AmberCutie's Forum
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Much wanted help:(

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
May 30, 2012
Hello! I'm..rather new to this, I had a really bad experience with a studio and decided to start doing this on my own. But its been more than a year since then...and I have the next issue. I'm scared as hell to hit the broadcast button, its like a panic attack every damn time. Imagine I'm like a mouse that's so close to get the cheese and boo! a cat jumps out of nowhere..I'm bad with metaphors :D
I've watched alot of amazing models( amber including) and I still can't get rid of the failure in the past.

Any of you are kind enough to help me out?
Seylah said:
Hello! I'm..rather new to this, I had a really bad experience with a studio and decided to start doing this on my own. But its been more than a year since then...and I have the next issue. I'm scared as hell to hit the broadcast button, its like a panic attack every damn time. Imagine I'm like a mouse that's so close to get the cheese and boo! a cat jumps out of nowhere..I'm bad with metaphors :D
I've watched alot of amazing models( amber including) and I still can't get rid of the failure in the past.

Any of you are kind enough to help me out?
Firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly, you should get models only status. Read here: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1696
If additional verification is needed, you will have to go here:

We would love to help, but we need to know you are actually a model, and not some guy trying to learn all of our dirty secrets. Sorry you are so cam shy.
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Turn on some of your absolute favorite music. Something that makes you sing along and forget all your worries. And just do it. Just turn on the cam. Say hi to anyone who comes in. Be honest that you're back after a long while and you're super nervous and shy and ignore anyone who says anything negative (if they do) and just do it! Make very casual conversation and giggle at anything that makes you nervous.

Nothing will get you over the fear, you just gotta face it and go with it. :)
AmberCutie said:
Nothing will get you over the fear, you just gotta face it and go with it. :)

Exactly! Even girls who have been doing this for years get anxiety about pushing that button. You aren't alone:)
AnaVictoriaXO said:
AmberCutie said:
Nothing will get you over the fear, you just gotta face it and go with it. :)

Exactly! Even girls who have been doing this for years get anxiety about pushing that button. You aren't alone:)
It's true! There have been 3 days in the past week and a half that I've felt like that. And 2 out of those 3 times, my shift turned out AMAZING and I was glad I logged on. I would have never known had I not clicked "broadcast now."
You guys are amazing. All your answers motivated me so this saturday i'll conquer my fear and go online. Not sure if i'll be sober at that time but as long as i don't try to imitate The Godfather I'll be okay.:))
Seylah said:
You guys are amazing. All your answers motivated me so this saturday i'll conquer my fear and go online. Not sure if i'll be sober at that time but as long as i don't try to imitate The Godfather I'll be okay.:))

I dunno, a good Godfather impression goes a long way...

"On this, the day of my daughter's wedding"

I've never really had cam anxiety. The only times it's an issue for me is when I'm just super lazy and I don't want to get on.

I think one thing that helps me out is I know I'm not facing huge room numbers. It's not like you're obligated to entertain or amuse every guy that passes through your room; you don't even need them all to like you. There are thousands of models online right now, and there will be thousands online when you broadcast. It's not as if you're the Only Model Ever and without you entertaining every man on the internet the pornography industry will fail and you'll be responsible for billion-dollar losses.

Also, I know that I am completely in control of my room. If someone is bothering me, I ban them. If I'm tired, upset, or not feeling up to it, I log off. If I don't want to do something, I don't do it. Nobody can force me to.

The first time I logged in to MFC was just to "try it out". I had no intention of doing a real show. Fortunately for me my room filled up quickly and I did an actual shift. I'm sure if I had done a ton of set-up and over-thought it, I would have freaked out.
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mynameisbob84 said:
Seylah said:
You guys are amazing. All your answers motivated me so this saturday i'll conquer my fear and go online. Not sure if i'll be sober at that time but as long as i don't try to imitate The Godfather I'll be okay.:))

I dunno, a good Godfather impression goes a long way...

"On this, the day of my daughter's wedding"


Indeed, if i don't try it i'll never know if i'm any good at it:))

What can go wrong?
*whole room empty in 20 seconds*
Challange accepted!:D
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Hey there may be a following of Godfather fans. You never know lol.

But yes seriously ive been doing this for years and theres days i get butterflies and dont wanna get on. Fear, anxiety, non motivation, etc. We all get it. This wont be your only time in feeling this way.

Only way to get over it is like Amber said.. Just hot the button and do it. Dance, set a topic, say hi. Make your goal be just have some fun while youre on :)
Nice to hear I'm not the only one who gets nervous. ^_^' I got super anxious before signing on today, especially because I'd been gone for almost two weeks. Had an amazing day, such a relief.

Seylah: You can do it! I believe in you! And I support the idea that Amber mentioned of being honest about being nervous and shy. Really, it's endearing. I'm a shy girl, and I think other shy girls are adorable.
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So tonight had to be the big night...
I had everything set up , light, music, wine( this will be my excuse for random typing at some point :p), I even had a one on one conversation with myself in the mirror, had a little makeup one( I usually dont since i have the impression i should be in a circus whenever i wear it, I have no idea how to actually use makeup without looking get the idea. And also youtube tutorials only get me really confused.)..where was I? Oh and yea, 90% ready, motivation up..and out of the blue my cat decides to hunt down a mosquito..ends up on my desk and Leia decides its a good strategy to do a superleap..the superleap ended up on my webcam, in a chain of events, webcam down, now its all fuzzy, wine all over the place...
Lets say I feel like i'm hexed or something.:))
And now i'm luring here ,listening to Motorhead, no wine left and kinda dissapointed of tonight.

Monday I need to go and fix the cam!!!
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AAAAAAAND! Thank all so much for the help, seriously, you made me feel really confident again and I'm so glad i found this forum with all you wonderful people here.

Wondering if going online with fuzzy camera could be intepreted as:

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