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How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible?

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Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

ACFFAN69 said:
But you did ask for opinions on people who match tips from your experience. Our opinion was: If it bothered us, we would leave the room. :roll:
I'm noticing a trend of negativity in your posts to be honest. We aren't your enemy! I hazard to guess neither is this "tip match'er", nor the models you visit who seem to turn sour. :twocents-02cents:
If you have to roll your eyes, then you already know what I'm going to say: I asked for opinions on whether what I was observing was "tip matching." I didn't ask for opinions on how I should respond to said behavior, because I didn't give enough details for people to be able to put my question into context - and of course that was by deliberate design. So I'm getting tired of the trend of negativity on the part of certain people who persist in assuming that they can read my mind and also give me suggestions based upon said mind reading. And when I justifiably object to this behavior, I'm the asshat. LOL
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Things are gettin' all persnickety up in here.

Az, your added snooty comments like:
"see what I did there"

and this whole section:
"And since you clearly didn't pick this up the first time I said it, I'm not worrying or complaining about how someone else spends their money. That's *your* interpretation, which takes me right back to my original comment about making assumptions.

This is a forum, correct? And forums are for discussions, correct?"

are making people edgy, reasonably so. If you're going to continue to post and debate here, can you please try to check your tone? If not, you'll have to accept people will deem you an asshat.

Thanks in advance. :)
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

AmberCutie said:
Things are gettin' all persnickety up in here.

Az, your added snooty comments like:
"see what I did there"

and this whole section:
"And since you clearly didn't pick this up the first time I said it...

are making people edgy, reasonably so. If you're going to continue to post and debate here, can you please try to check your tone? If not, you'll have to accept people will deem you an asshat.

Thanks in advance. :)
"See what I did there?" wasn't actually meant to be snooty. But if anyone took it that way, feel free to substitute, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Same meaning. And the quote I shortened, was taken almost verbatim from a cam girl. I didn't appreciate the tone either. So once again, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

As I've said repeatedly, I don't really care about "tip matching." I don't really care how some whale chooses to spend his tokens. I had a completely different question in mind. But after seeing the response I got to a pretty straightforward and innocent question, I now know better than to ask what's really on my mind. Guess I'll have to find the answers to my questions some other way.
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Azhrarn said:
I had a completely different question in mind. But after seeing the response I got to a pretty straightforward and innocent question, I now know better than to ask what's really on my mind. Guess I'll have to find the answers to my questions some other way.

Are you asking if the guy's being a dick?
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Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Azhrarn said:
Okay, in no particular order: This model's camscore is actually pretty "meh." And if you factor in how pretty she is, and how long she's been on MFC, then her camscore is actually pretty piss poor. As for "less stress on other viewers to help out," think about what you're saying for a moment. From my observations, this girl often struggles to get tips, and I have to wonder if it's because all of her regulars know that this one particular person can and will take care of most of the tipping pretty much every single night. So it actually seems to be a disincentive for others to tip.
I think you're projecting your own insecurities about the size of your tip into his actions. His spending habits aren't bad. If the model doesn't like it she can ban him. You don't get a say. If you still don't like it, put him on ignore. But I doubt his tipping her is the reason her camscore is low. You're looking at it entirely backwards. His doing the tipping most every single night is the reason her camscore is as high as it is.

Azhrarn said:
Sevrin said:
Let me get this straight: You're complaining about someone else tipping a model? If you're troubled by what other members do with their money, you're gonna have a bad time.
Nope, that's not what I was saying at all. But thanks for proving the old adage about making assumptions.
Nope, that wasn't assuming.
*He claims he's letting the other guy win, but he doesn't, because he *always* throws in that extra tip at the end.
* This person claims that what he's doing is "tip matching" that helps the model, but what it really feels like is a douchebag move that keeps him in the center of attention and ensures that no one else ever tips more than he does.
All you've been doing in your posts is complaining about someone elses tipping habits.

Azhrarn said:
I understand what you're saying, but the situation I'm referring to doesn't match what you're describing. First of all, because this person never announces that he is "tip matching." Also, because he never matches smaller tips, or even medium sized tips, so I doubt he cares much about the countdowns.
All of your indignation stems from people not wanting to discuss 'tip matching.' Yet YOU YOURSELF just said this guy has never said he's tip matching. Why the fuck are you asking your question about tip matching then? It doesn't apply in any way to this guy by your own words. He's just tipping. You're getting pissed that he's tipping, which is stupid. That's why everyone has been responding the way they have. You just refuse to see the light.

Azhrarn said:
I’m sort of getting sick of this whole “tip matching” discussion because I’m tired of repeating ad nauseam that what I’m referring to isn't tip matching.
You're the only one who keeps referring to it as tip matching. So, in effect, you're getting sick of your own posts. :thumbleft:

Azhrarn said:
This is a forum, correct? And forums are for discussions, correct?

I could just as easily respond that if you're going to get that upset or offended by the issues that someone else chooses to discuss on a forum, you're not going to have a good time. And I could also add, that if my behavior bothers you that much, you are perfectly free to leave the thread, or at the very least, to stop reading and responding to my posts.
Azhrarn said:
I asked for opinions on whether what I was observing was "tip matching." I didn't ask for opinions on how I should respond to said behavior, because I didn't give enough details for people to be able to put my question into context - and of course that was by deliberate design. So I'm getting tired of the trend of negativity on the part of certain people who persist in assuming that they can read my mind and also give me suggestions based upon said mind reading. And when I justifiably object to this behavior, I'm the asshat.
You answered your own statement there. This is a forum. It's for discussions, not 'you must adhere to only answering things I specifically require of you.'

If you post some nonsense, people can respond to it in any way they wish. They don't have to adhere to your strict reply guidelines. You don't actually own the thread, you didn't start it. You get no say in how they reply. And here's the kicker. If everyone ignores what you wanted them to reply to and instead focuses on other aspects of your post, maybe you should listen to them. It might be more telling than the anwer you hoped for.

Azhrarn said:
As I've said repeatedly, I don't really care about "tip matching." I don't really care how some whale chooses to spend his tokens. I had a completely different question in mind.
You've posted ten times in this thread and you still haven't managed to ask the 'real' question you had on your mind?
You really don't know how to forum dude.

I'll give you a lesson on how to do that.
  1. First post, make your fucking point with all the questions/arguments you can.
  2. Make one or two replies to clarify or answer questions.
  3. Drop it. After that it just makes you look like an asshat. If you haven't made a point that would sway an intelligent person by then, you never will.

If you want to go in new directions, feel free. That's just taking part in a discussion. But don't rehash the same old shit you already did or complain ten posts later you still haven't asked the question you wanted. :roll:

Azhrarn said:
I'm the asshat
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

This whole little section, that started with a question on what tip matching is has morphed into some interesting questions on tipping.

On tip matching. It is simply matching other members tips. It does not have to be announced. Most members who do it also throw in a few tips from themselves too, especially if things slow. Keep in mind someone else must tip before it can be matched
Tip matching need not be to a countdown/ goal either, but is a brave thing to do in some rooms as anyone can drop 'bomb' tips at any time.
The aim is usually to encourage spending on the model, give members there twice the spending power. Of course the member tip matching has model attention, but less than you may assume, usually the tip matcher is pretty much ignored during that period of spending as the model focusses on others. In fact joining in on a tip match is a good way to gain increased attention, especially as a new tipper.
Don't confuse tip matching with what is referred to as a 'tip war', the aim being to fight for the models attention. Tips may be matched for a while, but the goal is different.
Also don't assume because most/ all tips are being matched by someone that matching was their plan. Most tippers tend to follow tipping norms.
As for the effect of such spending on the model, and her room. Who knows?
On a slow day, and as an occassional thing, I would assume it would always be a good thing. As a regular exercise the tip matcher may be doing some long term harm, but I will leave this for models to debate amongst themselves.

The other part of this section was about how pretty models, with underwhelming camscores, get freeloading regulars waiting for one big spender (or perhaps a few) to tip her. I think this is what Azhrarn was eluding to. Sounds pretty typical of MFC to me.
Assuming one member, or even a few regulars, are stopping the others spending by dominating a room. It is solely up to the model to act on that. This is where the model needs to take responsibility and change how she works her room. Too few regular spending members is the main path that good models take to camscore oblivion.
As a member we can do some pretty annoying things in the name of helping a model, we usually help most by spending for ourselves and simply enjoying our favourites. I find a simple compliment, a few tips, and a request for something works best in encouraging others to spend. If no one else joins in, you must seriously consider asking for a countdown show to be taken pvt/ group instead.
Azhrarn the member you were talking of is probably just tipping for the show. The model should probably encourage/ ask him/ suggest to him ways to mix things up more often with how he spends on her, but I suspect she is happy enough with how things are.
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Ironic that one of the few people who isn’t trolling my posts calls himself a troll…

Recently this particular person has started claiming that he’s “tip matching,” but from repeatedly observing his behavior, and especially from observing the effects of his behavior on others, I think it’s pretty clear that what he’s really doing is engaging in “tip wars” for the model’s attention, as you say. This also fits right in line with several other examples I could point to, where what he claims he’s doing is actually the exact opposite of what he’s really doing -and all of which behaviors also seem to be doing “long term harm”.

And btw, is “tip war” actually a term, because I just sort of made that up? But it seems to be a pretty accurate description of what’s I’ve been seeing. And in order to avoid this type of nonsense in the future, I’ve learned that a ninja tip is a great way to make a “tip bomb” (is that another term?) to a favorite model without setting off a "tip war" with some insecure asshat. I also didn’t understand what you meant by “tipping norms”, so if you’d care to elaborate I’d appreciate it.

But to wrap this up, thank you for your post, Ambers Troll, you made quite a few helpful points. And I really like the thought of giving someone else “twice the spending power,” and so that’s the main thing I’m taking away from this discussion thus far.
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Azhrarn said:
Ironic that one of the few people who isn’t trolling my posts calls himself a troll…

Recently this particular person has started claiming that he’s “tip matching,” but from repeatedly observing his behavior, and especially from observing the effects of his behavior on others, I think it’s pretty clear that what he’s really doing is engaging in “tip wars” for the model’s attention, as you say. This also fits right in line with several other examples I could point to, where what he claims he’s doing is actually the exact opposite of what he’s really doing -and all of which behaviors also seem to be doing “long term harm”.

And btw, is “tip war” actually a term, because I just sort of made that up? But it seems to be a pretty accurate description of what’s I’ve been seeing. And in order to avoid this type of nonsense in the future, I’ve learned that a ninja tip is a great way to make a “tip bomb” (is that another term?) to a favorite model without setting off a "tip war" with some insecure asshat. I also didn’t understand what you meant by “tipping norms”, so if you’d care to elaborate I’d appreciate it.

But to wrap this up, thank you for your post, Ambers Troll, you made quite a few helpful points. And I really like the thought of giving someone else “twice the spending power,” and so that’s the main thing I’m taking away from this discussion thus far.
The term "tip war" is a bit out of camming fashion, but men still like to compete, naturally models will allow us to for the most part. It can become a pretty toxic game.
"Tip Bomb" or a "bomb tip"/ "nuke" and so on still are favourite terms.
By 'tipping norms' I only meant that many members tend to copy what everyone else tips. For example I am thinking of one model where her room regulars tip her 10 tokens, with the occassional large tip. In such a room non-regulars will also tend to tip 10 tokens.

You should take note of some of the other comments too, this should be fun, it is your leisure time and spending after all. Most models seem to like good company tipping within your limit, as much as big tipping, most loved regulars seem more consistent than big spenders.....Appreciative
Re: How can I use a camsite in the most ethical way possible

Ambers Troll said:
Azhrarn said:
Ironic that one of the few people who isn’t trolling my posts calls himself a troll…

Recently this particular person has started claiming that he’s “tip matching,” but from repeatedly observing his behavior, and especially from observing the effects of his behavior on others, I think it’s pretty clear that what he’s really doing is engaging in “tip wars” for the model’s attention, as you say. This also fits right in line with several other examples I could point to, where what he claims he’s doing is actually the exact opposite of what he’s really doing -and all of which behaviors also seem to be doing “long term harm”.

And btw, is “tip war” actually a term, because I just sort of made that up? But it seems to be a pretty accurate description of what’s I’ve been seeing. And in order to avoid this type of nonsense in the future, I’ve learned that a ninja tip is a great way to make a “tip bomb” (is that another term?) to a favorite model without setting off a "tip war" with some insecure asshat. I also didn’t understand what you meant by “tipping norms”, so if you’d care to elaborate I’d appreciate it.

But to wrap this up, thank you for your post, Ambers Troll, you made quite a few helpful points. And I really like the thought of giving someone else “twice the spending power,” and so that’s the main thing I’m taking away from this discussion thus far.
The term "tip war" is a bit out of camming fashion, but men still like to compete, naturally models will allow us to for the most part. It can become a pretty toxic game.
"Tip Bomb" or a "bomb tip"/ "nuke" and so on still are favourite terms.
By 'tipping norms' I only meant that many members tend to copy what everyone else tips. For example I am thinking of one model where her room regulars tip her 10 tokens, with the occassional large tip. In such a room non-regulars will also tend to tip 10 tokens.

You should take note of some of the other comments too, this should be fun, it is your leisure time and spending after all. Most models seem to like good company tipping within your limit, as much as big tipping, most loved regulars seem more consistent than big spenders.....Appreciative
I too think it can become a pretty toxic game, but as I mentioned above, I seem to have found a solution. As you say, I had noticed that members often copy one another, so I started making heavy use of ninja tips, and have also been encouraging others to do the same, and so now the tip wars disguised as "tip matching" have come to a swift end, because you can’t have a tip war when no one knows who’s tipping, much less for how much. The benefit to the cam girl is that, now that there isn’t just one person dominating her room, there seem to be more people tipping, and my best guess is that she’s now making an extra $100 every night.
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