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MFC Agent ??banned?

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blackxrose said:
Bocefish said:
More kids on cam?

WTF does she have to do to get busted?
she has 3 different men on cam talking right now. she was having the men harass the members to get tips. LOTS OF LULZ to be had!! :D

Ehh, I don't find that funny, just fucked up. She hassles people for tips too much already, having men on cam doing it is...disgusting. She should be banned.

LOL shit seems to be hitting the fan on Leo's profile, several screenshots of her with kids and men on cam..
I'm pretty anti-authoritay (imagine Cartman's voice there for comedic effect please), but having anyone on cam who is under 18 should be a zero tolerance act. Letting that slide even once cracks open a dangerous door. I hate the idea of working with a company that refused to see that.
i definitely agree with the last 2 comments. the only part i actually found funny was the minute and a half that i watched where the men were actually saying "tip us dudes. come on now. we need more tips". they sounded like drunk horny dudes and i thought that was funny. the rest of it highly annoys and irritates me. the kids on cam part though is really disgusting. there should be something done about that pronto.
I took some screen shots and emailed them to MFC - even if they dont ban her, they're gunna get fed up with the complaints eventually. I'll just do it every time she's doing a show. I'm sick of seeing her getting away with this shit.
She can logon but can't cam up = suspended :naughty: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Paulie Walnuts said:
but... but... but.... 99 said it was fine. They repeatedly pointed it out to her all night. She said no big deal...

:? if 99 said it's ok then.. you mean, it isnt?


word for word lol
:eek: false alarm

she's back, but ask what her fine was? :think:
DAMN. I'm in the middle of going from basic-to-premium for her, and she went and got herself suspended again??? :woops: I wish she'd wise up. You DON'T have to break rules to be a good and successful MFC model. :naughty:

Hope she gets it together. I really enjoy being in her room.

EDIT: I just saw the post before this. Glad to hear she's back. :)
MidWestStorm said:
I think I have solved the mystery, Agent99 is one of the admins. I can't think of any other logical explanation. Please share your thoughts with me.

No, just no :D

Unsubstantiated rumours like that lead to all sorts of weirdness - and people believe these musings as well. An example of another one which I keep hearing:
Jayln is married to one of the MFC owners/admins.
ApsenRae is the daughter of one of the owners/admins.

The simplest explanations are often the best - and so for some people, the simple explanation is that Apsen and Jayln can't possibly earn their camscore - it must be altered by admins. Now you think Agent_99 can't just be getting away with "blue murder" (as they say) - but she must be an admin instead! Does this mean you and the other guys will now say AspenRae is Agent_99's daughter? :think:

Shit, maybe all three are true...but honestly, just coming up with a "logical explanation" for something you can't understand or cannot contemplate isn't "solving a mystery", nor does it make it true ;) It is a theory - unsubstantiated and without any real evidence to back it up.

If there is evidence to support it, then awesome :) Intrigue! Same for the other two I mention. I've seen, nor heard, any evidence to support them. I've only heard "I don't think they're that good, and this explains their camscore". No, it doesn't... :D It also doesn't mean it isn't true either, but I do believe it is hugely unlikely :)

Anyway, I'm now going to keep my ears open for Aspen is 99's daughter rumours!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
She's almost in the top 10 today, seems her rampant rule breaking is doing wonders for her income.
I stopped in as a guest and was noticing the number of guys who talk about wanting her to breastfeed them or "if they were her kid" etc... :?
One guy said he would have kept breastfeeding til he was 30....ewww....

I think I figured it out. Secretly (or not so secretly) they want to fuck their mommy, so of course they're attracted to some middle aged harridan who nags them all the time and has dangling udders :confused4:

Comment of the day in there earned an immediate ban :(
Spyder4cum: You have nice tits for an old lady
Jupiter551 said:
I stopped in as a guest and was noticing the number of guys who talk about wanting her to breastfeed them or "if they were her kid" etc... :?
One guy said he would have kept breastfeeding til he was 30....ewww....

I think I figured it out. Secretly (or not so secretly) they want to fuck their mommy, so of course they're attracted to some middle aged harridan who nags them all the time and has dangling udders :confused4:

Comment of the day in there earned an immediate ban :(
Spyder4cum: You have nice tits for an old lady

I don't know if that's fair, he may have found a video of her under "grannies".
Well tonight she has another man on cam "Brad", this is her neighbor. She is clearly pissing on any rules and clearly rules are not being enforced. I feel bad for any model who was warned or fined for their breach of the No Male on Camera rule.

on a side note: isn't bringing a man who is your neighbor on to a porn site a bad idea. Considering she had an angry female neighbor asking if she had an affair with her husband. She is playing with fire.....again.
She's at it again right now. I think she's talking to a male neighbor person. Ranting and cussing out people who tell her men aren't allowed on cam.

This is outrageous that she continues to be allowed to do this. But it's really not surprising that MFC lets her back, she's making them money.

*edit* Aw crap I didn't intend my first post to be about 99 :woops:
This is why I think I may be done with MFC, at least Streamate doesn't pretend to enforce rules, they have hardly any! Those they do have they enforce when it is called to their attention (maybe just to have SOME respect for themselves). This AdminLeo is a disgrace and I don't trust this site for shit (IF I GET FINED FOR ANYTHING I WOULD GO THE FUCK OFF). I sometimes have my ex in the same room when I cam (always off cam and rarely talking) and I'm afraid of Man on Cam wrath. I just can't handle this bullshit anymore, I refuse to be a part of it. Fucking lame.
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This truly is an outrage. The fact this woman gets away with men on cam and even CHILDREN! I was on probation once for a week because I was giving my husband my McDonalds food order from the upstairs bedroom when he was downstairs. We'd all have higher cam scores if we did shit like this too and the fact that MFC enforces the rules with some people and not others is sad. Everyone needs to post every screenshot and wall post they can on Leo's MFC page (which is already being blown up) and this needs to stop.

Can you imagine if all of us went on strike? I mean, MFC is successful because we're all here. Without us where would he be?... What a thought...

kristyLIVE said:
This truly is an outrage. The fact this woman gets away with men on cam and even CHILDREN! I was on probation once for a week because I was giving my husband my McDonalds food order from the upstairs bedroom when he was downstairs. We'd all have higher cam scores if we did shit like this too and the fact that MFC enforces the rules with some people and not others is sad. Everyone needs to post every screenshot and wall post they can on Leo's MFC page (which is already being blown up) and this needs to stop.

Can you imagine if all of us went on strike? I mean, MFC is successful because we're all here. Without us where would he be?... What a thought...


That was my thought too, but I know it would be hard for some people, but GAH that would be a movement lol All of us send e-mails

"Hello, I would like to formally complain about the antics that you have allowed Agent_99 to continue. Worse is that you have fined (list of models) for much smaller offenses. Until we see fair rule enforcement and the removal of a woman who will put a child on a cam site, I will not work for you any longer. Please inform me when you find a way to enforce the rules without ignoring what must be hundreds of complaints. Thanks for the fun and I hope to return soon!"

I hope she makes enough to support the site.
Just wrote yet another e-mail to MFC support, with yet another screen cap of her breaking the rules. I stated that they do indeed fine other models for lesser offenses. I also included the adminleo's page is flooded with complaints about Agent_99. Hopefully if I bitch enough they'll get sick of hearing it.
Thats what I'm saying! I just can't believe this is STILL going on as we type this. She's even announcing that she's banning people that are saying shes breaking the rules and I'm sure its cuz she's getting away with it. The tokens are flying, the room numbers, camscore, and MFC rankings are going up, and its rediculous. If I broke the rules I would be Top 10 every month but I don't so I'm not.

So pathetic she is.


kristyLIVE said:
Thats what I'm saying! I just can't believe this is STILL going on as we type this. She's even announcing that she's banning people that are saying shes breaking the rules and I'm sure its cuz she's getting away with it. The tokens are flying, the room numbers, camscore, and MFC rankings are going up, and its rediculous. If I broke the rules I would be Top 10 every month but I don't so I'm not.

So pathetic she is.



I'm drafting my e-mail now, I already was planning on a temporary switch but now I am not going to come back until conditions improve, it's just not fair to us models and WE WON'T STAND FOR IT! :text-yeahthat: (Tried to find a strike sign lol)
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I have sent an email to the wiki site. This will be #4 without any response. My first two were about the camera in the women's restroom. I wish all the models a fair place to work. If it is not MFC, may you prosper elsewhere.
I think that it and outrage that they have not even acknowledged any of your concerns. I know some of you ladies have been here multiple years making money and keeping this place going. It totally blows my mind that one crazy lady that has been here for such a short period of time is more important to them then all of you that have been loyal and been here longer.

I don't care how much money she is bring in it can't amount to what you all bring in as a team right? I think the right thing to do would be to at least acknowledge everyone's concerns with an email or an announcement instead of hiding away and ignoring it. I have just been waiting for someone to call an April fools .
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