AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
A bloke's wife goes missing while diving off the West Australian Coast

He reports the event, searches fruitlessly and spends a terrible night
wondering what could have happened to her.
Next morning there's a knock at the door and he is confronted by a
couple of policemen, the old Sarge and a younger Constable.
The Sarge says, 'Mate, we have some news for you, unfortunately some
really bad news, but, some good news, and maybe some more good news'.

'Well,' says the bloke, 'I guess I'd better have the bad news first?'
The Sarge says, 'I'm really sorry mate, but your wife is dead.
Young Bill here found her lying at about five fathoms in a little
cleft in the reef. He got a line around her and we pulled her up, but
she was dead.'

The bloke is naturally distressed to hear of this and has a bit of a turn.
But after a few minutes he pulls himself together and asks what the
good news is.

The Sarge says, 'Well when we got your wife up there were quite a few
really good sized lobsters and a swag of nice crabs attached to her,
so we've brought you your share.'
He hands the bloke a bag with a couple of nice lobsters and four or
five crabs in it.
'Geez thanks. They're bloody beauties. I guess it's an ill wind and all that...
So what's the other possible good news?

'Well', the Sarge says, 'if you fancy a quick trip, me and young Bill
here get off duty at around 11 o'clock and we're gonna shoot over
there and pull her up again.
I got my new computer up and running, except for the new video card it seems to have decided not to work.

Now I just have to go through and install all of my programs and all that fun stuff to get back to "normal"
Just a thought, but has it ever occurred to anyone else that Jup might be some sort of forum bot set a drift to cause havoc and mistrust among the other posters to keep the opposition down? Just Asking... :-D
You guys make me crazy. But I like you anyway. Well, most of you. :p
:lol: I finally lit up my fire sticks bb's!!! baahahaha! I thought about putting this in the "you laugh you lose thread" because I look so damn ridiculous chasing around those damn sticks....(it was REALLY windy and the soot makes those sticks slippery as hell!)

I WILL get better bb's!
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That looks awesome Jane! :D Can't wait to see it again once you've got some more practice in. :dance:
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AmberCutie said:
You guys make me crazy. But I like you anyway. Well, most of you. :p
Just signed up for a WoW account the other night...I feel so behind but I love it :)
:eek: we just had a 5.3 earthquake up here in northern california, just minutes ago...I was upstairs and the house was rattling! I went downstairs and it was over...My friend was downstairs and he said the ceiling looked like it was folding or something...egads! I am from Nebraska, EARTHQUAKES FREAK ME OUT! I can handle a tornado, you can go in the basement!

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LiLredhairedgrl said:
I am from Nebraska, EARTHQUAKES FREAK ME OUT! I can handle a tornado, you can go in the basement!
I guess its all what you are used to. I grew up in norcal and with the exception of the few death and destruction that are always part of a big quake, I dig earth quakes. They are like occasional unexpected taser jolts - you don't want to get caught standing in water, or somewhere where you might really get hurt, but otherwise they are cool little adrenaline rushes supplied by mother earth.

On the other hand watching the light of day turn as dark as night in about 3 minutes, and then watching the stomping dance of a funnel cloud as it spun all sort of matter out in every direction as it followed the ridge line of some hills 7 miles away, frightened the fuk outa me, and I would be happy if I never see one ever again.

That is a horrific earthquake scene, but also greatly exaggerated. Homes in cal are not of brick and mason and are not going to fall over on you, and unless you are very unfortunate to be part of the tiny % of folk who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, even large quakes are unlikely to be lethal. There is also much in that movie scene that if complete fiction.

Don't let Quakes frighten you to be in cal. Here is a very good info page that will debunk some of the most frightening non-facts of earth quakes. Take a look, you will feel much better I think. ... antasy.php
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aww...thanks camstory! I know that the movie is embellished and such...I do love to scare myself though! I would never really leave california cuz of earthquakes...and yes tornadoes are scary! But sheesh when the earth is moving and buildings are falling down around your ears--where the heck are you supposed to go? And the BIG one is is inevitable.....baahahahaha! Oh well, we all have to die somehow I suppose.
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LiLredhairedgrl said:
aww...thanks camstory! I know that the movie is embellished and such...I do love to scare myself though! I would never really leave california cuz of earthquakes...and yes tornadoes are scary! But sheesh when the earth is moving and buildings are falling down around your ears--where the heck are you supposed to go? And the BIG one is is inevitable.....baahahahaha! Oh well, we all have to die somehow I suppose.
Glad you're ok. Don't forget safety tips and other common sense to stay safe in natural disasters. :)
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LiLredhairedgrl said:
aww...thanks camstory! I know that the movie is embellished and such...I do love to scare myself though! I would never really leave california cuz of earthquakes...and yes tornadoes are scary! But sheesh when the earth is moving and buildings are falling down around your ears--where the heck are you supposed to go? And the BIG one is is inevitable.....baahahahaha! Oh well, we all have to die somehow I suppose.
I don't think you're going to die!
If anything, Amber will more likely die because her top-heaviness may cause her to violently overbalance during an earthquake. :h: Amber :crybaby:


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I'm slightly peeved that I've purchased 900 tokens to be locked out of my account - my account password supposedly fails now, and since I've forgotten my registration email, I'm stuck around waiting for Support to respond to my message - if they will respond to my message at all.

Is it normal to be forced out of one's account after purchasing tokens? I've literally confirmed the payment, and was about to purchase another batch to be denied access to my account, having supposedly been logged out.
Happy Valentine's Day!

hornygods said:
I'm slightly peeved that I've purchased 900 tokens to be locked out of my account - my account password supposedly fails now, and since I've forgotten my registration email, I'm stuck around waiting for Support to respond to my message - if they will respond to my message at all.

Is it normal to be forced out of one's account after purchasing tokens? I've literally confirmed the payment, and was about to purchase another batch to be denied access to my account, having supposedly been logged out.

No, it is not. You used a different credit card? Since it is not the weekend, I hope you get a fast answer/solution to that.
I've received a response from Customer Support, albeit being rather belated (maybe my expectations are a little high). I supposedly need to use my first and last name when making token purchases, which I did - but it varies from time to time because I sometimes choose to use a pseudonym.

I'm not sure what happened, but it appears that my IP address has received a purchase limit, thus I'm unable to purchase any additional tokens on any account. I think I'll give up and come back tomorrow. I'm too depressed today.
Jupiter551 said:
LiLredhairedgrl said:
aww...thanks camstory! I know that the movie is embellished and such...I do love to scare myself though! I would never really leave california cuz of earthquakes...and yes tornadoes are scary! But sheesh when the earth is moving and buildings are falling down around your ears--where the heck are you supposed to go? And the BIG one is is inevitable.....baahahahaha! Oh well, we all have to die somehow I suppose.
I don't think you're going to die!

WE ALL DIE BB'S! baahaha! I just hope its not due to my house falling down on top of me....(which in all likelihood WON'T happen but I tend to be a bit of a "tragi-comedic romantic" type? ha!) And btw, great article camstory. I appreciate that you took the time to share...and I must admit that I was a believer in many of the "fictions" discussed in the article! Nebraska misconceptions be gone! :handgestures-salute:

I'm glad that california isn't going to fall into the ocean... :lol:

Now if you wanna talk tornadoes...I was really lucky as a child in that we were never really affected by the random tornado swooping into town. Its scary to think about it now-my Dad worked 2 jobs and wasn't home from 8 am till around 8 pm every night and my Mom didn't drive-so when a tornado watch turned into a warning my dad would leave work and DRIVE home to get us (we lived in a MOBILE HOME, the most UNSAFE place to be during a tornado...) and he would drive us to our uncles house where we would all get in the basement...Most of the time, the tornado would be gone by the time he got there and it would all just be a big exciting actionless event of worrying and anticipation amounting to nothing. Which is a good thing!

Thunderstorms always did more damage than anything in my part of the midwest. In fact, the last time I visited my family, many years ago, I was startled awake in the middle of the night by this HUGE BOOM! sound and the whole house just SHOOK like the dickens....of course my immediate thought was EARTHQUAKE!@! being that I had been in california for many years at that point. Of course what it WAS was the massive thunder result of a monster lightning bolt...I had to laugh at my 'californized' self! The next day it was all over the news about the massive thunderstorm we had overnight-a lot of trees went down and power was out all over the place, etc.

Now if you combine the wrath of nature with the mistakes and stupidity of man...THIS is where it gets really destructive. For example, the 2011 Missouri River floods (which is where I grew up and my family still resides)...

Ok, I suppose I am done rattling on and on about natural disasters, etc. Its beautiful outside today and I am gonna take my doggies for a walk! Hopefully we shall survive without a tsunami hitting us all of a sudden or something... :hello2:

Wait! I almost forgot...
Jupiter551 said:
If anything, Amber will more likely die because her top-heaviness may cause her to violently overbalance during an earthquake. :h: Amber :crybaby:

I would have to say that Ambers chances of survival are actually BETTER than mine.

1. Boobies are soft and cushiony. She can just hide her head in her boobies and they can absorb some of the impact so her brain doesn't get scrambled...(we are supposed to just drop down and cover ourselves and hide under something HEAVy right?) I have barely any boobs and so my brains will be smooshed unless I have somebody elses boobies to hide under...

2. Boobies FLOAT, well real ones at least. And we all know that those bb's of Ambers are as real as you can get...and once again, I have no boobie floating device...hell, I can't even tread water, I just SINK. Lack of boobies perhaps? hmmm. So when the big TSUNAMI hits after the DEVESTATING EARTHQUAKE, once again Amber will have better odds of survival than myself.

3. Boobies bring out the HEROES bb's...If there are ANY men ANYWHERE in the vicinity of Miss Amber and her GLORIOUS BOSOM...well, of course they are all gonna beat each other down to protect and rescue and somehow probably fondle the fortunate Miss AmberCutie. I might get ran over on the way to save her...what good will my boobies do if I end up being the last female in the world to replenish the human race?????

Yep. MissAmberCutie has nothing to worry about. Even IF she loses her balance from the shaking.


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....... Janet Jackson pic ? :think: