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Do you share your opinions on cam?

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Haven’t seen as many right-leaning models so don’t know if it’s the content of the message

People on the right tend to play it safe and keep their opinions to themselves especially online because of the bullying. The only place you will see it unfiltered is on anonymous sites like 4chan where people don't have to attach their names and faces to their opinions. I was always upfront about my opinions (I am an independent journalist) and I was lynched ten times harder in my country for being alt-right than for being a camgirl when I was outed. Even newspapers got involved. So I think I was stupid in retrospect.

Now, the couple of times I wore my Trump tee and discussed politics (lightly) it was always done from a place of ZFG amusement so I never really pushed it as far as it could go BUT my expectations were kinda shattered. When I was planning doing it my prediction was that I would turn off younger men from the cities but I would have townies in my pocket especially those of the older variety. My thought was that the blue collar older men who tend to be the highest tippers would applaud and they were the most offended by the gesture. I hadn't factored in the fact that they are boomers: 60 year old spoiled brats with naive ideas about the world they live in, so I turned them all off and if anyone wasn't opposed to the Trump tee they kept their mouths shut. I still made bank because like I said.. I kept it short, sweet and very light, but I can see how a right wing camgirl would fuck her room if she is as loud and as passionate as any of the SJWs
Personally like hearing a models opinion on things more than I like seeing the sexy stuff, but I am probably a minority in this. A good nuanced discussion is a rare treat in today's society. People are so afraid to admit they are wrong about something that they get entrenched in their beliefs, so facts don't get taken into account and people get angry because disagreeing with them becomes a personal attack on their character. Now should you share your opinion on cam? The answer is maybe, because if you do you are going to find out that there are stuff that you are wrong about and if you are not prepared to publicly admit that you were wrong when you find out the best thing is probably to keep your opinion to yourself. If you are prepared to discuss ideas and facts, admit when you are wrong you are going to come across as someone who is fair and most people will respect that. Some people will dislike you no matter what your opinion is because you are an entertainer and as such you shouldn't be allowed to voice your opinion, you should just be allowed to entertain them for as long as they allow you to do so and then they can move on to something else.
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To an extent. I'll make jokes about politics(like how I'm convinced the entire political bullshit right now is just an elaborate ad by news companies to get millennials interested in the news again), but past that, not really. I'll let things drop, but if it starts getting too far I just say "well, let's keep it positive in here" and change it. My two biggest sugar daddies were both conservative republicans and I'm a very outspoken liberal so I know how to keep my mouth shut.

Time and place for everything. The more money and more secure you are, the more you can run your mouth.
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I try to avoid the really controversial stuff, but there have been times that I am borderline tipsy and end up rambling more than I mean to. :)
I'm open about my political ideology label, though I don't answer specific questions about it unless we're in a private one-to-one setting.

It can be difficult to resist voicing possibly controversial political opinions, as your politics reflect strongly on your fundementals/personality, and your personality is what can ultimately make or break your relationship with a viewer.
On the one hand, your views could make a viewer relate more to you. On the other, it could turn them off entirely. (I've experienced both when I'm watching streams)

As someone who was openly political at the very beginning of their camming journey, I've found that I'm a lot happier now that I've stopped talking about hot topics on camming profiles. There's less arguments in your mentions, less chips on people's shoulders.. less negativity related to your camming experience.

Best of all: a happy streamer makes a happy chatroom! :)

Nowadays, I'm guilty of publicly talking about sex work politics on rare occasion, but that's it. I feel that it's relevant enough to camming to justify it being brought up tbh.
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