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Not tipping for countdown

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Ursavannah said:
making 10tk a min compared to a set amount of tokens or dollars like 3000tk or whatever....How is that the same? To me the gold show idea is similiar to the mfc concept of x amount of tokens for a show. Only when it happens only those who pay see.

I want to make it clear that I don't see a problem with you or anyone suggesting ideas. I am sure we all have a billion ideas for whatever site/s we work for. I know I sure as hell do.

The gold show idea is more similar of a group show (IMO) for the simple fact that those that participate in it---have to be online, and in your room, and ready to want a show, and willing to not use there money to also buy vids (as many girls including myself include pre-made vids for countdowns).

Where as a public show I could spend an hour and a half trying to reach my goal..when many of my regulars are only online for 20min to 60min.
A couple of features I liked from the now-defunct xpeeps site would be nice to incorporate into MFC. One is the ability to effectively boot everyone except those who have tipped when the model starts the show, another is to boot guests when they start the show. More options along these lines would be even better, such as the ability to boot all but tippers and a few on a list the model might make (like guys who tip regularly but maybe didn't tonight).
HiGirlsRHot said:
AngelaAmazing said:
You are right I should have never used the term "whale" I only did cause it is what everyone in my room refers to him as and I was sort of telling the story as it happened. Which is why I used quotations to show a bit of sarcasm. I never refer to him myself as that and have had many conversation with him on his large tipping and the effect it has had on my room. For some reason his tips put a lot of people to shame in my room and it comes up a lot. Sometimes he will tip the whole amount of my goal and say sorry guys not for the topic, or tip right before he has to leave and say enjoy the show guys. (which I know maybe wrong of me but I never really feel like doing the show after he just tipped and left...) not because I feel I already got the money and he is gone so why should I? but more cause it seems wrong and unfair.

I never know what to do with ninja tips and the countdown... did they want it the amount not to be seen or just to be anonymous.


(again sorry for the offensive whale reference, I truly care about this regular and I am personally offended every time someone brings up his tips in my room.)

I can understand why some people are offended by the term whale. Although it is not clear your regular would be among them. While there are plenty of guys like Jupiter and myself who feel crappy if we feel it is just myself or sometime me and couple of other tipping, there are others who like to do so. I've have also been in rooms when one guy drops a big tip to finish the countdown and then says enjoy the show and leaves the room. :eek: I guess these guy enjoy the clapping from the room, the same way that I guy who orders drinks for the bar (only happened once to me) like the thanks. At the end of day guys tip for different reasons and we should take their word for it. I've know casino whales and hotel whales who were proud of be considered a whale.

I do like the idea of using ninja tips if I am not tipping for countdown and will use it in the future. As long as the freeloaders don't think if they wait long enough I'll finish the countdown for them I'm happy camper.

I am not exactly sure where he would stand on that subject either, I know it does not bother him as much as it bothers me what people say about him and his tipping but you can never really be too sure.

Some people are proud they have excess money to share and flaunt it, while others are more humble and still tip large anonymously. It might be an ego thing or it might just be someone really loving the thanks they get cause it makes them feel appreciated. I can see how not tipping for the count can be seen as egotistical (meaning you think you know what is best for the room and you want to show you can control the room or have influence in some way), but for the most part I think it is just gentlemen wanting to show that they appreciate this girl and not just for shows!

Yeah I have the same problem with me in my room (and yes I know it is my own fault) but I am too nice and I always feel bad when certain people have contributed a a majority and the count is not moving anywhere, no new tippers, so I will lower my countdown or play let's make a deal, where I offer retired content for new tippers and such, and sometimes I feel like they know I am going to do this cause I am pretty impatient, so they wait me out... I need to be tougher but I feel so guilty about the ones who did contribute and don't want them leaving disappointed cause they tipped for a certain goal then I get offline and they are out of tokens and now and have to go freeload in the next girls room...

Getting off topic here but I am curious to know how much drinking affects your guys tipping? I know I can definitely tell when my regs have had a few... maybe I should start a new thread for this...
camstory said:
JoleneBrody said:
I never listen when someone says "not for countdown" reason being is that I really want to reach that goal and do that show! That's why I count ALL tips towards any show goal. Videos, pic sets, other stuff I sell. It all goes towards the goal because I thoroughly enjoy reaching a goal in a reasonable amount of time and "performing" in a way that makes me feel great! This all comes down to my mantra of only doing things I enjoy on cam! If I have a topic for an oil show and someone tips me double the count to put on pajamas and just hang out, I'm going to say no and I'm going to do my oil show. If I wanted to hang out in pajamas I would have logged on in pajamas!

I don't often have to give up on countdowns though so I guess to the OP, I can understand your point but only depending on the room.
I would think it silly if a member refused to tip while I had a countdown up, however I try my best to put on a show while working towards a show. Removing items of clothing at points in the countdown, Dancing, sometimes busting out things like the jingle belt or nipple clamps.

I recently switch to public shows after a VERY long time of not doing them. Honestly, the way I had been doing things (naked shows in public, cum in groups and privates) for so long was no longer working for me. My room counts were getting smaller and smaller, goals were getting nearly impossible to reach and I was becoming MISERABLE! I hate to say that I was starting to hate the job I once loved.
Starting public cum shows at the time that I did was one of the best career decisions I've made because honestly, I wouldn't still be camming on MFC if things were still going like they were before.
I have NEVER had as many new tippers as I get during a show. I'm sure most of my fellers can agree, having new people tipping during a show feels amazing!
I put off public shows for so long because I was afraid it would make me feel unappreciated with the high numbers and (what I assumed) would be no tipping, it's however been the opposite. Public shows have made me feel SO appreciated, I have a hard time not giggling through the whole thing.

Just my :twocents-02cents: on a few of the subjects being discussed.
This ^^^^^ gets my vote for ACF's Best Of. Hell, it should be the title entry. It is just so pure JJ, I love it.
Well, this ^^^^^^ is not at all what I wanted. When I first read JJ's post I knew I liked it very much, but I didn't know why exactly. I thought it made good sense, but I'm not sure I have ever read a JJ post that didn't make sense. I didn't realize it but I was stuck on this post, stuck on not knowing what I liked about it so much. I came back and read it a second time and vacillated between one thing or another. I could see several things I liked about the writing, and sure, who wouldn't be thrilled about JJ in public if you have ever seen her dance, or even a minute of that door jamb thing she does. But there was something else :think: I let it go, cuz there was nothing there extra special for a JJ post. Maybe it was some sort of planetary alignment, or misalignment affecting me.

Then like something you couldn't remember popping in after you say screw it - there it was. It was pure JJ. That phrase with no e,xplanation is the only thing that came through the first go around. (Not surprising, I was pretty much trying to get to the other end of the hall with out knocking too many pictures off the walls :drunken: )

With the exception of one or two post every 6 months or so that JJ makes Jup write for her to show him she still controls his soul :eek: , I think JJ writes all her post, pure JJ.

Nope, not what I mean. I think all of us, most of the time have an audience in mind when we write our post. It may not be conscience, or maybe that audience is one person. Or maybe it is the whole world, because dammit we feel strongly about something, and ppl should know that. Or for many other reasons, what we write, I think, most often is not 100% pure, absent some bit of attitude, bare ass naked, in the bright sunlight, without any makeup.

That was what I liked so much about this JJ post. She was thinking, but I would not say out loud - to me it felt like she allowed us into her head so we could quietly sit, and watch her think completely naked and without any makeup. decisions made to launch a preemptive strike (No Jup, not us, JJ is naked W/no makeup)

Or biorhythms, maybe not planets, I heard those biorhythms can skew stuff real bad when they come up wrong. :lol:

Oh, yeah, I agree, or not, maybe, well, IMhO there is a direct correlation between count downs, and tips.
HiGirlsRHot said:
I remember one time I literally had credit card in hand was preparing to buy 900 tokens and Megan's Dude appeared in Megan's room dropped a modest tip and my card when back in my wallet and I went back to making a few 10 token tips. Oh and MD I owe you for that thanks. :handgestures-salute:
WOW. I didn't realized I had the superpower to cause a guy to put his credit card back in his wallet. If only I could create a reflective shield that points my superpower back at me.... :)
Ursavannah said:
making 10tk a min compared to a set amount of tokens or dollars like 3000tk or whatever....How is that the same? To me the gold show idea is similiar to the mfc concept of x amount of tokens for a show. Only when it happens only those who pay see. Why not have that but no time limit. Like why couldnt MFC have it so we can do a show set a token amount then go into another chat like group(tho you already paid) rather than just go into group and make practically nothing. I am not knocking the MFC way but saying the concept would be nice to see on MFC and in my opinion better but I guess models are expecting all their tips to come while in the show? I don't get it. I like the idea of a countdown to cum but would like it so once the goal is reached non paying members could not see.

I like the suggestion of a show that has no time limit but has a fixed price. Sometimes I *feel* that some models deliberately lengthen their group/private shows because they don't want to earn too little, and I don't blame them. Having a fixed price for a show that has no time limit would remove some of that pressure.

I am just thinking of ways to make it better I dont see why we cant suggest things that could be better. oh and FYI Streamate only pays 35%

Just to be clear no one is knocking on your suggestions. If anyone here *seems* to disagree with you, I think it is just them having a different preference and doing things differently, and not a deliberate attempt to discount your suggestions.

Your suggestion is good, and I especially like the fixed price and no time limit show suggestion. I have actually sent that suggestion to MFC (if they ever read it). I think we all can agree that there is always room for improvement for MFC. More choices is always good. Some models will love your gold show idea, and some models are content with what they have currently. No one is wrong, it's just a preference thing that varies from model to model.
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#1. I got the nicest offline tip from a fella I've never met before with the note "Your show last night was amazing!" These are the types of things that stick in my memory are are reasons why I personally have been enjoying the MFC public show way.

#2. Thanks Camstory but you WAY over though my post... Everyone knows I would never be caught DEAD without my eyebrows drawn on.
Jupiter551 said:
A couple of features I liked from the now-defunct xpeeps site would be nice to incorporate into MFC. One is the ability to effectively boot everyone except those who have tipped when the model starts the show, another is to boot guests when they start the show. More options along these lines would be even better, such as the ability to boot all but tippers and a few on a list the model might make (like guys who tip regularly but maybe didn't tonight).

These seem like such obvious things to do I can't imagine why MFC hasn't done them. Honestly if there was magic boot the freeloaders button, I'd have no issues with tipping for a countdown.

As the OP I am allowed to threadjack my own thread, not that every stopped anyone from thread jacking before. :mrgreen:

One of things that amazes is that many of the other camsites have community reps that stop by the forum and ask for input and sometimes even listen to the input and make changes to their camsites. I know I haven't been here that long but I haven't seen anything like that from MFC. This forum primarily consists of model who have or had accounts on MFC, even if they cam somewhere else now. Have there ever made an ever to collect feedback from this forum? I suppose I could always send feedback but i doubt they does any good.

There have been persistent rumors that Manwin, the porn business giant, has bought or is buying Streammates, if so this will hopefully put a lot of pressure on MFC to improve there product I am sure that camgirls have a ton of suggestions also.

But to me the #1 thing, I'd like to see is to make my experience of high spending premium member significantly better than Kool Rays. :) Cause right now I'd be hard press to make a very compelling Kool Ray style video explaining why being a premium is much better than being a basic.
Miss_Lollipop said:
Through amber, they have collected feedback about the browser broadcaster, while they were de-bugging and adding features etc. This was pretty awesome :)

That was amazing, there are only a few differences but they've definitely made camming a hell lot easier/better and are features I use every time I'm online.

I'd love mfcs to ask us again about various suggestions we have, and then like last time choose the ones that all the girls seem to agree on and they think would work. Essentially as camgirls we do know how to and what makes us money. Members will always have ideas etc but members are all separate individual people on a site for different reasons, whilst camgirls meet all those members and hear their thoughts all the time/know what'd work making money.

The thing also with group is that say a regular is in my room, chances are he'd be in my room all night, and wait for the countdown to finish/watch the countdown, he'd probably spend more/tip more for the countdown too. But in a group said member will join the group, maybe stay for half an hour, tip a few 20 token tips etc but will then leave maybe during the group: i.e. after he's cum, or won't hang around after the group.
As Nervous pointed out girls do extend groups longer than they would in a private/a public show.
I rarely do privates for half an hour+ and a half hour private is 1800 + whatever spies you get. Most privates are around 10-15 mins. That's how long it takes me to cum, that's how long/longer than it takes most guys to cum.

I notice in public cumshows I'm like 2 minutes into the show and guys are urging me to cum, I mean no, I'm not going to pay attention to freeloaders or even tippers and cum on demand, not that I could unless I was close anyway. Loads of members don't actually want a half hour to an hour show. But say if I did a 10 - 15 minute group, which is about the same as I'd end up doing in a cumshow I'd only make like 400 tokens! All very easy to think I could just do lots of groups, but say I do two of those groups an hour, that's 800-1000 tokens per hour and I'd be playing for 20 minutes an hour, when personally I make 1500 an hour and get to dance, chat, chill, do whatever I like and then masturbate for 10-15 mins after 3550 tokens. What would you choose? Masturbating until it hurts all night for less money (this is how it'd be for me personally) just so that some people who are just words on a screen to you can't see you unless they pay or enjoying the room/popularity, increasing your room numbers and popularity/getting more traffic, chatting to everyone, doing your own thing and then playing with no pressure. I personally don't care about the freeloaders much. It can get annoying sure, but I'm giving them more than you are. You're not buying them a show, you're tipping so you can see it and enjoy my appreciation of you, I'm just allowing them along for the ride.

If you feel this way you should feel the same way about privates, you pay 60 tokens, and there are others who can view the same show for 20 tokens?! They see exactly the same thing as you, so what they can't interact, they can see the same, and they can only see it because you're paying 3 times the amount they are. So technically you'd be giving the spies a cheaper show.
nervous101 said:
Sometimes I *feel* that some models deliberately lengthen their group/private shows because they don't want to earn too little, and I don't blame them.

Yeah, this happens, and I also don't blame them. :)

On sites like ImLive (where the member's first 20 secs. in private are FREE), a model really SHOULD draw out her first 20 seconds of a private show. There are a lot of members who abuse the 'free 20 secs.' feature, and will take a model private and immediately type 'get naked bb' to get a lightning fast naked show that he's not charged for. So in a situation like that, the smart thing for the model to do is NOT get naked right away, and use those 20 seconds to smile and say hi, and ask if he can see/hear her fine. If the guy is just a 20-second peeper, he'll just end it without even answering her. If he really intended to pay her, he'd stay past those 20 seconds and watch her do her thing.

On MFC, we don't have to worry about any FREE 20 seconds, but I still think it's a smart idea when a model uses the first minute to seductively strip naked opposed to pounding that pussy right away. That would be pretty shitty for a guy to take a model private and tell her "Lunch break's over, so hurry up and get naked and fuck your pussy, bb." :lol:
HiGirlsRHot said:
But to me the #1 thing, I'd like to see is to make my experience of high spending premium member significantly better than Kool Rays. :) Cause right now I'd be hard press to make a very compelling Kool Ray style video explaining why being a premium is much better than being a basic.
If this is the case then you, good sir, are not enjoying the woman you get to interact with to the full potential. I think the number 1 reason why a member becomes a premium is to socialize, maybe not all the time but majority, for sure. That is the most important and yet most basic feature MFC offers, and it's in our hand to allow the greys and blues to talk. MFC wouldn't be the adult financial power house it is today if they catered to only the "tip for tits" crowd.

In regards to changing the very fibers of MFCs being (gold type, xpeeps type, kick non payers) Why would they? Don't fix what ain't broke. Leo doesn't want the no masturbation rule, but he also doesn't want to add a "verify I'm 18" page to entering the site. Reason being is that the easy/free access mentality is what made MFC successful and has helped it continue to grow. By having that rule listed on a site of independent contractors he's basically washed his hands of any liability. It's a risk that WE as individuals take. Now the rules that are enforced are the ones that actually matter! Such as unverified people on cam, or unaware people on cam!

I remember when SkinVideo first started their webcam site and because they were legally a porn site with an age agreement page masturbation in public chat was allowed. I recall a handful of girls who were very outspoken about public shows "ruining MFC", squee with glee about it. :? Ya... you tell me why that makes sense. :roll:
JoleneBrody said:
HiGirlsRHot wrote:
But to me the #1 thing, I'd like to see is to make my experience of high spending premium member significantly better than Kool Rays. Cause right now I'd be hard press to make a very compelling Kool Ray style video explaining why being a premium is much better than being a basic.

If this is the case then you, good sir, are not enjoying the woman you get to interact with to the full potential. I think the number 1 reason why a member becomes a premium is to socialize, maybe not all the time but majority, for sure. That is the most important and yet most basic feature MFC offers, and it's in our hand to allow the greys and blues to talk. MFC wouldn't be the adult financial power house it is today if they catered to only the "tip for tits" crowd.

This. You're a regular in my room and you definitely get a lot that Kool Ray from canada wouldn't get. That you think your tips get you the same thing as a freeloader actually upsets me a little bit, almost makes me rethink all the time we spend together out of my mfc room. Sure anyone could see my breasts, but not everyone gets the experience you get. It is your choice if that is worth anything to you. The payment isn't always financial, tipping in the room is showing me that you're supporting me and helping me complete my countdown and have a good night. Sure tips are finances, but it's not all about the money. Many of my regulars tip for the countdowns but don't really care about the show, they just like the interaction and seeing me enjoy myself, the show is a bonus. If you are there for the shows, then sure, either tip for skypes/videos/privates or freeload on a show, make it into a transaction, but if you enjoy the friendship then show your support, tip for the countdowns.
JoleneBrody said:
In regards to changing the very fibers of MFCs being (gold type, xpeeps type, kick non payers) Why would they? Don't fix what ain't broke. Leo doesn't want the no masturbation rule, but he also doesn't want to add a "verify I'm 18" page to entering the site. Reason being is that the easy/free access mentality is what made MFC successful and has helped it continue to grow. By having that rule listed on a site of independent contractors he's basically washed his hands of any liability. It's a risk that WE as individuals take. Now the rules that are enforced are the ones that actually matter! Such as unverified people on cam, or unaware people on cam!
Fucking Point On
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JoleneBrody said:
In regards to changing the very fibers of MFCs being (gold type, xpeeps type, kick non payers) Why would they? Don't fix what ain't broke. Leo doesn't want the no masturbation rule, but he also doesn't want to add a "verify I'm 18" page to entering the site. Reason being is that the easy/free access mentality is what made MFC successful and has helped it continue to grow.
I agree to a point.

I think of guests and basics like herds of primordial mammoth roaming across the tundra of MFC looking for their next free meal. When things get lean in one area they simply move on to the next, the MFC-tundra is large enough that by the time they've done some kind of circuit there will be food again back where they started.

So yeah anyway I hope you liked my herd of freeloaders analogy, I thought it was quite good. The point being, I don't think options to make paying customers happy will necessarily exclude the free traffic. The intention is not to keep guests/basics/non tippers out 100% of the time so perhaps a set time limit can be put in place - 30 mins max with a break of one hour til it can be done again? If the show runs over 30 minutes I guess the rest happens in public.

You know that phrase 'the market will find a way'? Well the freeloaders will find a way too :p
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Ursavannah said:
Like why couldnt MFC have it so we can do a show set a token amount then go into another chat like group(tho you already paid) rather than just go into group and make practically nothing.
I'm just playing Devil's Advocate, but I can see one reason MFC doesn't have a pre-pay feature. MFC stresses time and again in their wiki that tips are gifts to the models and not payments for specific services.

Put another way, members don't have a reason to say "I paid X tokens, the model promised she'd do Y action, but she didn't do it." (Sometimes members still complain, but that's another thread.)

All of MFC's more explicit features are intended to be behind a paywall (having purchased tokens) and are provided to members on a pay-as-you-go basis of paying tokens/minute. Either the model or the member can end/exit a group or private at any time.

Regardless of personal feelings of the models or members, if MFC institutes a process by which members can pre-pay for a show, MFC's customer support workload might increase with members complaining "I paid X for a show in which the model promised to perform Y action (but didn't do it)."

Again, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate. Certainly MFC could add verbiage to their terms and conditions along the line of "Pre-Paid Group shows are only intended to allow models to hold a more private audience with a select group of members and do not indicate the agreement to perform any specific act or participate for a specific time. Tokens tipped by members for such Pre-Paid Group shows are considered gifts to the model.", but I can see such a change adding to MFC's customer support workload (costing them money) while not significantly adding to their revenue.

Who knows. If they roll it out, I'd probably try it. Some models would probably like it (and I'd enjoy their shows using it), and some models would probably hate it (and I'd enjoy their shows that don't make use of it.)
spikyhaired said:
Regardless of personal feelings of the models or members, if MFC institutes a process by which members can pre-pay for a show, MFC's customer support workload might increase with members complaining "I paid X for a show in which the model promised to perform Y action (but didn't do it)."
Well it's still the same as tips - whatever is or isn't written, a model is never going to be obliged to perform an act she doesn't want to perform for any reason.
HiGirlsRHot said:
I remember one time I literally had credit card in hand was preparing to buy 900 tokens and Megan's Dude appeared in Megan's room dropped a modest tip and my card when back in my wallet and I went back to making a few 10 token tips. Oh and MD I owe you for that thanks. :handgestures-salute:

I didn't notice this until now.

You were seconds away from putting $45 in Megan's pocket, but then decided against it after MegansDude tipped. I'm sure it happens often on MFC, but it probably would've been better for you to not admit that out
The_Brown_Fox said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
I remember one time I literally had credit card in hand was preparing to buy 900 tokens and Megan's Dude appeared in Megan's room dropped a modest tip and my card when back in my wallet and I went back to making a few 10 token tips. Oh and MD I owe you for that thanks. :handgestures-salute:

I didn't notice this until now.

You were seconds away from putting $45 in Megan's pocket, but then decided against it after MegansDude tipped. I'm sure it happens often on MFC, but it probably would've been better for you to not admit that out

Ha. I missed it too. I don't know why you'd say that. In any context.

"Hey, I was gonna give you x but then someone else gave you y so I decided to give you fuck all instead"
"Oh. Thanks?"

How you spend your tokens is your deal, but why would you let a model know you were going to tip her 900 tokens only to decide against it because someone happened to tip her before you did? :?
Jupiter551 said:
spikyhaired said:
Regardless of personal feelings of the models or members, if MFC institutes a process by which members can pre-pay for a show, MFC's customer support workload might increase with members complaining "I paid X for a show in which the model promised to perform Y action (but didn't do it)."
Well it's still the same as tips - whatever is or isn't written, a model is never going to be obliged to perform an act she doesn't want to perform for any reason.

I agree, but I could definitely see it leading to more workload for MFC. As is, if a member isn't getting what they feel they're paying for, they can just end the private/opt out of group. They wouldn't have that option with the above method.
It would also make it very easy for a model to rip off a member. Once a model has the member's money, it would be easy for her to just not do a show, and she still gets all the money for that show regardless.
mynameisbob84 said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
I remember one time I literally had credit card in hand was preparing to buy 900 tokens and Megan's Dude appeared in Megan's room dropped a modest tip and my card when back in my wallet and I went back to making a few 10 token tips. Oh and MD I owe you for that thanks. :handgestures-salute:

I didn't notice this until now.

You were seconds away from putting $45 in Megan's pocket, but then decided against it after MegansDude tipped. I'm sure it happens often on MFC, but it probably would've been better for you to not admit that out

Ha. I missed it too. I don't know why you'd say that. In any context.

"Hey, I was gonna give you x but then someone else gave you y so I decided to give you fuck all instead"
"Oh. Thanks?"

How you spend your tokens is your deal, but why would you let a model know you were going to tip her 900 tokens only to decide against it because someone happened to tip her before you did? :?

mynameisbob84 said:
It would also make it very easy for a model to rip off a member. Once a model has the member's money, it would be easy for her to just not do a show, and she still gets all the money for that show regardless.
Indeed, which is exactly why all models will be required to install the JupTech® Anti-Chastity System, consisting of tempered steel Pervertagard™ plates (using our special ExtraHard™ technology) that emerge from recesses in the room when the show is paid for to slide over any power buttons, doorways, windows effectively locking the model into the room with the webcam switched on (inside its tamper-proof electrified Chain-Male™ cage).

At this point the model is not forced to do anything, other than stay within sight of the camera until the time-release lock kicks in, but in almost all cases the model will simply just do the show rather than sit there and argue for however long it is.

Also, regarding the apparent increase in customer service claims, let me show you this photograph of the MFC customer service department, and one of the customers who attempted to show up in person to complain:
Jupiter551 said:
mynameisbob84 said:
It would also make it very easy for a model to rip off a member. Once a model has the member's money, it would be easy for her to just not do a show, and she still gets all the money for that show regardless.
Indeed, which is exactly why all models will be required to install the JupTech® Anti-Chastity System, consisting of tempered steel Pervertagard™ plates (using our special ExtraHard™ technology) that emerge from recesses in the room when the show is paid for to slide over any power buttons, doorways, windows effectively locking the model into the room with the webcam switched on (inside its tamper-proof electrified Chain-Male™ cage).

At this point the model is not forced to do anything, other than stay within sight of the camera until the time-release lock kicks in, but in almost all cases the model will simply just do the show rather than sit there and argue for however long it is.

Also, regarding the apparent increase in customer service claims, let me show you this photograph of the MFC customer service department, and one of the customers who attempted to show up in person to complain:

Well if JupTech® are involved, I guess I can rest easy ;)
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HiGirlsRHot said:
But to me the #1 thing, I'd like to see is to make my experience of high spending premium member significantly better than Kool Rays. :) Cause right now I'd be hard press to make a very compelling Kool Ray style video explaining why being a premium is much better than being a basic.

I am not sure which site you are on, but I can guarantee my experience has been worlds better than any basics.
nervous101 said:
Ursavannah said:
making 10tk a min compared to a set amount of tokens or dollars like 3000tk or whatever....How is that the same? To me the gold show idea is similiar to the mfc concept of x amount of tokens for a show. Only when it happens only those who pay see. Why not have that but no time limit. Like why couldnt MFC have it so we can do a show set a token amount then go into another chat like group(tho you already paid) rather than just go into group and make practically nothing. I am not knocking the MFC way but saying the concept would be nice to see on MFC and in my opinion better but I guess models are expecting all their tips to come while in the show? I don't get it. I like the idea of a countdown to cum but would like it so once the goal is reached non paying members could not see.

I like the suggestion of a show that has no time limit but has a fixed price. Sometimes I *feel* that some models deliberately lengthen their group/private shows because they don't want to earn too little, and I don't blame them. Having a fixed price for a show that has no time limit would remove some of that pressure.

I am just thinking of ways to make it better I dont see why we cant suggest things that could be better. oh and FYI Streamate only pays 35%

Just to be clear no one is knocking on your suggestions. If anyone here *seems* to disagree with you, I think it is just them having a different preference and doing things differently, and not a deliberate attempt to discount your suggestions.

Your suggestion is good, and I especially like the fixed price and no time limit show suggestion. I have actually sent that suggestion to MFC (if they ever read it). I think we all can agree that there is always room for improvement for MFC. More choices is always good. Some models will love your gold show idea, and some models are content with what they have currently. No one is wrong, it's just a preference thing that varies from model to model.

Having something like that and the camscore system working seems like a contradiction to me. And I believe they will not end with the Camscore/Top 20~100 any time soon because that is system that works for MFC. A proof of that is the amount of tokens a model needs to be tipped to keep a high camscore or a position at the Top nowadays.
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