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Elementary School Shooting In Connecticut

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SweepTheLeg said:
I could do the same thing. All I had to do was type in accidental shooting alone and I got 2300 results, where a 3 year old dies, a policeman's daughter dies, teenagers die, Dad accidentally shoots and kills his son at a gun store. I just didn't feel the need to post all 2300 videos.

These shootings are high profile, but the real benefit of tighter controls on guns would be a reduction in domestic shootings and accidental shootings. I don't even think that ownership as such be restricted, just a requirement for secure storage and childproofing, with failure to do so resulting in their gun licence being revoked.
Red7227 said:
SweepTheLeg said:
I could do the same thing. All I had to do was type in accidental shooting alone and I got 2300 results, where a 3 year old dies, a policeman's daughter dies, teenagers die, Dad accidentally shoots and kills his son at a gun store. I just didn't feel the need to post all 2300 videos.

These shootings are high profile, but the real benefit of tighter controls on guns would be a reduction in domestic shootings and accidental shootings. I don't even think that ownership as such be restricted, just a requirement for secure storage and childproofing, with failure to do so resulting in their gun licence being revoked.

That's one of the main issues I'm waiting to hear about from the investigation. The mother may have been sleeping with one of her pistols in the nightstand or under an extra pillow... and her kid shot her with that gun before gaining access to rest of the weapons somehow. Most gun safes are electronically coded but maybe she had an older model. A lot of questions yet to be answered.
Bocefish said:
That's one of the main issues I'm waiting to hear about from the investigation. The mother may have been sleeping with one of her pistols in the nightstand or under an extra pillow... and her kid shot her with that gun before gaining access to rest of the weapons somehow. Most gun safes are electronically coded but maybe she had an older model. A lot of questions yet to be answered.

Not all gun safes are well designed. The portable ones are especially bad. I am assuming the mother had a tall standup one, but he probably knew the combination.

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Man, the stuff a motivated individual can do with household chemicals, a chemistry set and a trip to places like home depot. Frightens the hell out of me. I've done it before.
Shaun__ said:
Bocefish said:
That's one of the main issues I'm waiting to hear about from the investigation. The mother may have been sleeping with one of her pistols in the nightstand or under an extra pillow... and her kid shot her with that gun before gaining access to rest of the weapons somehow. Most gun safes are electronically coded but maybe she had an older model. A lot of questions yet to be answered.

Not all gun safes are well designed. The portable ones are especially bad. I am assuming the mother had a tall standup one, but he probably knew the combination.
Red7227 said:
SweepTheLeg said:
I could do the same thing. All I had to do was type in accidental shooting alone and I got 2300 results, where a 3 year old dies, a policeman's daughter dies, teenagers die, Dad accidentally shoots and kills his son at a gun store. I just didn't feel the need to post all 2300 videos.

These shootings are high profile, but the real benefit of tighter controls on guns would be a reduction in domestic shootings and accidental shootings. I don't even think that ownership as such be restricted, just a requirement for secure storage and childproofing, with failure to do so resulting in their gun licence being revoked.

Not going to happen. The Supreme Court in the Heller case explicatedly struck down the gun lock and storage provision of the DC law,saying they interfered with the rights of self protection. A single woman, like the shooters mom, has the right to keep a loaded hand gun in her night stand for protection against intruders.

Believe it or not the vast majority of parent with guns and small children, take care to keep their guns away from their kids. Amazingly enough they do so without laws telling them have to do so. I am guessing cause maybe the are even more concerned about their kids safety than the government or folks on internet forum. :shock:

Say we passed a law mandating approved gun safes for the storage of all firearms. How many parents that are currently stupid enough to leave guns where the kids can access them, are going to hear about the new law and rush out and buy a gun safe? How do you propose enforcing it?

Shortly after buying my Ak-47 clone, there was a school yard shooting in Sacramento CA involving an assault rifle. The next year CA passed a law "banning" assault rifles. Those of us with existing guns were grandfathered in but we had to register our weapons and fill out paperwork. IIRC the was no fees or charge. I did as I was told. Years later when I went to sell my AK47 to a gun dealer. I found that among the two million+ folks in Silicon Valley there were exactly 7 of us who obeyed the gun law. And that is for something that didn't cost money gun safes are expensive.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
Shortly after buying my Ak-47 clone, there was a school yard shooting in Sacramento CA involving an assault rifle. The next year CA passed a law "banning" assault rifles. Those of us with existing guns were grandfathered in but we had to register our weapons and fill out paperwork. IIRC the was no fees or charge. I did as I was told. Years later when I went to sell my AK47 to a gun dealer. I found that among the two million+ folks in Silicon Valley there were exactly 7 of us who obeyed the gun law. And that is for something that didn't cost money gun safes are expensive.
And do you find that testament to responsibility and civic duty reassuring in a society where the only thing that stops people from shooting each other in the face is responsibility and social cohesion?
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Why would anyone need, for any sane reason, an AK47??!!
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Jupiter551 said:
And do you find that testament to responsibility and civic duty reassuring in a society where the only thing that stops people from shooting each other in the face is responsibility and social cohesion?

I don't even know what that means.

Some people obey laws because they are lawful. Some break laws just out of spite. Most of us balance our feeling about the law. (e.g. Thou shall not kill makes sense to almost all 20 years old, thou shall not drink alcohol before age 21, not many) with the luckily hood of being caught and the penalties of breaking the law.

Having a law which most people ignore is worse than not having the law at all. For example MFC would be a better website, if they either A vigorously enforced the rules about not havng public cumshows or B. Dropped the rule all together. Why because if model see MFC doesn't enforce rule they'll be tempted to try and have some men on camera, and then their 16 or 17 year old friend....

The US doesn't suffer from a lack of laws, just enforcement of existing ones.
Jupiter551 said:
lol inorite, goddamn obama not trying to reform the health system, it's all his fault.

I love the crap The Onion makes... despite the seriousness of some of the events they parody, it does give pause to see the satire of knee-jerk absurdity and the vigor in which some 'remedy's' are shouted.

....just for the anecdotal contribution here.. some 2 years ago, a guy one street behind me heard a commotion in the driveway and grabbed his bat to go see what was going on. He saw 3 thugs messing with his $50k truck. He shouted and approached with his bat and was shot 3x in the gut and chest. He fell behind the hedge where he died. Of the intruders, 2 sped off and left one to run on foot. He was caught the next morning and subsequently told who the others were. All 3 were criminals with a myriad of previous convictions. They were also gang members and one was an illegal. They all had guns and placed little value on the life of others.
No amount of regulation will prevent these types of people from obtaining guns.

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SoTxBob said:
I love the crap The Onion makes... despite the seriousness of some of the events they parody, it does give pause to see the satire of knee-jerk absurdity and the vigor in which some 'remedy's' are shouted.

....just for the anecdotal contribution here.. some 2 years ago, a guy one street behind me heard a commotion in the driveway and grabbed his bat to go see what was going on. He saw 3 thugs messing with his $50k truck. He shouted and approached with his bat and was shot 3x in the gut and chest. He fell behind the hedge where he died. Of the intruders, 2 sped off and left one to run on foot. He was caught the next morning and subsequently told who the others were. All 3 were criminals with a myriad of previous convictions. They were also gang members and one was an illegal. They all had guns and placed little value on the life of others.
No amount of regulation will prevent these types of people from obtaining guns.

not to minimise the victim's death, but especially in a society where guns are common he should have called the police and let them handle it. Even if he'd had a gun there's certainly no guarantee he'd be able to gun down all three of those guys before they got him. Approach three criminals while committing a crime (and I don't want to generalise here but I suspect they looked like gangbangers), whether you're carrying a gun or not and you're taking your life in your hands.
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sweetiebatman said:
Why would anyone need, for any sane reason, an AK47??!!

Gun haters would never understand. They do make good lamps though. :mrgreen:

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Jupiter551 said:
not to minimise the victim's death, but especially in a society where guns are common he should have called the police and let them handle it. Even if he'd had a gun there's certainly no guarantee he'd be able to gun down all three of those guys before they got him. Approach three criminals while committing a crime (and I don't want to generalise here but I suspect they looked like gangbangers), whether you're carrying a gun or not and you're taking your life in your hands.

He did call them first. Like so many places, response time was not quick nor his call a priority.
The mug shots I saw on the news, other than ethnicity, they dressed no different than many folks.
Sadly, it was also said he was anti gun and apparently didn't have the comprehension that laws are followed by law abiding folks and not thugs, thereby giving him the sense he could scare them off with his size and bat.
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There is a common denominator to all these spree murders and killings that I have rarely if ever heard discussed. Can you guess what it is?
Just Me said:
There is a common denominator to all these spree murders and killings that I have rarely if ever heard discussed. Can you guess what it is?
men? :p
Bocefish said:
sweetiebatman said:
Why would anyone need, for any sane reason, an AK47??!!

Gun haters would never understand. They do make good lamps though. :mrgreen:

pretty sure those are ak-74Ms, they're not ak-47s anyway :twocents-02cents:
Gun control is gonna be impossible soon. It is called 3D Printing. Blueprints are already available online. There have already been firearms made in this fashion. They fail quickly, within a handful of rounds. But that is only a technical problem that will be overcome.

As with all technology, it will get cheaper and more reliable.

You must address the underlying causes or it will all be futile.
Soon, any deranged individual, wanna be revolutionary and criminal will be able to print a gun from a 3D printer. Who knows how long it will be until a printed gun will perform as reliably as a traditionally made firearm. But people still advocate the law-abiding be disarmed or have severe regulations placed upon their ownership of firearms.

Yet, access to firearms by those who should never be allowed to see one will be much easier...
So, have you dumped your $10,000 - 20,000 yet to buy a fabricating machine to turn out POS, one-time use only death devices?

Clue. Zip guns are easier and cheaper. And usually can fire more than once.
Nordling said:
So, have you dumped your $10,000 - 20,000 yet to buy a fabricating machine to turn out POS, one-time use only death devices?

Clue. Zip guns are easier and cheaper. And usually can fire more than once.

indeed they are... I can make a multi shot large pistol/small rifle size contraption with hardware obtained from any hardware store ... Easiest to chamber are .410ga shot shells but with minimal work it can be modified to take other shells as well... Its the people that are broken, not the hardware.
Nordling said:
So, have you dumped your $10,000 - 20,000 yet to buy a fabricating machine to turn out POS, one-time use only death devices?

Clue. Zip guns are easier and cheaper. And usually can fire more than once.

Clue. 1903, Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk.... 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, a little place called The Fucking Moon.

Graveyard, some whistling...
Harvrath said:
Nordling said:
So, have you dumped your $10,000 - 20,000 yet to buy a fabricating machine to turn out POS, one-time use only death devices?

Clue. Zip guns are easier and cheaper. And usually can fire more than once.

Clue. 1903, Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk.... 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, a little place called The Fucking Moon.

Graveyard, some whistling...
Yeah, almost everyone has a neighbor these days who's building a Moon rocket in their back yard.

Progress continues, technology advances. Still... dumb asses who could use their intellect to solve real problems are instead spending their time spreading death.
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