AmberCutie's Forum
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Model's Pet Peeves

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When premiums sit in the room and don't say anything and they sit there for agesssssssss, like over an hour! Maybe I only notice it coz I usually only have about 20 people in my room lol. The other day I read their names out and said I was going to ban them if they didn't say hi, and it made one of them tip haha.

Oh and when people have those private shows, where they're not in the room, but they don't PM either, so you're sat there wondering WTF they want you to do, then do your own thing and they leave after 10 seconds. ARGHHHH HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT YOU NUMPTY FACED MORON!!!!! Pfft.

And people asking me if I'm from the UK, as if the UK part of my name is just there for decoration or something!

Ohhh I could go on forever but I don't want to sound like a grumpy bitch lol.
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AngelicTease said:
When premiums sit in the room and don't say anything and they sit there for agesssssssss, like over an hour! Maybe I only notice it coz I usually only have about 20 people in my room lol. The other day I read their names out and said I was going to ban them if they didn't say hi, and it made one of them tip haha.

Oh and when people have those private shows, where they're not in the room, but they don't PM either, so you're sat there wondering WTF they want you to do, then do your own thing and they leave after 10 seconds. ARGHHHH HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT YOU NUMPTY FACED MORON!!!!! Pfft.

And people asking me if I'm from the UK, as if the UK part of my name is just there for decoration or something!

Ohhh I could go on forever but I don't want to sound like a grumpy bitch lol.

Don't worry I could match you complaint for complaint with the people I have to deal with every day :p
"Nice pussy" when my cat comes into shot.

I've said it before, but really. I can NOT fake laugh at this 'joke' anymore. It's driving me mad!!!

I can't think of anything else at the mo.
I also hate people who sit there for HOURS and dont say a word! It is just kinda irritating.

I also have my PM's open to everyone and will talk to everyone, but I hate the "Hi".."HRU"..."WHERE FROM?".."HOW OLD?" PM's. It gets kinda annoying. Please read the profile or click on my picture in the chat, it shows you were I am and all that nonsene.
Cassidy Nicole said:
I also have my PM's open to everyone and will talk to everyone, but I hate the "Hi".."HRU"..."WHERE FROM?".."HOW OLD?" PM's. It gets kinda annoying. Please read the profile or click on my picture in the chat, it shows you were I am and all that nonsene.

OMG, THIS! And the name question. The only name they'll ever need to call me is Marche. DUH.
I have a auto reply that says if they want to just say hi, do it in my room, and some of them sit there talking to the auto reply, lol. They say hi, then how r u, then hello? and then a bunch of question marks haha. I always have a go at them in my room and say what's so private about HI and say next time I see someone in the street I'll go up to them and whisper hi really quietly coz it's such a big secret!

It's annoying as well when your talking and not typing and half way accross the roolm and you move to see what the PM is and it's just a hi, grr. And those twuntbags that say in the room 'pm babe' and you go and look and all it says is hi ARGHHHHHH. Or they ask why you haven't replied when it's just a hi grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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Cassidy Nicole said:
I also have my PM's open to everyone and will talk to everyone, but I hate the "Hi".."HRU"..."WHERE FROM?".."HOW OLD?" PM's. It gets kinda annoying. Please read the profile or click on my picture in the chat, it shows you were I am and all that nonsene.

This is why it's good to limit PM access to friends only (either friends of your choice or asking for tips to get on the list). Saves you a lot of that.
Mikeythegeek said:
Cassidy Nicole said:
I also have my PM's open to everyone and will talk to everyone, but I hate the "Hi".."HRU"..."WHERE FROM?".."HOW OLD?" PM's. It gets kinda annoying. Please read the profile or click on my picture in the chat, it shows you were I am and all that nonsene.

This is why it's good to limit PM access to friends only (either friends of your choice or asking for tips to get on the list). Saves you a lot of that.

Yeah I know. I had it like that for a while. I enjoy talking to people though. I think that I may have to do that, it gets sooo annoying and frsustrating then people freak out on you for not answering... It is like "Oh sorry I will stop dancing and rubbing myself and respond to your "HRU".. my b!, yo." LOL
AngelicTease said:
When premiums sit in the room and don't say anything and they sit there for agesssssssss, like over an hour!

Hrm I think I need to make a bawksy rant related to this. Inb4 Keith makes a [based on truth] wisecrack.
No one is talking in the room. I say a couple things, and no one says anything. I respond to pm's, look over in the public chat.

"Why aren't you talking, bb?"

Because no one else is!?!


The people who come in and assume something about me based on my model name, cause they're usually wrong. Only two people have guessed outright that I like the moon, and that's why my model name has Luna in it.

If they read my profile, there's a part of the faq that answers how I got my name.

The main guess is always Harry Potter. Confused the hell out of me until someone reminded me of Luna Lovegood, and I was like "hell no, that crazy chick?"

though, I am a little nuts x.x


It says in my profile that I change, from day to day or hour to hour. So why do some regulars come in and comment that "You're not being yourself" when they happen to catch me in a mood they've not seen before?


Something that doesn't piss me off, though people think it might:

when a person isn't responding for a long time cause they're reading my profile.

I want you to read it. That's why I spent all that time writing it, and editing it, and trying to make it friendly.
One word demands in chat.



Being called BB or other lazy camgirl related conversation. HRU, etc.

More to come... I'm on cam now so I'll put my thinking cap on later.
bawksy said:
AngelicTease said:
When premiums sit in the room and don't say anything and they sit there for agesssssssss, like over an hour!

Hrm I think I need to make a bawksy rant related to this. Inb4 Keith makes a [based on truth] wisecrack.

Sorry, I got nothin'.
oh lord this might take

1) Beggars. Nuff said.

2) Guys with entitlement issues...the ones that tip 20 tokens and then say "c'mon bb, show me dat pussy" :roll:

3) Guys who do the whole "but xxxxxx girl does this/that!" WELL IF THAT GIRL DOES WHATCHA LIKE, WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHIN HER INSTEAD OF MY PRUDE ASS!

4) Guys that tell me that my 120lbs is fat. Sure it is. :roll:

5) Guys that lie. Unfortunately, I get this alot. Guys tell me they'll tip/that they've sent me something to my p.o. box/that they sent a GC and yet I never recieve it and then they disappear off the face of the planet. So lame.

6) This is likely going to make me sound like a bitch, but the guys who get so attatched that they beg to meet me IRL, date me etc. I seem to attract alot of guys who "fall in love" with me and constantly harass me to meet them so we can date. Its scary how attatched some guys can get... :(

7) Guys who ask questions that they could easily answer themselves by reading my profile.

8) Guys who assume I'm some nympho whore. Truth is, I haven't gotten laid in over a year and have never had a one nite stand.

9) People assuming that I'm stupid or uneducated because I cam. I have a university degree, am a business owner and can't stand the dumb blonde stereotype that I get.

10) Guys who get all needy in my chat, whining about how I'm "ignoring" them. Sometimes us girls get alot of traffic and its impossible to see and respond to everyones messages...I get a few guys who'll pm me and be like "why are you mad at me, why you ignoring me" lol.

K I"ll stop ranting. haha.
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AmberCutie said:
One word demands in chat.



Being called BB or other lazy camgirl related conversation. HRU, etc.

More to come... I'm on cam now so I'll put my thinking cap on later.

awww basic trolls that shout random body parts make me laugh. i try to answer for the model :pussylick for pussy :moobs for titsboobs :ass for ass
if they don't get it :boobflip :D
hmmm pet peeves..

the assumption that we are stupid.. I actually have tested as genius level iq on a test.. may not act like it lmao but um yea not dumb. i have a 3.4gpa as i work towards my ba in organizational management. I just got promoted at my real job (yay me this means a more reg schedule)

the whole one words BOOOB or ASSS or the add on of show me as a prefix.

the where are you from question has had me show ppl semantics can be fun. as in guest:hey bb where are you from? me: Im from canada.. guest: oh well i dont live far.. me:well I dont live there now. guest: but you said you were from canada me: you asked where i was from not where i live.. SILENCE rofl dont fuck around i can be as pedantic as my egotistical lil sister

oh yea and even tho i was used to it on other sites... BB wtf... um excuse me while i puke. hun, sugar, sweety, sweetypie, babe, babes... some thing show me a brain cell ppl

people who come in and say oh your in a relationship.. i couldnt date/marry/fuck someone who does this line of work... well great now im just goin to go slit my wrist and drown my sorrows in booze til i black out and die.. :geek: fuck that...the man i am with is very supportive of me. he mentioned this site to me as well as others. he helps me try to brain storm on ideas and outfits. i was with him before i started this industry. so why would that change? he used to strip, and do adult films. (yes he was a porn actor) so if i can not be bothered by that previous job... why would he worry bout this one. he kinda gets a kick out of the fact that i have some ppl clamorin to see me.

I took latin for fun and practicality to help my vocabulary as well as spelling just because i use shortened versions of words typing. is simply because well i can be lazy :D

beggers... this is annoying... i may not always flash but occasionally i tease and flash. dependin on my energy level i dance or pose i play with my daggers or use my fedora as a prop.. or sometimes i show my toys.. i get bored easy lol
LOL! This post made me laugh, I feel the same about ALL the points made above! Glad I am not the only one suffering some of these.......

My top two pet peeves are:

Guys 'falling in love' and getting WAY too attached. I've had guys emailing me saying they don't know what to do, and are considering leaving their wives, it's worrying! :(

Secondly, guys saying 'this girl is doing this in her room'... expecting me to immediately copy, or to relax my boundaries.. obviously for free too. Hmmm, not gonna happen! I have another job to hold down as well, and I have to hold together a reasonable image in my main room! I make enought from MFC to be happy though, I don't need their advice :angry4:

Members who speak as if they know how to run my cam show better than me.

Know it alls who argue with me about MFC facts, especially how much each token is worth.

The "omg he just tipped you 1000... you're going to at least finger your ass now right?" guys.

Catty drama between models' rooms and members.
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SpexyAshleigh said:
5) Guys that lie. Unfortunately, I get this alot. Guys tell me they'll tip/that they've sent me something to my p.o. box/that they sent a GC and yet I never recieve it and then they disappear off the face of the planet. So lame.

I'd like to know what that's about. I've only had it happen once so far and I turned them down several time before relenting and saying "OK, go ahead if you want to". Kept in contact for about a week up until they said it was shipped. That was 2 weeks ago. Emailed them asking something. Nothing. Haven't seen them in my room in ages. *shrug* It is what it is.

Repetition of one demand. "Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass" Really? You had the time to type that out, but using the key stokes to ASK for what you want to see was too time consuming? That's an insta ban.

Men that throw hissy fits about my being married. They're the same boobies they were 5 seconds ago when you thought I was single. What changed? :roll:

People who take up my screen space in PM repeating how hard I make them. Good. That's kind of the point of you being on the site. Really happy for you. Now hush and tend to it.
AmberCutie said:
Members who speak as if they know how to run my cam show better than me.

Know it alls who argue with me about MFC facts, especially how much each token is worth.

The "omg he just tipped you 1000... you're going to at least finger your ass now right?" guys.

Catty drama between models' rooms and members.

FUT. 1st, luv you amber ;)
i have proven i can run a cam show better than half of the MFC models.. models have to find what works for them but there is a lack of marketing skillz that i can manage better. (I could not improve Ambers show or frankies for that matter,some things work because they are not over Thunk..ya i say thunk)

Tokens are nickles i don't care what the member pays.

omg he just tipped you 1000.. what did you tip dude? did she agree to do what you tipped for before you sent it? have you ever read the FAQ/rules that say tips are just tips and the model does not have to do a damn thing because she was tipped? prvt and group have rules.. tips don't.

I fucking love all the Drama on MFC, i have been crestfallen several times myself also but if there was no drama there would be no MFC. (there is nothing quite like 3000 people watching a model call you out by your real name, and knowing she is wrong and too stupid to understand why, thats life, life=drama)

no animals were hurt to make this post,only one model was called stupid and not all models,i still think i have love for all people,taxes and fees not included.if english is not your native language i will be happy to explain how this last paragraph is a disclaimer and funny to some people, including me.
I hate the guys who get super clingy to me, I am all about having regulars and people who enjoy me and spend time in my room and all. It is refreshing to be able to see the same friendly faces, but when some people get SUPER NOSEY and start trying to stick their nose in every aspect of my life.. it gets kinda annoying. I am a pretty open person, but when someone trys telling me the way I am doing things is wrong and trying to lern every spect fo my life, critizies what I am doing, stuff like that, it just gets kinda annoying
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ARGHHHH. When I'm on cam totally fooking naked and people still arn't bloody happy and want me to stick things down my cracks and in my holes and all sorts of bloody things and argh and they can't just be happy with what they see they still want more and more and ARGGH. I get so pissed off I end up getting dressed. People begging for things when I'm clothed doesn't feel as bad as when I'd laid there naked for some reason. When I'm naked it just feels like I can't please people and grrrrrrrrrrr. Bloody ungreatfull numptytwatholes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


I keep telling people who request it, if they want to see an arsehole to look in the mirror haha, it usually shuts them up. :D
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