AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Members: I need your perspective. Please help!

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Cam Model
Aug 17, 2013
Twitter Username
MFC Username
I have been wanting to write this post for months, and it's taken a lot of humility for me to admit how deficient I feel and post it for everyone to see, so please, please read this and contribute if you have any thoughts.

I have always had extremely low room counts- even when my camscore is 4000+ and I'm doing a cumshow, I can't get more than 100-150 people in my room. If I have *any* clothing on whatsoever, I can't even get 50. My room is typically populated by a handful of (silenced) guests and basics, 3-4 of my regs at any given time, and 3-5 premiums, none of whom I can get to speak to me. This is a really big problem for me that I've been wrestling with and trying to address for a year now.

I have gone through the checklists of things that contribute to an appealing room, and my problem has spanned multiple homes/cam rooms/backgrounds.
-I'm from the US, so it's not like I'm not showing up on the homepage for people.
-I log on consistently at around the same time, and try to always stay on for at LEAST an hour or hour and a half before logging off if it's slow.
-I've tried multiple avatars that showcase different aspects of myself (my face and a pi symbol)
-My lighting is both interesting (colour-changing light strips) and not too bright/dark, my background is visually simple but not dull or boring.
-I am a VERY extroverted, conversational, easygoing person, and I like to think I'm as cute and stimulating as the best of them. I never complain, and I never get the least bit flustered by trolls.
-I always have an informative topic, and I have several one-off games like blackjack, Cards Against Humanity, Cranium, and Schrodinger's Cat that one can play during the countdowns
-I have video deals every night that no one ever takes advantage of
-I've tried changing up angles/positions and standing/sitting on the floor/sitting on the couch, etc. When I did outdoor shows in my back yard, I couldn't even get 15 people in my room. When I did a coffee shop show, I couldn't get more than 25, and nobody but my regs would talk to me. The ONLY exception to this is when I did library shows, but even then my room count was usually 100-150.

I feel like there's something crucial I'm missing. This isn't a normal case of not being entertaining or not understanding the basics of keeping a room going. My regs and the rare new people who stay to hang out and chat are equally mystified- many say they don't know why my room counts are so low or how I'm not in Top 250. I know so many girls around my camscore/level of experience who have 150 people in their room when they're just sitting around rambling, and I don't know how to become one of them. I treasure my regs and love having an intimate group who all get along very well, but there's this IMMENSE and unfair pressure on them to finish countdowns and make my goals. I know that newbies and/or lower camscore girls often make threads of this nature looking for quick advice that they could easily find via reading the forum; this is a little different. At first I was perturbed by my lack of traffic, but assumed it was just because I was new and hadn't garnered a following yet. But now I've been doing this for a little over a year, and I feel like I haven't improved on this front. It's so incredibly frustrating and discouraging. I've started coming to the conclusion that it's the way I look, even though I think I'm in the same ballpark as other fairly popular models, or that I look too old. If this is the case, I wish I could just know for sure.

You guys are, for the most part, both intelligent and perceptive but also ballsy as hell and willing to speak the truth even when it's uncomfortable. Please, if any of you could visit me whenever you catch me online, maybe watch me for a while, and tell me what it is that is deterring viewers or why you wouldn't want to stay and chat, I'd be so so so grateful. I promise, I won't be offended by anything you have to say- even if that answer is that I'm not as pretty/look like a dude/look old. IT'S NOT A TRAP! This is not a "does my butt look big in these jeans?" thread (and even if it was, the answer would be a resounding YES). I'm just looking for perspective, and I feel like this is the best place to come for it.
best thing I can come up with is potential competition from other camgirls who broadcast around the same time. Most of the times I've seen you on, there were a lot of others on in (for me) the "I'd like to see these girls more often, but timezones suck" category.

That said, there doesn't HAVE to be a logical reason - you could just be unlucky in terms of geting lost in the shuffle most of the time. From the time spent in your room, there's nothing that you're really doing wrong that I could see.

However, I'd have thought that your going to the mansion in January would have brought in more traffic, since that's how I found you (I don't sort by camscore, my list is set to random).
I must say I like the openness and humility you seem to have based on the opening of this forum post, if anything I hope a post like this does give you a few more regulars.
Having not seen your show yet, I feel it's difficult to say what you are doing wrong, especially with all the entertaining things you mentioned you do. But I will try to catch you online so I can actually provide proper constructive criticism.

I do want to touch on the Avatar subject you brought up. I think that avatar and camscore are the two biggest factors of what catches my attention on a models room to enter. Personally, I enjoy a wacky or distinct avatar that displays a fun aspect of the models persona. I think just having a "pretty picture" is not enough, as there are literally hundreds of pretty female avatars you are competing with. I feel like a model should provide something to actually stand her out from the pack. If I see a unique avatar, I will at the very least right click to see the chat room preview to see if I should investigate further. For example, the avatar of the old-timey "AustinWhite" in the soldier outfit always catches my attention, or KayleePond dressed in Princess Leaia cosplay, or who can forget the Gul-Du-Slap puppet on VeronicaChaos, or even something "simple" like StrangeLeah having her tongue sticking out, or SophieLocke's pretty pink hair. I do have to admit though that range of what interests and catches a members attention is almost infinite, so the examples I gave may be widely overlooked by most others who are only looking for a beautiful ass and set of tits, a beautiful smile, or an inviting and friendly pose/demeanor.

Discussing specifically your avatar, it does accentuate your eyes, which are beautiful, and does make you stand out more then the average avatar I see; but for myself I look more for character that will be entertaining to hang out with. Other then the eyes and the good looks, I don't see anything special that would make me want to spend my time with you in your chat compared to other beautiful women. Again it should be stated, what members find interesting in models and their avatars varies wildly. I can only speak for myself.

After seeing an avatar that looks interesting, I will then check the chat preview to see if anything entertaining is occurring. If I just see a beautiful woman sitting in a chair chatting, I will move on without actually entering the chat. If the beautiful woman has something that makes her stand out I will enter. For example if she is wearing certain cosplay, or has a unique look that matches my fetish, or has an interesting game going on in the background, or even just a generally interesting cam room setup. Again, there is so many women to choose from, it's just easier to move to the next avatar and see if something entertaining is happening in another room. Just because you have an interesting game going on, if it isn't obvious based on the preview, I will have no idea.

I don't know about other members but I almost never check a room topic. The design of MFC just doesn't make that stand out. You could be having an amazing game being run, but if it isn't obvious based on the cam preview, I wouldn't notice it. I don't know if this is common among members or just something I unintentionally ignore.

Camscore and the Avatar just give you the chance for people to notice you of course though, actually keeping people in your chat longer then a minute is another thing entirely, and I'd guess the most difficult part of the game. As stated I can't give good advice without seeing you online, because based on your post your show sounds entertaining.

I do want to comment on you appearing to be self-conscious on your looks. Although appearance does play somewhat of an important role on being a successful model, I really do not think it makes nearly as much of a role as one would assume. A beautiful woman will probably achieve more users popping in to take a look, but it will almost never keep a member sticking around for long. Especially not a regular paying one. Not to mention that there is such a wide range of what men are attracted to, it's almost silly to worry about. There's aspects of your body and personality that I guarantee many members will love, it's not a question "am I pretty enough", I think it's more "am I accentuating the beautiful parts of myself properly". Regardless, I took a look at your profile and based on the pictures you are gorgeous and likely one of the top beautiful models out there I've see, as far as what I find beautiful at least (believe me or not, I know it sounds like white knighting but I really am being honest). Do not dwell on those thoughts.

Don't let negative thoughts you are having impact your show. Negativity will drive members out of the room much faster then anything else. Your attitude and body language I think is the most important thing, both consciously and subconsciously. You never want a member to feel like you don't want to be there, especially a member that is tipping, even if the issue is not with the tipper himself. Think of it like if you paid for a date with someone you were very interested in, and the whole time the person you were with was complaining about how the food sucks, or that they are bored. The member hopes that his presence overrides whatever negativity you are feeling about having to work, and it's a bummer for the member when reality comes crashing in. Your post implies that you are very extroverted and are well aware of this, but I think it does need stressing for any new models reading this post. I think complaining about things going on in real life is one thing (I think most members really appreciate a model opening up in that way), but it becomes an issue when the model is complaining specifically about the job.

I think good examples of models I've seen that have great attitudes are models like Gween, JoleneBrody, or Olivia (who manages to hold a show almost specifically on inviting, positive body language with no mic from what I've seen). Obviously these are just a few in the dozens of others out there, but they stick out to me. The general upbeat body language, smiling and outgoing personality draws a member to want to stick around.

I think the biggest thing to worry about is your attitude in the room. Just seeing a model that interests me won't keep my attention longer then a minute unless I feel like hanging out in the chatroom will be entertaining and worth spending my time in. I know time is precious, but perhaps try being an androgynous member yourself for a few days to get a feel for what it is like, then record one of your shows and see if you are doing anything you didn't enjoy seeing other models do as a member yourself. One of the biggest things for me is models PM'ing. I think unless the model is amazing at multitasking, she really should just turn those off. It makes new members feel like they aren't part of "the group", and if pm's are turned off for all members with no exceptions then they won't feel left out either. I could be mistaken about this though, maybe it's important for the "whales" to feel special and have PM rights.

Finally, I suspect there might be certain "tricks" models do to inflate their viewer counter and camscore, outside of actual camming skill, who knows how widespread this is.

Based on the fact that you say you have a low room population but still have a very strong camscore of 4000, it implies that you have a solid group of regulars who really enjoy your show, but you aren't getting new viewers as much as you'd like, so maybe the problem is more an issue with advertising.

I almost feel silly giving advice to a 4000+ camscore model who probably knows far more then I do about camming, but you did ask for members viewpoints, so there is my 2 cents (I'll provide a dollars worth more after seeing your show if you care to have it).

Edit: My apologies for writing an entire book! It didn't feel as long until I hit the submit button.
You are losing all the cat lovers for sure :animals-cat: .

You seem kind of formidable from your profile, I suspect it takes a confident member intellectually to not feel silly in your company. Don't scare off the average guys (as you know underneath members are all average). Perhaps think about what you like about camming now that you know what you like most, might direct more of a focus from interests to on cam preferences. Focussing on preferences is more inclusive for others.

One thing to try is keeping it simple, with offering choices/ options for example, psychologically a person can only integrate 5-9 options/ ideas. Nothing kills a boner faster than (a good mind fuck) having to choose.

With a little input from others, actually seeing you working, am sure you will find that missing element L.M.
ACFFAN69 said:
I do want to touch on the Avatar subject you brought up. I think that avatar and camscore are the two biggest factors of what catches my attention on a models room to enter. Personally, I enjoy a wacky or distinct avatar that displays a fun aspect of the models persona. I think just having a "pretty picture" is not enough, as there are literally hundreds of pretty female avatars you are competing with. I feel like a model should provide something to actually stand her out from the pack. If I see a unique avatar, I will at the very least right click to see the chat room preview to see if I should investigate further. For example, the avatar of the old-timey "AustinWhite" in the soldier outfit always catches my attention, or KayleePond dressed in Princess Leaia cosplay, or who can forget the Gul-Du-Slap puppet on VeronicaChaos, or even something "simple" like StrangeLeah having her tongue sticking out, or SophieLocke's pretty pink hair. I do have to admit though that range of what interests and catches a members attention is almost infinite, so the examples I gave may be widely overlooked by most others who are only looking for a beautiful ass and set of tits, a beautiful smile, or an inviting and friendly pose/demeanor.

First, I just want to thank you for writing such a thorough and heartfelt response! If I wasn't so super exhausted (and stuffed with pizza) at the moment, I would address it point by point, but instead I just want to throw out there that I JUST changed my avatar yesterday to the image you currently see. Before, it was the pi symbol inside a circle. I was the only girl in the first ~10 rows whose avatar was a symbol, but it didn't seem to help my traffic at all. :?

Ambers Troll said:
I suspect it takes a confident member intellectually to not feel silly in your company. Don't scare off the average guys (as you know underneath members are all average). Perhaps think about what you like about camming now that you know what you like most, might direct more of a focus from interests to on cam preferences. Focussing on preferences is more inclusive for others.

One thing to try is keeping it simple, with offering choices/ options for example, psychologically a person can only integrate 5-9 options/ ideas. Nothing kills a boner faster than (a good mind fuck) having to choose.

This is very good advice, and something I'd never entertained before. Thank you!
I'm sorry I have no advice for you at all, Lilah, as I'm struggling with pretty much the same problem. I'll be taking a close look at this thread, thank you for making it.

I have a 3k camscore right now and often struggle to get more than about 60 people in my room - when I'm completely naked. When I'm still wearing something, I rarely get more than 30 in my room.
The thing is, it wasn't much better than this during the times when I had a camscore of 5-8k, which is baffling to me.

I've taken a look at Lilah's checklist and I would say that those things apply to me, too. (About point 1: I always make sure to show up under the US filter, using a VPN that gives me a US IP address. That makes a difference. The room count would look even worse if I logged on with my German IP address -> being filtered out by the very many premiums who are not willing to give European models any chance.)
I NEVER just 'sit there looking bored' or pay attention to any browser tabs outside of the broadcaster for more than a few seconds. I talk to everybody, I ask people questions when no one will talk to me, I smile a lot despite however bad the countdown is moving. I'm intelligent and educated. My English isn't perfect, but I study the language and I know that it's somewhere between good and very good. I have to look up a word about once per session, but that doesn't seem to turn people off - some have told me they find it endearing, many have told me they're impressed by my language proficiency and lack of a German accent. :|

I think I have an inviting room (it's much brighter now that I moved my furniture around, I thought this would lead to an increase in room count - I had problems with darkness and too warm coloration before. I do have too much light coming in from the side sometimes (there's a window), letting one half of my face look lighter than the other side. But is that really such a huge deal? I just don't know. :/

Someone mentioned the importance of avatars - I definitely have an avatar that's not too special. But I think it's one of the nicest photos of me. I don't wear costumes or do crazy shows on cam, I'm a girl next door type and I do pretty normal shows - I define myself by my personality rather than by my creativity and uniqueness as far as shows go. I don't think I can 'express myself' in an Avatar. I don't know what I'm supposed to use as an avatar, if not the one I have.

At the moment I have 43k Twitter followers and I always tweet when I've just gotten online, and often during the shift too. I don't see a rise in my room count after sending a tweet. I can't describe how much this confuses me. I didn't buy any of my followers, so I assume most of them are actual people.

I don't think I'm doing anything important wrong. In the end I feel like it really comes down to my looks. Apparently pear-shaped girls with less than perfect faces are universally despised by the thousands of people that frequent MFC every day... I don't know. Having a room count of 50 while I'm naked is really bad for my self-esteem. It's totally different from not getting tipped - it means that even the freeloaders don't want to see me naked.

When I see fully dressed models that are not even paying attention to their chat or talking to anyone for minutes get hundreds of people in their room, it really, really hurts to be quite honest.

LilahMorrigan said:
You guys are, for the most part, both intelligent and perceptive but also ballsy as hell and willing to speak the truth even when it's uncomfortable. Please, if any of you could visit me whenever you catch me online, maybe watch me for a while, and tell me what it is that is deterring viewers or why you wouldn't want to stay and chat, I'd be so so so grateful. I promise, I won't be offended by anything you have to say- even if that answer is that I'm not as pretty/look like a dude/look old. IT'S NOT A TRAP! This is not a "does my butt look big in these jeans?" thread (and even if it was, the answer would be a resounding YES). I'm just looking for perspective, and I feel like this is the best place to come for it.
This applies for me as well. Everybody please feel free to come visit me sometime and tell me what I can do better to attract more viewers.
I actually think AmbersTroll might be on to something!

One of the things I always enjoyed about being in your room is that you're clearly very intelligent and there's an air of intellectualism about your camming persona, with nods to philosophers and mathematicians throughout your profile and your games and whatnot. I'm hesitant to suggest changing any of that because that's part of what makes Lilah Morrigan Lilah Morrigan (and I always thought she was a cool chick), but maybe there's credence to the idea that some members maybe feel intimidated by the fact that you're probably much more intelligent than they are. It's kind of a shame that it would ever be an issue, but I think it's definitely a possibility.

I personally dig the archetype of 'sexy nearly-naked woman who's as happy to discuss philosophy as she is pop culture', but maybe that archetype has a lower ceiling than something like "girl next door" or "international supermodel" or whatever.

The only other thing I can think of is the library shows that from what I can tell, have become a pretty big part of your repertoire. While a lot of people seem to love those shows, and without wishing to open that particular can of worms again, there are a lot of folk who are turned off by them (some of them post here I think :)). So that might also be a factor.
I am someone who generally has the opposite problem. My room counts aren't crazy high, but with a camscore of about 3600 I tend to have between 100 and 200 members in my room at all times before I'm naked. Out of those members very few tip and very few chat.

I will say that if I came on cam and did not stand up and dance immediately I would not get those room numbers. They would always remain below 100. Every time as soon as I get on I will spend some time standing up and dancing, even if just 5 minutes, but it gets the room numbers up every time. What I tend to do is dance for a bit, sit down for a bit, dance again etc. It depends on the vibe of the room. Sometimes I get a great chatty room who are tipping and I'm better off sitting and talking than dancing as dancing sometimes kills the chat, sometimes dancing wakes everyone up and starts the tipping.

Remind everyone to add you to their friendslist. Even now I haven't cammed in a while but people still come into my room immediately because they have me on their friendslist. With cumshows, having "CUMSHOW" in your topic helps a lot. Warming people up before the show helps bring the numbers in. The show has to be intense, when I actually do shows they are apparently very good, I'm very vocal and get very visibly wound up. I'm not particularly into watching girls do cumshows but I think a lot of it is being able to see the girl get visibly out of control. At the end of the day on a site like MFC you can see a girl playing with herself at any time, it's got to be exciting. Many of my regulars over the years didn't actually care much about cumshows, but many of them found me first when they happened.

If you've got regulars and are making ok money though then personally I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's better to have a small crowd who are tipping and talking than a massive crowd who freeload and cap your shows.
mynameisbob84 said:
I actually think AmbersTroll might be on to something!

One of the things I always enjoyed about being in your room is that you're clearly very intelligent and there's an air of intellectualism about your camming persona, with nods to philosophers and mathematicians throughout your profile and your games and whatnot. I'm hesitant to suggest changing any of that because that's part of what makes Lilah Morrigan Lilah Morrigan (and I always thought she was a cool chick), but maybe there's credence to the idea that some members maybe feel intimidated by the fact that you're probably much more intelligent than they are. It's kind of a shame that it would ever be an issue, but I think it's definitely a possibility.

I personally dig the archetype of 'sexy nearly-naked woman who's as happy to discuss philosophy as she is pop culture', but maybe that archetype has a lower ceiling than something like "girl next door" or "international supermodel" or whatever.

The only other thing I can think of is the library shows that from what I can tell, have become a pretty big part of your repertoire. While a lot of people seem to love those shows, and without wishing to open that particular can of worms again, there are a lot of folk who are turned off by them (some of them post here I think :)). So that might also be a factor.

Thank you- this is something that had seriously never occurred to me! I assumed there was a niche for pretty much everything, and saw tons of "nerdy girls" on MFC so just assumed there was a market for that. I guess, while I do market myself as kind of a nerd, it's a little more in depth than dressing up in cosplay and talking about video games. So perhaps I'll be more attentive to my accessibility!

As for library shows, I haven't done one in 3-4 months and have no immediate plans to do any now that I've moved to a new city. When I first started doing them, they were much more about being ridiculous than being sexual- doing silly dances in the aisles and whatnot. But as I continued doing them, people became (understandably) more and more fixated on seeing me do sexual things, and so it became more stressful than fun. Not that it's relevant, but I just wanted to make that clear! I do recognize that they were likely polarizing, though I'm grateful because several of my regs found me that way. :thumbleft:

Isabella_deL said:
I am someone who generally has the opposite problem. My room counts aren't crazy high, but with a camscore of about 3600 I tend to have between 100 and 200 members in my room at all times before I'm naked. Out of those members very few tip and very few chat.

I will say that if I came on cam and did not stand up and dance immediately I would not get those room numbers. They would always remain below 100. Every time as soon as I get on I will spend some time standing up and dancing, even if just 5 minutes, but it gets the room numbers up every time. What I tend to do is dance for a bit, sit down for a bit, dance again etc. It depends on the vibe of the room. Sometimes I get a great chatty room who are tipping and I'm better off sitting and talking than dancing as dancing sometimes kills the chat, sometimes dancing wakes everyone up and starts the tipping.

Remind everyone to add you to their friendslist. Even now I haven't cammed in a while but people still come into my room immediately because they have me on their friendslist. With cumshows, having "CUMSHOW" in your topic helps a lot. Warming people up before the show helps bring the numbers in. The show has to be intense, when I actually do shows they are apparently very good, I'm very vocal and get very visibly wound up. I'm not particularly into watching girls do cumshows but I think a lot of it is being able to see the girl get visibly out of control. At the end of the day on a site like MFC you can see a girl playing with herself at any time, it's got to be exciting. Many of my regulars over the years didn't actually care much about cumshows, but many of them found me first when they happened.

Thank you for these thoughts- I definitely don't dance as much as I used to (partially because people don't tip for it, but partially perhaps out of comfort or laziness. I'll work on this! :thumbleft:
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Reactions: Teagan and MayaEden
My input comes in the form of numbers.

Using LilyMarie's and LilahMorrigan's camscores, I grabbed the data on the girls around them (i.e. approximately the same camscore).


This graph takes into account:
  • Models online in the last 30 days, currently with a camscore between 2781 and 4652 (946 models in this universe)
  • Average viewers for these models in the last 30 days
  • Only rooms with more than 5 viewers

The average viewers in this universe is 105.
Lowest average is 7 and the highest is 767.
Lowest 'best moment' is 12 viewers and highest 'best moment' is 3525.

The room topic when that girl reached 3525 viewers in her room: "@LIBRARY! FUCKSHOW! PLEASE KEEP TIPPING AND GUY NEXT TO ME"

She probably meant there was a guy next to her, not to keep tipping her and the guy next to her.

The top 10 (in terms of viewers)
  • Three of them performed library shows in the last 30 days.
  • Two performed girl/girl shows in the last 30 days.
  • One is a porn actress.
  • One still has the "new model" status.
In my shows I wont take anything off or show anything unless tipped, I don't stay naked either but to keep up an interest I'll play a game, dance, do something fun while waiting for tips.

I think it'd be easier for you if you did strip teases and such to keep people interested in staying. And stay on for a while, in two hours I can get about 300-700 people in my room depending on if super popular models (with 3000+viewers) are on or not. o:

attitude is important too. Stay peppy and silly for as long as you can. People like positive attitudes c:

oh and promotions on tumblr, twitter, etc. are very good ways of getting people in the room too.

You probably know some or all of this stuff ;-; i'm sorry if I'm not much of a help.
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Reactions: AngelicTease
I have a question: Are you happy with your earnings? Because if you're making your goals, having fun on cam, and really like the way you run your room/games/ambiance... then screw the room count. The guys that aren't in there don't know what they're missing! ;)
MissSugarPink said:
In my shows I wont take anything off or show anything unless tipped, I don't stay naked either but to keep up an interest I'll play a game, dance, do something fun while waiting for tips.

I think it'd be easier for you if you did strip teases and such to keep people interested in staying. And stay on for a while, in two hours I can get about 300-700 people in my room depending on if super popular models (with 3000+viewers) are on or not. o:

attitude is important too. Stay peppy and silly for as long as you can. People like positive attitudes c:

oh and promotions on tumblr, twitter, etc. are very good ways of getting people in the room too.

You probably know some or all of this stuff ;-; i'm sorry if I'm not much of a help.

Thank you for the ideas! Yes, I do know to do all of these things, which is why I posted this in the General Camming forum and directed it to members. While I do very much appreciate the perspective and responses of models, I've found that they usually repeat the ideas you suggested, all of which are pretty basic. It's not that I'm not grateful that you'd take the time to reply, it's just that models view things from a model's perspective, and there are a million and one threads in models only about this kind of thing, all of which say the same things. It's also why I asked for people to come watch me on cam to try to assess where I'm goofing up.

As for the dancing/stripteases, that's something I'm going to try to incorporate more of. But, as I said in my original post, I often don't even get 100-200 people when I've been online for 4 hours and am in the middle of a cumshow, so it's not a matter of staying on longer.

GemmaMoore said:
I have a question: Are you happy with your earnings? Because if you're making your goals, having fun on cam, and really like the way you run your room/games/ambiance... then screw the room count. The guys that aren't in there don't know what they're missing!

To a certain extent, yes. But this is the first month living in a new city with astronomically higher rent, and so I'm still adjusting, and just "putting in more hours" to account for the increased cost of living doesn't work if my regs are only on at one time of night and my room counts are so low that I can't get new people to talk to me or make new regs. Also, practically my entire income depends on the kindness of 3-5 people. That's a very intimidating situation, both for me and for them. It's not ego that makes me want higher room counts, so much as it is concern for their checkbooks and my own financial security.

(I really hope I don't seem argumentative and cunty in my responses. I don't by any means think I'm perfect or anything... I just have spent a LOT of time thinking and researching this over the course of a year, so I guess lately I've been feeling like there's some secret factor I've overlooked that, once discovered, will fix my problem. Silly, I know. I'll just hafta keep fighting!)
Those stats were very interesting. It just goes to show that in reality most models have under 100 people in the room average.
It's easy to forget that a lot of models barely have 20 people in their rooms! I remember when I was a relatively new model I got super excited at getting 70 people in the room! I thought it was crazy high!

Just remember that all it takes is that one person coming through. Keep positive and mix it up. For me the biggest room count killer is being inactive or doing the same thing for a while. I sometimes sit down and chill/chat and sometimes that'll engage the room and get them chatting and tipping, but generally members stick around/stay if you do different cam angles and move around a fair bit. Think about what keeps you interested in a room. For me interesting conversation will often keep me there, movement is good too and laughter and smiles will usually be the most likely reason I'll stick around. If someone isn't doing much then I'll get bored fast, a lot of the time members are just flicking through so unless you're doing something particularly engaging or are particularly appealing to them physically they won't give a second look. It's just how it is. Don't worry about it too much and try not to stress about it.

With room counts, when I said the dancing thing, one of the reasons it brings members is because they have it set to previews. If they see something is going on they are much more likely to come in. Remember it's a sex site. As much as high tippers usually love the friendship/social side members tend to gravitate towards models who they also want to fuck. Having your preview clearly showing you're sat down makes it look like your room will be kind of dull even if it isn't. If you're consistently moving around in your previews more members will be curious about what's going on and will come in.
LilahMorrigan said:
I have been wanting to write this post for months, and it's taken a lot of humility for me to admit how deficient I feel and post it for everyone to see, so please, please read this and contribute if you have any thoughts.

I have always had extremely low room counts- even when my camscore is 4000+ and I'm doing a cumshow, I can't get more than 100-150 people in my room. If I have *any* clothing on whatsoever, I can't even get 50. My room is typically populated by a handful of (silenced) guests and basics, 3-4 of my regs at any given time, and 3-5 premiums, none of whom I can get to speak to me. This is a really big problem for me that I've been wrestling with and trying to address for a year now.

I sure can't compete with Myfreecams in the numbers dept. Still I think a 50 room count is good. Last night with about 1100 models on 50 would have been the 99th most popular room. Today with between 1500-1600 models it was the 135 most popular. A 150 count will pretty much always put you in the 50 most popular rooms. In any case 50 people is in the top 10%, which is an A in pretty much any class. :D So unless you were the type that was never satisfied with less than an A+ don't feel deficient.

I would echo the others members. Looking at your profile, the cute airhead nympho you are not. Quantum mechanics (ugh my brain hurts at thought of the damned equations) and rubics cubes appeals to a relatively small audience. That is the bad news, the good news is that audience is almost certainly wealthier than average member and probably more inclined tip.

Now I am not saying that getting a higher room count isn't a good thing, but be careful changing so much you discourage your high tipping members. I am regular with a model who consistently has room count over 100 when topless and often in lingerie. 200 when she is naked and 400-800 during shows. Yet she is struggling to keep her camscore over 2,500. She has tried every thing she could think of and most everything I've suggested. I bet she be willing to trade 100 or of her freeloaders for a tipper or two of yours. ;)

I'll go play secret shopper in your room and send you a report though..
I did not see any big obvious problems with your room. As I said when I first showed up in your room, your feed was choppy, but opening up your glass door solved that problem. Your topic of sneaky public peeks was not unusual, lots of other people seem to like that kind of stuff.

I was a little sad you would not give me permission to tip to see your Schodinger's cat toy, but it was off topic and may have been packed away somewhere.
Shaun__ said:
I did not see any big obvious problems with your room. As I said when I first showed up in your room, your feed was choppy, but opening up your glass door solved that problem. Your topic of sneaky public peeks was not unusual, lots of other people seem to like that kind of stuff.

I was a little sad you would not give me permission to tip to see your Schodinger's cat toy, but it was off topic and may have been packed away somewhere.

I'm SO sorry! :eek: I recall seeing something about Schrodinger's Cat in the chat but may have been distracted- I have some attention deficit issues, especially on cam. The Schrodinger's Cat toy was just inside on my coffee table, and I would've been glad to show you! I never intentionally ignore something like that, I promise!

Also, tonight was the first time I was trying a balcony show, so I was sort of figuring it out as I went.
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Just watched you for a few minutes. The only thing I could think of was your feed being a bit choppy.

Other than that, to me at least, you were doing fine. Good lighting, clear cam, great looking model, charming as heck, and you sing amazingly well, even with your hitachi on your woohoo. :lol:

To address your OP, you are not doing anything "wrong." Could just be one of those things; you got who you got ;)
Your regulars seem pretty cool, you addressed everyone who came in.

My advice: follow Gemma's advice. If you are hitting your goals and having a good time, don't worry so much :p
JimsX said:
Just watched you for a few minutes. The only thing I could think of was your feed being a bit choppy.

Other than that, to me at least, you were doing fine. Good lighting, clear cam, great looking model, charming as heck, and you sing amazingly well, even with your hitachi on your woohoo. :lol:

To address your OP, you are not doing anything "wrong." Could just be one of those things; you got who you got ;)
Your regulars seem pretty cool, you addressed everyone who came in.

My advice: follow Gemma's advice. If you are hitting your goals and having a good time, don't worry so much :p

Thanks! Yeah, it's a problem with MFC servers, not my internet. Apparently if a member switches to a VPN it fixes the problem immediately.

Also, I made the post because I'm *not* always hitting my goals, and by no fault of my regs- they are incredible and do everything in their power to support me.

Anyway, thank you for stopping by! And LOL, the hitachi helps me hit the high notes ;)
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Isabella_deL said:
Keep positive and mix it up. For me the biggest room count killer is being inactive or doing the same thing for a while. I sometimes sit down and chill/chat and sometimes that'll engage the room and get them chatting and tipping, but generally members stick around/stay if you do different cam angles and move around a fair bit. Think about what keeps you interested in a room. For me interesting conversation will often keep me there, movement is good too and laughter and smiles will usually be the most likely reason I'll stick around. If someone isn't doing much then I'll get bored fast, a lot of the time members are just flicking through so unless you're doing something particularly engaging or are particularly appealing to them physically they won't give a second look. It's just how it is. Don't worry about it too much and try not to stress about it.

With room counts, when I said the dancing thing, one of the reasons it brings members is because they have it set to previews. If they see something is going on they are much more likely to come in. Remember it's a sex site. As much as high tippers usually love the friendship/social side members tend to gravitate towards models who they also want to fuck. Having your preview clearly showing you're sat down makes it look like your room will be kind of dull even if it isn't. If you're consistently moving around in your previews more members will be curious about what's going on and will come in.
This is all good advice for you Lilah, it is easy to find yourself caught in the one position, an angle changeup was called for a few times when I saw you on just now.... other than that you are pretty awesome, and your supporters really back you.
BTW, you know why they deny you?, because freeloaders don't deserve you.

Guess there are a few other minor things that may restrict you.... will talk of these.
New tippers (think I saw a few in show), a little extra attention, a welcome of some kind ("thx lilah'snewbie") is an invitation for their next time.
Good idea to announce what you are doing every so often, somewhere. (I did one for you, just before cumshow tonight)
Off Topic: Something cool about your room, was when numbers increased, they changed in the right way. Slight increase in basic numbers, a fair increase in guest numbers to a plateau, but your member numbers increased markedly and kept rising.
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LilahMorrigan said:
(I really hope I don't seem argumentative and cunty in my responses. I don't by any means think I'm perfect or anything... I just have spent a LOT of time thinking and researching this over the course of a year, so I guess lately I've been feeling like there's some secret factor I've overlooked that, once discovered, will fix my problem. Silly, I know. I'll just hafta keep fighting!)

You don't, at all. It really shows that you've put a lot of thought into this and there's nothing wrong with being argumentative if it's a suggestion that you've already tried.
LilyMarie said:
At the moment I have 43k Twitter followers and I always tweet when I've just gotten online, and often during the shift too. I don't see a rise in my room count after sending a tweet. I can't describe how much this confuses me. I didn't buy any of my followers, so I assume most of them are actual people.

I don't have a solid explanation for you, but there are members out there, if nothing else, add a boatload of attractive girls to their twitter feed for the sake of following tons of hot girls if they're collecting trading cards. However many of your followers fit this category is beyond me....

I suppose it's another way to freeload
Its the over-saturation of the industry. Even the camscores of the top models I am noticing are going down. Models at your level are staying put and new models dont get past the 1500 mark anymore. If they dont give up within 3 days that is. To be fair this is mostly due to their own ineptitude. Just way too many models to spread out the customer base. Hell the only time I see what you could call a lot of members in a room is when the model is doing a fake library or cafe show where nothing really happens. Or when they are doing a cumshow. And that goes for the top models too. I never see more 2-300 members Jalyn or Candiecanes rooms anymore...unless again...they are doing the cum show. But Honeysukl gets 4000 members when doing her very nonpublic yet public gym or library show. Youre doing nothing wrong. In fact youre doing it "more right" <sorry for the bad grammar> than she is. The market has just changed. And thats unfortunate.

Another thing is that MFC's business plan of free cams may be coming back to haunt the models. Notice I did not say Leo? It has caused way too many freeloaders. Why would someone tip or go pvt if he/she is getting a free show. Also, why would I go into a models room with a 4000 camscore and pay 200 tokens to spin the wheel..when I can offer a new model 100 tokens to do a 15 min cumshow?
I have watched you and tipped you on the random. I have never seen anything that could be wrong. In my opinion room count should not be a big issue. I see a lot of the very top models with 30k cam scores have no more then 200 people in there room. You would think someone with that high of a cam score would have 600 people in there room at all times but the reason there cam scores are even so high is because they rely on about 4-5 HUGEtippers for most of there income. I have seen models with 500 people in there rooms at all times and they are struggling to even get the countdown going. Having more viewers isn't always going to help, its having the "right" viewers. You having 3-5 main tippers isn't all that odd. Thats very typical actually from what I have seen from most models. The only time I ever see models that have a group effort is when they throw in some special deal in the middle of there countdown kinda like what kickaz does, she'll randomly throw out a high tip competition for 10 minutes for pictures or a video. But even her obviously solely relies on her 3-5 huge tippers even though she always has a very high room count. The thing with mfc is its kinda like the lottery at a certain point. You can do everything to try and raise your room count. But until that one rich guy walks in your room falls in love and changes your life don't let it fall on you that you must be doing something wrong. Your doing everything right. Maybe try popping on for random hours of the day. You'll never know when the right person will walk into your room.
LilyMarie said:
At the moment I have 43k Twitter followers and I always tweet when I've just gotten online, and often during the shift too. I don't see a rise in my room count after sending a tweet. I can't describe how much this confuses me. I didn't buy any of my followers, so I assume most of them are actual people.
Regarding tweeting when you're online; I understand the practice and know it can be useful, but I expect there are a ton of members where it really doesn't matter. What matters most (to me) is if you are online when I have time to be able to be on the site. That rules out most of the US workday during the week and a lot of the evening as well.
Ataboy said:
Its the over-saturation of the industry. Even the camscores of the top models I am noticing are going down. Models at your level are staying put and new models dont get past the 1500 mark anymore. If they dont give up within 3 days that is. To be fair this is mostly due to their own ineptitude. Just way too many models to spread out the customer base. Hell the only time I see what you could call a lot of members in a room is when the model is doing a fake library or cafe show where nothing really happens. Or when they are doing a cumshow. And that goes for the top models too. I never see more 2-300 members Jalyn or Candiecanes rooms anymore...unless again...they are doing the cum show. But Honeysukl gets 4000 members when doing her very nonpublic yet public gym or library show. Youre doing nothing wrong. In fact youre doing it "more right" <sorry for the bad grammar> than she is. The market has just changed. And thats unfortunate.

Another thing is that MFC's business plan of free cams may be coming back to haunt the models. Notice I did not say Leo? It has caused way too many freeloaders. Why would someone tip or go pvt if he/she is getting a free show. Also, why would I go into a models room with a 4000 camscore and pay 200 tokens to spin the wheel..when I can offer a new model 100 tokens to do a 15 min cumshow?

The cam industry is very over saturated. Its a fairy tale job. Who wouldn't want to sit in front of the camera entertaining people and be your own boss for money? So the second a female see's the whole "become a cam model and make 1000$ a week" There obviously going to be like "FUCK YEAH I CAN DO THAT" In my opinion I think they should have a limit of how many girls they should have on one site. Or have realistic expectations letting girls know that the average weekly pay is really more like 300 a week. But that will never happen cause they profit off everyone big or small. As over saturated as it is, for as many cam models who retire there are just as many becoming new so it is balanced. And many new models quit so easily because of the false advertising. They thought they were going to rank in the big bucks and then realize its not easy to do so, they get discouraged and leave. Then you have the models that NEVER quit. I don't even understand why there are models on there with 100 cam scores. Why are you even here? I ask myself all the time. There should be a cut off point, but you can't fire a independent contractor. The one thing I can say you are wrong about is, myfreecams has always been myfreecams. There has always been freeloaders. But with that I swear they also have the highest tippers and the most respected cam models. They are the most profitable cam site ever. So having the option to be a viewer for free clearly doesn't hurt them in anyway. Why tip 200 tokens to spin the wheel when you can go lower and watch a model fuck a toy for 100tks? Because that person likes this model not that model. Its not ALL about the cum shows at mfc.
Ataboy said:
Its the over-saturation of the industry. Even the camscores of the top models I am noticing are going down.

The formula for camscore is constantly in flux. The camscore of top models are going down because the average tokens per hour across the site is going up.
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