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Lifespan of a Member/Follower

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Aug 18, 2019
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A person I care about is an online model. She's described her followers as sort coming and going. Cycling in and out of her room.
I wanted to get some other feedback because she and I are both interested in this dynamic.

How long do think the 'average' follower is active in your space... be it chatroom, or whatever your preferred medium is?
Four months, three months? What do you think?

How long before a member becomes a 'regular'? Someone you feel is really connected and active.
Six months?

What is the longest you have had a regular? They'e active and engaged with some frequency.
5 years?

Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. I searched quite a bit and could't find a thread that discussed this. I apologize in advance it there is a thread and I missed it.

I've only been camming for four months, so my experience is limited, but members do come and go.

I have some members that have been around for the entire 4 months, and there were others who showed up to my stream every day for the first two months, talked and tipped regularly, and suddenly never showed up again.

I typically consider someone a regular after they've come for maybe 10 or so streams, be that 10 in a row or 10 over the course of a couple of weeks or months. If it's gotten to the point where I start to know their interests and they know mine, they're a regular.
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I think it depends on the model, how they run their rooms, what site they're on, and a whole host of other factors. I've seen some speculative averages but they're not always accurate for me, but I'm sure they are for someone else. I also kinda think it depends on the tipper--some dudes like to devote themselves to one model at a time, others filter though several over a short time period. Some like to show up once then come back in a year to see what's changed. It's not something I keep too much track of.
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I think it's kind of the same as any friendship endurance wise. Some stay for the long haul and stay the same. Some stay and evolve along the way. Some flit in then out or in and out. I haven't cammed in a long time, but I did during many different phases and this was my experience anywhoo.
I've heard a lot of top onlyfans girls say that the average tipper lasts three-four months and then they find a new girl to support. I have a few supporters that have been around for my entire two years, but I don't have any that support as much as they initially did. I would say for me it takes a few months to consider someone a "regular." I wish I had more of them tbh because I really love the friendship aspect of the job.
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Everyone has a shelf life so to say. I have a handful of regs who have been around the seven years I've been doing this. I also have members I see once and never again until months or years later.

Regulars are great when it's slow, but you don't want to just rely on them. You see it happen. Models regs stop showing up, and her income takes a hit. Customer conversion is key. Do shows that will attract new people.

When you put on shows, you want to look like you are having fun and enjoying yourself as well. Try to be memorable so they are more likely to come back.
Thanks everyone who replied so far. I really appreciate your insight and feedback.

I particularly like the ‘friendship’ aspect some mentioned. I love to hear that models/creators enjoy a real connection with us members as much as many of us do with you guys.

Love does find a way : )
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I have been with MFC with since 2010 or 2011. There have been a few models that I enjoyed regularly that quit/retired with an announcement that they were leaving. And then a couple that kind of just vanished. I have one favorite that I have been a regular for probably the last 7 years at least. I still tip a few other models here and there, but I haven't really made any new connections to other models on the site. I think when this particular favorite model retires from camming. I still will hop on MFC from time to time, but I don't really think I will seek out a replacement if that makes sense.
I think it really varies depending on the model and the members. I've been a member primarily on MFC for four years. Like @MDouble00 mentioned, there's been models who have left with notices and others just up and gone without a trace. But, there's also been times where just no longer click with a model for various reasons.

If I chose to leave a model's room, it's typically due to either there's a change to how she does her room or we no longer match personality wise. I've also blocked/banned models from contacting me due to them broadcasting privates to other sites and also treating me like shit. Can't give a specific timeline on this, as it's varied from a couple of minutes to models I've know for over a year. Those I've banned are ones I've known for at least a few months.

Of the models I'm a regular in, I've been visiting them for about 2 years on average. At least one longer. I think when I regularly started visiting, it happened pretty quickly.

At this point, I'm also not really looking to join other model rooms as the ones I visit leave or we eventually part ways.
If I chose to leave a model's room, it's typically due to either there's a change to how she does her room or we no longer match personality wise. I've also blocked/banned models from contacting me due to them broadcasting privates to other sites and also treating me like shit. Can't give a specific timeline on this, as it's varied from a couple of minutes to models I've know for over a year. Those I've banned are ones I've known for at least a few months.

Thanks for sharing your perspective on the broadcasting to other sites i.e. reselling portions on clipsites, to earn extra? Would that still annoy you if model removed your name, and also offered you a free copy? I am interested in members and models perspectives on this, but also do not want to derail thread. I only recently just started doing this with some shows, but I would definitely stop if I realized that the majority of buyers do not like this at all. So I am very curious.
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Thanks for sharing your perspective on the broadcasting to other sites i.e. reselling portions on clipsites, to earn extra? Would that still annoy you if model removed your name, and also offered you a free copy? I am interested in members and models perspectives on this, but also do not want to derail thread. I only recently just started doing this with some shows, but I would definitely stop if I realized that the majority of buyers do not like this at all. So I am very curious.

For me, when I do privates on MFC, it is only TruePrivates so it's exclusive and I expect exclusivity of the show. Meaning, no other viewers from anywhere. I'm paying extra for it, so should be respected.

If it was a regular private, then it's expected that any premium member on MFC can watch it by spying. However, I would still end it if I knew it was broadcasted elsewhere.

Groups or public, don't care about if she does.

Now, in terms of turning privates into video clips, this is something that would have to be discussed. The reason why I do TruePrivates is that I like the exclusivity and don't want others to see. I only do TruePrivates, and only with models I have come to know over a while. So, they tend to be of a more personal nature. If she did it without discussing with me, it'd be likely I'd terminate any relations I have with her. However, if was discussed and we came to an agreement (I wouldn't ask for monetary or other items in return) on it, then I'd be okay with it.

On the reselling of privates, I know there's some really hot moments that could benefit a model in terms of money. So, I wouldn't be entirely against it so long as we discussed the various aspects of it. I believe that voyeur clips with names are big sellers for some model's clipsite sales.

Feel free to inquire further here or PM if you want to discuss this more :)
Everyone has a shelf life so to say. I have a handful of regs who have been around the seven years I've been doing this. I also have members I see once and never again until months or years later.

Regulars are great when it's slow, but you don't want to just rely on them. You see it happen. Models regs stop showing up, and her income takes a hit. Customer conversion is key. Do shows that will attract new people.

When you put on shows, you want to look like you are having fun and enjoying yourself as well. Try to be memorable so they are more likely to come back.

This right here!
Regulars can stay for days weeks months years it honestly depends on them I have a few regulars in every day then i might not see one for months then they come back and say hi again it does depend on their lives if they get busy get into a relationship trying to save money etc but I often have ppl come in sometimes I havent seen in 6 months! I have noticed like a 2 week rotating cycle tho same ppl every day for 2 weeks then a new batch the next fortnight... most of my big regulars are there a few times a week tho even to just stop by and say hi for 5 minutes
I've had some regulars be really consistent viewers a few times a week for over 6 months, I'll have some who are with me every day for a month, and some who I've kept up with for years even if I only see them sporadically. I think it really just depends on the person 🤷‍♀️
Everyone has a shelf life so to say. I have a handful of regs who have been around the seven years I've been doing this. I also have members I see once and never again until months or years later.

Regulars are great when it's slow, but you don't want to just rely on them. You see it happen. Models regs stop showing up, and her income takes a hit. Customer conversion is key. Do shows that will attract new people.

When you put on shows, you want to look like you are having fun and enjoying yourself as well. Try to be memorable so they are more likely to come back.
This. I used to get sad about it and think it was something to do with me and my self worth would sort of dip. Now after some experience I notice it is just part of the beast.
There are a number of websites that talk about internet community life cycles. Cam sites are no different. For some it's the initial novelty and it wears off and they just stop buying tokens/credits. They still want the attention, they just don't want to pay for it any more. I have like four or five guys that have been around the entire 6 years, I have one that likes to change his name like he changes his underwear to always keep me guessing, people die, people get married, people disappear. The only time I become concerned I've fallen out of favor is when I see them in another room and even then I'm like "and so it goes." I focus my attention on goals and only goals. If they meet it, awesome. I don't care who participated just that I made it that day.
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