all my attention, it's all I can think about. So gross.
When I see someone who is otherwise attractive, that has a mole with HAIR growing out of it...TWEEZERS, dude.
Cluttered countertops.
When people have the slightest little booger on the edge of their nostril.
When people burp and you can smell it...and then they laugh. Not even close to funny.
Bad breath.
When people comment on my gauges "Ew thats so gross" "thats so scary!" "theyre so BIG!" "are those real?" "didnt that hurt?" derpyderpderp
Pathological liars "I'm wearing pink socks today!" "..actually they look green to me" ... lying about stupid shit when its just as easy to tell the truth.

I was at walmart one day, waiting in line to check out, and the guy in front of me lifts his leg, LIFTED HIS LEG, and rips ass. I was like "Ew, what the fuck." and he turns around and was like "Ope, sorry, didn't see ya there."
Here's a recent one, though it's not the first time it's happened and I am sure it won't be the last:

When someone complains to you about someone you have never met on a continuous basis, where you begin to strongly dislike this person based on the actions and decisions you hear this person making constantly. And suddenly, weeks or months have passed you express your hatred about this person and the original person who has been doing the complaining all along defends them and makes you feel like the asshole. WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL?!
How quickly people call someone a troll because they either disagree with them or can't believe how stupid they are.
AmberCutie said:
How quickly people call someone a troll because they either disagree with them or can't believe how stupid they are.

I can understand calling someone a troll for disbelief at stupidity. After all, seeing someone be really fucking stupid is upsetting, and a troll's idea of fun is to upset people. So if we don't believe that people can be that stupid, the person must be doing it on purpose. Hence, troll.

Unfortunately, I have learned just how stupid people can actually be.
LadyLuna said:
AmberCutie said:
How quickly people call someone a troll because they either disagree with them or can't believe how stupid they are.

I can understand calling someone a troll for disbelief at stupidity. After all, seeing someone be really fucking stupid is upsetting, and a troll's idea of fun is to upset people. So if we don't believe that people can be that stupid, the person must be doing it on purpose. Hence, troll.

Unfortunately, I have learned just how stupid people can actually be.
I find that the way it's thrown around lately actually discredits the person's stupidity. I'd much rather call a stupid person "stupid" than call him a "troll" because the latter actually implies the person is smart enough to rile people up on purpose. There are both "stupid people" and "trolls" on this forum and anywhere on the 'net, but it seems every single time a stupid person pops up here, someone jumps to call them a troll.

I'm sure that was confusing, hah.

It's just a peeve of mine, don't pay any mind to it.
I know exactly how you feel, Amber. More the "disagreeing with" than the stupid. I've been called a troll so quickly just because of my different point of view. I'd rather call someone a stupid piece of shit than over estimate their intelligence.
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