AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

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Isabella_deL said:
You know, American chocolate kind of sucks compared to the stuff you get in england/europe, but one thing that I am so bloody glad has been brought over here are Oreo's!

They're kind of gross how sweet they are and almost and hurt your teeth, but they're also so amazing! There is something about them that I love! And now I have black crumbs all over my boobs! :-D

We have good dark chocolate here too, but it costs more than the regular kind.
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Shaun__ said:
Isabella_deL said:
You know, American chocolate kind of sucks compared to the stuff you get in england/europe, but one thing that I am so bloody glad has been brought over here are Oreo's!

They're kind of gross how sweet they are and almost and hurt your teeth, but they're also so amazing! There is something about them that I love! And now I have black crumbs all over my boobs! :-D

We have good dark chocolate here too, but it costs more than the regular kind.
Yes IMO dark chocolate is real chocolate, (I have no idea if that has any basis in fact), but milk chocolate is just that crap we cover our fast food candy bars with. Eating dark chocolate covered Espresso Beans as I type.
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camstory said:
Shaun__ said:
Isabella_deL said:
You know, American chocolate kind of sucks compared to the stuff you get in england/europe, but one thing that I am so bloody glad has been brought over here are Oreo's!

They're kind of gross how sweet they are and almost and hurt your teeth, but they're also so amazing! There is something about them that I love! And now I have black crumbs all over my boobs! :-D

We have good dark chocolate here too, but it costs more than the regular kind.
Yes IMO dark chocolate is real chocolate, (I have no idea if that has any basis in fact), but milk chocolate is just that crap we cover our fast food candy bars with. Eating dark chocolate covered Espresso Beans as I type.

The difference is basically the % of Cocoa in it. I've had 99+% chocolate bars before. Basically it's just made with cocoa and cocoa butter. Dark chocolate is sweetened chocolate, it's chocolate (cocoa) and sugar. Milk chocolate replaces some of the fat (cocoa butter) and sugar with milk. Bitter chocolate is without sugar, or very little sugar. But it's all real chocolate. The US has a much lower minimum percentage of actual cocoa for chocolate than Europe does. Milk Chocolate: US 10%, EU 25%, etc.
There's also the matter of the "Hershey Process" which produces a cheaper product along with other benefits but it imparts a slightly tangy flavor to the chocolate.
So it's likely those two things in combination that make them different. But they all contain (real) chocolate, it's just how much and what form (powder, liquor, butter). So a US bar of milk chocolate can contain much less chocolate, and be produced much easier and cheaper with a byproduct of a tangy flavor that the US is fairly accustomed to.
In the US, I prefer semi-sweet chocolate, but it's nearly impossible to find outside baker's chocolate. x.x

However, non-hershey US chocolate is very good. Not the cheap stuff, but the stuff you get in those small chocolate shops that make their own. Again, hard to find and kinda pricey.

Thought for the day: I remember when a certain someone was actually a reasonable forum member. It was a huge surprise, and not a pleasant one, the first time he flipped out on a model over nothing. And then it got worse and worse. I hope he comes to his senses...
LadyLuna said:
In the US, I prefer semi-sweet chocolate, but it's nearly impossible to find outside baker's chocolate. x.x

However, non-hershey US chocolate is very good. Not the cheap stuff, but the stuff you get in those small chocolate shops that make their own. Again, hard to find and kinda pricey.

I like 80-90% dark chocolate the best.
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Back in the top 100 :dance:

Yea like I give a shit. :lol:
driverxtc said:
Disenyland should have a "Strollerland" themed area.

Just my thought of the day
I don't know what that means exactly, but I like it,,,, I think :think:
camstory said:
driverxtc said:
Disenyland should have a "Strollerland" themed area.

Just my thought of the day
I don't know what that means exactly, but I like it,,,, I think :think:
Parents with small children. :thumbleft: Small children generally can't ride most of the rides anyways, so when parents bring their strollers and loads of baby gear, with baby in tow....Well, it's a tad annoying, especially if they let said kiddo(s) run amok, scream or generally disturb the peace and keep others from enjoying the park.

As a soon to be parent, I think Holiday World's idea of having a separate 'family' section is awesome and if it was practical, most theme parks should include it. It lets the parents get their amusement and provides safe attractions and rides the kiddos can actually ride and enjoy without taking up space in the lines for the adult rides. :twocents-02cents:
All the men with boobs on this forum confuse the fuck out of me. I see boobs in your avatar, my brain reads your post in a woman's voice, then I realize and try to focus on "no no, it's a man. no boobs" but there are boobs in my face. Sooooo confusing.
FrenchKitty said:
All the men with boobs on this forum confuse the fuck out of me. I see boobs in your avatar, my brain reads your post in a woman's voice, then I realize and try to focus on "no no, it's a man. no boobs" but there are boobs in my face. Sooooo confusing.
Yea, this used to drive me batshit crazy, but I'm mostly used to it now. Every once in a while with a new member if I don't pay attention to font colour I realize part way through the post i'm reading guy, after starting girl. It is almost like being solicited by a fella in drag. :lol:
FrenchKitty said:
All the men with boobs on this forum confuse the fuck out of me. I see boobs in your avatar, my brain reads your post in a woman's voice, then I realize and try to focus on "no no, it's a man. no boobs" but there are boobs in my face. Sooooo confusing.
I changed mine to DoctorVen's the other day and every once in a while I forget and confuse myself with it.
Keithy said:
camstory said:
Shaun__ said:
Isabella_deL said:
You know, American chocolate kind of sucks compared to the stuff you get in england/europe, but one thing that I am so bloody glad has been brought over here are Oreo's!

They're kind of gross how sweet they are and almost and hurt your teeth, but they're also so amazing! There is something about them that I love! And now I have black crumbs all over my boobs! :-D

We have good dark chocolate here too, but it costs more than the regular kind.
Yes IMO dark chocolate is real chocolate, (I have no idea if that has any basis in fact), but milk chocolate is just that crap we cover our fast food candy bars with. Eating dark chocolate covered Espresso Beans as I type.

The difference is basically the % of Cocoa in it. I've had 99+% chocolate bars before. Basically it's just made with cocoa and cocoa butter. Dark chocolate is sweetened chocolate, it's chocolate (cocoa) and sugar. Milk chocolate replaces some of the fat (cocoa butter) and sugar with milk. Bitter chocolate is without sugar, or very little sugar. But it's all real chocolate. The US has a much lower minimum percentage of actual cocoa for chocolate than Europe does. Milk Chocolate: US 10%, EU 25%, etc.
There's also the matter of the "Hershey Process" which produces a cheaper product along with other benefits but it imparts a slightly tangy flavor to the chocolate.
So it's likely those two things in combination that make them different. But they all contain (real) chocolate, it's just how much and what form (powder, liquor, butter). So a US bar of milk chocolate can contain much less chocolate, and be produced much easier and cheaper with a byproduct of a tangy flavor that the US is fairly accustomed to.

Apparently it's also what it's mixed with, Hershey's apparently uses oil rather than milk/cream, or something like that.
Can you get green and blacks or lint over there? Out of just plain chocolate bars those are my favourites out of good chocolate.
We have our cheap varieties which are cadbury's (which is very sugary but also amazing) and galaxy (which is also very sugary but more creamy).
Re: chocolate:
I remember one day I was at Dollar Tree, and I guess I was in a rush, because I accidentally grabbed/paid for a DARK Snickers bar, instead of the regular Snickers I usually get. :woops:

And I thought regular Snickers was good...every try Snickers ice cream bars? They're GRRRRREAT!!! :lol:
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Isabella_deL said:
Can you get green and blacks or lint over there? Out of just plain chocolate bars those are my favourites out of good chocolate.
We have our cheap varieties which are cadbury's (which is very sugary but also amazing) and galaxy (which is also very sugary but more creamy).

We get Cadbury's over here! Love me some cream eggs, which they only let over here around Easter x.x

Not sure what you mean by "green and blacks" or "lint"... x.x We have orange chocolate. We have mint-chocolate. We have these wonderful things called Andes which are half chocolate half mint that I used to love as a kid (but these days more than one a week will make my stomach mad).

(For anyone who doesn't know what Andes is... on the top is normal chocolate. On the bottom is this green stuff that has the consistency of a very waxy chocolate, but only tastes like mint.)

My thought for today: Holy shit I'm up before noon! *wastes time until noon before getting anything done*
We do have a Lindt Chocolate here [silent d, pronounced 'lint'] .. good stuff.
I'm pretty much a chocoholic and prefer a handful of the Ghirardelli [or Nestles] semi sweet tidbits.
I use them a lot in baking and so usually have at least a 5lb bag handy. Chocolate covered pecans anyone ? :-D
camstory said:
FrenchKitty said:
All the men with boobs on this forum confuse the fuck out of me. I see boobs in your avatar, my brain reads your post in a woman's voice, then I realize and try to focus on "no no, it's a man. no boobs" but there are boobs in my face. Sooooo confusing.
Yea, this used to drive me batshit crazy, but I'm mostly used to it now. Every once in a while with a new member if I don't pay attention to font colour I realize part way through the post i'm reading guy, after starting girl. It is almost like being solicited by a fella in drag. :lol:
I don't even care if I know the poster is male. If the avatar is boobies and there's no model status, I WILL READ YOUR POST LIKE YOU'RE A DRAG QUEEN. :lol:

I do it on purpose because it's hilarious. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Snickers and Mars ice creams are the best! I much prefer them to the chocolate bars which I find too sickly. I don't really like most nestle chocolate. They have some decent chocolate bars, but I find the chocolate on its own is kind of gross, plus I don't like the brand.

Lol I'm an idiot misspelling Lindt. Wasn't really thinking. Green and blacks is an organic chocolate brand which is lovely, probably my current favourite.

I wonder if there's a difference in chocolate preferences to men and women. I know a lot of nestle chocolate is more aimed at men than women, and to be honest, every girl I know will most likely go for cadbury's or galaxy over Nestle, yet thinking about it, most guys I know go for Nestle. Do you think maybe it's because it's not as sweet?
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Cool. Amazon shipped my pink Wii Plus remote a lot sooner than expected, so it should be arriving tomorrow instead of next week. Amazon never disappoints. :)
The online friends list is not working correctly. I wonder how long it will take MFC to notice and fix it.
Watching Iron Maiden's Flight 666.

Magnificent musicians. Fantastic songs. Rabid fans.

Saw them in 88 or 89. Brings back memories.
emptiedglass said:
Shaun__ said:
The online friends list is not working correctly. I wonder how long it will take MFC to notice and fix it.

Appears to be working fine now.

It is not loading if no friends are online.

Jupiter551 said:
Ghost Recon Future soldier, elite or higher difficulty, is a very unforgiving game for the stoned.
Would it be egotistical to start a thread for MIP, (MOST IMPROVED POSTER), and nominate yourself? :lol:
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