AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

My experience of falling in love with a cam model...

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I've only skimmed so I may be wrong, but are we essentially saying that OP has no right to feel aggrieved that he lost out on $350 because a) he was foolish to loan the money in the first place, b) it's only a "couple of dollars" and c) if he truly had feelings for the model, he should have just given her the money, regardless of whether or not she ever had any feelings for him?

It's hard to argue with the first point, but the rest feels a little callous. I find the only sensible and 100% accurate way of assessing the "right and wrong" of any given situation, is to take a step back, look objectively at the facts of the matter, strip away any personal bias, and ask earnestly and honestly, "what would Judge Judy do?". I have to think in this case she would rule that the model should pay the OP back, ya know?
He has the right to be upset about being scammed but going to the models place of work in an other country to have a confrontation is to take things too far. Putting her on blast and warn others about her would be be far more reasonable, there isn't much else he can really do unless he wants to do something stupid.
I have a vagina!

Figure I'd add to the ridiculousness.

Also this is the most awesome forum ever. I thought for sure this was going to be locked eight pages ago.

This is exactly what i don't get about certain internet people---- Why would a thread be locked just because we are having a disagreement? The anti-dialectical frame that society is in is why things have become so binary. People want to go run off to their version of a safe place and only surround themselves with carbon copies. We didn't get out of hand at all. Amber is typically quite lenient, at least she has been when it comes to my threads when ppl get butthurt!

50% to page 10. LOL I don't think I have anything left to say.
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He has the right to be upset about being scammed but going to the models place of work in an other country to have a confrontation is to take things too far. Putting her on blast and warn others about her would be be far more reasonable, there isn't much else he can really do unless he wants to do something stupid.

Yeah I don't mind him warning other people about her. I have zero sympathy for the model in question because no matter what her situation is, she preyed and took advantage of OP. We can only speculate if this was by her or if she was influenced from someone else. I cannot defend someone I know nothing about. I'm sure you dudes don't want to associate with a model who scams, she may social engineer a scam on you.
Yeah I don't mind him warning other people about her. I have zero sympathy for the model in question because no matter what her situation is, she preyed and took advantage of OP. We can only speculate if this was by her or if she was influenced from someone else. I cannot defend someone I know nothing about. I'm sure you dudes don't want to associate with a model who scams, she may social engineer a scam on you.
I wouldn't defend her even if she she was influenced by someone else, because I believe we get to choose if we want to do the right thing.
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50% to page 10. LOL I don't think I have anything left to say.

I heard a page count goal, I'm gonna try my damndest to get us there! Jesus memes make me giggle.

This right here is how I was introduced to Firefly. I was channel surfing, saw a naked woman, and decided to keep watching.

New here.. interesting thread. To the OP.. Romania has had Paypal for years. Why would you send money to anyone via western union unless it was a close relative.
You think 350 is worth going there and back? The Romanian cam girl scam always cries, oh I'm sick, oh my parents are sick, oh I need a car, Omg I can't pay my rent, I need new lingerie, oh my studio manager didn't pay me this month, oh my I have no food.. and millions of other excuses. Now let me tell you, some of the Romanian pro con models never ask for money, they just cry until you offer, which eventually they know you will if your gullible enough. Here's a tip.. use paypal, play their game and send it as a buyer they don't know how charge backs work. My friend busted 2 frauds one for 11k another for 17k. End result both scammers bank acct balance read negative those amounts in the end. And now the banks in Romania are after them to square off their negative balance. Just don't wait longer than 6 months :)
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There are many good, honest Romanian camgirls. Also, any camgirl that's been around for more than a few weeks and has done their homework-scammer or not-knows not to use paypal. Paypal is notoriously not sexworker friendly and can close your account at any time, keeping all funds within the account, if they suspect your using it for adult entertainment.
There are many good, honest Romanian camgirls. Also, any camgirl that's been around for more than a few weeks and has done their homework-scammer or not-knows not to use paypal. Paypal is notoriously not sexworker friendly and can close your account at any time, keeping all funds within the account, if they suspect your using it for adult entertainment.
I've seen the worst scams in Vanilla and mainstream, and after 8 months of working with and for the models, I can only say I've been blessed.
I finally work with people who are not wasting my time, and always have a solid agenda. That's my extra value, and I hope it goes a long way.
You'll hardly see mainstream freelance forums in which competitors care and help each other like here.
Once again, I was never on the consumer end, but there are more than a few noble examples of them here too.
I've seen the worst scams in Vanilla and mainstream, and after 8 months of working with and for the models, I can only say I've been blessed.
I finally work with people who are not wasting my time, and always have a solid agenda. That's my extra value, and I hope it goes a long way.
You'll hardly see mainstream freelance forums in which competitors care and help each other like here.
Once again, I was never on the consumer end, but there are more than a few noble examples of them here too.
Yeah, there are quite a few Romanian camgirls here that kick ass and are fantastic and not scammers. Generalizing and saying that all Romanians are scammers is disingenuous and intellectually lazy. It's like saying all Roma are thieves, when that's the total opposite--some of the hardest working people I know are Roma and it pisses me off when I hear people talk smack about them.
This is exactly what i don't get about certain internet people---- Why would a thread be locked just because we are having a disagreement?
They usually don't, you're right that it shouldn't happen that way.

But when useless arguments get started and continued for pages, mostly due to post ratings being misused, other actions will have to suffice. Like removing a couple peoples' ability to use the ratings so focus can be placed back on reading/providing content vs.... button mashing.

Yeah, there are quite a few Romanian camgirls here that kick ass and are fantastic and not scammers. Generalizing and saying that all Romanians are scammers is disingenuous and intellectually lazy. It's like saying all Roma are thieves, when that's the total opposite--some of the hardest working people I know are Roma and it pisses me off when I hear people talk smack about them.
Agreed, I grew up next to Roma(Gypsy) people in my hometown Jerusalem. Dear and unforgettable friends.
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This is the worst circle jerk I've ever been to!
It's all one monster

Well, I want to argue that you are being rather disingenuous about all the other circle jerks that go down here but don't want to annoy you. You are downright likable lady and one of the few here that I'd rather not be hated by so I will simply agree.
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Well, I want to argue that you are being rather disingenuous about all the other circle jerks that go down here but don't want to annoy you. You are downright likable lady and one of the few here that I'd rather not be hated by so I will simply agree.
Hahah well it was just a silly joke so no need to agree nor disagree.
Agreed, I grew up next to Roma(Gypsy) people in my hometown Jerusalem. Dear and unforgettable friends.

As someone who just got extremely fucked over by 4 Roma a couple weeks ago - I still don't think they're all awful or scammers. It's such an awful thing to stereotype entire people based on some bad ones.
If anyone thinks American models aren't scamming almost as frequently, you're fooling yourselves. The game is just very different, more complex and rarely involves outside management like studio managers.
Hi everyone,

This way of work will mostly happen with girls from eastern Europe and especially Romania.

Romania is one of Europe's poorest countries. People over there will do anything to get your money and why wouldn't they since most of the customers are Americans who lives overseas...
( I bet you wouldn't book a flight to go to Romania and get your money back, those models knows that also ^^ )

This is exactly where I stopped reading your post and thread.
1. Romania is not one of the poorest countries in Europe.
2. This is coming from a pissed off and educated Romanian cammodel who couldn't give a toss about how fucking special you think you are for having been born somewhere else: Piss off, mate!

Edit to add because wine and I've just had about enough of hearing about these bloody romanians: Scammers come in all shapes, sizes, colours and nationalities. If you sent this model £350 to pay for her mother's medicine... then you're an idiot. A simple google search would have told you that Romania has an NHS type system where people in need can get free meds. The fact that she scammed you is on both of you, mate, not just her. It takes 2 to tango.
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New here.. interesting thread. To the OP.. Romania has had Paypal for years. Why would you send money to anyone via western union unless it was a close relative.
You think 350 is worth going there and back? The Romanian cam girl scam always cries, oh I'm sick, oh my parents are sick, oh I need a car, Omg I can't pay my rent, I need new lingerie, oh my studio manager didn't pay me this month, oh my I have no food.. and millions of other excuses. Now let me tell you, some of the Romanian pro con models never ask for money, they just cry until you offer, which eventually they know you will if your gullible enough. Here's a tip.. use paypal, play their game and send it as a buyer they don't know how charge backs work. My friend busted 2 frauds one for 11k another for 17k. End result both scammers bank acct balance read negative those amounts in the end. And now the banks in Romania are after them to square off their negative balance. Just don't wait longer than 6 months :)

Literally what the fuck ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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