AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

MFC Agent ??banned?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Well whatever the heck is going on, she is supposed to 'be released in 20 minutes.' So we'll see where it goes from then.
Aww! This is a really really cute bit! It's like a REAL SHOW! Not like a "I'm not entertaining enough to do this so I'm going to show other people" show, it's like "I'm super cute with a really adorable personality" show.
She admitted several time that it was fake...she even went as far as to shake the bars! C'mon people if you believed at any point that it was real thats your own stupidity. Do you really think that if she were in jail they would continue to let her stream live ? :woops: None the less I give her props for this show....pretty damn funny/creative.
No she had me going. I really thought they allowed camming in a TSA secured facility. What's next, someone is gonna tell me that WWE wrestling is fake? c'mon now I know that stuff is totally legit. John Cena's finishing move the "Attitude Adjustment" looks too painful to be faked.
I think the funniest thing is reading what idiots in her room write lol

"you made me cum so hard the other knight (sic) in the stairwell" wtf

"sorry we let you down by not making you enough money today bb!" lol
AmberCutie said:
Paulie Walnuts said:
Well she teamed up with egyptbeauty last night so....

Stand by for the shit to hit the fan.
And the wall
and a cup
and maybe someone's forehead.

Before she logged off (literally, forcing EB to gtfo of her room and off her laptop, in a nice but forceful way) you could see the stressful "wtf did I just get into and WTF are these people?" look on her face.

Stay tuned for more lulz.

oh and the night was filled with on and off camera people in the hotels.
Even the security guards who (I think) ejected them both from one hotel.

It was hard to follow. But entertaining. I'm starting to really like A99. She makes me lol
She met up with Egypt? In Los Angeles? On cam? I'm so lost.

I heard Egypt just showed up at her hotel
She set up the whole bank vault thing it wouldn't surprise me if the EB thing was set up too. Course, meeting EB and controlling how EB acts once she gets there are two different things.

Way I heard it EB's members were trolling and making fun of a99 all night, in which case it's kind of even funnier if she set it up lol.
OK, I'm going to say a few things and I'll probably piss some people off. But considering the subject matter, I truly don't give a shit.

This waste of space that we call "Agent_99" is officially the most worthless piece of crap I've seen in my life. She's dumber than dirt. She's more full of it than the most scamming, fraudulent models. Unlike the good models on MFC (who actually care about their regulars), she only views every member who watches her as a living, breathing purse of tokens. Or, as Amber put it on twitter last night...
Amber: @bfb333 @SantaGuy yeah I'd advise never going in on a prem acct, you'd risk being banned for not tipping lol.
She's the type of model who would ban her biggest tipper ever just because he can't tip that night.

And then you have things like the last couple of nights.

I don't know if anyone mentioned it here, but a Lounge perv said on Sunday night that she was on a phone call and failed to mute her mic before she gave her actual first and last name over the phone. He heard it, he said it in her chat room and was promptly banned. Now, considering it was a Lounge perv, I don't know how much I can trust him.

But let's say it's legit because it is a good setup for the EgyptBeauty shit. Tracking her down. Borderline stalking her. Drawing all of EB's trolls. One would hope that the waste of space actually had a moment of clarity and realized "maybe I shouldn't be doing these public shows anymore now that I have people I don't know following me."

Oh what the fuck am I saying? The moment she has an intelligent thought, the world will end.

Then there's last night. Now I didn't witness what happened (I was at work). But based on what I can tell... anyone who thought that was real for more than 5 seconds and not some setup fake shit is royally fucking brain damaged, maybe almost as bad as the bitch herself. Seriously, you think anyone would be allowed to have their laptop with them in a fucking jail cell? Really? REALLY?

And just for shits and giggles, here's what was said between Amber and I via twitter last night
Amber: There's quite a circus act going on on MFC right now, I'm really not in the mood to even get on cam at this point. I dunno why.

Mikey: @AmberLynneGirl can she just be fucking banned already!? Dumb bitch is going to get mfc in trouble at some point.

Amber: @MikeythegeekMFC I'm wondering if it was her husband's voice acting in the background. Is she married? Who else would help her w/shows

Mikey: @AmberLynneGirl I doubt she's married. How desperate does a guy need to be to marry that waste of space? I know I'm not that desperate!
My point is this- the more she keeps this up, the more likely it is that she'll end up in a jail cell. And I think it's possible that MFC could end up in legal trouble as a consequence of her actions.

Or, if the story from Sunday either is true or becomes true, what could stop some freak fan of hers for showing up where she's at and doing things to her? And if that does happen, she'll have no one to blame but herself. Because she was too fucking stupid to realize that she was opening herself up to this shit.

And I think all of us just need to stop talking about her and her train wreck shows. She's an attention whore so let's stop giving her attention. I think we will all be better off for that.
And I think all of us just need to stop talking about her and her train wreck shows.

You're a real buzzkill Mikey.

Trainwrecks are fun to watch.
Mr_Wilde said:
Is it me or does it look like she has a giant ass nose?

Well I won't judge on the size, but a pic in my private gallery has a digit lodged in the nostril of said nose... :eek:
A99 can certainly crank out the drama.

Jupiter551 said:
How could they be more serious in LL's case???
Legally. If there were a complaint in LL’s case, a Canadian prosecutor might consider the surreptitious transmission of what she was doing on ShufflePeople, to an audience on MFC, warrants a charge of voyeuristic recording [162(1)] if they viewed the terms of use of ShufflePeople as giving users a reasonable expectation of privacy -- despite how reckless their behaviour actually is and all the warnings within those terms of use. Anyone that publishes, distributes, circulates, or makes available the recording could also be committing a similar offence [162(4)].

Given the fraudulent representation involved in gaining consent to the sexual activity [265(3)], they might also consider charges of sexual assault [271(1)], punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

It would be an novel and interesting case, if it ever arose. If were prosecutable on the evidence available, it might considered worth taking to court to establish precisely how legislation passed in 2005 applies to new forms of social media introduced since then.

If A99 is caught, or a complaint is made against her, she risks charges of indecent exposure. For comparison, under the Canadian Criminal Code that would be [173(1), or (2) if a minor is involved]. If convicted under subsection (2) she could face a sentence of up to 2 years in prison.

Jupiter551 said:
She didn't trick them. ... The only thing they weren't aware of was ...
… the trick. I think this is where your argument breaks down, and that’s also implicit in your next point which is "Big fucking deal anyway…”

Jupiter551 said:
The difference between that and some kid looking for the Harry Potter shelf stumbling across [A99] whispering to a laptop and fingering her snatch is...vast.
Then A99’s indecent exposure could save some kid from an even greater obscenity. She might offer that in mitigation, if it ever happens.
LilyVonShtupp said:
I hadn't so much as thought about her in a while... then I was in another model's room earlier and someone told the model her face was ugly. I almost told that person off when the model said "Oh, don't worry, it's just a jealous model who wishes she was as awesome as me."

Needless to say I left immediately. I simply hate that attitude and until now I'd never seen another girl act that way besides Agent. Ah well.

I was amused at the drama that is Agent 99 for a while but I'm bored with it now. I just watch the ladies I like.

The jealous models on this sight are extremely mean and vindictive. There was a time when MFC was my only income and I endured some extreme abuse from the models and there Troll groupies.
Jupiter551 said:
Nordling said:
Right. And keep in mind, if the LIVE people were to notice what she/he's doing, I'm sure THEY'D report her/him. The people watching on a cam site have no vested interest in seeing the person arrested, other than puritanical outrage, but if that's the case, why be watching on a cam site in the first place?

Now if the model was involving underage people in their "show" or performing sex acts with animals, I'd be the first person to file a report--because then you're dealing with the innocent.

Yeah, I'm not going to go out of my way to report her etc but I still think most people would NOT like the idea of some stranger masturbating secretly near them and broadcasting it, and you, on the internet.

The fact that they don't know she's doing it has nothing to do with it...that would imply it's okay to do bad things so long as no one sees it.

There are some really outraged people over this whole A99 thing I didn't know anything about her tell this morning but all I know is EB's whole room was in a hissy about it all night from the time EB got online tell like 630 7 am EB's time. No one has to worry about reporting A99 cause there are like 4 or 5 posts on the Adminleo profile page. What really cracks me up about the whole thing is that EB's room was packed the whole time and all these people had to talk about was A99. I mean really get a F***ing life and leave 99 alone. I don't understand why on Earth the people in EB's room so hateful to others?
Paulie Walnuts said:
Well she teamed up with egyptbeauty last night so....
Stand by for the shit to hit the fan.
And the wall
and a cup
and maybe someone's forehead.

Before she logged off (literally, forcing EB to gtfo of her room and off her laptop, in a nice but forceful way) you could see the stressful "wtf did I just get into and WTF are these people?" look on her face.

Stay tuned for more lulz.

oh and the night was filled with on and off camera people in the hotels.
Even the security guards who (I think) ejected them both from one hotel.

It was hard to follow. But entertaining. I'm starting to really like A99. She makes me lol

I wish I would have saw this EB is the train wreck I can't help but watch...I had not even been in to watch her for months and then a couple of weeks ago I started visiting here again. A99 has been a hot topic in EB's room now since this night she showed up to where ever A99 was. I also would like to state here that I am SO glad this thread is here with all the information about Agent99. I don't know if anyone has ever been to EB's room but trying to figure out reality from fantasy, and just plain outer-space does not happen very often. So being able to make since of all the ranting has been very helpful to me. To every single person and every post in here THANK YOU GREATLY!!!
Are we still not allowed to post her screencaps?

Technically tonight she aint in them, its 3 guys and some pre teen girls in the background in bikinis....

99 isnt really IN the pics.
Paulie Walnuts said:
Are we still not allowed to post her screencaps?

Technically tonight she aint in them, its 3 guys and some pre teen girls in the background in bikinis....

99 isnt really IN the pics.

No pre-teen girls in bikinis..... That's just wrong dude. Keep those to yourself.
but... but... but.... 99 said it was fine. They repeatedly pointed it out to her all night. She said no big deal...

:? if 99 said it's ok then.. you mean, it isnt?

sure, hundreds of guys slapping their meat with tweens in bikinis around - nothing dodgy about that :?
Bocefish said:
More kids on cam?

WTF does she have to do to get busted?
she has 3 different men on cam talking right now. she was having the men harass the members to get tips. LOTS OF LULZ to be had!! :D
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